2,044 research outputs found

    COCAP : a carbon dioxide analyser for small unmanned aircraft systems

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    Unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) could provide a cost-effective way to close gaps in the observation of the carbon cycle, provided that small yet accurate analysers are available. We have developed a COmpact Carbon dioxide analyser for Airborne Platforms (COCAP). The accuracy of COCAP's carbon dioxide (CO2) measurements is ensured by calibration in an environmental chamber, regular calibration in the field and by chemical drying of sampled air. In addition, the package contains a lightweight thermal stabilisation system that reduces the influence of ambient temperature changes on the CO2 sensor by 2 orders of magnitude. During validation of COCAP's CO2 measurements in simulated and real flights we found a measurement error of 1.2 mu mol mol(-1) or better with no indication of bias. COCAP is a self-contained package that has proven well suited for the operation on board small UASs. Besides carbon dioxide dry air mole fraction it also measures air temperature, humidity and pressure. We describe the measurement system and our calibration strategy in detail to support others in tapping the potential of UASs for atmospheric trace gas measurements.Peer reviewe

    Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using satellite data: a synthetic inter-comparison of measurement techniques and their performance as a function of space and time

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    Currently two polar orbiting satellite instruments measure CO<sub>2</sub> concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere, while other missions are planned for the coming years. In the future such instruments might become powerful tools for monitoring changes in the atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> abundance and to improve our quantitative understanding of the leading processes controlling this. At the moment, however, we are still in an exploratory phase where first experiences are collected and promising new space-based measurement concepts are investigated. This study assesses the potential of some of these concepts to improve CO<sub>2</sub> source and sink estimates obtained from inverse modelling. For this purpose the performance of existing and planned satellite instruments is quantified by synthetic simulations of their ability to reduce the uncertainty of the current source and sink estimates in comparison with the existing ground-based network of sampling sites. Our high resolution inversion of sources and sinks (at 8&deg;x10&deg;) allows us to investigate the variation of instrument performance in space and time and at various temporal and spatial scales. The results of our synthetic tests clearly indicate that the satellite performance increases with increasing sensitivity of the instrument to CO<sub>2</sub> near the Earth's surface, favoring the near infra-red technique. Thermal infrared instruments, on the contrary, reach a better global coverage, because the performance in the near infrared is reduced over the oceans owing to a low surface albedo. Near infra-red sounders can compensate for this by measuring in sun-glint, which will allow accurate measurements over the oceans, at the cost, however, of a lower measurement density. Overall, the sun-glint pointing near infrared instrument is the most promising concept of those tested. We show that the ability of satellite instruments to resolve fluxes at smaller temporal and spatial scales is also related to surface sensitivity. All the satellite instruments performed relatively well over the continents resulting mainly from the larger prior flux uncertainties over land than over the oceans. In addition, the surface networks are rather sparse over land increasing the additional benefit of satellite measurements there. Globally, challenging satellite instrument precisions are needed to compete with the current surface network (about 1ppm for weekly and 8&deg;x10&deg; averaged SCIAMACHY columns). Regionally, however, these requirements relax considerably, increasing to 5ppm for SCIAMACHY over tropical continents. This points not only to an interesting research area using SCIAMACHY data, but also to the fact that satellite requirements should not be quantified by only a single number. The applicability of our synthetic results to real satellite instruments is limited by rather crude representations of instrument and data retrieval related uncertainties. This should receive high priority in future work

    Comparisons between SCIAMACHY atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> retrieved using (FSI) WFM-DOAS to ground based FTIR data and the TM3 chemistry transport model

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    International audienceAtmospheric CO2 concentrations, retrieved from spectral measurements made in the near infrared (NIR) by the SCIAMACHY instrument, using Full Spectral Initiation Weighting Function Modified Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (FSI WFM-DOAS), are compared to ground based Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) data and to the output from a global chemistry-transport model. Analysis of the FSI WFM-DOAS retrievals with respect to the ground based FTIR instrument, located at Egbert, Canada, show good agreement with an average negative bias of approximately ?4.0% with a standard deviation of ~3.0%. This bias which exhibits an apparent seasonal trend, is of unknown origin, though slight differences between the averaging kernels of the instruments and the limited temporal coverage of the FTIR data may be the cause. The relative scatter of the retrieved vertical column densities is comparable to the spread of the FTIR measurements themselves. Normalizing the CO2 columns using the surface pressure does not affect the magnitude of this bias although it slightly increases the scatter of the FSI data. Comparisons of the FSI retrievals to the TM3 global chemistry-transport model, performed over four selected Northern Hemisphere scenes show good agreement. The correlation, between the time series of the SCIAMACHY and model monthly scene averages, are ~0.7 or greater, demonstrating the ability of SCIAMACHY to detect seasonal changes in the CO2 distribution. The amplitude of the seasonal cycle, peak to peak, observed by SCIAMACHY however, is overestimated by a factor of 2?3, which cannot be explained. The yearly means detected by SCIAMACHY are within 2% of those of the model with the mean difference between the CO2 distributions also approximately 2.0%. Additionally, analysis of the retrieved CO2 distributions reveals structure not evident in the model fields which correlates well with land classification type. From these comparisons, the overall precision and bias of the CO2 columns retrieved by the FSI algorithm are estimated to be close to 1.0% and <4.0% respectively

    Carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide columns retrieved from SCIAMACHY by WFM-DOAS: year 2003 initial data set

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    International audienceThe near-infrared nadir spectra measured by SCIAMACHY on-board ENVISAT contain information on the vertical columns of important atmospheric trace gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2). The scientific algorithm WFM-DOAS has been used to retrieve this information. For CH4 and CO2 also column averaged mixing ratios (XCH4 and XCO2) have been determined by simultaneous measurements of the dry air mass. All available spectra of the year 2003 have been processed. We describe the algorithm versions used to generate the data (v0.4; for methane also v0.41) and show comparisons of monthly averaged data over land with global measurements (CO from MOPITT) and models (for CH4 and CO2). We show that elevated concentrations of CO resulting from biomass burning have been detected in reasonable agreement with MOPITT. The measured XCH4 is enhanced over India, south-east Asia, and central Africa in September/October 2003 in line with model simulations, where they result from surface sources of methane such as rice fields and wetlands. The CO2 measurements over the Northern Hemisphere show the lowest mixing ratios around July in qualitative agreement with model simulations indicating that the large scale pattern of CO2 uptake by the growing vegetation can be detected with SCIAMACHY. We also identified potential problems such as a too low inter-hemispheric gradient for CO, a time dependent bias of the methane columns on the order of a few percent, and a few percent too high CO2 over parts of the Sahara