1,432 research outputs found

    Thread-Scalable Evaluation of Multi-Jet Observables

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    A leading-order, leading-color parton-level event generator is developed for use on a multi-threaded GPU. Speed-up factors between 150 and 300 are obtained compared to an unoptimized CPU-based implementation of the event generator. In this first paper we study the feasibility of a GPU-based event generator with an emphasis on the constraints imposed by the hardware. Some studies of Monte Carlo convergence and accuracy are presented for PP -> 2,...,10 jet observables using of the order of 1e11 events.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Remarks Concerning the Study of Four-Jet Events from Hadronic Decays of the Z0

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    The angular correlations of four-jet events from hadronic decays of the Z0 have been studied in the past mainly to extract from them the fundamental constants of quantum chromodynamics called colour factors. Previous studies have used all the available phase-space in order to maximize statistics. In this note we want to point out the possibility that significant differences between experiment and theory in restricted regions of phase-space might have escaped detection. Such differences could be a harbinger of the existence of new particles. Some preliminary results are presented.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio and subsequent mood disorders in young people with at-risk mental states: a 7-year longitudinal study

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    While cross-sectional studies suggest that patients with mood disorders have a higher ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and lower levels of omega-3 PUFAs, it is unknown if a high n-6/3 ratio indicates vulnerability for depression. We tested this hypothesis in a 7-year follow-up study of young individuals with an ultra-high risk (UHR) phenotype. We conducted a secondary analysis of the Vienna omega-3 study, a longitudinal study of omega-3 PUFAs in individuals at UHR for psychosis (n = 69). Levels of n-6 and n-3 PUFAs were measured in the phosphatidylethanolamine fraction of erythrocyte membranes at intake into the study. Mood disorder diagnosis was ascertained with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR and confirmed by review of medical records and interviews of caregivers. A higher n-6/3 PUFA ratio at baseline predicted mood disorders in UHR individuals over a 7-year (median) follow-up (odds ratio = 1.89, 95% CI = 1.075-3.338, P = 0.03). This association remained significant after adjustment for age, gender, smoking, severity of depressive symptoms at baseline and n-3 supplementation. Consistent results were obtained for individual PUFAs, including lower levels of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. The predictive capacity of these findings was specific to mood disorders as no associations were found for any other psychiatric disorder. To our knowledge, our data provide the first prospective evidence that the n-6/3 PUFA ratio is associated with an increased risk for mood disorders in young people exhibiting an UHR phenotype. These findings may have important implications for treatment and risk stratification beyond clinical characteristics

    A characteristic particle method for traffic flow simulations on highway networks

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    A characteristic particle method for the simulation of first order macroscopic traffic models on road networks is presented. The approach is based on the method "particleclaw", which solves scalar one dimensional hyperbolic conservations laws exactly, except for a small error right around shocks. The method is generalized to nonlinear network flows, where particle approximations on the edges are suitably coupled together at the network nodes. It is demonstrated in numerical examples that the resulting particle method can approximate traffic jams accurately, while only devoting a few degrees of freedom to each edge of the network.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted to the proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop Meshfree Methods for PDE 201

    Scaling violations: Connections between elastic and inelastic hadron scattering in a geometrical approach

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    Starting from a short range expansion of the inelastic overlap function, capable of describing quite well the elastic pp and pˉp\bar{p}p scattering data, we obtain extensions to the inelastic channel, through unitarity and an impact parameter approach. Based on geometrical arguments we infer some characteristics of the elementary hadronic process and this allows an excellent description of the inclusive multiplicity distributions in pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p collisions. With this approach we quantitatively correlate the violations of both geometrical and KNO scaling in an analytical way. The physical picture from both channels is that the geometrical evolution of the hadronic constituents is principally reponsible for the energy dependence of the physical quantities rather than the dynamical (elementary) interaction itself.Comment: 16 pages, aps-revtex, 11 figure

    Mapping net blotch resistance in ‘Nomini’ and CIho 2291 barley

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    Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) is one of the most devastating diseases of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) worldwide. Identification of diagnostic molecular markers associated with genes and quantitative trait loci (QTL) for net blotch resistance will facilitate pyramiding of independent genes. Linkage mapping was used to identify chromosomal locations of the independent, dominant genes conditioning net blotch resistance in the winter barley ‘Nomini’ (PI 566929) and spring barley CIho 2291. The F2 populations of 238 and 193 individuals, derived from crosses between the susceptible spring barley parent ‘Hector’ (CIho 15514) and the resistant parents Nomini and CIho 2291, respectively, were used to map the genes governing resistance in the resistant parents. The dominant gene governing resistance in Nomini, temporarily designated Rpt-Nomini, was mapped to a 9.2-cM region of barley chromosome 6H between the flanking microsatellite markers Bmag0344a (r2 = 0.7) and Bmag0103a (r2 = 0.9), which were 6.8 and 2.4 cM away from Rpt-Nomini, respectively. The dominant gene governing resistance in CIho 2291, temporarily designated Rpt-CIho2291, was mapped to a 34.3-cM interval on the distal region of barley chromosome 6H between the flanking microsatellite markers Bmag0173 (r2 = 0.65) and Bmag0500 (r2 = 0.26), which were 9.9 and 24.4 cM away from Rpt-CIho2291, respectively. Identification of the chromosomal location of Rpt-Nomini and Rpt-CIho2291 will facilitate efforts in pyramiding multiple genes for net blotch resistance

    Shape Space Methods for Quantum Cosmological Triangleland

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    With toy modelling of conceptual aspects of quantum cosmology and the problem of time in quantum gravity in mind, I study the classical and quantum dynamics of the pure-shape (i.e. scale-free) triangle formed by 3 particles in 2-d. I do so by importing techniques to the triangle model from the corresponding 4 particles in 1-d model, using the fact that both have 2-spheres for shape spaces, though the latter has a trivial realization whilst the former has a more involved Hopf (or Dragt) type realization. I furthermore interpret the ensuing Dragt-type coordinates as shape quantities: a measure of anisoscelesness, the ellipticity of the base and apex's moments of inertia, and a quantity proportional to the area of the triangle. I promote these quantities at the quantum level to operators whose expectation and spread are then useful in understanding the quantum states of the system. Additionally, I tessellate the 2-sphere by its physical interpretation as the shape space of triangles, and then use this as a back-cloth from which to read off the interpretation of dynamical trajectories, potentials and wavefunctions. I include applications to timeless approaches to the problem of time and to the role of uniform states in quantum cosmological modelling.Comment: A shorter version, as per the first stage in the refereeing process, and containing some new reference

    Customer Specific Transaction Risk Management in eCommerce

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    Increasing potential for turnover in e-commerce is inextricably linked with an increase in risk. Online retailers (e-tailers), aiming for a company-wide value orientation should manage this risk. However, current approaches to risk management either use average retail prices elevated by an overall risk premium or restrict the payment methods offered to customers. Thus, they neglect customer-specific value and risk attributes and leave turnover potentials unconsidered. To close this gap, an innovative valuation model is proposed in this contribution that integrates customer-specific risk and potential turnover. The approach presented evaluates different payment methods using their risk-turnover characteristic, provides a risk-adjusted decision basis for selecting payment methods and allows e-tailers to derive automated risk management decisions per customer and transaction without reducing turnover potential

    Measurements of inclusive W+jets production rates as a function of jet transverse momentum in ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV

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    This Letter describes measurements of inclusive W (--> e nu) + n jet cross sections (n = 1-4), presented as total inclusive cross sections and differentially in the nth jet transverse momentum. The measurements are made using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.2 fb-1 collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, and achieve considerably smaller uncertainties on W +jets production cross sections than previous measurements. The measurements are compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations in the n =1-3 jet multiplicity bins and to leading order pQCD calculations in the 4-jet bin. The measurements are generally in agreement with pQCD predictions, although certain regions of phase space are identified where the calculations could be improved

    Forward pi^0 Production and Associated Transverse Energy Flow in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    Deep-inelastic positron-proton interactions at low values of Bjorken-x down to x \approx 4.10^-5 which give rise to high transverse momentum pi^0 mesons are studied with the H1 experiment at HERA. The inclusive cross section for pi^0 mesons produced at small angles with respect to the proton remnant (the forward region) is presented as a function of the transverse momentum and energy of the pi^0 and of the four-momentum transfer Q^2 and Bjorken-x. Measurements are also presented of the transverse energy flow in events containing a forward pi^0 meson. Hadronic final state calculations based on QCD models implementing different parton evolution schemes are confronted with the data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures and 3 table