435 research outputs found

    Optical characterisation of germanium optical fibres

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    Semiconductor core optical fibres are currently generating great interest as they promise to be a platform for the seamless incorporation of optoelectronic functionality into a new generation of all-fibre networks [1,2]. Although recent attentions have primarily focused on silicon as the material of choice for semiconductor photonics applications, germanium has some advantages over its counterpart. For example, it has higher nonlinearity, extended infrared transparency and has recently been demonstrated as a direct band gap laser medium [3]. Here we present the first optical characterisation of a germanium core optical fibre. The fibre was fabricated using a chemical micro fluidic deposition process [1] that uses GeH4 (germane) as a precursor to deposit amorphous germanium into the hole of a silica capillary. Figure 1 (a) shows an optical microscope image of the polished end face of a germanium fibre, with a 5.6 µm core diameter, which has been completely filled with the semiconductor material. Optical transmission measurements have been conducted over the wavelength range 2 µm to 11 µm, to confirm the broad mid-infrared operational window, and the guided output at 2.4 µm, imaged using a Spiricon Pyrocam III pyroelectric array camera, is shown in Figure 1 (b). At this wavelength the optical loss has been measured to be 20 dB/cm, which is comparable to losses measured for amorphous silicon fibres in the infrared. The potential for these germanium optical fibres to be used as optical modulators and infrared detectors will be discussed

    An Improved Algorithm for Generating Database Transactions from Relational Algebra Specifications

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    Alloy is a lightweight modeling formalism based on relational algebra. In prior work with Fisler, Giannakopoulos, Krishnamurthi, and Yoo, we have presented a tool, Alchemy, that compiles Alloy specifications into implementations that execute against persistent databases. The foundation of Alchemy is an algorithm for rewriting relational algebra formulas into code for database transactions. In this paper we report on recent progress in improving the robustness and efficiency of this transformation

    Effects of rotation and magnetic fields on the lithium abundance and asteroseismic properties of exoplanet-host stars

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    Aims: The effects of rotation and magnetic fields on the surface abundances of solar-type stars are studied in order to investigate whether the reported difference in lithium content of exoplanet-host stars can be related to their rotational history. Moreover, the asteroseismic properties predicted for stars with and without exoplanets are compared to determine how such a scenario, which relates the lithium abundances and the rotational history of the star, can be further challenged by observations of solar-like oscillations. Methods: Based on observations of rotational periods of solar-type stars, slow rotators on the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) are modelled with a comprehensive treatment of only the shellular rotation, while fast rotators are modelled including both shellular rotation and magnetic fields. Assuming a possible link between low rotation rates on the ZAMS and the presence of planets as a result of a longer disc-locking phase during the pre-main sequence (PMS), we compare the surface abundances and asteroseismic properties of slow and fast rotating models, which correspond to exoplanet-host stars and stars without detected planets, respectively. Results: We confirm previous suggestions that the difference in the lithium content of stars with and without detected planets can be related to their different rotational history. The larger efficiency of rotational mixing predicted in exoplanet-host stars explains their lithium depletion and also leads to changes in the structure and chemical composition of the central stellar layers. Asteroseismic observations can reveal these changes and can help us distinguish between different possible explanations for the lower lithium content of exoplanet-host stars.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, A&A lette

    Global DNA methylation profiling of manganese-exposed human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells reveals epigenetic alterations in Parkinson’s disease-associated genes

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    Manganese (Mn) is an essential trace element required for optimal functioning of cellular biochemical pathways in the central nervous system. Elevated exposure to Mn through environmental and occupational exposure can cause neurotoxic effects resulting in manganism, a condition with clinical symptoms identical to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Epigenetics is now recognized as a biological mechanism involved in the etiology of various diseases. Here, we investigated the role of DNA methylation alterations induced by chronic Mn (100 µM) exposure in human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cells in relevance to Parkinson’s disease. A combined analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression data for Parkinson’s disease-associated genes was carried out. Whole-genome bisulfite conversion and sequencing indicate epigenetic perturbation of key genes involved in biological processes associated with neuronal cell health. Integration of DNA methylation data with gene expression reveals epigenetic alterations to PINK1, PARK2 and TH genes that play critical roles in the onset of Parkinsonism. The present study suggests that Mn-induced alteration of DNA methylation of PINK1–PARK2 may influence mitochondrial function and promote Parkinsonism. Our findings provide a basis to further explore and validate the epigenetic basis of Mn-induced neurotoxicity

    Seismic and dynamical solar models i-the impact of the solar rotation history on neutrinos and seismic indicators

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    Solar activity and helioseismology show the limitation of the standard solar model and call for the inclusion of dynamical processes in both convective and radiative zones. We concentrate here on the radiative zone and first show the sensitivity of boron neutrinos to the microscopic physics included in solar models. We confront the neutrino predictions of the seismic model to all the detected neutrino fluxes. Then we compute new models of the Sun including a detailed transport of angular momentum and chemicals due to internal rotation that includes meridional circulation and shear induced turbulence. We use two stellar evolution codes: CESAM and STAREVOL to estimate the different terms. We follow three temporal evolutions of the internal rotation differing by their initial conditions: very slow, moderate and fast rotation, with magnetic braking at the arrival on the main sequence for the last two. We find that the meridional velocity in the present solar radiative zone is extremely small in comparison with those of the convective zone, smaller than 10^-6 cm/s instead of m/s. All models lead to a radial differential rotation profile but with a significantly different contrast. We compare these profiles to the presumed solar internal rotation and show that if meridional circulation and shear turbulence were the only mechanisms transporting angular momentum within the Sun, a rather slow rotation in the young Sun is favored. The transport by rotation slightly influence the sound speed profile but its potential impact on the chemicals in the transition region between radiation and convective zones. This work pushes us to pursue the inclusion of the other dynamical processes to better reproduce the present observable and to describe the young active Sun. We also need to get a better knowledge of solar gravity mode splittings to use their constraints.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Astrophysical Journa

    RACE-OC Project: Rotation and variability in the open cluster M11 (NGC6705)

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    Rotation and magnetic activity are intimately linked in main-sequence stars of G or later spectral types. The presence and level of magnetic activity depend on stellar rotation, and rotation itself is strongly influenced by strength and topology of the magnetic fields. Open clusters represent especially useful targets to investigate the rotation/activity/age connection. The open cluster M11 has been studied as a part of the RACE-OC project (Rotation and ACtivity Evolution in Open Clusters), which is aimed at exploring the evolution of rotation and magnetic activity in the late-type members of open clusters with different ages. Photometric observations of the open cluster M11 were carried out in June 2004 using LOAO 1m telescope. The rotation periods of the cluster members are determined by Fourier analysis of photometric data time series. We further investigated the relations between the surface activity, characterized by the light curve amplitude, and rotation. We have discovered a total of 75 periodic variables in the M11 FoV, of which 38 are candidate cluster members. Specifically, among cluster members we discovered 6 early-type, 2 eclipsing binaries and 30 bona-fide single periodic late-type variables. Considering the rotation periods of 16 G-type members of the almost coeval 200-Myr M34 cluster, we could determine the rotation period distribution from a more numerous sample of 46 single G stars at an age of about 200-230 Myr and determine a median rotation period P=4.8d. A comparison with the younger M35 cluster (~150 Myr) and with the older M37 cluster (~550 Myr) shows that G stars rotate slower than younger M35 stars and faster than older M37 stars. The measured variation of the median rotation period is consistent with the scenario of rotational braking of main-sequence spotted stars as they age.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics on Dec 15, 200

    Primordial Nucleosynthesis: Theory and Observations

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    We review the Cosmology and Physics underlying Primordial Nucleosynthesis and survey current observational data in order to compare the predictions of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with the inferred primordial abundances. From this comparison we report on the status of the consistency of the standard hot big bang model, we constrain the universal density of baryons (nucleons), and we set limits to the numbers and/or effective interactions of hypothetical new "light" particles (equivalent massless neutrinos).Comment: 25 pages, latex, 4 ps figures, to be published in a special memorial volume of Physics Reports in honor of David Schram

    Reducing recurrent stroke: methodology of the motivational interviewing in stroke (MIST) randomized clinical trial

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    Recurrent stroke is prevalent in both developed and developing countries, contributing significantly to disability and death. Recurrent stroke rates can be reduced by adequate risk factor management. However, adherence to prescribed medications and lifestyle changes recommended by physicians at discharge after stroke is poor, leading to a large number of preventable recurrent strokes. Using behavior change methods such as Motivational Interviewing early after stroke occurrence has the potential to prevent recurrent stroke
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