179 research outputs found

    Stability and error analysis for a diffuse interface approach to an advection-diffusion equation on a moving surface

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    In this paper we analyze a fully discrete numerical scheme for solving a parabolic PDE on a moving surface. The method is based on a diffuse interface approach that involves a level set description of the moving surface. Under suitable conditions on the spatial grid size, the time step and the interface width we obtain stability and error bounds with respect to natural norms. Furthermore, we present test calculations that confirm our analysis

    Evolving surface finite element method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation

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    We use the evolving surface finite element method to solve a Cahn- Hilliard equation on an evolving surface with prescribed velocity. We start by deriving the equation using a conservation law and appropriate transport for- mulae and provide the necessary functional analytic setting. The finite element method relies on evolving an initial triangulation by moving the nodes according to the prescribed velocity. We go on to show a rigorous well-posedness result for the continuous equations by showing convergence, along a subse- quence, of the finite element scheme. We conclude the paper by deriving error estimates and present various numerical examples

    Exhibiting cross-diffusion-induced patterns for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains and surfaces

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    The aim of this manuscript is to present for the first time the application of the finite element method for solving reaction-diffusion systems with cross-diffusion on continuously evolving domains and surfaces. Furthermore we present pattern formation generated by the reaction-diffusion systemwith cross-diffusion on evolving domains and surfaces. A two-component reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion in both u and v is presented. The finite element method is based on the approximation of the domain or surface by a triangulated domain or surface consisting of a union of triangles. For surfaces, the vertices of the triangulation lie on the continuous surface. A finite element space of functions is then defined by taking the continuous functions which are linear affine on each simplex of the triangulated domain or surface. To demonstrate the role of cross-diffusion to the theory of pattern formation, we compute patterns with model kinetic parameter values that belong only to the cross-diffusion parameter space; these do not belong to the standard parameter space for classical reaction-diffusion systems. Numerical results exhibited show the robustness, flexibility, versatility, and generality of our methodology; the methodology can deal with complicated evolution laws of the domain and surface, and these include uniform isotropic and anisotropic growth profiles as well as those profiles driven by chemical concentrations residing in the domain or on the surface

    Discrete exterior calculus (DEC) for the surface Navier-Stokes equation

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    We consider a numerical approach for the incompressible surface Navier-Stokes equation. The approach is based on the covariant form and uses discrete exterior calculus (DEC) in space and a semi-implicit discretization in time. The discretization is described in detail and related to finite difference schemes on staggered grids in flat space for which we demonstrate second order convergence. We compare computational results with a vorticity-stream function approach for surfaces with genus 0 and demonstrate the interplay between topology, geometry and flow properties. Our discretization also allows to handle harmonic vector fields, which we demonstrate on a torus.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Numerical preservation of velocity induced invariant regions for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving surfaces

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    We propose and analyse a finite element method with mass lumping (LESFEM) for the numerical approximation of reaction-diffusion systems (RDSs) on surfaces in R3 that evolve under a given velocity field. A fully-discrete method based on the implicit-explicit (IMEX) Euler time-discretisation is formulated and dilation rates which act as indicators of the surface evolution are introduced. Under the assumption that the mesh preserves the Delaunay regularity under evolution, we prove a sufficient condition, that depends on the dilation rates, for the existence of invariant regions (i) at the spatially discrete level with no restriction on the mesh size and (ii) at the fully-discrete level under a timestep restriction that depends on the kinetics, only. In the specific case of the linear heat equation, we prove a semi- and a fully-discrete maximum principle. For the well-known activator-depleted and Thomas reaction-diffusion models we prove the existence of a family of rectangles in the phase space that are invariant only under specific growth laws. Two numerical examples are provided to computationally demonstrate (i) the discrete maximum principle and optimal convergence for the heat equation on a linearly growing sphere and (ii) the existence of an invariant region for the LESFEM-IMEX Euler discretisation of a RDS on a logistically growing surface

    Chemotaxis: a feedback-based computational model robustly predicts multiple aspects of real cell behaviour

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    The mechanism of eukaryotic chemotaxis remains unclear despite intensive study. The most frequently described mechanism acts through attractants causing actin polymerization, in turn leading to pseudopod formation and cell movement. We recently proposed an alternative mechanism, supported by several lines of data, in which pseudopods are made by a self-generated cycle. If chemoattractants are present, they modulate the cycle rather than directly causing actin polymerization. The aim of this work is to test the explanatory and predictive powers of such pseudopod-based models to predict the complex behaviour of cells in chemotaxis. We have now tested the effectiveness of this mechanism using a computational model of cell movement and chemotaxis based on pseudopod autocatalysis. The model reproduces a surprisingly wide range of existing data about cell movement and chemotaxis. It simulates cell polarization and persistence without stimuli and selection of accurate pseudopods when chemoattractant gradients are present. It predicts both bias of pseudopod position in low chemoattractant gradients and-unexpectedly-lateral pseudopod initiation in high gradients. To test the predictive ability of the model, we looked for untested and novel predictions. One prediction from the model is that the angle between successive pseudopods at the front of the cell will increase in proportion to the difference between the cell's direction and the direction of the gradient. We measured the angles between pseudopods in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells under different conditions and found the results agreed with the model extremely well. Our model and data together suggest that in rapidly moving cells like Dictyostelium and neutrophils an intrinsic pseudopod cycle lies at the heart of cell motility. This implies that the mechanism behind chemotaxis relies on modification of intrinsic pseudopod behaviour, more than generation of new pseudopods or actin polymerization by chemoattractant

    On a linear programming approach to the discrete Willmore boundary value problem and generalizations

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    We consider the problem of finding (possibly non connected) discrete surfaces spanning a finite set of discrete boundary curves in the three-dimensional space and minimizing (globally) a discrete energy involving mean curvature. Although we consider a fairly general class of energies, our main focus is on the Willmore energy, i.e. the total squared mean curvature Our purpose is to address the delicate task of approximating global minimizers of the energy under boundary constraints. The main contribution of this work is to translate the nonlinear boundary value problem into an integer linear program, using a natural formulation involving pairs of elementary triangles chosen in a pre-specified dictionary and allowing self-intersection. Our work focuses essentially on the connection between the integer linear program and its relaxation. We prove that: - One cannot guarantee the total unimodularity of the constraint matrix, which is a sufficient condition for the global solution of the relaxed linear program to be always integral, and therefore to be a solution of the integer program as well; - Furthermore, there are actually experimental evidences that, in some cases, solving the relaxed problem yields a fractional solution. Due to the very specific structure of the constraint matrix here, we strongly believe that it should be possible in the future to design ad-hoc integer solvers that yield high-definition approximations to solutions of several boundary value problems involving mean curvature, in particular the Willmore boundary value problem

    Uniform convergence of discrete curvatures from nets of curvature lines

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    We study discrete curvatures computed from nets of curvature lines on a given smooth surface, and prove their uniform convergence to smooth principal curvatures. We provide explicit error bounds, with constants depending only on properties of the smooth limit surface and the shape regularity of the discrete net.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure
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