2,076 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary Analysis of Cystoseira sensu lato (SE Spain) Suggest a Complex Colonization of the Mediterranean

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    Cystoseira sensu lato (sl) are three genera widely recognized as bioindicators for their restricted habitat in a sub-coastal zone with low tolerance to pollution. Their ecological, morphological and taxonomic features are still little known due to their singular characteristics. We studied seven species of Cystoseira sl spp. in Cabo de las Huertas (Alicante, SE Spain) and analyzed their distribution using Permutational Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) and Principal Component Ordination plots (PCO). A morphological cladogram has been constructed using fifteen phenotypic taxonomic relevant characters. We have also developed an optimized Cystoseira sl DNA extraction protocol. We have tested it to obtain amplicons from mt23S, tRNA-Lys and psbA genes. With these sequence data, we have built a phylogenetic supertree avoiding threatened Cystoseira sl species. Cartography and distribution analysis show that the response to hydrodynamism predicts perennial or seasonal behaviors. Morphological cladogram detects inter-specifical variability between our species and reference studies. Our DNA phylogenetic tree supports actual classification, including for the first-time Treptacantha sauvageauana and Treptacantha algeriensis species. These data support a complex distribution and speciation of Cystoseira sl spp. in the Mediterranean, perhaps involving Atlantic clades. The high ecological value of our area of study merits a future protection status as a Special Conservation Area.This research received partial funding from the Botany section (36502G0001) of the Department of Marine Science and Applied Biology, the University of Alicante

    A Q fever outbreak associated to courier transport of pets

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    On August 3rd, 2017, a Q fever outbreak alert was issued at a courier company that in addition to urgent freight transport offered pet delivery services. The epidemiological investigation set the exposition period between June 1 and August 8. In this period, 180 workers from two operational platforms for parcel distribution located in two provinces of the Basque Country (Bizkaia and Araba) were exposed; 64 filled a questionnaire and provided blood samples for serological testing, resulting in 10 confirmed cases (15.6%) and six (9.4%) probable cases. Nine workers (8 confirmed and 1 probable) showed Q fever symptoms, including pneumonia (five cases), and required medical care services, including one hospital admission. The attack rate was 25% (16/64), being higher among workers that visited the Bizkaia platform. This suggested that the origin of the outbreak was in the Bizkaia platform, where animals in transit waited at a pet holding site until being moved to their destination. Environmental samples consisting on 19 surface dust and two aerosol samples were collected at the Bizkaia platform to investigate the presence of C. burnetti DNA. All dust samples were positive by real time PCR, the lowest Ct values being found in dust collected at the pet holding facilities, and therefore suggesting that contamination originated at the pet holding site. The genotype identified in dust was SNP1/MST13, one of the most commonly identified genotypes in goats and sheep in the Basque Country. During the exposure period, two deliveries of miniature goats were made, of which only one could be investigated and tested negative. Although the contamination source could not be unequivocally identified, transport of ruminants was banned at the company, and Q fever was included among the occupational-associated health risks.This work was funded by the Spanish National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (RTA2017-00055-C02-00), the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) and the Basque Government. RAA is beneficiary of a PhD contract funded by INIA (FPI-2015-014). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.S

    Plasma irisin depletion under energy restriction is associated with improvements in lipid profile in metabolic syndrome patients

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    OBJECTIVE: A recently discovered myokine, irisin, may have an important role in energy metabolism. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between this hormone and the lipid profile of patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) following a hypocaloric diet. DESIGN: Ninety-three Caucasian adults (52 men/41 women) diagnosed with MetS followed an 8-week-long energy-restricted programme (-30% of the energy requirements). Anthropometric measurements, biochemical markers and plasma irisin levels were analysed before and after the nutritional intervention. RESULTS: Global plasma irisin levels were significantly reduced at the end of the study (-72.0 +/- 100.9 ng/ml, P < 0.001) accompanying the weight loss (-6.9%). The depletion of irisin significantly correlated with changes in some atherogenic-related variables: total cholesterol (B = 0.106, P = 0.018), total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (B = 0.002, P = 0.036), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (B = 0.085, P = 0.037) and apolipoprotein B (B = 0.052, P = 0.002), independently of changes in body weight. CONCLUSIONS: An association between the reduction in plasma irisin levels and the depletion of important lipid metabolism biomarkers was observed in patients with MetS undergoing an energy-restricted programme

    Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una aplicación móvil para la comercialización de hortalizas con productores agrícolas en el municipio de Sibaté Cundinamarca.

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    Estudio de factibilidad en la creación de una aplicación móvil, para la comercialización de hortalizas de productores agrícolas de Sibaté Cundinamarca según el alcance, costes y plazo definidos para el proyecto.Este proyecto propone la viabilidad para la creación de una aplicación móvil con el fin de realizar la comercialización de unas hortalizas en particular producidas en el municipio de Sibaté - Cundinamarca, estas hortalizas son cultivadas en un régimen constante durante todo el año en la zona de producción generando un insumo persistente para la investigación. La metodología a implementar durante todo el proyecto está basada de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa bajo el análisis de los aspectos económico, técnico, social y financiero. El análisis cualitativo se presentó bajo la metodología de encuesta, la cual se realizó a una población objeto suministrada por la secretaría de agricultura del municipio. La evaluación cuantitativa se llevó a cabo bajo el modelo de ingresos - egresos. Arrojando como resultado una mejor proyección de las ventas por parte de los productores así como un incremento en la formación tecnológica del municipio para poder establecer una tasa interna de retorno equivalente al 27.97% en un periodo de cinco años evaluados y una relación de los recursos e insumos a implementar a bajo costo

    Evaluation of dietary supplementation of a novel microbial muramidase on gastrointestinal functionality and growth performance in broiler chickens

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    This study was conducted to assess the effect of dietary supplementation of Muramidase 007 to broiler chickens on gastrointestinal functionality, evaluating growth performance, apparent ileal digestibility, intestinal histomorphology, vitamin A in plasma and cecal microbiota. A total of 480 one-day male chicks (Ross 308) were distributed in 16 pens allocated in 2 experimental diets: the control diet (CTR) without feed enzymes, coccidiostat or growth promoters, and the experimental diet (MUR): CTR supplemented with 35,000 units (LSU(F))/kg of the Muramidase 007. Digesta and tissue samples were obtained on days 9 and 36 of the study. A lower feed conversion ratio was observed in the MUR treatment. Apparent ileal digestibility of DM, organic matter and energy were improved by Muramidase 007. It was also observed that MUR improved digestibility of total fatty acids, mono-unsaturated fatty acids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and content of vitamin A in plasma at day 9 (P < 0.05). Histomorphological analysis of jejunum samples revealed no differences in the villus height or crypt depth; but a higher number of goblet cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes at day 36 with MUR. No differences were observed in plate counts of enterobacteria or Lactobacillus along the gastrointestinal tract, neither on the cecal short-chain fatty acids. An statistical trend was observed for reduction of cecal clostridia at day 9 for MUR. Analysis of cecal microbiota structure by 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed relevant changes correlated to age. At day 9, broilers receiving MUR showed decreased alpha diversity compared to CTR that was not detected at day 36. Changes in specific taxonomic groups with an increase in Lactobacillus genus were identified. In conclusion, evaluation of the variables in this study indicates that dietary Muramidase 007 contributes to improve feed conversation ratio and gastrointestinal function in broiler chickens. Effects could have been mediated by slight shifts observed in the intestinal microbiota. More studies are guaranteed to fully understand the mechanisms involved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementación de Guía Metodológica de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguajes para Mejorar el Aprendizaje de las Ciencias en Inglés

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    This research reviews and applies Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the framework of teaching sciences in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). It encompasses the need to tailor English language acquisition to the matters and concepts of sciences. The scope was 114 seventh-grade students of the bilingual program at Centro Educativo Internacional La Moderna. The research aims to enhance language acquisition and boost science comprehension through an integrated approach. The outcomes score favorable influence of the CLIL implementation on students' academic achievements, attitudes, and enthusiasm. The findings substantiate the advantages of integrating language and content in promoting language skills while facilitating the grasping of intricate scientific notions. The study contributes to knowledge of the practical deployment of CLIL techniques and their implications on teaching science. Besides, elucidates the potential of CLIL as a pedagogical instrument to enrich language proficiency and science comprehension concurrently. Thus, fosters a holistic educational experience for science learners in EFL educational programs.El estudio revisa y aplica el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) en el ámbito de la enseñanza de ciencias impartidas en idioma inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL). Aborda la necesidad de adaptar el aprendizaje de otra lengua a los dominios específicos de ciencias. Se tomaron 114 estudiantes de séptimo nivel que participan en el programa bilingüe del Centro Educativo Internacional La Moderna. El objetivo de la investigación es mejorar el manejo del idioma y la comprensión de los principios científicos a través de un enfoque integrado. Los resultados de demuestran favorable la influencia del marco metodológico AICLE en los logros académicos, las actitudes y el entusiasmo de los estudiantes. Los resultados corroboran las ventajas de integrar lenguaje y contenido para fomentar destrezas lingüísticas, y facilitar la comprensión de nociones científicas complejas. Este estudio contribuye al acervo de conocimientos sobre la aplicación práctica de las técnicas AICLE y sus implicaciones para la enseñanza de ciencias. Además, denota el potencial de AICLE como instrumento pedagógico para mejorar la competencia lingüística y comprensión de contenidos de asignatura al mismo tiempo. Así, fomenta una experiencia educativa holística estudiantes de ciencias en programas educativos bilingües EFL

    Estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una aplicación móvil para la comercialización de hortalizas con productores agrícolas en el municipio de Sibaté Cundinamarca.

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    Estudio de factibilidad en la creación de una aplicación móvil, para la comercialización de hortalizas de productores agrícolas de Sibaté Cundinamarca según el alcance, costes y plazo definidos para el proyecto.Este proyecto propone la viabilidad para la creación de una aplicación móvil con el fin de realizar la comercialización de unas hortalizas en particular producidas en el municipio de Sibaté - Cundinamarca, estas hortalizas son cultivadas en un régimen constante durante todo el año en la zona de producción generando un insumo persistente para la investigación. La metodología a implementar durante todo el proyecto está basada de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa bajo el análisis de los aspectos económico, técnico, social y financiero. El análisis cualitativo se presentó bajo la metodología de encuesta, la cual se realizó a una población objeto suministrada por la secretaría de agricultura del municipio. La evaluación cuantitativa se llevó a cabo bajo el modelo de ingresos - egresos. Arrojando como resultado una mejor proyección de las ventas por parte de los productores así como un incremento en la formación tecnológica del municipio para poder establecer una tasa interna de retorno equivalente al 27.97% en un periodo de cinco años evaluados y una relación de los recursos e insumos a implementar a bajo costo

    Influence of dental treatment in place on quality of life in oral cancer patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy

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    This study aims to assess, in the population of patients with oral cancer treatment, the influence on the quality of life of two protocols of dental treatment: not ruled hospital treatment versus ruled hospital treatment. A quasi-experimental approach justified on ethical grounds was used. A total of 41 patients were included in the control group (not ruled treatment outpatient health center) and 40 in the experimental group (ruled hospital treatment). A total of 14 questions to both groups were conducted in three stages: before starting cancer treatment, during treatment and after treatment. the proportions of positive responses in groups and different times were compared using the chi-square test. Based on similar situations during cancer treatment were identified as six issues favorable to the experimental group difference. This number rose to nine after finishing oncological treatment. From our data we can confirm that planned dental treatment performed during the oral cancer treatment produces an improvement in the quality of life in patients with oral cancer

    Advantages of surgical simulation in the surgical reconstruction of oncological patients

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    Stereolithography, which consists of computer-aided designed/computer-aided manufactured (CAD-CAM) and computer simulations, is a manufacturing technologies used for the production of definitive models and prototypes printed in three dimensions, and is widely used in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Surgical procedures using models made by these technologies offer several advantages. This article describes three clinical cases of our experiences with patients diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and mandibular osteosarcoma, who underwent surgical removal of the lesions and subsequent mandibular reconstruction with a free fibula graft using surgical guides. In all three clinical cases, surgical guides were used for the mandibular osteotomy, fibula osteotomy, and graft placement in the recipient area. Surgical guidelines are useful for improving the accuracy of surgical interventions and are appropriate for many types of resection and mandibular reconstruction

    Higher baseline irisin concentrations are associated with greater reductions in glycemia and insulinemia after weight loss in obese subjects

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    Irisin is assumed to be a relevant link between muscle and weight maintenance as well as to mediate exercise benefits on health. The aim of this study was to assess the possible associations between irisin levels and glucose homeostasis in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS) following an energy-restricted treatment. Ninety-six adults with excessive body weight and MetS features underwent a hypocaloric dietary pattern for 8 weeks, within the RESMENA randomized controlled trial (www.clinicaltrials.gov; NCT01087086). After the intervention, dietary restriction significantly reduced body weight and evidenced a dietary-induced decrease in circulating levels of irisin in parallel with improvements on glucose homeostasis markers. Interestingly, participants with higher irisin values at baseline (above the median) showed a greater reduction on glucose (P=0.022) and insulin (P=0.021) concentrations as well as on the homeostasis model assessment index (P=0.008) and triglycerides (P=0.006) after the dietary intervention, compared with those presenting low-irisin baseline values (below the median). Interestingly, a positive correlation between irisin and carbohydrate intake was found at the end of the experimental period. In conclusion, irisin appears to be involved in glucose metabolism regulation after a dietary-induced weight loss