740 research outputs found

    Herramientas para el diseño de productos: QFD, AMFE y DFM/DFA. Parte 1: QFD

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    Documentación de consulta para la asignatura diseño de sistemas productivos y logísticosDepartamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercado

    Master of Science in Physics Education at the University of Guadalajara: The curricular design process

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    INTRODUCTION The need for a postgraduate degree in Physics Education arises from the importance of improving science learning, in particular physics, in students from elementary to high school derived from the analysis of test results such as PISA (OECD, 2019). In addition, training high-level human resources who generate knowledge regarding the teaching-learning process of Physics at any educational level (including undergraduate and postgraduate) is important. JUSTIFICATION The problems experienced by contemporary society are complex, their solution and understanding require the articulation of different skills, knowledge, attitudes and values related to science and technology due to the constant progress of these areas. The curricular team, based on this scenario and considering what is stated in the educational model of the University of Guadalajara (Castellanos et al., 2007) about focusing activities on what the student does, decided that the postgraduate training process would be based on the development of skills. THE CURRICULAR DESIGN PROCESS For this reason, the work for the curricular design of the Master of Science in Physics Education at the University of Guadalajara was developed through nine phases (Díaz-Barriga, 1990): Formation of a curricular team; Detection of Physics Education needs; Identification of potential demand; Detection of similar programs; Delimitation of the graduate's field of action; Definition of competencies; Identification of knowledge necessary for the professional performance of the graduate; Definition of Learning Units and curriculum plan; Determination of an evaluation plan for the program (internal and external). In this work, the generalities related to the curricular design process of the Master of Science in Physics Education program at the University of Guadalajara are presented. From this process we have obtained a proposal of the program, now we are waiting for the suggestions and approval by the highest government authority at our University, Consejo General Universitario (the creation project can be viewed here). REFERENCES Castellanos, A., Verduzco, A., Moreno, M., Padilla, R., & Pérez, S. (2007). Modelo educativo siglo 21. Universidad de Guadalajara. http://www.udg.mx/sites/default/files/modelo_Educativo_siglo_21_UDG.pdf Díaz-Barriga, F. (1990). Metodología de Diseño Curricular para Educación Superior. México: Trillas. OECD. (2019). México – Nota país – Resultados PISA 2018. https://www.oecd.org/pisa/publications/PISA2018_CN_MEX_Spanish.pd

    Academic training in Spanish universities for the didactic use of cinema in pre-school and primary education

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    One of the characteristic features of current society is the relevance of technology and audiovisual media. This fact has generated demands in the educational field to adapt objectives and methodologies to non-textual languages. Among the predominant audiovisual media is the cinema, which has many potentialities as a didactic resource. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out the training that students of the Teacher's Degree in Spanish universities receive for the didactic use of cinema through a nationwide research with survey design in which 4659 students, belonging to all the Autonomous Communities and 58 universities, participated. The questionnaire called Perceptions about the potentialities of cinema as a didactic resource in pre-school and primary classrooms (PECID) was designed ad hoc. This questionnaire, which consists of 45 items, has a section that deals with the training received for the educational use of cinema. The Spanish universities offering the Teacher Degree were identified and contacted for the dissemination of the questionnaire. The results obtained showed that 88.4% had not received training. Furthermore, 250 subjects were identified in which film content is taught, mostly in the second and third year and in the area of Didactics and School Organization. It was also found that the most frequent activities carried out are the viewing of films with individual answers to questions and the film forum. This pioneering study in Spain aims to provide information as a basis for further academic training in cinema as a resource of high educational value

    Cinematographic Habits of Future Spanish Teachers from a Socio-Educational Perspective

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    One of the key features of today′s society is the role of technology and mass-media. Among these tools, cinema has influenced successive generations more than 100 years. From an educational point of view, it is a resource of high pedagogical value. Moreover, it is present in the daily life of university students who will be the future teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out the film consumption habits of students in the teacher′s degree in Spanish universities. A quantitative approach was adopted with a survey design, and the national sample was made up of 4659 students. They ware from the different regions of Spain and 58 universities. The questionnaire called Percepciones sobre las potencialidades del cine como recurso didáctico en las aulas de Infantil y Primaria (PECID) was designed ad hoc for this research. The results obtained showed that most students have a weekly habit of consuming films, with fiction being the most popular type of film. Likewise, the viewing of films is preferably done through television and the computer. It can be concluded that this familiarity with cinema outside the university should be complemented with specific training in the teacher′s degree. In this sense, it contributes to an optimal application of cinema

    Eurydice read the draft white paper about the role of no university teaching function (MECD I): The teacher's ompetences, the attractive profession skills, the initial teacher training and access to the profession

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    Dada la importancia de los aspectos que se incluyen en el Borrador del Libro Blanco de la Función Docente encargado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, la Unidad Española de Eurydice ha querido aportar su perspectiva europea. Todos los Estados miembros se preocupan por lo mismo respecto a la incorporación y al ejercicio de la profesión docente, pero adoptan medidas distintas en función de sus realidades y necesidades. En este primer artículo de dos se hace una descripción de las competencias docentes que establecen, las medidas para hacer más atractiva la profesión, la formación inicial del profesorado y el acceso a la misma. Como la información presentada no agota la riqueza de detalles que aportan los dos últimos estudios de Eurydice sobre profesorado, el propósito de estos artículos es invitar a su consulta en profundidad: La profesión docente en Europa. Prácticas, percepciones y políticas (2015) y Cifras clave del profesorado y la dirección de centros educativos en Europa (2013)Given the importance of the content of the Draft White Paper on the Teachers’ Profession requested by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Spanish Unit at Eurydice gave its view from a European perspective. All Member States are aware of the same issues regarding the access and the teaching practice, while adapting different measures according to its realities and needs. This first article out of two describes the teaching competences set in those countries, the measures implied to make the profession more attractive, the teachers’ initial training and the access to the teaching profession. The information given in this number does not cover all the details provided by Eurydice. Thus this paper aims at inviting its readers to get a deeper reading of the last two Eurydice articles about teachers: The teaching profession in Europe. Practices, perceptions and policies (2015) and Key data on Teachers and School Leaders in Europe (2013

    A copper switch for inducing CRISPR/Cas9-based transcriptional activation tightly regulates gene expression in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    [EN] Background CRISPR-based programmable transcriptional activators (PTAs) are used in plants for rewiring gene networks. Better tuning of their activity in a time and dose-dependent manner should allow precise control of gene expression. Here, we report the optimization of a Copper Inducible system called CI-switch for conditional gene activation in Nicotiana benthamiana. In the presence of copper, the copper-responsive factor CUP2 undergoes a conformational change and binds a DNA motif named copper-binding site (CBS). Results In this study, we tested several activation domains fused to CUP2 and found that the non-viral Gal4 domain results in strong activation of a reporter gene equipped with a minimal promoter, offering advantages over previous designs. To connect copper regulation with downstream programmable elements, several copper-dependent configurations of the strong dCasEV2.1 PTA were assayed, aiming at maximizing activation range, while minimizing undesired background expression. The best configuration involved a dual copper regulation of the two protein components of the PTA, namely dCas9:EDLL and MS2:VPR, and a constitutive RNA pol III-driven expression of the third component, a guide RNA with anchoring sites for the MS2 RNA-binding domain. With these optimizations, the CI/dCasEV2.1 system resulted in copper-dependent activation rates of 2,600-fold and 245-fold for the endogenous N. benthamiana DFR and PAL2 genes, respectively, with negligible expression in the absence of the trigger. Conclusions The tight regulation of copper over CI/dCasEV2.1 makes this system ideal for the conditional production of plant-derived metabolites and recombinant proteins in the field.This work has been funded by EU Horizon 2020 Project Newcotiana Grant 760331, PID2019-108203RB-100 Plan Nacional I + D, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and 'ERACoBioTech' Project SUSPHIRE Grant No. 722361. Vazquez-Vilar, M. is recipient of APOSTD/2020/096 (Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo post-doctoral grant). Garcia-Perez, E. is recipient of ACIF-2020 fellowship (Generalitat Valenciana). Diego-Martin, B. and Moreno-Gimenez, E. are recipients of FPU fellowships. Selma, S. is recipient of FPI fellowship.García-Pérez, E.; Diego-Martín, B.; Quijano-Rubio, A.; Moreno-Giménez, E.; Selma, S.; Orzáez Calatayud, DV.; Vázquez-Vilar, M. (2022). A copper switch for inducing CRISPR/Cas9-based transcriptional activation tightly regulates gene expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. BMC Biotechnology. 22(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12896-022-00741-x11322