260 research outputs found

    Generation of broadband THz pulses in organic crystal OH1 at room temperature and 10 K

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    We studied the effects of cryogenic cooling of a 2-[3-(4-hydroxystyryl)-5, 5-dimethylcyclohex-2-enylidene] malononitrile (OH1) crystal on the generation of broadband THz pulses via collinear optical rectification of 1350 nm femtosecond laser pulses. Cooling of the OH1 crystal from room temperature to 10 K leads to a ~10% increase of the pump-to-THz energy conversion efficiency and a shift of the THz pulse spectra to a higher frequency range. Both effects are due the temperature variation of THz absorption and the refractive index of the OH1 crystal. This conclusion has been verified by temperature dependent measurements of the linear absorption in the THz frequency region

    Temporal characterization of individual harmonics of an attosecond pulse train by THz streaking

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    We report on the global temporal pulse characteristics of individual harmonics in an attosecond pulse train by means of photo-electron streaking in a strong low-frequency transient. The scheme allows direct retrieval of pulse durations and first order chirp of individual harmonics without the need of temporal scanning. The measurements were performed using an intense THz field generated by tilted phase front technique in LiNbO_3 . Pulse properties for harmonics of order 23, 25 and 27 show that the individual pulse durations and linear chirp are decreasing by the harmonic order


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    ABSTRAK Wiji Pitono, K5412079. EVALUASI KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK RUAS JALAN SOLO-PURWODADI DI KECAMATAN GONDANGREJO KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR TAHUN 2017 (Sebagai suplemen bahan pembelajaran Geografi kelas XI SMA KI 3, KD 3.7 mengevaluasi tindakan yang tepat dalam pelestarian lingkungan hidup kaitannya dengan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan, materi pokok implementasi pembangunan berkelanjutan). Skripsi, Surakarta: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Desember 2017. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sepanjang ruas jalan Solo-Purwodadi yang terletak di Kecamatan Gondangrejo dengan tujuan, (1) Mengetahui kesesuaian lahan untuk ruas jalan Solo – Purwodadi Kecamatan Gondangrejo. (2) Mengetahui arahan pengelolaan jalan untuk ruas jalan Solo-Purwodadi Kecamatan Gondangrejo. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah metode survei dengan tekhnik pengambilan sampel bertujuan (puposive sampling) dengan satuan lahan yang dilewati ruas jalan Solo-Purwodadi sebagai stratumnya. Pendekatan penelitian yang diergunakan adalah deskriptif survei. Satuan pemetaan dalam penelitian ini adalah satuan lahan. Satuan lahan diperoleh dengan melakukan tumpangsusun (overlay) dari peta geologi, peta tanah, peta lereng, dan peta penggunaan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa daerah penelitian terdapat 80 satuan lahan. Satuan lahan yang dilalui ruas jalan Solo-Purwodadi sebanyak 8 satuan lahan. Penelitian ini sampai pada tingkatan subkelas kesesuaian lahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh 1 satuan lahan termasuk kelas Sedang (S) dan 7 satuan lahan termasuk kelas Jelek (J). Terdapat 5 subkelas kesesuaian lahan pada lokasi penelitian yaitu Jpc, Jkpc, Jp, Skr, dan Jc. Faktor pembatas pada daerah penelitian ada 4 yaitu penggenangan (p), potensi mengembang-mengerut tanah (c), kedalaman batuan (k), dan batuan dengan diameter >7,5 cm (r). Pengelolaan jalan pada penelitian ini berupa saran perbaikan jalan berdasarkan masing-masing faktor pembatas. Faktor pembatas berupa penggenangan dapat diatasi dengan cara perbaikan drainase yang ideal dan dengan merencanakan saluran drainase bawah tanah sehingga dapat mencegah adanya air yang menggenangi badan jalan. Potensi mengembang-mengerut tahan dapat diatasi dengan cara (1) Membuang lapisan tanah atas dan menggantinya dengan tanah dari tempat lain yang tidak memiliki potensi mengembang-mengerut, (2) Melakukan perbaikan tanah dengan tujuan menurunkan indeks plastisitas tanah. Kedalaman batuan berkaitan dengan pondasi jalan, hal ini dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan material pondasi yang lebih kuat seperti misalnya beton. Batuan dengan diameter > 7,5 cm, daerah yang memiliki jumlah batuan yang banyak menandakan bahwa pada daerah tersebut memiliki tingkat erosi yang tinggi, guna mengurangi dampak erosi pada jalan dapat dilakukan dengan pembuatan tanggul penahan pa da sisi-sisi jalan. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan, Jalan, Pengelolaan Jala

    Simulasi Model Dinamik Pengaruh Legume Cover Crops (Lcc) Terhadap Limpasan Dan Sedimen Di Lahan Hutan Tanaman (Dynamic Model Simulation of the Effects of Legume Cover Crops (Lcc) on Runoff and Sediment in Plantation Forest Land)

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    Declining productivity of plantation forest due to low soil fertility. This condition has forced managers to make efforts in manipulating the tree growing environment. One such effort is by introducing cover crops species from legumes (LCC), to control surface runoff, soil erosion and input nutrient into the soil. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of LCC in controlling total runoff and sedimentation in Eucalyptus pellita plantations, through dynamic model simulation. The dynamic model of STELLA version 9.0.2 was used to study water and nutrient cycles, focused on the application of LCC to reduce total runoff and sedimentation. The results showed that LCC could drop the total runoff of average 35% in the 1 - 2 years old. In the 1styear it decreased from 1,530 mm to 994 mm, while in the 2ndyear it decreased from 1,240 mm to 806 mm. The declining also occurred in the sediment content, in the 1st year it decreased from 12.20 tonnes/ha to 7.93 tonnes/ha, and the 2nd year it decreased from 6.63 tonnes/ha to 4.36 tonnes/ha. These research findings can be used by the environmental manager to minimize potential land degradation, especially during the post-harvest until the young plantations (0-2 years old) phases

    Studi Intersepsi Hujan pada Hutan Tanaman Eucalyptus Pellita di Riau

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya kehilangan air melalui intersepsi di hutan tanaman E. pellita, di Perawang-Riau. Untuk menghitung besarnya nilai intersepsi, dilakukan pengukuran aliran batang (stemfl ow) dan lolosan tajuk (throughfall) pada umur tanaman 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6 tahun, masing-masing 3 ulangan pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besaran kisaran nilai intersepsi, throughfall dan stemfl ow masing-masing 13,3-18,7 %; 7,7-83,1 % dan 3,6-4,1 % dari curah hujan. Kapasitas tampungan tajuk (canopy storage capacity) tanaman E. pellita rata-rata sebesar 0,8 mm. Hubungan curah hujan dengan throughfall dan stemfl ow menunjukkan korelasi yang kuat (r2 rata-rata 0,99 dan 0,79), sedangkan dengan intersepsi korelasinya kurang kuat (r2 rata-rata 0,58)

    Potential of Mangrove Ecosystem for Silvofishery Development in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan

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    Silvofishery is one of effort of area exploiting with conservation principle. This research to predict potency of mangrove ecosystem which can support to silvofishery development inside conservation area. This study aims to examine the mangrove ecosystems potential for silvofishery, by knowing the vegetation structure, density and diversity of plankton, nekton, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity and mud thickness. The research was conducted in Teluk Lombok, Teluk Kaba and Muara Teluk Pandan. The method used is multiple plot method with random purposive sampling system. The results showed that the mangrove vegetation density in Teluk Lombok was 3.116.7 plants ha-1, Teluk Kaba 2,966.7 plants ha-1 and Muara Teluk Pandan 2,416.7 plants ha-1. Nekton density in the Teluk Lombok is 5.38 individual m-2, Teluk Kaba 8.21 individual m-2 and Muara Teluk Pandan 7.13 individual m-2. There are 40 species of plankton in Teluk Lombok with density 4.565,3 individual per liter, in Muara Teluk Pandan 21 species of plankton density 2,946,5 individual per liter, then Teluk Kaba 24 species of plankton and density 3,029,5 individual per liter. For all three locations there are four parameters that do not support for silvofishery, namely are density of plankton, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity. Then there are four parameters supporting for silvofishery, ie vegetation density, nekton density, temperature, and mud thickness

    Metabolomics profile responses to changing environments in a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm collection

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    Metabolomics is one of the most powerful -omics to assist plant breeding. Despite the recognized genetic diversity in Portuguese common bean germplasm, details on its metabolomics profiles are still missing. Aiming to promote their use and to understand the environment’s effect in bean metabolomics profiles, 107 Portuguese common bean accessions, cropped under contrasting environments, were analyzed using spectrophotometric, untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry approaches. Although genotype was the most relevant factor on bean metabolomics profile, a clear genotype × environment interaction was also detected. Multivariate analysis highlighted, on the heat-stress environment, the existence of higher levels of salicylic acid, and lower levels of triterpene saponins. Three clusters were defined within each environment. White accessions presented the lowest content and the colored ones the highest levels of prenol lipids and flavonoids. Sources of interesting metabolomics profiles are now identified for bean breeding, focusing either on local or on broad adaptation.To FCT, Portugal, in BEGEQA project (PTDC/AGR-TEC/3555/2012), E.M. PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/89287/2012), as well as to R&D unit, UIDB/04551/2020 (GREEN-IT – Bioresources for sustainability) and COST Action FA1403 (STSM-FA1403-290815-063873) for funding. The authors also acknowledge PORTUGAL 2020 to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network, grant number LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125. The project NETDIAMOND (SAICTPAC/0047/2015), financially supported by FEEI (Lisboa 2020 and FCT/POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385), to the iNOVA4Health (UID/Multi/04462/2013), financially supported by FCT and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, as well as to POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029702, funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES

    Rescue of a H3N2 Influenza Virus Containing a Deficient Neuraminidase Protein by a Hemagglutinin with a Low Receptor-Binding Affinity

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    Influenza viruses possess at their surface two glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase, of which the antagonistic functions have to be well balanced for the virus to grow efficiently. Ferraris et al. isolated in 2003–2004 viruses lacking both a NA gene and protein (H3NA- viruses) (Ferraris O., 2006, Vaccine, 24(44–46):6656-9). In this study we showed that the hemagglutinins of two of the H3NA- viruses have reduced affinity for SAα2.6Gal receptors, between 49 and 128 times lower than that of the A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2) virus and no detectable affinity for SAα2.3Gal receptors. We also showed that the low hemagglutinin affinity of the H3NA- viruses compensates for the lack of NA activity and allows the restoration of the growth of an A/Moscow/10/99 virus deficient in neuraminidase. These observations increase our understanding of H3NA- viruses in relation to the balance between the functional activities of the neuraminidase and hemagglutinin
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