824 research outputs found

    A precise DNA bend angle is essential for the function of the phage φ29 transcriptional regulator

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    Bacteriophage φ29 protein p4 is essential for the regulation of the switch from early to late phage transcription. The protein binds to two regions of the phage genome located between the regulated promoters. Each region contains two inverted repeats separated by 1 bp. We used circular permutation assays to study the topology of the DNA upon binding of the protein and found that p4 induced the same extent of bending independent of the topology of the binding region. In addition, the results revealed that the p4-induced bending is not dependent on the affinity to the binding site but is intrinsic to p4 binding. Independent binding sites were identified through the characterization of the minimal sequence required for p4 binding. The protein has different affinity for each of its binding sites, with those overlapping the A2c and A2b promoter cores (sites 1 and 3), having the highest affinity. The functionality of the p4 binding sites and the contribution of p4-mediated promoter restructuring in transcription regulation is discussed

    Melhoria da Atenção aos Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica E/Ou Diabetes Mellitus na ESF Doutor Domingos Costa. Porto/PI

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    Resumo PEREZ LAGO, Yanerkis. Melhoria da Atenção aos Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus ESF Doutor Domingos Costa. Porto/PI. 2015. 95f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. Hoje no Brasil a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e o Diabetes Mellitus (DM) constituem um problema de saúde pública. Segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia dentre o 22 a 44% da população brasileira é hipertensa e para a diabetes a prevalência tem aumentando de 5.3% a 5.6% de 2006 a 2011. Estas doenças constituem fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares e cerebrovasculares as quais estão dentre as principais causas de morte no Brasil. Este trabalho trata-se de uma intervenção realizada na ESF Doutor Domingos Costa no município de Porto/PI entre os meses de fevereiro e junho de 2015. A intervenção teve como objetivo melhorar a atenção à saúde dos usuários hipertensos e/ou diabéticos, sendo que a mesma foi baseada em quatro eixos: gestão do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação, qualificação da prática clínica e engajamento público. Tínhamos como objetivo ampliar a cobertura da atenção aos hipertensos e diabéticos da área adstrita para 50%.A intervenção foi estruturada para ser desenvolvida em 12 semanas. Ao final da intervenção foram cadastrados e acompanhados 197 usuários hipertensos e 49 diabéticos alcançando uma cobertura de 54,4% e 55,1% respectivamente. O desenvolvimento da intervenção melhorou o relacionamento da comunidade com a equipe de saúde através do engajamento público e fomentou o conhecimento da população a respeito dessas patologias. A equipe foi capacitada e atualizada quanto aos cuidados e tratamento para hipertensão e diabetes na atenção básica, além de ter sido estabelecido as atribuições de cada profissional na intervenção. Essas ações ajudaram a melhorar o processo de trabalho da equipe. As ações desenvolvidas na intervenção foram incorporadas na rotina do serviço conseguindo assim a manutenção de uma atenção integral e de qualidade aos usuários hipertensos e diabéticos. Palavras-chaves: atenção primária à saúde; saúde da família; diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial, doença crônica.

    Relationship of suicide and school harassment in minors. Systematic review.

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Enfermaría. Curso 2021-2022Introducción: El suicidio en adolescentes es un problema de salud pública mundial. El acoso escolar o bullying puede definirse como la exposición repetida en el tiempo a acciones negativas. Ser víctima de acoso escolar constituye un factor de riesgo de conductas suicidas. Objetivos: Analizar la relación entre el suicidio y el acoso escolar en menores. Estudiar la relación del acoso escolar y el suicidio en menores LGTBIQ+. Factores de riesgo y amortiguadores para la conducta suicida. Comportamientos intermedios entre el acoso escolar y las conductas suicidas. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO y Cochrane, buscadores específicos y páginas web oficiales como OMS, el Ministerio de Sanidad, y la Asociación Española de Pediatría. Se incluyen publicaciones desde 2017. Resultados: Se han seleccionado 10 estudios. Los adolescentes que sufrieron acoso escolar tenían una probabilidad de 2,36 a 3,06 veces mayor que el resto de suicidarse. Pertenecer al colectivo LGTBIQ+ incrementa el riesgo de acoso escolar y suicidio entre 1,68 y 7,44. Los principales factores de riesgo fueron ser varón, el acoso físico o sexual y la exclusión. Ser mujer, tener buena salud mental y buenas relaciones familiares son factores protectores. El alcohol (19,9%), la victimización (54,0%), trastornos del sueño (13,7%), soledad (18,1%) y un menor vínculo con los padres (64,1%) son factores intermedios. Conclusiones: El acoso escolar y los intentos de suicidio tienen una prevalencia alta entre los jóvenes en edad escolar. Este vínculo es más común entre los jóvenes pertenecientes a minorías sexuales. Los factores de riesgo y protección pueden influir altamente en la relación del bullying y el suicidio. Es también importante detectar los factores intermedios para diseñar políticas y programas de actuación ante el acoso.Introdución: O suicidio en adolescentes é un problema de saúde pública mundial. O acoso escolar ou bullying pode definirse como a exposición repetida no tempo a accións negativas. Ser vítima de acoso escolar constitúe un factor de risco de condutas suicidas. Obxectivos: Analizar a relación entre o suicidio e o acoso escolar en menores. Estudar a relación do acoso escolar e o suicidio en menores LGTBIQ+. Factores de risco e amortiguadores para a conduta suicida. Comportamentos intermedios entre o acoso escolar e as condutas suicidas. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica sistemática nas bases de datos PubMed, SciELO e Cochrane, buscadores específicos e páxinas web oficiais como OMS, o Ministerio de Sanidade, e a Asociación Española de Pediatría. Inclúense publicacións desde 2017. Resultados: Seleccionáronse 10 estudos. Os adolescentes que sufriron acoso escolar tiñan unha probabilidade de 2,36 a 3,06 veces maior que o resto de suicidarse. Pertencer ao colectivo LGTBIQ+ incrementa o risco de acoso escolar e suicidio entre 1,68 e 7,44. Os principais factores de risco foron ser home, o acoso físico ou sexual e a exclusión. Ser muller, ter boa saúde mental e boas relacións familiares son factores protectores. O alcol (19,9%), a victimización (54,0%), trastornos do soño (13,7%), soidade (18,1%) e un menor vínculo cos pais (64,1%) son factores intermedios. Conclusións: O acoso escolar e os intentos de suicidio teñen unha prevalencia alta entre os mozos en idade escolar. Este vínculo é máis común entre os mozos pertencentes a minorías sexuais. Os factores de risco e protección poden influír altamente na relación do bullying e o suicidio. É tamén importante detectar os factores intermedios para deseñar políticas e programas de actuación ante o acoso.Introduction: Adolescent suicide is a global public health problem. Bullying can be defined as repeated exposure over time to negative actions. Being a victim of bullying is a risk factor for suicidal behavior. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between suicide and bullying in children. To study the relationship between bullying and suicide in LGBTIQ+ minors. Risk factors and buffers for suicidal behavior. Intermediate behaviors between bullying and suicidal behaviors. Methods: Systematic literature review in PubMed, SciELO and Cochrane databases, specific search engines and official websites such as WHO, the Ministry of Health, and the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. Publications since 2017 are included. Results: Ten studies were selected. Adolescents who were bullied were 2.36 to 3.06 times more likely than the rest to commit suicide. Belonging to the LGTBIQ+ group increased the risk of bullying and suicide between 1.68 and 7.44. The main risk factors were being male, physical or sexual harassment and exclusion. Being female, having good mental health and good family relationships are protective factors. Alcohol (19.9%), victimization (54.0%), sleep disorders (13.7%), loneliness (18.1%) and a lesser bond with parents (64.1%) were intermediate factors. Conclusions: Bullying and suicide attempts are highly prevalent among school-aged youth. This link is more common among sexual minority youth. Risk and protective factors may highly influence the relationship of bullying and suicide. It is also important to detect intermediate factors in order to design policies and programs to address bullying

    Economic-financial analysis of the rural tourism in Cantabria

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    RESUMEN: El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo analizar uno de los mayores sectores y de más importancia del país como es el sector turístico. Para ello en primer lugar lo que haremos será dividir el trabajo en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera corresponderá a un análisis macroeconómico en donde analizaremos y explicaremos todas las actividades y datos importantes que tienen que ver con el sector ajenas a las empresas, y, por otro lado, un análisis microeconómico donde entraremos más en detalle en el apartado contable dentro de las empresas a analizar. En lo referente al apartado del análisis macroeconómico empezaremos explicando qué significa dicho análisis para ir entrando en materia poco a poco. A continuación, hablaremos sobre la aportación del sector al PIB nacional, dónde empezaremos a darnos cuenta de la importancia que tiene el turismo en nuestro país. Una vez vista la aportación económica pasaremos a ver la importancia que tiene en cuanto a la generación de empleo, y es que como veremos a lo largo de esta explicación, el sector a analizar es de los más importantes del país a la hora de crear puestos de trabajo. A continuación, haremos una breve explicación de los diferentes tipos de turismo existentes en el país, para que después de esto nos quedemos con el turismo rural, el cuál es el tipo de turismo más importante en la región cántabra. Es a partir de este punto donde ya nos centraremos sólo en el turismo rural en Cantabria e iremos comentando y demostrando la importancia que tiene y lo que significa este tipo de turismo para la economía regional. Principalmente este aspecto lo explicaremos mediante los análisis de la tasa de ocupación, el número de viajeros y la estancia media de días, valores muy importantes y a tener en cuenta para comparar las empresas y darnos cuenta de la importancia de las mismas en el sector. La otra parte del trabajo irá enfocada al análisis microeconómico, el cual se llevará a cabo a raíz del cálculo de los diferentes tipos de ratios. El análisis de las ratios estará dividido en tres grupos de cuatro ratios cada uno. El primer grupo será el de las ratios de liquidez y solvencia, en segundo lugar, se encuentran las ratios de endeudamiento y autonomía financiera. y, por último, se encuentran las ratios de las rentabilidades.ABSTRACT: This Final Degree Project aims to analyze one of the largest and most important sectors of the country, such as the tourism sector. For this, first of all, what we will do is divide the work into two clearly differentiated parts. The first will correspond to a macroeconomic analysis where we will analyze and explain all the important activities and data that have to do with the sector outside the companies, and, on the other hand, a microeconomic analysis where we will go into more detail in the accounting section within The companies to analyze. With regard to the macroeconomic analysis section, we will begin by explaining what this analysis means in order to get into the subject little by little. Next, we will talk about the contribution of the sector to national GDP, where we will begin to realize the importance of tourism in our country. Once we have seen the economic contribution we will see the importance it has in terms of job creation, and that is that as we will see throughout this explanation, the sector to be analyzed is one of the most important in the country when creating jobs of work. Next, we will make a brief explanation of the different types of tourism in the country, so that after this we stay with rural tourism, which is the most important type of tourism in the Cantabrian region. It is from this point that we will focus only on rural tourism in Cantabria and we will be commenting and demonstrating the importance it has and what this type of tourism means for the regional economy. Mainly this aspect will be explained through the analysis of the occupancy rate, the number of travelers and the average stay of days, very important values and to be taken into account to compare companies and realize their importance in the sector. The other part of the work will focus on microeconomic analysis, which will be carried out following the calculation of the different types of ratios. The analysis of the ratios will be divided into three groups of four ratios each. The first group will be the liquidity and solvency ratios, secondly, there are the debt and financial autonomy ratios and finally, there are the rates of returns.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Composición y geoquímica de los minerales pesados de las facies Weald de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo (España): Implicaciones para la procedencia durante la etapa de rifting Jurásico Superior-Cretácico Inferior

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    Las areniscas en facies Weald de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo fueron depositadas durante la etapa de rift Jurásico superior-Cretácico inferior. Una característica de las cuencas intracratónicas desarrolladas durante periodos de rifting es la presencia de varias potenciales áreas fuentes que pueden aportar sedimentos a la vez. Este hecho complica la interpretación de la procedencia usando los modelos clásicos a escala tectónica. En este trabajo, la geoquímica de roca total se relaciona con el análisis químico en minerales pesados y con el análisis modal para llegar a discriminar la procedencia de areniscas syn-rift. La composición modal y los análisis de roca total de las areniscas estudiadas indican una composición arcósicasubarcósica. Las areniscas de la Fm. Mora, en la base, presentan la mayor abundancia en minerales pesados y el contenido más bajo en feldespatos (menor contenido en Rb). Por el contrario, las areniscas de la Fm. Camarillas, en el techo, reflejan un incremento en Rb relacionado con un aporte mayoritario de feldespato-K. La composición química de las turmalinas analizadas sugiere una procedencia mixta, a partir de granitos (turmalinas ricas en Fe) y rocas metamórficas (turmalinas ricas en Mg) para todas las unidades estudiadas. Esta interpretación es consistente con la mayor abundancia de fragmentos de roca metamórficos observados en las formaciones Mora y El Castellar y la presencia de abundante feldespato-K y fragmentos de roca plutónicos en la Fm. Camarillas. La sedimentación de las areniscas de la Fm. Camarillas coincidió con el levantamiento y erosión del Macizo Ibérico. Para este momento, el área fuente principal estaba constituida por rocas plutónicas, lo que implica una dilución significativa de las áreas fuentes metamórficas, que fueron dominantes durante la sedimentación de las areniscas inferiores de las formaciones Mora y Castella

    DNA sequence-specific recognition by a transcriptional regulator requires indirect readout of A-tracts

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    The bacteriophage Ø29 transcriptional regulator p4 binds to promoters of different intrinsic activities. The p4–DNA complex contains two identical protomers that make similar interactions with the target sequence 5′-AACTTTTT-15 bp-AAAATGTT-3′. To define how the various elements in the target sequence contribute to p4's affinity, we studied p4 binding to a series of mutated binding sites. The binding specificity depends critically on base pairs of the target sequence through both direct as well as indirect readout. There is only one specific contact between a base and an amino acid residue; other contacts take place with the phosphate backbone. Alteration of direct amino acid–base contacts, or mutation of non-contacted A·T base pairs at A-tracts abolished binding. We generated three 5 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the basis for the p4–DNA complex specificity. Recognition is controlled by the protein and depends on DNA dynamic properties. MD results on protein–DNA contacts and the divergence of p4 affinity to modified binding sites reveal an inherent asymmetry, which is required for p4-specific binding and may be crucial for transcription regulation

    Some observations on the biology of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) off Galicia NW Spain

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    6392 specimen of sardines were sampled during the period 1980-1984. The spawning season was ca1culated from the monthly percentages of mature individuals, gonadosomatic index, condition factor and viscera1 fat. The size and age at first maturation and the size/weight ratio were calculated.Pendant la periode 1980-1984 des echantillonages biologiques regulieres sur la sardine ont ete realises et 6932 exemplaires ont été examinées. On determine la saison de ponte a partir de l'evolution mensuelle du pourcentage des individus mûrs et de la variation du l'indice gonadosomatique, le facteur de condition et la graisse viscerale. On calcule aussi la taille et l'age de premiere maturation et les equations taille/poid vive et poid eviscere

    Spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling of hydrogeochemical parameters in the San Diego aquifer, Venezuela

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    The study is developed a spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling of hydrogeochemical parameters in the San Diego aquifer, Carabobo State, Venezuela during the period 2015-2017. ; which includes: 1) Collection of information as: a) Meteorological, b) Lithological profiles, c) pumping flow, d) water dynamic levels, e) Landsat Satellite Images and f) Digital Elevation Model. 2) Processing of information, including: a) Calibration of geostatistical models, b) validation of geostatistical models, c) calibration of forecast model, and d) application of forecast model. 3) Generation of Results, including: maps of the hydrogeochemical parameters showing spatio-temporal distribution of following parameters: Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, Pumping Flow, Infiltration, Volume Stored, Physico-chemical Parameters (PCP), Hydraulic Parameters, Mass Flow of PCP. The meteorological information has been gotten from the telemetric network of 31 climate monitoring stations close to San Diego aquifer managed by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology belonging to Ministry of the Environment.  The database of water levels, physico-chemical parameters and pumping flow consists of 1201 pumping wells in the Carabobo State.  The San Diego aquifer is confined aquifer. Hydrological processes in the San Diego aquifer such as infiltration and permeability are influenced by the impermeability in the urban area of the Sand Diego aquifer, which is around 20% of the total area, reducing the contribution rates to the aquifer water. The division between the main water compositions corresponding to the water classes is coincident with the division of rocky material according to the geological periods triassic and quaternary, being the water classes:  1) Bicarbonate of Calcium and/or Magnesium Ca–Mg–HCO3 (North and Central regions, 95.16 km2, 81.25%) 2) Bicarbonate of Sodium Na–HCO3 (Central and South regions, 19.32 km2, 16.5%), 3) Sulfate or Chloride of Calcium and/or Magnesium Ca-Mg-SO4 and Ca-Mg-Cl (South region, 0.96 km2, 0.82%), 4) Sulfate and/or Chloride of Sodium Na-SO4 and Na-Cl (South region, 1.68 km2, 1.43%).  In the south region, the water is highly mineralized and its composition corresponds to the classes 2-4.  In the south region, it might be occurring an inverse hydraulic gradient from Valencia Lake to San Diego aquifer during the dry season, incorporating the water of the Valencia Lake to the San Diego aquifer and increasing the concentratio

    Effects of Nutritional Supplements on Judo‐Related Performance: A Review.

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    The potential ergogenic effect of nutritional supplements depends on their dosage and the type of exercise executed. Aiming at reviewing the research literature regarding sport supplements utilized in judo in order to improve performance, a literature search was performed at the following databases: Dialnet, PubMed, Scielo, Scopus and SportDiscus. A total of 11 articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected. Evidence revised indicates that supplementation with caffeine, β-alanine, sodium bicarbonate, creatine, and β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate has a positive effect on judo-related performance. Moreover, there is evidence suggesting that combining some of these nutritional supplements may produce an additive effect.post-print412 K