13 research outputs found

    Monitoraggio biologico ed esposizione a silice: applicazione di nuovi indicatori di dose e di effetto

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    In 16 addetti alla produzione di marmi ricomposti è stato misurato Si-CAE, è stata eseguita una spirometria e sono stati dosati 8oxoGua, 8oxoGuo, 8oxodGuo, SP-A, SP-D, CC16 e HO-1. Si sono osservati valori spirometrici (FVC e FEV1) più bassi nei lavoratori rispetto ai controlli. Nei lavoratori abbiamo osservato livelli più elevati dei seguenti marcatori: Si-CAE, 8oxoGuo ed espressione di HO-1. Lo studio evidenzia che l’esposizione a silice può aumentare i livelli di Si-CAE, che può essere usato per stimare la dose al bersaglio. Infine si evidenziavano aspecifiche alterazioni spirometriche ed un aumento di biomarcatori d’effetto

    Use of exhaled breath condensate to investigate occupational lung diseases.

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The present study reviews recent data concerning the assessment of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) pulmonary biomarkers in the field of occupational medicine. RECENT FINDINGS: EBC is a suitable matrix to assess respiratory health status in workers exposed to pneumotoxic substances, due to its ability to quantify lung tissue dose and consequent pulmonary effects. Published data show that toxic metals and trace elements are detectable in EBC, raising the possibility of using this medium to quantify the lung tissue dose of metals occurring in occupational settings. EBC analysis of biomarkers of exposure highlighted the potential use of EBC as completion of the biological monitoring of pneumotoxic compounds. Different biomarkers of effect, such as oxidative stress and inflammatory-derived biomarkers have been applied in the investigation of occupational asthma and pneumoconiosis, suggesting that the collection of EBC may contribute to studying the pathological state of the airways of workers with acute and chronic exposure to pollutants. EBC measurements also seem to be reliable to detect the presence of carcinogenic processes in the respiratory system, by the analysis of various markers of oxidative stress, angiogenesis and DNA alterations related to lung cancer. This approach may open new frontiers in the study of workers currently or previously exposed to pulmonary carcinogenic agents. SUMMARY: The analysis of EBC is one of the most promising methods currently available for the study of pulmonary biomarkers of exposure, effect and susceptibility in occupational settings; being collected in a totally noninvasive way, it is particularly suitable to be applied in field studies and for longitudinal assessments of pulmonary biology

    Exhaled nitric oxide in occupational respiratory medicine and environmental health: State of art

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    Nitric oxide is a gas detectable in exhaled breath of humans and is recognized as a useful biomarker for asthma diagnosis and mon- itoring. Several studies have shown evidence of higher levels of exhaled nitric oxide in patients with respiratory diseases as com- pared with the healthy population. The possibility of using exhaled nitric oxide measurement as a tool for diagnosing and monitoring occupational exposures to allergic or toxic irritants is reviewed and discussed

    Biological monitoring and exposure to silica: Application of new dose and effect biomakers [Monitoraggio biologico ed esposizione a silice: Applicazione di nuovi indicatori di dose e d effetto]

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    Si-CAE was measured in 16 composite marble industry workers furthermore, a spirometry was performed and 8oxoGua, 8oxoGuo 8oxodGuo, SP-A, SP-D, CC16 and HO-1 were dosed. A lower spirometric values (FEV1 and FVC) were observed among workers compared with controls and the following markers were increased: Si-CAE, 8oxoGuo and HO-1 expression. This study shows that exposure to silica can increase the levels of Si-CAE, which can be used to estimate the dose to the target. Finally, nonspecific spirometric abnormalities and an increase in biomarkers of effect were observed