171 research outputs found

    An approach to the study of post-depositional processes affecting inter-proximal wear facets and buccal enamel surfaces in hominid teeth

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    The reconstruction the diet and dietary related habits of our ancestors is very informative about their evolutionary behaviour and adaptability. One method to infer diet from skeletal remains is to study the dental microwear pattern of teeth, since these constitute the most abundant remains in the fossil record. By using dental enamel microwear as a direct evidence for food consumption, we can obtain direct evidence of hominid ecology and adaptation to fluctuating environments. During mastication, food repeatedly contacts with dental enamel and abrasive particles, such as phytoliths present in plant tissues, are bound to scratch and rub the enamel surface of teeth. Many fossil teeth generally show poor enamel preservation caused by post-mortem damage, not informative of diet. Therefore, knowledge of ante-mortem buccal microwear variability as well as post-mortem enamel damage is required to make dietary inferences on fossil human populations. The absence of striation-like features on the inter-proximal facets, as opposed to the fine microstriations generally present on the buccal tooth surfaces, may be considered as indicative of lack of post-depositional processes affecting fossil teeth. However, experimental studies on enamel damage have shown that taphonomic processes rarely produce micro-striations on the enamel. Since taphonomic processes are expected to affect in the same manner to all enamel surfaces in the isolated teeth, a clear microwear distinction between buccal and interdental surfaces would be indicative of no post-mortem damage. Thereby, the comparison of occlusal-to-buccal and interproximal-tobuccal enamel surfaces stands as the best method to discriminate post-mortem damage on tooth enamel surfaces for dietary analysis in ancient primate populations

    Eficacia de un Programa de Intervención de Prevención de Recaídas para reclusos en la mejora de tres variables psicológicas: Asertividad, Autoeficacia e Impulsividad

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar la eficacia de un programa de intervención para la prevención de recaídas en población reclusa que se aplicó a 50 reclusos de sexo masculino del Centro Penitenciario Alicante II (Villena), basado en el modelo de Prevención de Recaídas de Marlatt y Gordon (1986), sobre tres variables psicológicas importantes en el proceso de deshabituación de las drogas: Asertividad, Autoeficacia Específica de Afrontamiento del Estrés e Impulsividad. Para alcanzar el objetivo de la investigación se evaluaron las variables dependientes antes (pre) y después (post) de la intervención. Tras la comparación de las medidas pre y post, los resultados mostraron mejoras tanto estadísticamente significativas, como clínicamente relevantes en todas las variables evaluadas, por lo que se puede afirmar que la evidencia empírica apoya la eficacia del Modelo de Prevención de Recaídas de Marlatt y Gordon para la mejora de variables psicológicas como factores de protección de este fenómen

    Tooth crown size and dentine exposure in Australopithecus and early Homo: testing hypotheses of dietary related selective preasures

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    Preliminary analyses of total crown area and dentine exposure surfaces in a sample of hominid teeth seem to indicate that a significant correlation between tooth size and occlusal abrasion occurs, most probably related to dental occlusal function rather than to normal food mastication. Dental microwear on the buccal surfaces of teeth might be determined by foodstuffs abrasiveness whereas occlusal gross wear could be more dependent on either cultural practices with teeth or food processing. The effect of occlusal function of teeth on diet determination and ecological interpretation of hominid behaviour is dealt with, considering that habitat occupation and diet might affect differently and distinctly to tooth wear rate patterns

    Daily baked egg intake may accelerate the development of tolerance to raw egg in egg-allergic children

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    Short communication[Abstract] Recent studies suggest that egg-allergic children who tolerate baked egg (BE) are more likely to outgrow egg allergy than children that do not tolerate it. The question to be answered is whether regular ingestion of BE accelerates tolerance to other forms of egg (cooked and raw). Our aim was to determine if daily ingestion of BE would accelerate tolerance to raw egg in BE-tolerant patients compared to patients who tolerate BE at diagnosis but eliminated it from their diet and to patients who didn't tolerate it. We performed a retrospective analysis of all children diagnosed of IgE-mediated egg allergy at the Pediatric Allergy Unit of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, from 2008 to 2014. Seventy children were included. At diagnosis, 33 patients tolerated BE and kept its daily ingestion, 16 patients tolerated BE and were recommended to avoid it, and 21 patients didn't tolerate it. Patients tolerating BE who kept daily ingestion achieved tolerance to raw egg significantly earlier (p < 0.05) than the other two groups.Conclusion: Our data suggest that daily intake of BE in BE-tolerant children accelerates tolerance to raw egg.What is Known:• It has been suggested that egg-allergic children who consume baked egg (BE) products on a regular bases are more likely to outgrow egg allergy than children that do not tolerate themWhat is New:• Patients who tolerated BE on diagnosis and followed an exclusion diet show a similar evolution than patients who initially did not tolerate BE. Daily ingestion of BE seems to accelerates tolerance to raw egg

    Participación en actividad física de una muestra universitaria a partir del modelo de las etapas de cambio en el ejercicio físico : un estudio piloto

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    Los beneficios saludables derivados de la práctica de actividad física sólo se llegan a conseguir como consecuencia de una participación continuada. Los estudios sobre la participación de la población universitaria en actividades físicas no llegan a describir qué tipo de práctica realiza dicha población quedándose de manera frecuente en los porcentajes de frecuencia y duración. Con el fin de profundizar en el tipo de participación en actividades físicas de una muestra universitaria, se aplica en este estudio el Modelo de las Etapas de Cambio en el Ejercicio Físico de Prochaska y Marcus (1994). Los resultados parecen indicar que un gran porcentaje de los participantes en el estudio es insuficientemente activo a pesar del reconocimiento general de la importancia de la práctica de actividad física para la salud. Asimismo, los resultados parecen confirmar que el acercamiento teórico de las etapas de cambio resulta práctico a la hora de diferenciar y definir el patrón de actividad física de la muestra en estudio.The benefits for the health derived from physical activity participation are only achieved through continuous participation. Studies of the College's students participation in physical activity usually do not describe the type of participation that they do and only give us a perspective of frequency and duration rates. In order to understand the participation type of the university population, the Prochaska & Marcus (1994) Stages of Change in Exercise Model is adopted. The results of the study seem to suggest that a high percentage of the sample are insufficiently active in spite of the general acknowledgment of the benefits to health from participation in Physical activity. At the same time, the results confirm that the Stage of Change approach is very practical in defining and differentiating the activity pattern of the sample under study

    Lights, Camera and Action. Against Dating Violence. Instruction Manual for the Creation of Video Capsules

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    Co-funded by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union. This Manual was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020), under grant agreement No. 776905

    Is sexual attraction and place of origin a moderator of sex in pornography consumption? Cross-sectional study on a representative sample of young adults

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    Background: Pornography consumption is higher in men, but we do not know if this association can be modified by different variables, such as sexual attraction and place of origin. Given the impact pornography has on minors, there are limited studies that analyze the use of pornography in representative samples of the adult population. The aim was analyze the prevalence and factors associated with using pornography in young adult men and women, living in Spain, with different sexual attractions and different places of birth. Methods: Cross-sectional study with an online survey conducted with 2515 men and women aged between 18 and 35 years of age. The prevalence of pornography consumption is described and analyzed in the total sample and stratified by sex, according to socio-demographic and sexual attraction variables. The association between covariates and pornography consumption at some point in life was estimated with prevalence ratios (PR) obtained with the Poisson models of robust variance. Dependent variable: voluntarily using pornography at some point in life. Socio-demographic variables were included in the analysis: age, sex, level of education, place of birth. Sexual attraction was also analyzed. Results: In Spain, 94.7% of men between 18 and 34 years and 74.6% of women have voluntarily used pornography at some point in their life. The mean age to start using it is earlier in men [Mean:14.2; Standard Deviation (SD):2.3]. Bisexual/homosexual attraction (reference: heterosexual) increases the probability of using pornography in women [(PR (95%CI): 1.30 (1.22; 1.38)]. Yet this is not observed in men. In both sexes, the probability of using pornography increases with age [(PR (95%CI): 1.01(1.00; 1.01)] and coming from abroad (reference: native), being the effect of country of birth significantly higher in women [(PR (95%CI): 1.17 (1.09; 1.26)] than in men [(PR (95%CI): 1.04 (1.01; 1.07). Conclusions: Public health programmes aimed at improving affective-sexual health should consider the high use of pornography among young adults in Spain, as well as those variables that increase its use.This research was supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain (Grant ESP20PI02) and by the Institute of Health Carlos III (Grant PI22CIII/00036). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.S

    Psychometric Properties and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Maudsley Violence Questionnaire among Adolescent Students

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    The Maudsley Violence Questionnaire (MVQ) is an instrument specifically developed to evaluate violent thinking through two subscales examining macho attitudes and the acceptance of violence. This study analyzed the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Spanish version of the MVQ questionnaire in a large sample of 1933 Spanish adolescents. An online questionnaire was used to collect variables, such as sociodemographic and sexism data. The factor structure showed good fit indices in Spanish adolescents, which were similar to the original scale. The exploratory analysis yielded a first factor that explained 11.3% of the total variance and a second factor that explained 10.8% of the total variance. The Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) (0.902), Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) (0.90), Normed Fit Index (NNFI) (0.85), and the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (0.86) suggested that the model fit the data adequately (with values ≥ 0.90) and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) (≤0.10) values indicative of an adequate fit. This study contributes a Spanish-language validated tool to measure machismo and the acceptance of violence among adolescents.The project “Lights, Camera and Action against Dating Violence” (Ligts4Violence) was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General Justice and Consumers Rights, Equality and Citizen Violence Against Women Program 2016 for the period 2017–2019 to promote healthy dating relationship assets among secondary school students from different European countries, under grant agreement No. 776905. It was also co-supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain for its aid to the Gender-based Violence and Youth Research Program. The project “Promotion of Protective Assets Against Gender Violence in Adolescence and Pre-adolescence”; (Ref. PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, as an intermediary body of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). This study was also conducted within a grant received from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FEDER, and V. Pérez-Martínez is recipient of PFIS grant from FSE (FI19/00201)

    Using virtual learning environments in bricolage mode for orchestrating learning situations across physical and virtual spaces

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    Producción CientíficaTeachers usually implement their pedagogical ideas in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in a continuous refinement approach also known as “bricolage”. Recently, different proposals have enabled the ubiquitous access to VLEs, thus extending the bricolage mode of operation to other learning spaces. However, such proposals tend to present several limitations for teachers to orchestrate learning situations conducted across different physical and virtual spaces. This paper presents an evaluation study that involved the across-spaces usage of Moodle in bricolage mode and learning buckets (configurable containers of learning artifacts) in multiple learning situations spanning five months in a course on Physical Education in the Natural Environment for pre-service teachers. The study followed a responsive evaluation model, in which we conducted an anticipatory data reduction using an existing orchestration framework (called “5 + 3 aspects”) for structuring data gathering and analysis. The results showed that learning buckets helped the teachers in the multiple aspects of orchestration, overcoming the limitations of alternative approaches in some specific orchestration aspects: helping the involved teachers to connect different physical and physical spaces, while supporting technologies and activities of their everyday practice, and transferring part of the orchestration load from teachers to students. The results also suggested lines of future improvement, including the awareness of outdoor activities.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project TIN2011-28308-C03-02 and TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA277U14 and VA082U16

    Game of Blazons: Helping teachers conduct learning situations that integrate web tools and multiple types of augmented reality

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    Producción CientíficaSeveral studies have explored how to help teachers carry out learning situations involving Augmented Reality (AR), a technology that has shown different affordances for learning. However, these proposals tend to rely on specific types of AR, focus on particular types of spaces, and are generally disconnected from other technologies widely used in education, such as VLEs or Web 2.0 tools. These constraints limit the possible range of activities that can be conducted and their integration into the existing classroom practice. GLUEPS-AR is a system that can help overcome these limitations, aiding teachers in the creation and enactment of learning situations that may combine multiple types of AR with other common web tools. This paper presents an evaluation study conducted on Game of Blazons, a learning situation carried out by two university teachers using GLUEPS-AR, and framed within two days of outdoor activities in a village in Spain. The evaluation showed that GLUEPS-AR provided an affordable support to the participant teachers to integrate several activities that made use of multiple types of AR, common web tools and augmented paper, into a unique learning situation.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects TIN2011-28308-C03-02 and TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16