430 research outputs found

    Utilization of Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in Nutrition Services in Public Health Center

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    Since BOK was launched in 2010, BOK utilization rate continued to increase while the NTT provincial nutrition service coverage did not increase, until 2013. This research aimed to analyze the relationship between the availability of operational funds, the availability of human resources, officer's knowledge, infrastructure support, heads support and the appropriateness of fund utilization using BOK in nutritional services. This was a quantitative research which supported by a qualitative, cross-sectional design in 2015. The total sample of 250 health workers in 26 health centers of North Central Timor regency was included in this study. Data analysis was done using descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses. The results of the bivariate analysis using chi square test showed an association of (p <0.05) the availability of human resources (p = 0.017), officer's knowledge (p = 0.000), infrastructure support (p = 0.004), heads support (p = 0.000) and the appropriateness of BOK fund utilization (p = 0.000) with the use of BOK in nutritional services. Meanwhile, the availability of operational funds is not associated with the use of BOK in nutritional services. Multivariate analysis showed that health centers with adequate human resources availability are seven times more likely to take advantage and make a good use of the nutritional services using BOK compared to health centers with the lack of human resources, after the infrastructure and head variable controlled. The government is required to provide adequate human resources, including financial administrative personnel and operational funding for health centers to optimize nutritional services. The government also needs to monitor the use of funds regularly and tiered to improve service coverage at the health center

    All work and no pay: consequences of unpaid work experience in the creative industries

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    This research note evaluates the benefits and pitfalls of unpaid work as an entry route into employment in the creative industries and investigates the consequences of this practice for those who already work in the sector. Based on a qualitative study of perspectives of stakeholders in unpaid work, this article argues that the social capital thesis, often used as a rationale for unpaid work, inadequately explains the practice of unpaid work experience, primarily because it does not take cognisance of the consequences of this practice for other people working in the sector. The study also highlights methodological issues that need to be considered in the future. As well as the importance of a plurality of stakeholder perspectives, the study emphasizes the need to consider the perspectives of those who are excluded from unpaid work and those who are potentially displaced by it

    Further investigation of lead exposure as a potential threatening process for a scavenging marsupial species

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    There is a growing recognition of the harmful effects of lead exposure on avian and mammalian scavengers. This can lead to both lethal and non-lethal effects which may negatively impact wildlife populations. Our objective was to assess medium-term lead exposure in wild Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii). Frozen liver samples (n = 41), opportunistically collected in 2017–2022, were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to determine liver lead concentrations. These results were then used to calculate the proportion of animals with elevated lead levels ( \u3e 5 mg/kg dry weight) and examine the role of explanatory variables that may have influenced the results. The majority of samples analysed were from the south-east corner of Tasmania, within 50 km of Hobart. No Tasmanian devil samples were found to have elevated lead levels. The median liver lead concentration was 0.17 mg/kg (range 0.05–1.32 mg/kg). Female devils were found to have significantly higher liver lead concentrations than males (P = 0.013), which was likely related to lactation, but other variables (age, location, body mass) were not significant. These results suggest that wild Tasmanian devil populations currently show minimal medium-term evidence of exposure to lead pollution, although samples were concentrated in peri-urban areas. The results provide a baseline level which can be used to assess the impact of any future changes in lead use in Tasmania. Furthermore, these data can be used as a comparison for lead exposure studies in other mammalian scavengers, including other carnivorous marsupial species

    A Global Hypothesis for Women in Journalism and Mass Communications: The Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum

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    This paper examines the status of women in communications industries and on university faculties. It specifically tests the Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum or R3 hypothesis, as developed by Rush in the early 1980s [Rush, Buck & Ogan,1982]. The R3 hypothesis predicts that the percentage of women in the communications industries and on university faculties will follow the ratio residing around 1/4:3/4 or 1/3:2/3 proportion females to males. This paper presents data from a nationwide U.S. survey and compares them to data from global surveys and United Nations reports. The evidence is overwhelming and shows the relevance and validity of the R3 hypothesis across different socio-economic and cultural contexts. The paper argues that the ratio is the outcome of systemic discrimination that operates at multiple levels. The obstacles to achieving equality in the academy as well as media industries are discussed and suggestions for breaking out of the R3 ratio are included.

    A Global Hypothesis for Women in Journalism and Mass Communications: The Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum

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    This paper examines the status of women in communications industries and on university faculties. It specifically tests the Ratio of Recurrent and Reinforced Residuum or R3 hypothesis, as developed by Rush in the early 1980s [Rush, Buck & Ogan,1982]. The R3 hypothesis predicts that the percentage of women in the communications industries and on university faculties will follow the ratio residing around 1/4:3/4 or 1/3:2/3 proportion females to males. This paper presents data from a nationwide U.S. survey and compares them to data from global surveys and United Nations reports. The evidence is overwhelming and shows the relevance and validity of the R3 hypothesis across different socio-economic and cultural contexts. The paper argues that the ratio is the outcome of systemic discrimination that operates at multiple levels. The obstacles to achieving equality in the academy as well as media industries are discussed and suggestions for breaking out of the R3 ratio are included.

    Perceptions of employability among London's low-paid: 'self-determination' or ethnicity?

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    We investigate how ethnicity, gender and other characteristics affect low-paid workers’ perceptions of their employability in London’s labour market, examining ‘self-determination’, ethnic and dual labour market theories. We find that perceptions vary considerably, both between genders and ethnicities and in the extent to which they are ‘justified’ by human capital attributes. Optimism varies between genders and ethnic groups but individuals’ perceptions vary to an even greater extent within genders and ethnic groups. Hence, individual-level ‘self-determination’ explanations of these perceptions appear to have greatest explanatory power though ethnic theories also have utility

    Success Factors of Small and Medium-Sized International Enterprises in the Chinese Market from the Perspective of Polish Direct Investment (Cultural Approach)

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    Globalization has resulted in increasing transfer of firms operations, regardless of their size, to other countries. The recent dynamic emergence of China in the global economy, connecting with the vast inflows of foreign direct investment in their territory and common adjustments problems of many Western companies, has resulted in growing interest for best suitable business practices to this culturally and socially different environment. In this article, the key factors critical to the success of international companies in this region are introduced, with particular consideration to indigenous cultural elements and specific operation requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises in Business-to-Business sectors. The presented information are based on the broad literature review, five years of direct observation and thirty eight interviews conducted with Polish managers directly residing in China. In addition, some practical recommendations for managers and further research are given.Globalizacja wymusza na firmach, niezależnie od ich wielkości, coraz częstsze przenoszenie operacji do innych krajów. Dynamiczne pojawienie się Chin w światowej gospodarce i szeroki napł;yw zagranicznych inwestycji bezpośrednich na ich teren oraz problemy adaptacyjne wielu zachodnich przedsiębiorstw, spowodował;y zainteresowanie najlepszymi praktykami biznesowymi dostosowanymi do tego odmiennego kulturowo i społ;ecznie otocznia. W artykule zaprezentowane został;y najważniejsze czynnik mające wpł;yw na osiągnięcie sukcesu przez firmy międzynarodowe na tym obszarze, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów kulturowych i specyfiki dział;ania mał;ych i średnich podmiotów na rynkach B2B. Prezentowane informacje są oparte na przeglądzie literatury, pięcioletnich obserwacjach bezpośrednich oraz trzydziestu ośmiu wywiadach przeprowadzonych z menadżerami polskich przedsiębiorstw odpowiedzialnymi za operacje w Chinach. Dodatkowo wskazano kilka praktycznych rekomendacji menadżerskich oraz możliwości dalszych badań

    The composition and distribution of semi-labile dissolved organic matter across the southwest Pacific

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    The distribution and dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved combined neutral sugars (DCNS) were studied across an increasing oligotrophic gradient (18 to 22∘&thinsp;S latitude) in the tropical South Pacific Ocean, spanning from the Melanesian Archipelago (MA) area to the western part of the South Pacific gyre (WGY), in austral summer as a part of the OUTPACE project. Our results show that DOC and DCNS concentrations exhibited no statistical differences between the MA and WGY areas (0–200&thinsp;m: 47–81&thinsp;µM&thinsp;C for DOC and 0.2-4.2&thinsp;µM&thinsp;C for DCNS). However, due to a deepening of the euphotic zone, a deeper penetration of DOC was noticeable at 150&thinsp;m of depth at the WGY area. Excess DOC (DOCEX) was determined as the difference between surface and deep-sea DOC values, and euphotic zone integrated stocks of both DOC and DOCEX were higher in the WGY than the MA area. Considering DOCEX as representative of semi-labile DOC (DOCSL), its residence time was calculated as the ratio of DOCSL to bacterial carbon demand (BCD). This residence time was 176±43 days (n=3) in the WGY area, about 3 times longer than in the MA area (Tr=51±13 days, n=8), suggesting an accumulation of semi-labile dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the surface waters of WGY. Average epipelagic (0–200&thinsp;m) DCNS yields (DCNS&thinsp;×&thinsp;DOC−1) based on volumetric data were roughly similar in both areas, accounting for ∼2.8&thinsp;% of DOC. DCNS exhibited a longer residence time in WGY (Tr=91±41 days, n=3) than in MA (Tr=31±10 days, n=8), further suggesting that this DCNS pool persists longer in the surface waters of the WGY. The accumulation of DOCEX in the surface waters of WGY is probably due to very slow bacterial degradation due to nutrient and/or energy limitation of heterotrophic prokaryotes, indicating that biologically produced DOC can be stored in the euphotic layer of the South Pacific gyre for a long period.</p

    Ethnicity and low wage traps: favouritism, homosocial reproduction and economic marginalization

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    This article analyses the relationship between cultural difference, social connections and opportunity structures using interview evidence from low-paid workers and managers in local government, the health service, facilities management and housing. Exploring the operation of homosocial reproduction it reveals the double-edged nature of informality and the role of favouritism in particular in perpetuating ethnic advantage and privilege. While demonstrating that uses of homosocial reproduction need to be sensitive to intersections of identities or categories of difference, the article adds further evidence of the persistent gap between equal opportunities policies and practice for ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom labour market. The article concludes that stronger forms of positive action, and even positive discrimination, are needed to address the low pay traps and restricted opportunities of ethnic minority workers