1,187 research outputs found

    Reliability of P mode event classification using contemporaneous BiSON and GOLF observations

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    We carried out a comparison of the signals seen in contemporaneous BiSON and GOLF data sets. Both instruments perform Doppler shift velocity measurements in integrated sunlight, although BiSON perform measurements from the two wings of potassium absorption line and GOLF from one wing of the NaD1 line. Discrepancies between the two datasets have been observed. We show,in fact, that the relative power depends on the wing in which GOLF data observes. During the blue wing period, the relative power is much higher than in BiSON datasets, while a good agreement has been observed during the red period.Comment: 7 pages, HELAS II: Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections, conference proceedin

    Food allergy, airborne allergies, and allergic sensitisation among adolescents living in two disparate socioeconomic regions in Ecuador: A cross-sectional study

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    Background Allergic diseases are under-investigated and overlooked health conditions in developing countries. We measured the prevalence of food allergy (FA), airborne allergic disease, and allergic sensitisation among adolescents living in 2 socio-demographically disparate regions in Ecuador. We investigated which risk factors are associated with these conditions. Methods A cross-sectional study involved 1338 students (mean age: 13 ± 0.9 years old) living in Cuenca (n = 876) and Santa Isabel (n = 462). History of allergic symptoms (noted by parents or doctor) to food, house dust mites (HDM), pollen, and pets were recorded. Sociodemographic characteristics, environmental exposures, and parental history of allergic disorders data were collected. Sensitisation to 19 food and 20 aeroallergens was measured by skin-prick testing (SPT). FA and airborne allergic diseases (to HDM, pollen, cat, or dog) were defined as a report of allergic symptoms noted by doctor, together with a positive SPT (wheal size ≥3 mm). Logistic regression models were used to identify environmental and parental factors associated with allergic conditions. Results FA was prevalent among 0.4% (95% CI 0.2%–0.9%), and food sensitisation among 19.1% of the adolescents. Shrimp was the most frequent food linked with FA and food sensitisation. Risk factors associated with FA could not be evaluated due to the low prevalence. Food sensitisation was higher among adolescents exposed to family smoking (OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.14–2.34, p = 0.008) and those with parental history of allergic disorders (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.13–2.49, p = 0.01), but less common among adolescents owning dogs (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.41–0.84, p = 0.003). Airborne allergic diseases were prevalent amongst 12.0% of the adolescents (95% CI: 10.4–13.9, n = 1321), with HDM as the primary allergen (11.2%). Airborne allergic diseases were less common among adolescents with more siblings (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.65–0.96, p = 0.02) and those who lived with farm animals in the first year of life (OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.23–0.95, p = 0.04), but, most common among adolescents with a smoking family (OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.04–2.70, p = 0.03) and with a parental history of allergic disorders (OR self-perceived: 2.62, 95% CI 1.46–4.71, p = 0.001; OR diagnosed by a doctor: 4.07, 95% CI 2.44–6.80, p < 0.001). Conclusions FA and airborne allergies are less prevalent in Ecuador than in developed regions; there is a great dissociation between the prevalence of allergic disease and allergic sensitisation. Shrimp and HDM were the most prevalent allergens. Risk factors identified in this study to be related to allergic diseases should be considered by physicians, health practitioners, and epidemiologists in Ecuador

    Wanted dead or alive : high diversity of macroinvertebrates associated with living and ’dead’ Posidonia oceanica matte

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    The Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica forms beds characterised by a dense leaf canopy and a thick root-rhizome ‘matte’. Death of P. oceanica shoots leads to exposure of the underlying matte, which can persist for many years, and is termed ‘dead’ matte. Traditionally, dead matte has been regarded as a degraded habitat. To test whether this assumption was true, the motile macroinvertebrates of adjacent living (with shoots) and dead (without shoots) matte of P. oceanica were sampled in four different plots located at the same depth (5–6 m) in Mellieha Bay, Malta (central Mediterranean). The total number of species and abundance were significantly higher (ANOVA; P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively) in the dead matte than in living P. oceanica matte, despite the presence of the foliar canopy in the latter. Multivariate analysis (MDS) clearly showed two main groups of assemblages, corresponding to the two matte types. The amphipods Leptocheirus guttatus and Maera grossimana, and the polychaete Nereis rava contributed most to the dissimilarity between the two different matte types. Several unique properties of the dead matte contributing to the unexpected higher number of species and abundance of motile macroinvertebrates associated with this habitat are discussed. The findings have important implications for the conservation of bare P. oceanica matte, which has been generally viewed as a habitat of low ecological value.peer-reviewe

    Actividad física y factores de riesgo cardiovascular en empleados de un hospital

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    &nbsp;Introduction: Occupational tasks and the environment are important influences on individuals' physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Aim: To describe the cardiovascular risk and level of physical activity, in addition to exploring the association between these variables in working adults of a health institution. Methodology: Cross-sectional correlational descriptive study in hospital employees. Results: The sample consisted of 165 workers with an age range of 30 to 58 years (x ̅ = 43.16, SD = 6.10), female n = 104 (63.0%) and male n = 61 (37%), with respect to health data, it is highlighted that the mean abdominal circumference, SAT and BMI are higher than the health recommendations. Conclusions: The CVR factors with the greatest presence in the study population were: age, arterial hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus and overweight / obesity, all of them highly linked to physical inactivity. &nbsp;Introducción: Las tareas ocupacionales y el medio ambiente son influencias importantes en la actividad física de los individuos y conductas sedentarias. Objetivo: Describir el riesgo cardiovascular y nivel de actividad física, además de explorar la asociación entre estas variables en adultos trabajadores de una institución de salud. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal en empleados de un hospital. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 165 trabajadores con rango de edad de 30 a 58 años (x ̅ = 43,16, DE = 6,10), sexo femenino n=104 (63,0 %) y masculino n=61 (37%), respecto a los datos de salud se destaca que la media del perímetro abdominal, TAS e IMC son mayores a las recomendaciones de salud. Conclusiones: Los factores de RCV con mayor presencia en la población estudiada fueron: edad, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo, diabetes mellitus y sobrepeso/obesidad, todos ellos altamente ligados a la inactividad física. &nbsp

    Mass spectrometry imaging identifies palmitoylcarnitine as an immunological mediator during Salmonella Typhimurium infection

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    Salmonella Typhimurium causes a self-limiting gastroenteritis that may lead to systemic disease. Bacteria invade the small intestine, crossing the intestinal epithelium from where they are transported to the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) within migrating immune cells. MLNs are an important site at which the innate and adaptive immune responses converge but their architecture and function is severely disrupted during S. Typhimurium infection. To further understand host-pathogen interactions at this site, we used mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to analyse MLN tissue from a murine model of S. Typhimurium infection. A molecule, identified as palmitoylcarnitine (PalC), was of particular interest due to its high abundance at loci of S. Typhimurium infection and MLN disruption. High levels of PalC localised to sites within the MLNs where B and T cells were absent and where the perimeter of CD169+ sub capsular sinus macrophages was disrupted. MLN cells cultured ex vivo and treated with PalC had reduced CD4+CD25+ T cells and an increased number of B220+CD19+ B cells. The reduction in CD4+CD25+ T cells was likely due to apoptosis driven by increased caspase-3/7 activity. These data indicate that PalC significantly alters the host response in the MLNs, acting as a decisive factor in infection outcome

    Properties of Multisymplectic Manifolds

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    This lecture is devoted to review some of the main properties of multisymplectic geometry. In particular, after reminding the standard definition of multisymplectic manifold, we introduce its characteristic submanifolds, the canonical models, and other relevant kinds of multisymplectic manifolds, such as those where the existence of Darboux-type coordinates is assured. The Hamiltonian structures that can be defined in these manifolds are also studied, as well as other important properties, such as their invariant forms and the characterization by automorphisms.Comment: 10 pp. Changes in Sections 5 and 7 (where brief guides to the proofs of theorems have been added). Lecture given at the workshop on {\sl Classical and Quantum Physics: Geometry, Dynamics and Control. (60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest), Instituto de Ciencias Matem\'aticas (ICMAT)}, Madrid (Spain), 5--9 March 201

    Validation of the use of Actigraph GT3X accelerometers to estimate energy expenditure in full time manual wheel chair users with Spinal Cord Injury

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    Study design: Cross-sectional validation study. Objectives: The goals of this study were to validate the use of accelerometers by means of multiple linear models (MLMs) to estimate the O2 consumption (VO2) in paraplegic persons and to determine the best placement for accelerometers on the human body. Setting: Non-hospitalized paraplegics’ community. Methods: Twenty participants (age=40.03 years, weight=75.8 kg and height=1.76 m) completed sedentary, propulsion and housework activities for 10 min each. A portable gas analyzer was used to record VO2. Additionally, four accelerometers (placed on the non-dominant chest, non-dominant waist and both wrists) were used to collect second-by-second acceleration signals. Minute-by-minute VO2 (ml kg−1 min−1) collected from minutes 4 to 7 was used as the dependent variable. Thirty-six features extracted from the acceleration signals were used as independent variables. These variables were, for each axis including the resultant vector, the percentiles 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th; the autocorrelation with lag of 1 s and three variables extracted from wavelet analysis. The independent variables that were determined to be statistically significant using the forward stepwise method were subsequently analyzed using MLMs. Results: The model obtained for the non-dominant wrist was the most accurate (VO2=4.0558−0.0318Y25+0.0107Y90+0.0051YND2−0.0061ZND2+0.0357VR50) with an r-value of 0.86 and a root mean square error of 2.23 ml kg−1 min−1. Conclusions: The use of MLMs is appropriate to estimate VO2 by accelerometer data in paraplegic persons. The model obtained to the non-dominant wrist accelerometer (best placement) data improves the previous models for this population.LM Garcia-Raffi and EA Sanchez-Perez gratefully acknowledge the support of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project #MTM2012-36740-c02-02. X Garcia-Masso is a Vali + D researcher in training with support from the Generalitat Valenciana.Garcia Masso, X.; Serra Añó, P.; García Raffi, LM.; Sánchez Pérez, EA.; Lopez Pascual, J.; González, L. (2013). Validation of the use of Actigraph GT3X accelerometers to estimate energy expenditure in full time manual wheel chair users with Spinal Cord Injury. Spinal Cord. 51(12):898-903. https://doi.org/10.1038/sc.2013.85S8989035112Van den Berg-Emons RJ, Bussmann JB, Haisma JA, Sluis TA, van der Woude LH, Bergen MP et al. A prospective study on physical activity levels after spinal cord injury during inpatient rehabilitation and the year after discharge. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008; 89: 2094–2101.Jacobs PL, Nash MS . Exercise recommendations for individuals with spinal cord injury. Sports Med 2004; 34: 727–751.Erikssen G . Physical fitness and changes in mortality: the survival of the fittest. Sports Med 2001; 31: 571–576.Warburton DER, Nicol CW, Bredin SSD . Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. CMAJ 2006; 174: 801–809.Haennel RG, Lemire F . Physical activity to prevent cardiovascular disease. How much is enough? Can Fam Physician 2002; 48: 65–71.Manns PJ, Chad KE . Determining the relation between quality of life, handicap, fitness, and physical activity for persons with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 80: 1566–1571.Hetz SP, Latimer AE, Buchholz AC, Martin Ginis KA . Increased participation in activities of daily living is associated with lower cholesterol levels in people with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009; 90: 1755–1759.Buchholz AC, Martin Ginis KA, Bray SR, Craven BC, Hicks AL, Hayes KC et al. Greater daily leisure time physical activity is associated with lower chronic disease risk in adults with spinal cord injury. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2009; 34: 640–647.Slater D, Meade MA . Participation in recreation and sports for persons with spinal cord injury: review and recommendations. Neurorehabilitation 2004; 19: 121–129.Valanou EM, Bamia C, Trichopoulou A . Methodology of physical-activity and energy-expenditure assessment: a review. J Public Health 2006; 14: 58–65.Liu S, Gao RX, Freedson PS . Computational methods for estimating energy expenditure in human physical activities. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2012; 44: 2138–2146.Troiano RP, Berrigan D, Dodd KW, Mâsse LC, Tilert T, McDowell M . Physical activity in the United States measured by accelerometer. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2008; 40: 181–188.Riddoch CJ, Bo Andersen L, Wedderkopp N, Harro M, Klasson-Heggebø L, Sardinha LB et al. Physical activity levels and patterns of 9- and 15-yr-old European children. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004; 36: 86–92.Hiremath SV, Ding D . Evaluation of activity monitors in manual wheelchair users with paraplegia. J Spinal Cord Med 2011; 34: 110–117.Hiremath SV, Ding D . Evaluation of activity monitors to estimate energy expenditure in manual wheelchair users. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2009; 2009: 835–838.Washburn R, Copay A . Assessing physical activity during wheelchair pushing: validity of a portable accelerometer. Adapt Phys Activ Q 1999; 16: 290–299.Hiremath SV, Ding D . Regression equations for RT3 activity monitors to estimate energy expenditure in manual wheelchair users. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2011; 2011: 7348–7351.Hiremath SV, Ding D, Farringdon J, Cooper RA . Predicting energy expenditure of manual wheelchair users with spinal cord injury using a multisensor-based activity monitor. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2012; 93: 1937–1943.Bassett DR Jr, Ainsworth BE, Swartz AM, Strath SJ, O’Brien WL, King GA . Validity of four motion sensors in measuring moderate intensity physical activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000; 32: S471–S480.Motl RW, Sosnoff JJ, Dlugonski D, Suh Y, Goldman M . Does a waist-worn accelerometer capture intra- and inter-person variation in walking behavior among persons with multiple sclerosis? Med Eng Phys 2010; 32: 1224–1228.Van Remoortel H, Raste Y, Louvaris Z, Giavedoni S, Burtin C, Langer D et al. Validity of six activity monitors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a comparison with indirect calorimetry. PLoS One 2012; 7: e39198.Macfarlane DJ . Automated metabolic gas analysis systems: a review. Sports Med 2001; 31: 841–861.Staudenmayer J, Pober D, Crouter S, Bassett D, Freedson P . An artificial neural network to estimate physical activity energy expenditure and identify physical activity type from an accelerometer. J Appl Physiol 2009; 107: 1300–1307.Daubechies I . Ten Lectures on Wavelets. SIAM, Philadelphia. 1999.Debnat I . Wavelets and Signal Processing. Birkhauser, Boston. 2003.Collins EG, Gater D, Kiratli J, Butler J, Hanson K, Langbein WE . Energy cost of physical activities in persons with spinal cord injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010; 42: 691–700.Lee M, Zhu W, Hedrick B, Fernhall B . Determining metabolic equivalent values of physical activities for persons with paraplegia. Disabil Rehabil 2010; 32: 336–343.Crouter SE, Clowers KG, Bassett DR Jr . A novel method for using accelerometer data to predict energy expenditure. J Appl Physiol 2006; 100: 1324–1331

    Alterations in psychosocial health of people affected by asbestos poisoning

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the state of psychosocial and mental health of professionals affected by asbestos. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 professionals working in the Ferrolterra region of Spain, who were affected by asbestos poisoning. This group was compared with a group of 70 shipyard workers with no manifestation of work-related diseases. All the participants were male with a mean age of 67 years. This study was conducted in 2013, between January and June, and used the SCL-90 questionnaire by Derogatis as its primary measure for research. This questionnaire consists of 9 variables that measure psychosomatic symptoms. In addition, an overall index of psychosomatic gravity was calculated. The participants were also asked two questions concerning their overall perception of feeling good. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and logistic regression. RESULTS Participants affected by asbestos poisoning showed high occurrence rates of psychological health variables such as somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, and global severity index. CONCLUSIONS Social interaction as a differentiating factor between workers affected by work-related chronic syndromes as compared to healthy participants will possibly aid in the development of intervention programs by improving the social network of affected individuals

    Exact analysis of summary statistics for continuous-time discrete-state Markov processes on networks using graph-automorphism lumping

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    We propose a unified framework to represent a wide range of continuous-time discrete-state Markov processes on networks, and show how many network dynamics models in the literature can be represented in this unified framework. We show how a particular sub-set of these models, referred to here as single-vertex-transition (SVT) processes, lead to the analysis of quasi-birth-and-death (QBD) processes in the theory of continuous-time Markov chains. We illustrate how to analyse a number of summary statistics for these processes, such as absorption probabilities and first-passage times. We extend the graph-automorphism lumping approach [Kiss, Miller, Simon, Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks, 2017; Simon, Taylor, Kiss, J. Math. Bio. 62(4), 2011], by providing a matrix-oriented representation of this technique, and show how it can be applied to a very wide range of dynamical processes on networks. This approach can be used not only to solve the master equation of the system, but also to analyse the summary statistics of interest. We also show the interplay between the graph-automorphism lumping approach and the QBD structures when dealing with SVT processes. Finally, we illustrate our theoretical results with examples from the areas of opinion dynamics and mathematical epidemiology
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