813 research outputs found

    Bistable Gestalts reduce activity in the whole of V1, not just the retinotopically predicted parts

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    Activity in the primary visual cortex reduces when certain stimuli can be perceptually organized as a unified Gestalt. This reduction could offer important insights into the nature of feedback computations within the human visual system; however, the properties of this response reduction have not yet been investigated in detail. Here we replicate this reduced V1 response, but find that the modulation in V1 (and V2) to the perceived organization of the input is not specific to the retinotopic location at which the sensory input from that stimulus is represented. Instead, we find a response modulation that is equally evident across the primary visual cortex. Thus in contradiction to some models of hierarchical predictive coding, the perception of an organized Gestalt causes a broad feedback effect that does not act specifically on the part of the retinotopic map representing the sensory input

    Haemoglobin and size dependent constraints on swimbladder inflation in fish larvae

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    In developmental studies of fish species (especially physostomians) it could be demonstrated, that the lack of haemoglobin during larval and juvenile stages is a relatively common phenomenon. Generally it is linked with body translucency. In representatives of the families Galaxiidae, Osmeridae and Clupeidae, partly reared, partly observed immediately after being caught in the wild, it turned out, that this condition coincides with a considerable delay in swimbladder inflation. To determine the moment of its first inflation, larvae placed in a hermetic chamber were observed under a dissecting microscope. While lowering the pressure, the expanding swimbladder showed whether or not its content is really gaseous. The reason postulated to be responsible for the delayed inflation is that larvae lacking haemoglobin do not have the possibility of oxygen transport to their buoyancy organ by means of the blood. Apart of this, capillarity force calculations and body force estimations show that with decreasing size the constraints linked with surface tension increase overproportionally. While in larger sized larvae like trout we could demonstrate inflation by swallowing air, in species with small larvae this was not the case. Below a certain size, even in physostomians, the ductus pneumaticus is no alternative to the blood pathway for swimbladder inflation

    Auto-oscillation threshold, narrow spectral lines, and line jitter in spin-torque oscillators based on MgO magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We demonstrate spin torque induced auto-oscillation in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. At the generation threshold, we observe a strong line narrowing down to 6 MHz at 300K and a dramatic increase in oscillator power, yielding spectrally pure oscillations free of flicker noise. Setting the synthetic antiferromagnet into autooscillation requires the same current polarity as the one needed to switch the free layer magnetization. The induced auto-oscillations are observed even at zero applied field, which is believed to be the acoustic mode of the synthetic antiferromagnet. While the phase coherence of the auto-oscillation is of the order of microseconds, the power autocorrelation time is of the order of milliseconds and can be strongly influenced by the free layer dynamics

    Size-sensitive perceptual representations underlie visual and haptic object recognition.

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    A variety of similarities between visual and haptic object recognition suggests that the two modalities may share common representations. However, it is unclear whether such common representations preserve low-level perceptual features or whether transfer between vision and haptics is mediated by high-level, abstract representations. Two experiments used a sequential shape-matching task to examine the effects of size changes on unimodal and crossmodal visual and haptic object recognition. Participants felt or saw 3D plastic models of familiar objects. The two objects presented on a trial were either the same size or different sizes and were the same shape or different but similar shapes. Participants were told to ignore size changes and to match on shape alone. In Experiment 1, size changes on same-shape trials impaired performance similarly for both visual-to-visual and haptic-to-haptic shape matching. In Experiment 2, size changes impaired performance on both visual-to-haptic and haptic-to-visual shape matching and there was no interaction between the cost of size changes and direction of transfer. Together the unimodal and crossmodal matching results suggest that the same, size-specific perceptual representations underlie both visual and haptic object recognition, and indicate that crossmodal memory for objects must be at least partly based on common perceptual representations

    Hearing It Again and Again: On-Line Subcortical Plasticity in Humans

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    Background: Human brainstem activity is sensitive to local sound statistics, as reflected in an enhanced response in repetitive compared to pseudo-random stimulus conditions [1]. Here we probed the short-term time course of this enhancement using a paradigm that assessed how the local sound statistics (i.e., repetition within a five-note melody) interact with more global statistics (i.e., repetition of the melody). Methodology/Principal Findings: To test the hypothesis that subcortical repetition enhancement builds over time, we recorded auditory brainstem responses in young adults to a five-note melody containing a repeated note, and monitored how the response changed over the course of 1.5 hrs. By comparing response amplitudes over time, we found a robust time-dependent enhancement to the locally repeating note that was superimposed on a weaker enhancement of the globally repeating pattern. Conclusions/Significance: We provide the first demonstration of on-line subcortical plasticity in humans. This complements previous findings that experience-dependent subcortical plasticity can occur on a number of time scales, including life-long experiences with music and language, and short-term auditory training. Our results suggest that the incoming stimulus stream is constantly being monitored, even when the stimulus is physically invariant and attention is directed elsewhere, to augment the neural response to the most statistically salient features of the ongoing stimulus stream. These real-tim

    The representation of perceived shape similarity and its role for category learning in monkeys: A modeling study

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    AbstractCategorization models often assume an intermediate stimulus representation by units implementing “distance functions”, that is, units that are activated according to the distance or similarity among stimuli. Here we show that a popular example of these models, ALCOVE, is able to account for the performance of monkeys during category learning when it takes the perceived similarity among stimuli into account. Similar results were obtained with a slightly different model (ITCOVE) that included experimentally measured tuning curves of neurons in inferior temporal (IT) cortex. These results show the intimate link between category learning and perceived similarity as represented in IT cortex

    A Conceptual Framework of Computations in Mid-Level Vision

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    The goal of visual processing is to extract information necessary for a variety of tasks, such as grasping objects, navigating in scenes, and recognizing them. While ultimately these tasks might be carried out by separate processing pathways, they nonetheless share a common root in the early and intermediate visual areas. What representations should these areas develop in order to facilitate all of these higher-level tasks? Several distinct ideas have received empirical support in the literature so far: (i) boundary feature detection, such as edge, corner, and curved segment extraction; (ii) second-order feature detection, such as the difference in orientation or phase; (iii) computation of summary statistics, that is, correlations across features. Here we provide a novel synthesis of these ideas into a single framework. We start by specifying the goal of mid-level processing as the construction of surface-based representations. To support it , we propose three basic computations: (i) computation of feature similarity across local neighborhoods; (ii) pooling of highly similar features, and (iii) inference of new, more complex features. These computations are carried out hierarchically over increasingly larger receptive fields and refined via recurrent processes when necessary

    Fine-Scale Spatial Organization of Face and Object Selectivity in the Temporal Lobe: Do Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Optical Imaging, and Electrophysiology Agree?

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    The spatial organization of the brain's object and face representations in the temporal lobe is critical for understanding high-level vision and cognition but is poorly understood. Recently, exciting progress has been made using advanced imaging and physiology methods in humans and nonhuman primates, and the combination of such methods may be particularly powerful. Studies applying these methods help us to understand how neuronal activity, optical imaging, and functional magnetic resonance imaging signals are related within the temporal lobe, and to uncover the fine-grained and large-scale spatial organization of object and face representations in the primate brain

    Auto-oscillation threshold and line narrowing in MgO-based spin-torque oscillators

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    We present an experimental study of the power spectrum of current-driven magnetization oscillations in MgO tunnel junctions under low bias. We find the existence of narrow spectral lines, down to 8 MHz in width at a frequency of 10.7 GHz, for small applied fields with clear evidence of an auto-oscillation threshold. Micromagnetics simulations indicate that the excited mode corresponds to an edge mode of the synthetic antiferromagnet

    The Part Task of the Part-Spacing Paradigm Is Not a Pure Measurement of Part-Based Information of Faces

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    Faces are arguably one of the most important object categories encountered by human observers, yet they present one of the most difficult challenges to both the human and artificial visual systems. A variety of experimental paradigms have been developed to study how faces are represented and recognized, among which is the part-spacing paradigm. This paradigm is presumed to characterize the processing of both the featural and configural information of faces, and it has become increasingly popular for testing hypotheses on face specificity and in the diagnosis of face perception in cognitive disorders.In two experiments we questioned the validity of the part task of this paradigm by showing that, in this task, measuring pure information about face parts is confounded by the effect of face configuration on the perception of those parts. First, we eliminated or reduced contributions from face configuration by either rearranging face parts into a non-face configuration or by removing the low spatial frequencies of face images. We found that face parts were no longer sensitive to inversion, suggesting that the previously reported inversion effect observed in the part task was due in fact to the presence of face configuration. Second, self-reported prosopagnosic patients who were selectively impaired in the holistic processing of faces failed to detect part changes when face configurations were presented. When face configurations were scrambled, however, their performance was as good as that of normal controls.In sum, consistent evidence from testing both normal and prosopagnosic subjects suggests the part task of the part-spacing paradigm is not an appropriate task for either measuring how face parts alone are processed or for providing a valid contrast to the spacing task. Therefore, conclusions from previous studies using the part-spacing paradigm may need re-evaluation with proper paradigms