92 research outputs found

    Expedient synthesis of an atypical oxazolidinone compound library

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    In order to address the current downturn in the drug discovery pipeline, initiatives are being undertaken to synthesise screening libraries of sp3-rich, low molecular weight compounds. As part of the European Lead Factory initiative, the synthesis and derivatisation of a simple hexahydrooxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2(1H)-one bicyclic carbamate has been achieved. The synthetic route employed involved a telescoped hetero-Diels-Alder/[2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement/cyclisation sequence to deliver the desired core scaffold containing two points for further diversification. When applied, this synthesis was found to be robust and scalable which allowed the production of a 155 compound library

    Preclinical discovery of apixaban, a direct and orally bioavailable factor Xa inhibitor

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    Apixaban (BMS-562247; 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7-oxo-6-(4-(2-oxopiperidin-1-yl)phenyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridine-3-carboxamide), a direct inhibitor of activated factor X (FXa), is in development for the prevention and treatment of various thromboembolic diseases. With an inhibitory constant of 0.08 nM for human FXa, apixaban has greater than 30,000-fold selectivity for FXa over other human coagulation proteases. It produces a rapid onset of inhibition of FXa with association rate constant of 20 ΌM−1/s approximately and inhibits free as well as prothrombinase- and clot-bound FXa activity in vitro. Apixaban also inhibits FXa from rabbits, rats and dogs, an activity which parallels its antithrombotic potency in these species. Although apixaban has no direct effects on platelet aggregation, it indirectly inhibits this process by reducing thrombin generation. Pre-clinical studies of apixaban in animal models have demonstrated dose-dependent antithrombotic efficacy at doses that preserved hemostasis. Apixaban improves pre-clinical antithrombotic activity, without excessive increases in bleeding times, when added on top of aspirin or aspirin plus clopidogrel at their clinically relevant doses. Apixaban has good bioavailability, low clearance and a small volume of distribution in animals and humans, and a low potential for drug–drug interactions. Elimination pathways for apixaban include renal excretion, metabolism and biliary/intestinal excretion. Although a sulfate conjugate of Ο-demethyl apixaban (O-demethyl apixaban sulfate) has been identified as the major circulating metabolite of apixaban in humans, it is inactive against human FXa. Together, these non-clinical findings have established the favorable pharmacological profile of apixaban, and support the potential use of apixaban in the clinic for the prevention and treatment of various thromboembolic diseases

    Anticoagulants and the Propagation Phase of Thrombin Generation

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    The view that clot time-based assays do not provide a sufficient assessment of an individual's hemostatic competence, especially in the context of anticoagulant therapy, has provoked a search for new metrics, with significant focus directed at techniques that define the propagation phase of thrombin generation. Here we use our deterministic mathematical model of tissue-factor initiated thrombin generation in combination with reconstructions using purified protein components to characterize how the interplay between anticoagulant mechanisms and variable composition of the coagulation proteome result in differential regulation of the propagation phase of thrombin generation. Thrombin parameters were extracted from computationally derived thrombin generation profiles generated using coagulation proteome factor data from warfarin-treated individuals (N = 54) and matching groups of control individuals (N = 37). A computational clot time prolongation value (cINR) was devised that correlated with their actual International Normalized Ratio (INR) values, with differences between individual INR and cINR values shown to derive from the insensitivity of the INR to tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). The analysis suggests that normal range variation in TFPI levels could be an important contributor to the failure of the INR to adequately reflect the anticoagulated state in some individuals. Warfarin-induced changes in thrombin propagation phase parameters were then compared to those induced by unfractionated heparin, fondaparinux, rivaroxaban, and a reversible thrombin inhibitor. Anticoagulants were assessed at concentrations yielding equivalent cINR values, with each anticoagulant evaluated using 32 unique coagulation proteome compositions. The analyses showed that no anticoagulant recapitulated all features of warfarin propagation phase dynamics; differences in propagation phase effects suggest that anticoagulants that selectively target fXa or thrombin may provoke fewer bleeding episodes. More generally, the study shows that computational modeling of the response of core elements of the coagulation proteome to a physiologically relevant tissue factor stimulus may improve the monitoring of a broad range of anticoagulants

    2021 Update of the International Council for Standardization in Haematology Recommendations for Laboratory Measurement of Direct Oral Anticoagulants

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    International audienceIn 2018, the International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) published a consensus document providing guidance for laboratories on measuring direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). Since that publication, several significant changes related to DOACs have occurred, including the approval of a new DOAC by the Food and Drug Administration, betrixaban, and a specific DOAC reversal agent intended for use when the reversal of anticoagulation with apixaban or rivaroxaban is needed due to life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding, andexanet alfa. In addition, this ICSH Working Party recognized areas where additional information was warranted, including patient population considerations and updates in point-of-care testing. The information in this manuscript supplements our previous ICSH DOAC laboratory guidance document. The recommendations provided are based on (1) information from peer-reviewed publications about laboratory measurement of DOACs, (2) contributing author's personal experience/expert opinion and (3) good laboratory practice

    Clinical Use of Rivaroxaban: Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Rationale for Dosing Regimens in Different Indications

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    Target-specific oral anticoagulants have become increasingly available as alternatives to traditional agents for the management of a number of thromboembolic disorders. To date, the direct Factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban is the most widely approved of the new agents. The dosing of rivaroxaban varies and adheres to specific schedules in each of the clinical settings in which it has been investigated. These regimens were devised based on the results of phase II dose-finding studies and/or pharmacokinetic modeling, and were demonstrated to be successful in randomized, phase III studies. In most cases, the pharmacodynamic profile of rivaroxaban permits once-daily dosing. A once-daily dose is indicated for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery, the long-term prevention of stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, and the long-term secondary prevention of recurrent VTE. Twice-daily dosing is required in the acute phase of treatment in patients with VTE and in the combination of rivaroxaban with standard single or dual antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention after acute coronary syndrome events. This article reviews the empirical and clinical rationale supporting the dose regimens of rivaroxaban in each clinical setting

    Vampires in the village Ćœrnovo on the island of Korčula: following an archival document from the 18th century

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    SrediĆĄnja tema rada usmjerena je na raơčlambu spisa pohranjenog u DrĆŸavnom arhivu u Mlecima (fond: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) koji se odnosi na događaj iz 1748. godine u korčulanskom selu Ćœrnovo, kada su mjeĆĄtani – vjerujući da su se pojavili vampiri – oskvrnuli nekoliko mjesnih grobova. U radu se podrobno iznose osnovni podaci iz spisa te rečeni događaj analizira u ĆĄirem druĆĄtvenom kontekstu i prate se lokalna vjerovanja.The main interest of this essay is the analysis of the document from the State Archive in Venice (file: Capi del Consiglio de’ Dieci: Lettere di Rettori e di altre cariche) which is connected with the episode from 1748 when the inhabitants of the village Ćœrnove on the island of Korčula in Croatia opened tombs on the local cemetery in the fear of the vampires treating. This essay try to show some social circumstances connected with this event as well as a local vernacular tradition concerning superstitions
