801 research outputs found

    Propiedades térmicas del mortero de cemento con diferentes proporciones de mezcla

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    The energy required for the heating and cooling of buildings is strongly dependant on the thermal properties of the construction material. Cement mortar is a common construction material that is widely used in buildings. The main aim of this study is to assess the thermal properties of cement mortar in terms of its ther­mal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity in a wide range of grades (cement: sand ratio between 1:2 and 1:8). As there is insufficient information to predict the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of a cement mortar from its physical and mechanical properties, the relationships between thermal conductivity and diffu­sivity and density, compressive strength, water absorption and porosity are also discussed. Our results indicate that, for a cement mortar with a 28-day compressive strength in the range of 6–60 MPa, thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity are in the range of 1.5–2.7 W/(m.K), 0.87–1.04 kJ/kg.K and 0.89–1.26 (x10-6 m2/s), respectively. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that pore size varied from 18 μm to 946 μm for samples with different cement-to-sand ratios. The porosity of cement mortar has a signifi­cant effect on its thermal and physical properties. For this reason, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity was greater in cement mortar samples with a higher density and compressive strength.La energía reque­rida para la calefacción y la refrigeración de los edificios depende en gran medida de las propiedades térmicas del material de construcción. El mortero de cemento es un material de construcción común que se usa ampliamente en edificios. El objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades térmicas del mortero de cemento en términos de su conductividad térmica, capacidad térmica y difusividad térmica en una amplia gama de grados (relación cemento: arena entre 1: 2 y 1: 8). Como no hay información suficiente para predecir la conductividad térmica y la difusividad de un mortero de cemento a partir de sus propiedades físicas y mecánicas, también se discuten las relaciones entre la conductividad térmica y la difusividad y la densidad, la resistencia a la compresión, la absorción de agua y la porosidad. Los resultados indican que, para un mortero de cemento con una resistencia a la compresión de 28 días en el rango de 6–60 MPa, la conductividad térmica, el calor específico y la difusividad térmica están en el rango de 1.5–2.7 W / (mK), 0.87–1.04 kJ / kg·K y 0.89–1.26 (x10-6 m2/s), respectivamente. Las imágenes del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM) mostraron que el tamaño de poro variaba de 18 μm a 946 μm para muestras con diferentes proporciones de cemento:arena. La porosidad del mortero de cemento tiene un efecto significativo en sus propiedades térmicas y físicas. Por esta razón, la conductividad térmica y la difusividad térmica fueron mayores en las muestras de mortero de cemento con mayor densidad y resistencia a la compresión

    Novel therapies for epilepsy in the pipeline

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    Despite the availability of many antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) (old and newly developed) and, as recently suggested, their optimization in the treatment of patients with uncontrolled seizures, more than 30% of patients with epilepsy continue to experience seizures and have drug-resistant epilepsy; the management of these patients represents a real challenge for epileptologists and researchers. Resective surgery with the best rates of seizure control is not an option for all of them; therefore, research and discovery of new methods of treating resistant epilepsy are of extreme importance. In this article, we will discuss some innovative approaches, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitors, gene therapy, stem cell therapy, traditional and novel antiepileptic devices, precision medicine, as well as therapeutic advances in epileptic encephalopathy in children; these treatment modalities open up new horizons for the treatment of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy

    Impairment of DHA synthesis alters the expression of neuronal plasticity markers and the brain inflammatory status in mice

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    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a ω-3 fatty acid typically obtained from the diet or endogenously synthesized through the action of elongases (ELOVLs) and desaturases. DHA is a key central nervous system constituent and the precursor of several molecules that regulate the resolution of inflammation. In the present study, we questioned whether the impaired synthesis of DHA affected neural plasticity and inflammatory status in the adult brain. To address this question, we investigated neural and inflammatory markers from mice deficient for ELOVL2 (Elovl2−/−), the key enzyme in DHA synthesis. From our findings, Elovl2−/− mice showed an altered expression of markers involved in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory formation such as Egr-1, Arc1, and BDNF specifically in the cerebral cortex, impacting behavioral functions only marginally. In parallel, we also found that DHA-deficient mice were characterized by an increased expression of pro-inflammatory molecules, namely TNF, IL-1β, iNOS, caspase-1 as well as the activation and morphologic changes of microglia in the absence of any brain injury or disease. Reintroducing DHA in the diet of Elovl2−/− mice reversed such alterations in brain plasticity and inflammation. Hence, impairment of systemic DHA synthesis can modify the brain inflammatory and neural plasticity status, supporting the view that DHA is an essential fatty acid with an important role in keeping inflammation within its physiologic boundary and in shaping neuronal functions in the central nervous system

    Outcome measurement in functional neurological disorder: a systematic review and recommendations.

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to identify existing outcome measures for functional neurological disorder (FND), to inform the development of recommendations and to guide future research on FND outcomes. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted to identify existing FND-specific outcome measures and the most common measurement domains and measures in previous treatment studies. Searches of Embase, MEDLINE and PsycINFO were conducted between January 1965 and June 2019. The findings were discussed during two international meetings of the FND-Core Outcome Measures group. RESULTS: Five FND-specific measures were identified-three clinician-rated and two patient-rated-but their measurement properties have not been rigorously evaluated. No single measure was identified for use across the range of FND symptoms in adults. Across randomised controlled trials (k=40) and observational treatment studies (k=40), outcome measures most often assessed core FND symptom change. Other domains measured commonly were additional physical and psychological symptoms, life impact (ie, quality of life, disability and general functioning) and health economics/cost-utility (eg, healthcare resource use and quality-adjusted life years). CONCLUSIONS: There are few well-validated FND-specific outcome measures. Thus, at present, we recommend that existing outcome measures, known to be reliable, valid and responsive in FND or closely related populations, are used to capture key outcome domains. Increased consistency in outcome measurement will facilitate comparison of treatment effects across FND symptom types and treatment modalities. Future work needs to more rigorously validate outcome measures used in this population

    Environmental geotechnics: Challenges and opportunities in the post-Covid-19 world

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    The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic not only has created a health crisis across the world but is also expected to impact negatively the global economy and societies at a scale that is maybe larger than that of the 2008 financial crisis. Simultaneously, it has inevitably exerted many negative consequences on the geoenvironment on which human beings depend. The current paper articulates the role of environmental geotechnics in elucidating and mitigating the effects of the current pandemic. It is the belief of all authors that the Covid-19 pandemic presents not only significant challenges but also opportunities for the development of the environmental geotechnics field. This discipline should make full use of geoenvironmental researchers' and engineers' professional skills and expertise to look for development opportunities from this crisis, to highlight the irreplaceable position of the discipline in the global fight against pandemics and to contribute to the health and prosperity of communities, to serve humankind better. In order to reach this goal while taking into account the specificity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the uncertainty of its environmental effects, it is believed that more emphasis should be placed on the following research directions: pathogen-soil interactions; isolation and remediation technologies for pathogen-contaminated sites; new materials for pathogen-contaminated soil; recycling and safe disposal of medical wastes; quantification of uncertainty in geoenvironmental and epidemiological problems; emerging technologies and adaptation strategies in civil, geotechnical and geoenvironmental infrastructures; pandemic-induced environmental risk management; and modelling of pathogen transport and fate in geoenvironment, among others. Moreover, Covid-19 has made it clear to the environmental geotechnics community the importance of urgent international co-operation and of multidisciplinary research actions that must extend to a broad range of scientific fields, including medical and public health disciplines, in order to meet the complexities posed by the Covid-19 pandemic

    Are skin disorders related to work strain in hospital workers? A cross-sectional study

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    To evaluate whether occupational stress factors (high demands, low control, low social support, strain, and iso-strain) are associated with skin disorders in hospital workers and whether psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression, act as potential mechanisms through which occupational stress factors are associated with skin disorders

    Synthesis of Janus compounds for the recognition of G-U mismatched nucleobase pairs

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    The design and synthesis of two Janus-type heterocycles with the capacity to simultaneously recognize guanine and uracyl in G-U mismatched pairs through complementary hydrogen bond pairing is described. Both compounds were conveniently functionalized with a carboxylic function and efficiently attached to a tripeptide sequence by using solid-phase methodologies. Ligands based on the derivatization of such Janus compounds with a small aminoglycoside, neamine, and its guanidinylated analogue have been synthesized, and their interaction with Tau RNA has been investigated by using several biophysical techniques, including UV-monitored melting curves, fluorescence titration experiments, and 1H NMR. The overall results indicated that Janus-neamine/guanidinoneamine showed some preference for the +3 mutated RNA sequence associated with the development of some tauopathies, although preliminary NMR studies have not confirmed binding to G-U pairs. Moreover, a good correlation has been found between the RNA binding affinity of such Janus-containing ligands and their ability to stabilize this secondary structure upon complexation