1,204 research outputs found

    Dati archeologici e analisi archeometriche di vasetti tipo “San Martino” rinvenuti in Emilia

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    Analisi archeometriche petrografiche, mineralogiche e chimiche di ceramiche neolitiche tipo "San Martino" da Vicofertile, Collecchio, Parma via Guido Rossi, Gaione, Razza di Campeine. Le analisi indicano una produzione locale nei diversi siti con materie prime fini e cottura intorno agli 800 gradi

    Contenção farmacológica de jacares com Triiodoetilato de Galamina.

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    Para atender aos trabalhos que exigem a manipulação de jacares, como obtenção de dados biometricos, coleta de amostra de conteudo estomacal,procurou-se verificar o efeito do triiodoetilato de galamina(flaxedil) como agente contensor, para a espécie caima crocodilus yacare

    Técnicas constructivas del tiempo en la narrativa española actual (1975-1990)

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    Las llamadas técnicas temporales en narrativa han sido divididas en este artículo en dos grandes bloques: horizontales y verticales. Las primeras (elipsis, retardamiento, simultaneísmo, paráfrasis y anacronías) son aquellas que se centran en el primer nivel ficticio de la novela. Por el contrario, las técnicas verticales (contrapunto, tiempo circular, múltiple y psicológico, y anacronías) trascienden este nivel y bucean en los segundos mundos que ofrece la propia ficción (el recuerdo, la búsqueda de sí mismo, la imaginación...). Con este estudio se pretende analizar el empleo de estas técnicas temporales (horizontales y verticales) en la novela española actual (1975-1990). The so called temporary techniques in Narrative have been clasified into two groups in this article: horizontal and vertical techniques. The first ones (elipsis, simultaneísmo, paráfrasis, retardamiento y anacronías) are those based on the superficial level in the novel. However, the vertical techniques (contrapunto, tiempo circular, múltiple y psicológico, and anacronías) go beyond this level and expand through the second worlds that fiction itself offers (the remembering, the research of one self imagination...). This article intends to analyze the way these techniques work in the contemporary Spanish novel (1975- 1990)

    Archaeometalurgical analysis and archaeological contextualization of a bronze spearhead from Gralheira (Muro Mountain Range, Baltar, Paredes, North Portugal).

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    Este trabalho visa dar a conhecer o contexto de achado e a composição química de uma ponta de lança de alvado curto e de folha ligeiramente losângica com nervura central, inserível no Bronze Final e inédita. Esta foi encontrada na serra do Muro, freguesia de Baltar, concelho de Paredes, distrito do Porto. A serra do Muro corresponde a um monte com uma implantação orográfica dominante na região sobre os vales dos rios Ferreira e Sousa, este afluente da margem norte da bacia do Douro, em área rica em recursos primários e secundários de estanho. No topo deste acidente geomorfológico foi edificado um povoado proto-histórico que figura na literatura arqueológica especialmente pelo grande perímetro e espessura das suas muralhas pétreas. Apesar da proximidade destes dois contextos arqueológicos não há qualquer indicação precisa de que estejam vinculados, podendo esta peça constituir um depósito. Não sendo muito frequente o achado de pontas de lança no NO português, conhecem-se todavia alguns contextos, todos eles correspondentes a depósitos. É o caso da ponta de lança de Badim, de morfologia similar, que apareceu enterrada na base do monte cónico de Nossa Senhora da Graça, em Monção, e desvinculada do castro aí existente, localizado, aliás, em vertente oposta. Outros achados similares associados a montes são os do Outeiro do Rego, em Lama Chã, Montalegre, e o da Quinta do Telhado, no Monte da Penha, em Guimarães, ambos associados a afloramentos. Apesar das diversas pontas de lança conhecidas no NW português, apenas as duas de Vale Travesso, em Montalegre, foram alvo de análise de composição química (BOTTAINI 2012: 49-52), pelo que os resultados das análises arqueometalúrgicas obtidas por espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X da ponta de lança do Muro, contribuirão, certamente, para o conhecimento da metalurgia do Bronze Final do NO.$ is work was carried out under the project: Natural spaces, architectures, rock art and depositions from the Late Prehistory of the Western front of Cen-tral and Northern Portugal: from actions to meanings - ENARDAS (reference PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112983/2009), su-pported by FCT, COMPETE and FEDER and Bronze Age Hoards of the Western Atlantic facade of Iberia between the Vouga and Ulla Rivers: Contexts and In-terpretationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dual inhibition of histone deacetylases and phosphoinositide 3-kinase enhances therapeutic activity against B cell lymphoma

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    Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and Myc are known to cooperate in promoting the survival and growth of a variety of B-cell lymphomas. While currently there are no small molecule inhibitors of Myc protein, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors have been shown to reduce levels of Myc protein by suppressing its transcription. We assessed the efficacy of CUDC-907, a new rationally designed dual inhibitor of PI3K and HDACs, in a panel of lymphoma cell lines. CUDC-907 treatment resulted in a dose- and time-dependent growth inhibition and cell death of DLBCL cell lines, irrespective of the cell of origin. CUDC-907 treatment down-regulated the phosphorylation of PI3K downstream targets, including AKT, PRAS40, S6, and 4EBP1, increased histone 3 acetylation, and decreased Myc protein levels. SILAC-based quantitative mass spectrometry demonstrated that CUDC-907 treatment decreased the protein levels of several components of the B cell receptor (BCR) and Toll like receptor (TLR) pathways, including BTK, SYK, and MyD88 proteins. These cellular changes were associated with an inhibition of NF-kB activation. CUDC-907 demonstrated in vivo efficacy with no significant toxicity in a human DLBCL xenograft mouse model. Collectively, these data provide a mechanistic rationale for evaluating CUDC-907 for the treatment of patients with Myc and PI3K-dependent lymphomas

    Análisis morfológico del Río Pilcomayo en la zona de la embocadura

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    La zona de la Embocadura en el Río Pilcomayo, se corresponde con una bifurcación del mismo que reparte las aguas hacia Argentina y Paraguay. Se localiza en el extremo noroeste de la provincia de Formosa, Argentina. Este sector del Río Pilcomayo presenta una marcada inestabilidad desde el punto de vista morfológico. A pesar de ello, la necesidad de captar agua del río por parte de Argentina y Paraguay, ha motivado la realización de una serie de intervenciones en esta zona durante los últimos 25 años. En la actualidad existen convenios entre ambos países de los que surge el compromiso de realizar acciones coordinadas tendientes a lograr un reparto equitativo de las aguas y los sedimentos.La finalidad de este estudio es hacer una evaluación de los cambios que la planta del cauce experimentó en los últimos tiempos, y ubicar sectores que eventualmente puedan tener una mayor estabilidad. En principio, las obras de repartición debieran localizarse en estos sitios para que puedan cumplir con los compromisos de ambos países de manera estable en el tiempo.Fil: Irigoyen, M. Instituto Nacional del Agua; Argentina.Fil: Irigoyen, M. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina.Fil: Spalletti, P. Instituto Nacional del Agua; Argentina.Fil: Spalletti, P. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina.Fil: Brea, D. Instituto Nacional del Agua; Argentina.Fil: Brea, D. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina.Fil: Hillman, G. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Hidráulica; Argentina.Fil: Gyssels, P. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Hidráulica; Argentina.Fil: Baldissone, C. Instituto Nacional del Agua; Argentina.Fil: Rodríguez, A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ingeniería. Laboratorio de Hidráulica; Argentina.Ingeniería Civi

    Assessment of conjunctival, episcleral and scleral thickness in healthy individuals using anterior segment optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To determine the thickness of the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera in healthy individuals using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT).Methods: We prospectively included 107 healthy individuals of different age groups (18-39 years, 40-54 years, 55-69 years and >= 70 years). For each eye, AS-OCT scans of four quadrants (temporal, nasal, superior and inferior) were acquired. The thickness of the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera was measured for each scan. In addition, the axial length of both eyes was measured, and general characteristics, including smoking, allergies and contact lens use, were collected.Results: The mean conjunctival thickness was significantly different between the nasal and superior quadrants (87 +/- 30 mu m vs. 77 +/- 16 mu m; p < 0.001), as well as the superior and inferior quadrants (77 +/- 16 mu m vs. 86 +/- 19 mu m; p = 0.001). The mean episcleral thickness was larger in the superior (174 +/- 54 mu m) and inferior (141 +/- 43 mu m) quadrants, compared to the nasal (83 +/- 38 mu m) and temporal quadrants (90 +/- 44 mu m). The mean scleral thickness of the inferior quadrant was the largest (596 +/- 64 mu m), followed by the nasal (567 +/- 76 mu m), temporal (516 +/- 67 mu m) and superior (467 +/- 52 mu m) quadrants (all p < 0.001). The averaged scleral thickness increased 0.96 mu m per age year (0.41-1.47 mu m, p < 0.001).Conclusions: This study provides an assessment of the thickness of scleral and adjacent superficial layers in healthy individuals determined on AS-OCT, which could enable future research into the use of AS-OCT in diseases affecting the anterior eye wall

    Assessment of conjunctival, episcleral and scleral thickness in healthy individuals using anterior segment optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To determine the thickness of the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera in healthy individuals using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT).Methods: We prospectively included 107 healthy individuals of different age groups (18-39 years, 40-54 years, 55-69 years and >= 70 years). For each eye, AS-OCT scans of four quadrants (temporal, nasal, superior and inferior) were acquired. The thickness of the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera was measured for each scan. In addition, the axial length of both eyes was measured, and general characteristics, including smoking, allergies and contact lens use, were collected.Results: The mean conjunctival thickness was significantly different between the nasal and superior quadrants (87 +/- 30 mu m vs. 77 +/- 16 mu m; p < 0.001), as well as the superior and inferior quadrants (77 +/- 16 mu m vs. 86 +/- 19 mu m; p = 0.001). The mean episcleral thickness was larger in the superior (174 +/- 54 mu m) and inferior (141 +/- 43 mu m) quadrants, compared to the nasal (83 +/- 38 mu m) and temporal quadrants (90 +/- 44 mu m). The mean scleral thickness of the inferior quadrant was the largest (596 +/- 64 mu m), followed by the nasal (567 +/- 76 mu m), temporal (516 +/- 67 mu m) and superior (467 +/- 52 mu m) quadrants (all p < 0.001). The averaged scleral thickness increased 0.96 mu m per age year (0.41-1.47 mu m, p < 0.001).Conclusions: This study provides an assessment of the thickness of scleral and adjacent superficial layers in healthy individuals determined on AS-OCT, which could enable future research into the use of AS-OCT in diseases affecting the anterior eye wall

    His452Tyr polymorphism in the human 5-HT2A receptor affects clozapine-induced signaling networks revealed by quantitative phosphoproteomics

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    Antipsychotic drugs remain the current standard for schizophrenia treatment. Although they directly recognize the orthosteric binding site of numerous monoaminergic G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), these drugs, and particularly second-generation antipsychotics such as clozapine, all have in common a very high affinity for the serotonin 5-HT receptor (5-HTR). Using classical pharmacology and targeted signaling pathway assays, previous findings suggest that clozapine and other atypical antipsychotics behave principally as 5-HTR neutral antagonists and/or inverse agonists. However, more recent findings showed that antipsychotics may also behave as pathway-specific agonists. Reversible phosphorylation is a common element in multiple signaling networks. Combining a quantitative phosphoproteomic method with signaling network analysis, we tested the effect of clozapine treatment on the overall level of protein phosphorylation and signal transduction cascades in vitro in mammalian cell lines induced to express either the human 5-HTR or the H452Y variant of the gene encoding the 5-HTR receptor. This naturally occurring variation within the 5-HTR gene was selected because it has been repeatedly associated with schizophrenia patients who do not respond to clozapine treatment. Our data show that short time exposure (5 or 10 min) to clozapine (10 M) led to phosphorylation of numerous signaling components of pathways involved in processes such as endocytosis, ErbB signaling, insulin signaling or estrogen signaling. Cells induced to express the H452Y variant showed a different basal phosphoproteome, with increases in the phosphorylation of mTOR signaling components as a translationally relevant example. However, the effect of clozapine on the functional landscape of the phosphoproteome was significantly reduced in cells expressing the 5-HTR-H452Y construct. Together, these findings suggest that clozapine behaves as an agonist inducing phosphorylation of numerous pathways downstream of the 5-HTR, and that the single nucleotide polymorphism encoding 5-HTR-H452Y affects these clozapine-induced phosphorylation-dependent signaling networks