19 research outputs found

    Parent-child relationship in student with and without difficulties of development

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    La forma de responder de los padres ante un niño con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo, cuyas características son diferentes al resto, puede diferir de unos padres a otros. Este proceso de afrontamiento de la dificultad del niño es importante ya que la relación que los padres establezcan con sus hijos va a estar influenciada en parte por las reacciones y sentimientos que éstos desarrollen ante la dificultad de sus hijos pudiéndose producir tendencia al rechazo, indiferencia, percepciones alteradas de las cualidades y capacidades del hijo, problemas matrimoniales o injustificadas reacciones hacia la comunidad, sin olvidar el sentimiento de culpa (Nazir y Naz, 2012). Desde esta perspectiva, los objetivos que se plantean en el presente estudio son conocer las actitudes más frecuentes de los padres hacia sus hijos en términos de aceptación-rechazo y estilo educativo en función de las diferentes tipologías de sus hijos siendo estas: necesidades educativas especiales, otras necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo y sin dificultades de aprendizaje ni desarrollo y establecer una comparación entre ellas. Para ello, 75 familillas de alumnos de las diferentes tipologías han respondido al cuestionario Parental Acceptance-Rejection/Control Questionnaire (Rohner y Khaleque, 2005). Los resultados muestran diferencias en los sentimientos de aceptación-rechazo de los padres y sus estilos de control en función de las características tipológicas de sus hijos.How to respond to parent a child with special educational needs whose characteristics are different from the rest, you may differ from other parents. This process of coping with the difficulty of the child is important because the relationship that parents establish with their children will be influenced in part by the reactions and feelings they develop given the difficulty of their children being able to produce trend of rejection, indifference, altered perceptions of the qualities and abilities of the child, marital problems or unjustified reactions to the community, not to mention the guilt (Nazir and Naz, 2012). From this perspective, the objectives proposed in this study are to know the most common attitudes of parents towards their children in terms of acceptance-rejection and educational style based on the different types of children which are: special educational needs, other specific educational support and without learning and development and make a comparison between them. To do this, 75 students familiars of different types have responded to the questionnaire Parental Acceptance-Rejection / Control Questionnaire (Rohner and Khaleque, 2005). The results show differences in feelings of acceptance and rejection of parents and their styles of control depending on the typological characteristics of their children

    Influencia de la microestructura en las propiedades mecánicas de alta temperatura de los Eutécticos Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 crecidos por solidificación direccional

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    En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio del sistema eutéctico Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 crecido a distintas velocidades mediante solidificación direccional de zona flotante por calentamiento con láser. El análisis microestructural se ha realizado mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB) y de Transmisión (MET), tanto en muestras tras el procesado con láser como en muestras sometidas a los distintos tratamientos termo-mecánicos. El estudio de las propiedades mecánicas se ha llevado a cabo mediante ensayos a velocidad de deformación constante y ensayos de fluencia -a carga de compresión constante- para diversos valores de tensión y de temperatura en atmósfera de aire. De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que la resistencia está íntimamente asociada a la microestructura de las muestras, la cual depende de la velocidad de solidificación. La presencia de dislocaciones es clara a altas velocidades de deformación, observándose los mecanismos activos de deformación típicos de la alúmina monocristalinas, como son la formación de bucles de dislocaciones para evitar obstáculos. Los valores de los exponentes de tensión y la energía de activación sugieren un comportamiento difusional para bajas velocidades de deformación, a las que no se observan dislocaciones.The Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 eutectic system melt grown by laser heating float zone in a range of pull rates has been studied. The microstructural analysis has been made by Scaning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) in as-fabricated and tested samples. The mechanical properties have been studied by compression tests at constant crosshead speed and compression creep for a range of stresses and temperatures in air. It has been determined that the resistance is intimately associated to processing. The presence of dislocations is clear after plastic deformation at high strain rates, being active the typical deformation mechanisms of alumina single crystals, like dislocation loop formation to avoid obstacles. The values of the stress exponents and the activation energy suggest a diffusional control for plastic deformation at low strain rates, where dislocations are not observed

    Smelling the dark proteome: Functional characterization of PITH domain-containing protein 1 (C1orf128) in olfactory metabolism

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    The Human Proteome Project (HPP) consortium aims to functionally characterize the dark proteome. On the basis of the relevance of olfaction in early neurodegeneration, we have analyzed the dark proteome using data mining in public resources and omics data sets derived from the human olfactory system. Multiple dark proteins localize at synaptic terminals and may be involved in amyloidopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We have characterized the dark PITH domain-containing protein 1 (PITHD1) in olfactory metabolism using bioinformatics, proteomics, in vitro and in vivo studies, and neuropathology. PITHD1–/– mice exhibit olfactory bulb (OB) proteome changes related to synaptic transmission, cognition, and memory. OB PITHD1 expression increases with age in wild-type (WT) mice and decreases in Tg2576 AD mice at late stages. The analysis across 6 neurological disorders reveals that olfactory tract (OT) PITHD1 is specifically upregulated in human AD. Stimulation of olfactory neuroepithelial (ON) cells with PITHD1 alters the ON phosphoproteome, modifies the proliferation rate, and induces a pro-inflammatory phenotype. This workflow applied by the Spanish C-HPP and Human Brain Proteome Project (HBPP) teams across the ON-OB-OT axis can be adapted as a guidance to decipher functional features of dark proteins. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD018784 and PXD021634

    Supporting first-grade writers who fail to learn: multiple single-case evaluation of a response to intervention approach

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    We report a multiple-baseline single-case study, based in the response to intervention framework, evaluating transcription-only and transcription-and-planning interventions for young, struggling writers. In a baseline phase, 8 classes of Spanish children at the start of their first year of primary (elementary) education completed short, probe writing tasks twice-weekly over the first 120 days of their school career. During this period, all students received researcher-developed classroom instruction in spelling, handwriting, and text-planning. Students then completed a battery of tests including measures of spelling, handwriting and composition quality. On the basis of writing probe tasks and test scores we identified 12 struggling writers for whose written composition performance was below the 15th percentile, relative to the full sample, whose spelling performance was below 25th percentile, and whose handwriting was poor. For the next 72 days, these students received twice-weekly, parent-delivered training in transcription skills (handwriting and spelling) or transcription skills plus text planning. Researcher-developed classroom instruction and regular probe tasks continued during this phase. All students, in both intervention conditions, showed improvement in handwriting quality relative to Phase 1. 10 students also showed improvement in composition quality, with 8 performing, post intervention, within normal range relative to peers. Our findings demonstrate the value of a response-to-intervention approach to identification and remediation for struggling writes in their first school year

    Family socioeconomic status and typology and students achievement. Empirical studies review

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    La escuela y la familia actúan como un tándem para promover el aprendizaje de los alumnos; de manera que el desempeño escolar de los estudiantes se relaciona con los recursos aportados por ambos contextos educativos. Por ello es fundamental profundizar en los aspectos estructurales de la familia que pueden actuar como factores estimulantes o de riesgo para el aprovechamiento escolar del alumnado. Así pues el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las evidencias científicas actuales en torno a la relación entre las variables que constituyen la dimensión estructural del entorno familiar y el desarrollo académico de los alumnos. Para ello se ha realizado una minuciosa revisión de estudios empíricos actuales en torno a la interacción entre los factores estructurales familiares y el aprendizaje de los niños. Los trabajos se categorizaron en torno a dos ejes primarios: nivel socioeconómico y tipología familiar y se analizaron en base a sus objetivos, empíricos o de revisión teórica; muestras atendiendo al nivel de rendimiento académico de los alumnos y a su nivel de escolarización; método de obtención de datos, diferenciando, entre recopilación de datos de estudios masivos o la aplicación de pruebas específicas; contexto geográfico en el que se ha llevado a cabo el estudio; resultados y conclusiones. Los resultados indican que el nivel socioeconómico de las familias y su tipología se relacionan con el desarrollo escolar de los alumnos de diferentes edades y niveles de rendimiento, apuntando resultados a favor de estatus sociales y económicos elevados y estructuras familiares tradicionales; si bien parece evidenciarse que la influencia sobre el rendimiento de estas variables suele ser indirecta, al tratarse de factores que modulan otras variables de carácter dinámico, como son el clima del hogar o la implicación educativa parental, que inciden de manera más directa sobre el rendimiento.The school and the family promote student learning. The student’s school achievement is relate to the resources provided by both educational contexts. Therefore, it is important to know the family structural aspects that can enhance or hinder student learning. So the aim of this study was to determine the current scientific evidence about the relationship between family structure variables and academic development of students. For this we have conducted a review of current empirical studies on the interaction between family structural factors and children learning. The studies were categorize into two primary areas: socioeconomic status and family typology. The studies were analyzed regarding: objectives, empirical or theoretical review; samples, considering the level of students’ academic performance and level of schooling; method of obtaining data, differentiating between data collection massive studies or specific tests; geographical context in which study has carried out; results and conclusions. The results show that the family’s socioeconomic status and their typology are related to the students educational development, showing results in favor of high socioeconomic status and traditional family structures; although it seems that the influence of theses variables on the achievement is often indirect. These variables modulate other dynamic variables, such as family climate or parents’ educative implication, which directly affect achievement

    Review of empirical studies about instruction in synthesis tasks in universitary

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    Las tareas de síntesis presentan una gran demanda a nivel universitario al constituir herramientas óptimas para potenciar el aprendizaje requerido en el actual Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Sin embargo, son tareas híbridas complejas que requieren la activación y autorregulación de habilidades cognitivas de comprensión lectora y composición escrita. Consecuentemente, algunos estudiantes presentan dificultades para su puesta en práctica efectiva. Por ello, estas tareas requieren una instrucción sistemática que asegure un dominio óptimo de las mismas. En esta línea se plantea el desarrollo del presente trabajo el cual tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión empírica sistemática de estudios científicos desarrollados a nivel internacional en el ámbito de la escritura a nivel académico, atendiendo especialmente a los estudios instruccionales focalizados en las tareas de síntesis, con objeto de conocer sus principales características, el tipo de instrucción validada científicamente llevada a cabo hasta el momento e identificar sus aportaciones y lagunas. Para ello se ha realizado un rastreo exhaustivo de artículos científicos (años 2000 – 2016), en bases de datos científicas especializadas en el ámbito de estudio; se han clasificado los artículos según sus características y se han analizado según sus objetivos, muestras, instrumentos, variables, diseño, resultados y limitaciones. Los resultados denotan que las instrucciones en tareas de síntesis ofrecen buenos resultados, ayudando a los alumnos a mejorar la calidad de sus textos y contribuyendo a que aprovechen las virtudes de estas tareas para construir su propio aprendizaje. Se concluye por lo tanto que la instrucción en tareas de síntesis es eficaz si bien cabe señalar que se han encontrado escasos trabajos a nivel universitario y nacional sobre este campo, por lo que sería de gran interés desarrollar y aplicar este tipo de instrucciones y estudios en el ámbito del territorio español.Synthesis tasks presents a big demand at an university level when it is necessary to constitute optimal tools to potentiate the effective required learning nowadays in the European Higher Education Area. Nevertheless, these are tasks of a high complexity which requires the activation and self-regulation of superior skills of written and reading comprehension. Consequently, some students present difficulties to put it in effective practise. That is why those are tasks which requires instruction to assure an optimal domain of themselves. Along these lines, it is proposed the development of the work, whose main goal is to carry out an empirical review of the scientific studies in the field of teaching in synthesis tasks, recognize the main characteristics and identify its contributions and omissions. Therefore with the purpose of knowing which kind of validated instruction has been carried out until the moment of this moment in the scope of this project and its functionality. For all this reasons it has been done an exhaustive track of actual scientific articles (Among the years 2000 and 2016) in specialized scientific databases; These articles has been classified depending on its characteristics and analyzed around its objectives, samples, evaluating tools, characteristics of its planning, results and limitations. Initial results denotes that the instructions in synthesis tasks offers good results, helping to the students to improve considerately the quality of its texts and contributing to take advantage of the virtues of this those tasks to create its own apprenticeship. Therefore, it is concluded that the instruction on synthesis tasks is effective although we should point out that few works has been founded at an university and national level on this field, so it would be interesting develop and apply this kind of instructions and studies in the Spanish territory

    Contexto familiar del alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje o TDAH, percepciones de padres e hijos

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    El estudio compara el clima familiar, la implicación educativa parental y sus expectativas académicas en tres grupos de familias diferentes según la tipología de los hijos y analiza si las percepciones de la realidad familiar difieren de padres a hijos. Han participado 87 familias de alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje (N = 29), TDAH (N = 29) o rendimiento normalizado (N = 29), que han cumplimentado el Opi- niones Familiares FAOP, en su versión para padres (Robledo y García, 2007) y para hijos. Los resultados indican que, en las familias de niños DEA o TDAH, la implicación educativa parental y sus expectativas son menores, hay mayor hostilidad hacia los hijos y el clima familiar es menos adecuado. Se confirman diferencias perceptivas padres-hijos.The goal of this study is to find any differences in the family-home climate, parental educational involvement and academic expectations, in relation to the student typology, and to analyze whether the perceptions of the family differ from parent to child. The sample was made up of 87 families divided into three groups: students with learning disabilities (N = 29), with ADHD (N = 29), or normal achievement (N = 29). Families filled out Opiniones Familiares (parents version, Robledo y García, 2007; children version). Results confirm that, in ADHD and LD families, parental involvement and academic expectations are lower, there is a greater hostility to the children and home climate is less suitable. The way family life is perceived for parents is not the same as for children

    Cyberbullying on Secondary Education classrooms

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    El acceso masivo a las nuevas tecnologías ha posibilitado un nuevo contexto de socialización entre los adolescentes, pero también una nueva forma de victimización y acoso, el cyberbullying. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las percepciones que tienen los alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de diferentes sexos, cursos académicos y niveles de rendimiento, en relación a las dinámicas de cyberbullying en las que pueden estar inmersos, representando el perfil de víctima o ejerciendo el rol de agresor. Para ello se aplicó el Cuestionario Cyberbullying Agresión-Victimización, diseñado a partir de Cuestionario Cyberbullying (Ortega, Calmaestra y Mora-Merchán, 2007), Escala CYB-AG (Buelga y Pons, 2012) y Escala CYB-VIC (Buelga, Cava y Musitu, 2012) y que permite valorar el cyberbullying a través del teléfono móvil y de Internet a 153 estudiantes de 1º a 4º de ESO con niveles de rendimiento bajos, medios y altos. Los resultados muestran que la prevalencia del cyberbullying es mayor cuando se realiza a través del teléfono móvil que de Internet. Considerando el curso, se observa una tendencia creciente desde 1º hasta 4º de ESO, siendo en los primeros cursos donde se muestra una mayor victimización mientras que en cursos superiores se manifiestan mayores conductas de ciberagresión. Atendiendo al sexo, se advierten diferencias en función de la modalidad del acoso, siendo los hombres más victimizados en conductas que implican persecución o violación de la intimidad mientras que son las mujeres quienes muestran mayor victimización en conductas de hostigamiento. No se han obtenido resultados estadísticamente significativos en relación a la variable de rendimiento académico. Estos resultados se contrastan con los obtenidos por los estudios previos y permiten la identificación de dinámicas de cyberbullying en las aulas conociendo su incidencia a fin de proponer medidas preventivas o, en su caso, de actuación a través de programas anti-bullying.The massive access to new technologies has enabled a new context of socialization among teenagers, but also a new way of victimization and harassment, the cyberbullying. The aim of this study is to understand the perceptions of high school students of different sexes, academic courses and school achievement levels in relation to the dynamics of cyberbullying in which they may be involved, representing the victim profile or exercising the role of aggressor. For this, the Cyberbullying Victimization Questionnaire Aggression was designed based on the Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Ortega, Calmaestra & Mora-Merchán 2007), the Scale CYB-AG (Buelga & Pons, 2012) and the Scale CYB-VIC (Buelga, Cava & Musitu, 2012) and which evaluates cyberbullying through mobile phone and Internet services to 153 students from 1st to 4th of Secondary Education with high, medium and low school achievement levels. The results show that the prevalence of cyberbullying is greater when it is performed by mobile phone than Internet services. Considering the course, a growing trend is observed from 1st to 4th year, being the first courses where further victimization is shown while in higher grades higher cyber aggression behaviours are manifested. According to sex, some differences are apparent in terms of the form of harassment, men are the most victimized in conducts involving persecution or violation of privacy while it is women who show greater victimization of bullying behaviours. Statistically significant results were not obtained in relation to the variable of school achievement. These results have been contrasted with those obtained from previous studies, in addition, they allow identifying dynamics of cyberbullying in classrooms knowing its impact in order to propose preventive measures or, where appropriate, acting through anti-bullying programs

    Smelling the dark proteome: Functional characterization of PITH domain-containing protein 1 (C1orf128) in olfactory metabolism

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    The Human Proteome Project (HPP) consortium aims to functionally characterize the dark proteome. On the basis of the relevance of olfaction in early neurodegeneration, we have analyzed the dark proteome using data mining in public resources and omics data sets derived from the human olfactory system. Multiple dark proteins localize at synaptic terminals and may be involved in amyloidopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We have characterized the dark PITH domain-containing protein 1 (PITHD1) in olfactory metabolism using bioinformatics, proteomics, in vitro and in vivo studies, and neuropathology. PITHD1–/– mice exhibit olfactory bulb (OB) proteome changes related to synaptic transmission, cognition, and memory. OB PITHD1 expression increases with age in wild-type (WT) mice and decreases in Tg2576 AD mice at late stages. The analysis across 6 neurological disorders reveals that olfactory tract (OT) PITHD1 is specifically upregulated in human AD. Stimulation of olfactory neuroepithelial (ON) cells with PITHD1 alters the ON phosphoproteome, modifies the proliferation rate, and induces a pro-inflammatory phenotype. This workflow applied by the Spanish C-HPP and Human Brain Proteome Project (HBPP) teams across the ON-OB-OT axis can be adapted as a guidance to decipher functional features of dark proteins. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD018784 and PXD021634

    Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in children : an international, multicentre, prospective cohort study

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    Introduction Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). However, there is a lack of data available about SSI in children worldwide, especially from low-income and middle-income countries. This study aimed to estimate the incidence of SSI in children and associations between SSI and morbidity across human development settings. Methods A multicentre, international, prospective, validated cohort study of children aged under 16 years undergoing clean-contaminated, contaminated or dirty gastrointestinal surgery. Any hospital in the world providing paediatric surgery was eligible to contribute data between January and July 2016. The primary outcome was the incidence of SSI by 30 days. Relationships between explanatory variables and SSI were examined using multilevel logistic regression. Countries were stratified into high development, middle development and low development groups using the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). Results Of 1159 children across 181 hospitals in 51 countries, 523 (45 center dot 1%) children were from high HDI, 397 (34 center dot 2%) from middle HDI and 239 (20 center dot 6%) from low HDI countries. The 30-day SSI rate was 6.3% (33/523) in high HDI, 12 center dot 8% (51/397) in middle HDI and 24 center dot 7% (59/239) in low HDI countries. SSI was associated with higher incidence of 30-day mortality, intervention, organ-space infection and other HAIs, with the highest rates seen in low HDI countries. Median length of stay in patients who had an SSI was longer (7.0 days), compared with 3.0 days in patients who did not have an SSI. Use of laparoscopy was associated with significantly lower SSI rates, even after accounting for HDI. Conclusion The odds of SSI in children is nearly four times greater in low HDI compared with high HDI countries. Policies to reduce SSI should be prioritised as part of the wider global agenda.Peer reviewe