611 research outputs found

    Automatic annotation of 3D point clouds from 2D images

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    The main goal of the project is the automatic annotation of 3D point clouds from the manual annotation of 2D images. The project will obtain a 3D representation of a set of 2D images that can be used to automatically annotate 3D instances from the 2D annotations.Generation and processing of 3D models for real life objects is playing a major role for today?s computer vision applications. From autonomous cars to surveillance drones, passing through AR; the ability to understand and model what?s around us is being key to success. There has also been a tremendous progress in the field of machine learning on increasing the accuracy for 2D image object recognition. In this context, the project aims to expand and further investigate the capabilities of 3D models, and be able to extrapolate previously generated label information from 2D sources to the 3D space without human interaction.La generación y procesado de modelos 3D para objetos de la vida real está jugando un importante papel en la actuales aplicaciones de visión por computación. Desde coches autónomos hasta drones de reconocimiento, pasando por Realidad Aumentada; la habilidad para entender y modelar lo que nos rodea está siendo la clave para el éxito. También ha habido un enorme progreso en el campo del machine learning alcanzando cotas cada vez más precisas en referencia al reconocimiento de objetos en imágenes 2D. En este contexto, este proyecto quiere expandir e investigar las posibilidades de los modelos 3D, y ser capaz de extrapolar etiquetas previamente generadas desde fuentes 2D al espacio tridimensional sin la interacción humana.La generació i processament de models tridimensionals de la vida real està tenint un molt important en l'àmbit de les aplicacions de visió per computació actuals. Des de cotxes autònoms fins a drons de reconeixement, passant per la realitat augmentada; l'habilitat per a entendre I modelar el que ens envolta està essent la clau per a l'èxit. També hi ha hagut un important progrés en el camp de machine learning, arribant a altes cotes de precisió en el reconeixement d'objectes en imatges 2D. És en aquest context que aquest projecte vol engrandir I investigar les possibilitats dels models 3D, I ser capaç d'extrapolar etiquetes prèviament generades des de fonts 2D cap a l'espai tridimensional sense la interacció humana

    Non-acted multi-view audio-visual dyadic interactions. Project non-verbal emotion recognition in dyadic scenarios and speaker segmentation

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2019, Tutor: Sergio Escalera Guerrero i Cristina Palmero[en] In particular, this Master Thesis is focused on the development of baseline Emotion Recognition System in a dyadic environment using raw and handcraft audio features and cropped faces from the videos. This system is analyzed at frame and utterance level without temporal information. As well, a baseline Speaker Segmenta- tion System has been developed to facilitate the annotation task. For this reason, an exhaustive study of the state-of-the-art on emotion recognition and speaker segmentation techniques has been conducted, paying particular attention on Deep Learning techniques for emotion recognition and clustering for speaker aegmentation. While studying the state-of-the-art from the theoretical point of view, a dataset consisting of videos of sessions of dyadic interactions between individuals in different scenarios has been recorded. Different attributes were captured and labelled from these videos: body pose, hand pose, emotion, age, gender, etc. Once the ar- chitectures for emotion recognition have been trained with other dataset, a proof of concept is done with this new database in order to extract conclusions. In addition, this database can help future systems to achieve better results. A large number of experiments with audio and video are performed to create the emotion recognition system. The IEMOCAP database is used to perform the training and evaluation experiments of the emotion recognition system. Once the audio and video are trained separately with two different architectures, a fusion of both methods is done. In this work, the importance of preprocessing data (face detection, windows analysis length, handcrafted features, etc.) and choosing the correct parameters for the architectures (network depth, fusion, etc.) has been demonstrated and studied. On the other hand, the experiments for the speaker segmentation system are performed with a piece of audio from IEMOCAP database. In this work, the prerprocessing steps, the problems of an unsupervised system such as clustering and the feature representation are studied and discussed. Finally, the conclusions drawn throughout this work are exposed, as well as the possible lines of future work including new systems for emotion recognition and the experiments with the database recorded in this work

    Medición de radón en suelos de la ciudad de Lima durante el periodo 2016 - 2017

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    La ciudad de Lima está situada sobre depósitos de abanicos aluviales de ríos que fluyen a través de formaciones geológicas que contienen diferentes niveles de uranio. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre el comportamiento espacial y temporal promedio del gas radón en suelos de la ciudad de Lima. La concentración de radón se determinó utilizando el detector de trazas LR-115 tipo 2 durante 36 períodos, de 14 días cada uno, en veinte hoyos distribuidos en los quince distritos de la Ciudad de Lima. La concentración de radón en los poros del suelo estuvo comprendida entre 0.1 y 64.3 kBq/m3 con un valor promedio de 5.6 kBq/m3. La concentración promedio de radón en el gas del suelo fue aproximadamente dos veces menor en invierno que en las otras estaciones. Los altos valores de radón durante octubre/noviembre de 2017 se relacionaron con los terremotos percibidos en la ciudad de Lima en ese período. Las concentraciones más altas de radón se encontraron en áreas de depósitos aluviales cuyo material parental ha sido removido de los volcánicos Quilmaná y Huarangal por los ríos Chillón y Huaycoloro. Las concentraciones de radón en el gas del suelo fueron incluso mayores en áreas más cercanas a los volcánicos y menos distantes de los ríos. Durante el período de máxima inundación de los ríos Chillón, Rímac y Lurín, debido al fenómeno natural "El Niño Costero", se observaron altas concentraciones anómalas de radón en el suelo en la mayoría de los sitios de medición ubicados cerca de los ríos. Esos altos valores de radón se asociaron con las vibraciones del suelo causadas por avalanchas de rocas y escombros en ríos y quebradas.Lima City is situated on alluvial fan deposits of rivers flowing through geological formations that contain different levels of uranium. In this paper, a study is made on the average spatial and temporal behavior of radon gas in soils of Lima City. Radon concentration was determined using the LR-115 type 2 track detector during 36 periods, of 14 days each, in twenty holes distributed in the fifteen districts of Lima City. Radon concentration in soil pores ranged from 0.1 to 64.3 kBq/m3 with an average value of 5.6 kBq/m3. The average radon concentration in soil gas was about two times lower in winter than in the other seasons. High radon values during October/November 2017 were related to the earthquakes perceived in Lima City in that period. The highest radon concentrations were found in areas of alluvial deposits whose parental material has been removed from the Quilmaná and Huarangal volcanics by the Chillón and Huaycoloro Rivers. Soil gas radon concentrations were even higher in areas closer to volcanic and less distant from rivers. During the period of maximum flooding of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers, due to the natural phenomenon “El Niño Costero”, anomalous high soil radon concentrations were observed in most of the measurement sites located near rivers. These high radon values were associated with ground vibrations caused by rock and debris avalanches in rivers and creeks.Trabajo de investigació

    La calidad de las empresas de aventura en el Principado de Asturias

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    Análisis empresarial de una Comunidad Autónoma del servicio de las empresas de turismo activ

    Regional Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (RIMTA): Spatially separated, ecologically linked

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    Aquaculture sustainability is restricted by environmental drawbacks such as the pollution derived from the released organic waste. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) aims to lower the input of this waste by culturing other species of low trophic level which feed on them. Despite the appealing idea of IMTA, its implementation is very limited in marine ecosystems. Focusing on marine fish farming, in general terms, fish farm waste is not expected to constitute a relevant food source for low-trophic level organisms cultured in the water column. We propose Regional Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (RIMTA) as a shift of paradigm in the way IMTA is used to sequester the dissolved exported waste and derived primary production generated by high trophic level cultures. RIMTA advocates for independent allocation of cultures of low and high trophic level species within the same water body. RIMTA implementation should be economically supported through tax benefits or nutrient quota trading schemes. Moving from IMTA to RIMTA should not only foster aquaculture sustainability but also the circular economy and the ecosystem services that the low trophic level cultures provide.C. S. was funded by the contract ‘Juan de la Cierva’ (ref. JCI-2012–12413) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and by the University of Alicante (Ref. UATALENTO 17–11). This work was funded by the project CGL 2015- 70136-R from the MINECO and the EU ERDF funding programme

    Lenguaje mitológico, semiosfera y enantiomorfismo en el videojuego Hollow Knigth

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    El trabajo analiza cómo se producen Imágenes de auditorio y memoria común según la perspectiva de Iuri Lotman. La indagación se centra en el videojuego Hollow Knight (2017) desarrollado por Team Cherry. Expone aspectos generales del videojuego como su trama y características. Explica el proceso de semiosis y asegura que los elementos dinamizadores de la semiosfera son: la fragmentariedad de la narración posibilitada por el género metroidvania; la construcción mitológica de la historia; la memoria del jugador (y por lo tanto la cultura); los simbolismos dentro del juego y la mecánica o lógica del juego. Por último, destaca el diálogo entre el juego y el lector por medio de la idea de mito propuesta por el texto artístico y la asumida por el usuario

    Superposition rules and stochastic Lie-Scheffers systems

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    This paper proves a version for stochastic differential equations of the Lie-Scheffers Theorem. This result characterizes the existence of nonlinear superposition rules for the general solution of those equations in terms of the involution properties of the distribution generated by the vector fields that define it. When stated in the particular case of standard deterministic systems, our main theorem improves various aspects of the classical Lie-Scheffers result. We show that the stochastic analog of the classical Lie-Scheffers systems can be reduced to the study of Lie group valued stochastic Lie-Scheffers systems; those systems, as well as those taking values in homogeneous spaces are studied in detail. The developments of the paper are illustrated with several examples