129 research outputs found


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    The paper deals with the influence of linear feed drive controller setting of a CNC turning lathe on the stability of machining. A coupled simulation model of feed drive control and ball screw drive mechanics with a transmission belt was created and validated by the feed drive diagnostic measurements. The influence of drive control on the overall dynamic compliance at the TCP and the limits of stable depth of cut was examined. Impact of the feed drive actual kinematics configuration on the stability limits was studied as well

    Kmitání v pohonech výrobních strojů

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    Tato publikace se zabývá pouze některými dílčími problémy z oblasti kmitání s hlavním zaměřením na pohony posuvů NC obráběcích strojů

    Micromechanical testing of Mo‐B‐C layers prepared by magnetron sputtering

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    Based on attractive mechanical properties of transition metal diborides the group of X2BC ternary compounds (X = Ti, V, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta and W) became subject of theoretical calculations [1-3] and lately proved their applicability experimentally [4]. X2BC with X = Mo, Ta and W are the most promising candidates for protection of cutting and forming tools due to their unusually stiffness and moderately ductility. These properties can be understood by considering the electronic structure and particularly the extreme anisotropy (orthorhombic crystal lattice with a=0.309nm, b=1.735nm, c=0.305nm). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Rarita-Schwinger Type Operators on Spheres and Real Projective Space

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    In this paper we deal with Rarita-Schwinger type operators on spheres and real projective space. First we define the spherical Rarita-Schwinger type operators and construct their fundamental solutions. Then we establish that the projection operators appearing in the spherical Rarita-Schwinger type operators and the spherical Rarita-Schwinger type equations are conformally invariant under the Cayley transformation. Further, we obtain some basic integral formulas related to the spherical Rarita-Schwinger type operators. Second, we define the Rarita-Schwinger type operators on the real projective space and construct their kernels and Cauchy integral formulas.Comment: 21 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1106.358

    Synthesis of plutonium trifluoride by hydro-fluorination and novel thermodynamic data for the PuF3-LiF system

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    PuF3 was synthetized by hydro-fluorination of PuO2 and subsequent reduction of the product by hydrogenation. The obtained PuF3 was analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and found phase-pure. High purity was also confirmed by the melting point analysis using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). PuF3 was then used for thermodynamic assessment of the PuF3-LiF system. Phase equilibrium points and enthalpy of fusion of the eutectic composition were measured by DSC. XRD analyses of selected samples after DSC measurement confirm that after solidification from the liquid, the system returns to a mixture of LiF and PuF3

    The CHK1 inhibitor MU380 significantly increases the sensitivity of human docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells to gemcitabine through the induction of mitotic catastrophe.

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    As treatment options for patients with incurable metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) are considerably limited, novel effective therapeutic options are needed. Checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK1) is a highly conserved protein kinase implicated in the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway that prevents the accumulation of DNA damage and controls regular genome duplication. CHK1 has been associated with prostate cancer (PCa) induction, progression, and lethality; hence, CHK1 inhibitors SCH900776 (also known as MK-8776) and the more effective SCH900776 analog MU380 may have clinical applications in the therapy of PCa. Synergistic induction of DNA damage with CHK1 inhibition represents a promising therapeutic approach that has been tested in many types of malignancies, but not in chemoresistant mCRPC. Here, we report that such therapeutic approach may be exploited using the synergistic action of the antimetabolite gemcitabine (GEM) and CHK1 inhibitors SCH900776 and MU380 in docetaxel-resistant (DR) mCRPC. Given the results, both CHK1 inhibitors significantly potentiated the sensitivity to GEM in a panel of chemo-naïve and matched DR PCa cell lines under 2D conditions. MU380 exhibited a stronger synergistic effect with GEM than clinical candidate SCH900776. MU380 alone or in combination with GEM significantly reduced spheroid size and increased apoptosis in all patient-derived xenograft 3D cultures, with a higher impact in DR models. Combined treatment induced premature mitosis from G1 phase resulting in the mitotic catastrophe as a prestage of apoptosis. Finally, treatment by MU380 alone, or in combination with GEM, significantly inhibited tumor growth of both PC339-DOC and PC346C-DOC xenograft models in mice. Taken together, our data suggest that metabolically robust and selective CHK1 inhibitor MU380 can bypass docetaxel resistance and improve the effectiveness of GEM in DR mCRPC models. This approach might allow for dose reduction of GEM and thereby minimize undesired toxicity and may represent a therapeutic option for patients with incurable DR mCRPC

    Vaporization behaviour of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor fuel: The LiF-ThF4-UF4 system

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    A selected composition of the initial fuel of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) is assessed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for melting point determination and by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) for vaporization behaviour. Partial vapour pressures and thermodynamic activities of the MSFR fuel mixture are discussed indicating departures from ideal behaviour, and further interpreted by phase equilibria calculations. The boiling point of the mixture is obtained extrapolating vapour pressure experimental results. New results on the vaporization behaviour of pure uranium tetrafluoride are presented, together with the ionization potentials of UF4 by electron impact

    Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection

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    We present a comprehensive statistical analysis of mirror mode waves and the properties of their plasma surroundings in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME). We have constructed a semi-automated method to identify mirror modes from the magnetic field data. We analyze 91 ICME sheath regions from January 1997 to April 2015 using data from the Wind spacecraft. The results imply that similarly to planetary magnetosheaths, mirror modes are also common structures in ICME sheaths. However, they occur almost exclusively as dip-like structures and in mirror stable plasma. We observe mirror modes throughout the sheath, from the bow shock to the ICME leading edge, but their amplitudes are largest closest to the shock. We also find that the shock strength (measured by Alfven Mach number) is the most important parameter in controlling the occurrence of mirror modes. Our findings suggest that in ICME sheaths the dominant source of free energy for mirror mode generation is the shock compression. We also suggest that mirror modes that are found deeper in the sheath are remnants from earlier times of the sheath evolution, generated also in the vicinity of the shock.Peer reviewe

    First-year ion-acoustic wave observations in the solar wind by the RPW/TDS instrument on board Solar Orbiter

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    Context. Electric field measurements of the Time Domain Sampler (TDS) receiver, part of the Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument on board Solar Orbiter, often exhibit very intense broadband wave emissions at frequencies below 20 kHz in the spacecraft frame. During the first year of the mission, the RPW/TDS instrument was operating from the first perihelion in mid-June 2020 and through the first flyby of Venus in late December 2020. Aims. In this paper, we present a year-long study of electrostatic fluctuations observed in the solar wind at an interval of heliocentric distances from 0.5 to 1 AU. The RPW/TDS observations provide a nearly continuous data set for a statistical study of intense waves below the local plasma frequency. Methods. The on-board and continuously collected and processed properties of waveform snapshots allow for the mapping plasma waves at frequencies between 200 Hz and 20 kHz. We used the triggered waveform snapshots and a Doppler-shifted solution of the dispersion relation for wave mode identification in order to carry out a detailed spectral and polarization analysis. Results. Electrostatic ion-acoustic waves are the most common wave emissions observed between the local electron and proton plasma frequency by the TDS receiver during the first year of the mission. The occurrence rate of ion-acoustic waves peaks around perihelion at distances of 0.5 AU and decreases with increasing distances, with only a few waves detected per day at 0.9 AU. Waves are more likely to be observed when the local proton moments and magnetic field are highly variable. A more detailed analysis of more than 10000 triggered waveform snapshots shows the mean wave frequency at about 3 kHz and wave amplitude about 2.5 mV/m. The wave amplitude varies as R−1.38 with the heliocentric distance. The relative phase distribution between two components of the E-field projected in the Y-Z Spacecraft Reference Frame (SRF) plane shows a mostly linear wave polarization. Electric field fluctuations are closely aligned with the directions of the ambient field lines. Only a small number (3%) of ion-acoustic waves are observed at larger magnetic discontinuities