543 research outputs found

    Stellar population and kinematics of NGC404

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    NGC404 is a nearly face-on nearby low-luminosity lenticular galaxy. Probing its characteristics provides a wealth of information on the details of possible evolution processes of dS0 galaxies which may not be possible in other, more distant objects. In order to study its kinematics and star formation history, we obtained long slit spectroscopy at the OHP 1m93 telescope along the major and minor axes of NGC404. The spectra have a resolution R = 3600 covering a wavelength range from 4600 to 5500 A. The data are fitted against the Pegase.HR stellar population models to derive simultaneously the internal stellar kinematics, ages and metallicities. Firstly, the global properties of the galaxy are analyzed by fitting a single model and to the data and looking at the kinematic variations and SSP equivalent age and metallicities as a function of radius. Afterwards, the stellar populations are decomposed into 4 components that are individually analyzed. NGC404 clearly shows two radial velocity inversions along its major axis. The kinematically decoupled core rotates in the same direction as the neutral hydrogen shell that surrounds the galaxy. We resolved the star formation history in the core of the galaxy ino 4 events: A very young (< 150 Myr, and [Fe/H] = 0.4) component with constant on-going star formation, a second young (430 Myr) component with [Fe/H] = 0.1, an intermediate population (1.7 Gyr) which has [Fe/H] = -0.05 and, finally, an old (12 Gyr) component with [Fe/H] = -1.26. The two young components fade very quickly with radius, leaving only the intermediate and old population at a radius of 25" (370 pc) from the centre. We conclude that NGC404 had a spiral morphology about 1 Gyr ago and that one or many merger events has triggered a morphological transition.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Towards a Solution for the Ca II Triplet Puzzle : Results from Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies

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    We present new estimates of ages and metallicities, based on FORS/VLT optical (4400-5500A) spectroscopy, of 16 dwarf elliptical galaxies (dE's) in the Fornax Cluster and in Southern Groups. These dE's are more metal-rich and younger than previous estimates based on narrow-band photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy. For our sample we find a mean metallicity [Z/H] = -0.33 dex and mean age 3.5 Gyr, consistent with similar samples of dE's in other environments (Local Group, Virgo). Three dE's in our sample show emission lines and very young ages. This suggests that some dE's formed stars until a very recent epoch and were self-enriched by a long star formation history. Previous observations of large near-infrared (~8500A) Ca II absorption strengths in these dE's are in good agreement with the new metallicity estimates, solving part of the so-called Calcium puzzle.Comment: ApJ Letters accepted, 5 pages emulateapj, 2 figure

    Comparison of different spectral population models

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    We have compared simple stellar populations (SSPs) generated with different population synthesis tools: BC03, Vazdekis and Pegase.HR and different stellar libraries: ELODIE3.1, SteLib and MILES. We find that BC03/SteLib SSPs are biased toward solar metallicity, however Pegase.HR/ELODIE3.1 and Vazdekis/MILES are extremely consistent. The extensive coverage of the space of atmospheric parameters in the large stellar libraries allows precise synthesis for a large range of ages (0.1 .. 10 Gyr) and metallicities (-2 .. +0.4 dex) limited by the quality of the determination of stellar parameters (like temperature scale of the giants)

    Spectroscopic ages and metallicities of stellar populations: validation of full spectrum fitting

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    Fitting whole spectra at intermediate spectral resolution (R = 1000 -- 3000), to derive physical properties of stellar populations, appears as an optimized alternative to methods based on spectrophotometric indices: it uses all the redundant information contained in the signal. This paper addresses the validation of the method and it investigates the quality of the population models together with the reliability of the fitting procedures. We are using two algorithms: STECKMAP, a non-parametric regularized program and NBURSTS a parametric non-linear minimization. We compare three spectral synthesis models for single stellar populations: Pegase-HR, Galaxev (BC03) and Vazdekis/Miles, and we analyse spectra of Galactic clusters whose populations are known from studies of color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) and spectroscopy of individual stars. We find that: (1) The quality of the models critically depends on the stellar library they use. Pegase-HR and Vazdekis/Miles are consistent, while the comparison between Pegase-HR and BC03 shows some systematics reflecting the limitations of the stellar library (STELIB) used to generate the latter models; (2) The two fitting programs are consistent; (3) For globular clusters and M67 spectra, the method restitutes metallicities in agreement with spectroscopy of stars within 0.14 dex; (4) The spectroscopic ages are very sensitive to the presence of a blue horizontal branch (BHB) or of blue stragglers. A BHB morphology results in a young SSP-equivalent age. Fitting a free amount of blue stars in addition to the SSP model to mimic the BHB improves and stabilizes the fit and restores ages in agreement with CMDs studies. This method is potentially able to disentangle age or BHB effects in extragalactic clusters.Comment: accepted in MNRAS; Full version available at http://www-obs.univ-lyon1.fr/labo/perso/prugniel/mina/koleva.pd

    Adverse events in thyroid surgery: observational study in three surgical units with high volume/year

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    Background: Thyroid surgery, performed for benign or malignant pathologies, is one of the most frequently performed procedures and its frequency has even been increasing in recent years. Postoperative bleeding, recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy, associated to dysphonia, dysphagia, dyspnea, and hypoparathyroidism represent the most fearful and common complications. We conducted a multicenter, observational study of retrospectively collected data in three high-volume referral centers, enrolling all patients undergone to thyroid surgery between January 2016 and December 2017 in Parma University Hospital, Cagliari University Hospital and Ferrara University Hospital. Materials: Patients were divided into five groups, differentiated thyroid carcinoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma, non-toxic benign pathology, hyperfunctioning benign pathology and NIFTP (Non-invasive Follicular Thyroid neoplasm with Papillary-like nuclear features). A follow up at 7 and 30&nbsp;days was executed, evaluating the onset of paresthesia, dysphonia and dysphagia. A 6-month follow-up was conducted in cases of early complications. Results: Totally, 1252 patients were eligible for the study: 907 female and 345 male, with a female to male ratio of 2.6:1 and an average age of 53.428. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 1022 cases, lobectomy in 230. After 6&nbsp;months we recorded paresthesia in 0.5%, dysphonia in 1.8% and dysphagia in 0.5%. Conclusion: Our study confirms once again that a share of morbidity escapes the possibilities of prediction and control by the operator, depending on patient anamnestic, pathological or anatomical factors

    COSMOGRAIL: the COSmological MOnitoring of GRAvItational Lenses IX. Time delays, lens dynamics and baryonic fraction in HE 0435-1223

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    We present accurate time delays for the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223. The delays were measured from 575 independent photometric points obtained in the R-band between January 2004 and March 2010. With seven years of data, we clearly show that quasar image A is affected by strong microlensing variations and that the time delays are best expressed relative to quasar image B. We measured Delta_t(BC) = 7.8+/-0.8 days, Delta_t(BD) = -6.5+/-0.7 days and Delta_t_CD = -14.3+/-0.8 days. We spacially deconvolved HST NICMOS2 F160W images to derive accurate astrometry of the quasar images and to infer the light profile of the lensing galaxy. We combined these images with a stellar population fitting of a deep VLT spectrum of the lensing galaxy to estimate the baryonic fraction, fbf_b, in the Einstein radius. We measured f_b = 0.65+0.13-0.10 if the lensing galaxy has a Salpeter IMF and f_b = 0.45+0.04-0.07 if it has a Kroupa IMF. The spectrum also allowed us to estimate the velocity dispersion of the lensing galaxy, sigma_ap = 222+/-34 km/s. We used f_b and sigma_ap to constrain an analytical model of the lensing galaxy composed of an Hernquist plus generalized NFW profile. We solve the Jeans equations numerically for the model and explored the parameter space under the additional requirement that the model must predict the correct astrometry for the quasar images. Given the current error bars on f_b and sigma_ap, we did not constrain H0 yet with high accuracy, i.e., we found a broad range of models with chi^2 < 1. However, narrowing this range is possible, provided a better velocity dispersion measurement becomes available. In addition, increasing the depth of the current HST imaging data of HE 0435-1223 will allow us to combine our constraints with lens reconstruction techniques that make use of the full Einstein ring that is visible in this object.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, final version accepted for publication by A&