355 research outputs found

    Challenges of the evaluation in Spanish Language and Literature for the 21th century

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    Este artículo analiza los diversos componentes de la evaluación y relaciona su importancia con los últimos cambios legislativos y, por tanto, de objetivos y contenidos en una de las áreas primordiales de cualquier currículo, el área de Lengua Castellana y Literatura. En estas páginas, se aborda la problemática de la evaluación desde un punto de vista crítico, ya que pensamos que el profesorado de esta materia necesita una mayor orientación para realizar la evaluación. Se analiza también el nuevo contexto que vive esta área para dar respuesta a profesores en activo, futuros profesores e investigadores, sobre algunos de los principales problemas que se puede encontrar el profesorado en su función docente, en aras de producir una necesaria reflexión en torno a la evaluación y, también y en la medida de lo posible, promover innovaciones que produzcan una mejora necesaria en torno a este tema en Lengua Castellana y Literatura, aplicable asimismo a otras áreas.This article analyzes the diverse components of evaluation and relates its importance to recent legislative changes and, therefore, changes in relation to objectives and contents in one of the core areas of any curriculum, the area of Spanish Language and Literature. In these pages, we examine the issue of assessment from a critical standpoint, as we believe that teachers of this subject need further guidance to develop assessment. It also analyzes the new context where this area is located to respond to teachers, future teachers and researchers about some of the major problems teachers may find in their teaching, in order to produce a necessary reflection on assessment and, also, as far as possible, to generate innovations that lead to a required improvement about this topic in Spanish language and literature, also applicable to other areas.peerReviewe

    Análisis crítico de la formación del profesorado de lengua castellana y literatura para la docencia en el siglo XXI

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    En este trabajo tratamos algunas de las dificultades que debe afrontar el colectivo de profesores de Lengua Castellana y Literatura -tanto en activo como aspirantes a ello- de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria (E.S.O.) en su trabajo cotidiano, relacionando estas con su formación docente. Abordamos esta perspectiva, en primer lugar, desde el punto de vista de la formación general del profesorado de este nivel y aludiendo a diez competencias profesionales clave. Partiendo de estas competencias, nos ocupamos de la formación específica de este colectivo, tanto didáctica como en nuevas tecnologías, teniendo en cuenta su formación inicial y cómo esta se debe adaptar al nuevo contexto, el de las aulas donde el profesor debe trabajar y desde donde debe hacer frente a los continuos cambios legislativos, sociales, didácticos o tecnológicos.In this work we analyzed some of the difficulties the Group of teachers of Spanish language and literature - both active and currently in development - in Higher education (E.S.O.) have to face in their daily work, linking these with their pedagogical training. We are dealing with this issue, first, from the point of view of the general training of teachers at this level, and in this respect we try to emphasize ten key skills. Departing from this set, we take care of the specific training of the group, encompassing teaching and the emergence of new technologies. And finally we show how the initial training of teachers must adapt to the new context of the classrooms where they have to work, being that it is from there that they should deal with the continuous legislative, social, educational or technological changes

    DOWNBEAT : Development of an adaptive combat system based on the use of the downbeats and upbeats of a musical piece

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020This document presents the Final Report of a Bachelor’s Thesis in the Degree in Video Game Design and Development. The project consists of the composition, production, implementation and analysis of a dynamically changing musical piece and the development of a playable demonstration of a unique, challenging and innovative combat system based on three main concepts: rhythm , strategy and reactivity . This combat system is oriented to boss fights and proposes a symbiotic relationship between music, visuals, narrative and mechanics. Therefore, in addition to mainly dealing with aspects related to the combat demonstration, this document will also cover narrative aspects of DownBeat —the complete game to which this combat system would belong— with the intention of facilitating the understanding of both the musical and the non-musical narrative background

    Considérations sur la littérature d´enfance et de jeunesse. Littérature ou sous-littérature

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    Que la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (LIJ) ocupa un lugar importante en la formación de los alumnos de las enseñanzas básicas y medias es algo incuestionable. Sin embargo, la consideración de esta literatura es un factor mucho menos claro. En este debate, interviene con fuerza la noción de canon y cómo este canon institucionalizado a través de las leyes educativas, obliga a tratar unos ciertos temas y a leer unas ciertas obras que no tienen por qué coincidir con otro gran propósito del sistema educativo: el fomento de la lectura. En este trabajo, analizamos las relaciones entre el canon y la LIJ, observar su espacio, es decir, su naturaleza como literatura o subliteratura y ver cómo se posiciona esta literatura con sus peculiares características dentro del sistema educativo.That the Children's Literature occupies an important place in the training of students in primary and secondary education is unquestionable. However, the consideration of this kind of literature is a much less clear factor. In this debate, the notion of canon is vigorously involved and how this canon institutionalized through educative laws, forces the treatment of certain topics and the reading of some works that do not have to coincide with other major purpose of the educative system: the building reading. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between canon and the literature of children and the youth, observe its space, that is, its nature as literature or sub-literature and examine how this literature gets its place with its distinctive features within the educative system.Que la littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse occupe une place importante dans la formation des étudiants dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire est incontestable. Toutefois, la considération de cette littérature est beaucoup moins claire. Dans ce débat, il est vigoureusement mise en cause la notion de canon et comment ce canon, institutionnalisée à travers des lois sur l'éducation, oblige à traiter certains sujets et à lire certaines oeuvres qui n'ont pas à coïncider avec un autre objectif majeur du système éducatif : la promotion de la lecture. Dans cet article, nous analysons la relation entre canon et Littérature d´enfance et jeunesse, voire son espace, c’est-à-dire, sa nature en tant que littérature ou sous-littérature et constater comment cette littérature avec ses caractéristiques distinctives se place au sein du système éducatif

    Reverse engineering Internet banking

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    This paper presents a security analysis of the online banking system of one of the most important banks of the Netherlands. New security devices have been designed in order to authorize transactions in a handy and user- friendly way. In doing so, it has been attempted to strengthen the online authentication system using hand-held smartcard readers connected by a USB-cable to a PC. These USB-connected smartcard readers are devices with a small display and numeric keyboard with two additional keys in order to accept or deny operations. The customers of Internet banking can perform any operation in a ¿secure way¿ with such devices. In this document we will discuss different USB-connected smartcard readers from several Dutch banks. For ABN-AMRO we will discuss the smartcard reader called the e.dentifier2 made by Gemalto, which we will principally focus on it in more detail, and for ING the reader DigiPass 850, made by VASCO. We will focus on reverse engineering the ABN-AMRO¿s readers. We will verify that last attack [1] on those devices is not working in the new version of the e.dentifier2 and we will also reverse engineer some additional func- tionalities,which were not considered in earlier research about ABN-AMRO e.dentifier2 reverse engineering [2], and currently do not seem to be used in ABN-AMRO¿s internet banking website. These additional functionalities [6] could be used for authentications and transactions in Internet banking in the future.Novella Lorente, EP. (2013). Reverse engineering Internet banking. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/32007.Archivo delegad

    Validez y eficacia de la observación conductual en la depresión : diferencias significativas entre depresivos y no depresivos

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    Los autores presentan en este artículo los resultados de una investigación realizada con tres grupos de sujetos: depresivos, pacientes psiquiátricos no depresivos y normales, en un intento de acercamiento diagnóstico a la depresión a través de técnicas de observación conductual, para probar su validez y eficacia.The authors present in this article the outcomed of a research program carr out with three groups of subjects: depressed outpatients, psychiatric patients not depressed and normal. It represents a diagnostic approach to depression through behavioral observation techniques, to show their validity and efficacy

    Band selection and disentanglement using maximally-localized Wannier functions: the cases of Co impurities in bulk copper and the Cu (111) surface

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    We have adapted the maximally-localized Wannier function approach of [I. Souza, N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035109 (2002)] to the density functional theory based Siesta method [J. M. Soler et al., J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 14, 2745 (2002)] and applied it to the study of Co substitutional impurities in bulk copper as well as to the Cu (111) surface. In the Co impurity case, we have reduced the problem to the Co d-electrons and the Cu sp-band, permitting us to obtain an Anderson-like Hamiltonian from well defined density functional parameters in a fully orthonormal basis set. In order to test the quality of the Wannier approach to surfaces, we have studied the electronic structure of the Cu (111) surface by again transforming the density functional problem into the Wannier representation. An excellent description of the Shockley surface state is attained, permitting us to be confident in the application of this method to future studies of magnetic adsorbates in the presence of an extended surface state
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