110 research outputs found


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    Reseña de: LÓPEZ GARCÍA, CAMINO: ENSEÑAR CON TIC. NUEVAS Y RENOVADAS METODOLOGÍAS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA SUPERIOR, COIMBRA, CINEP, 2016. 204.pp.http://caminolopez.wixsite.com/caminolopezgarcia/mi-libr

    Alfabetización Digital y Competencias Digitales en el Marco de la Evaluación Educativa: Estudio en Docentes y Alumnos de Educación Primaria en Castilla y León

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    [ES]La sociedad del conocimiento está generando enormes e irreversibles cambios epistemológicos y estructurales en todos los ámbitos de la vida; la educación no es ajena a todas estas transformaciones y se halla inmersa en retos de tanta trascendencia como los `nativos digitales¿ en las aulas, el cambio en el paradigma educativo, los nuevos entornos de aprendizaje, las metodologías innovadoras de enseñanza, los dispositivos tecnológicos en las aulas y los servicios educativos digitales. Semejantes cambios implican, por un lado, nuevas competencias para el alumnado y para los docentes necesarias para afrontar los retos del siglo XXI. Y por otro, obliga a repensar la alfabetización tradicional que ha quedado obsoleta ante las nuevas condiciones de interacción, tecnologías, nuevas herramientas, web 2.0, hiperconectividad, multimodalidad y digitalización que demandan una alfabetización digital. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es realizar un estudio en profundidad sobre las competencias digitales y la alfabetización digital en alumnos y docentes de Educación Primaria. Para ello analiza los cambios que se están produciendo en la educación, las acciones en política educativa para su fomento y desarrollo, y los indicadores y evaluaciones educativas relacionadas. En la parte práctica se realiza un estudio empírico en alumnos y profesores de Educación Primaria de Castilla y León sobre el grado de autopercepción de la competencia digital y la necesidad percibida de la inclusión curricular de la alfabetización digital con el fin de aportar evidencias empíricas del sentir de los docentes en este campo que tanto les afecta y evidenciar el uso de las TIC que los alumnos hacen en entornos informales

    Charting the impacts of media discourses on the European integration project

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    The over-exposure to information facilitated by the hybrid media system and social networks is a key factor contributing to the increasing polarization of public opinion on major political issues. The European integration project is one of the major political processes affected by information manipulation and disinformation. In this regard, social networks have become powerful tools for nurturing news siloes or “echo chambers,” influencing people’s perceptions of important political issues in a manner that could have a destabilizing effect on democratic processes and institutions. In this context, the role of media discourses and their circulation among networked publics has become particularly relevant, leading audiences to adopt different views supporting or rejecting the European project. This thematic issue features a range of articles considering how the Europeanization process is impacted by discourses circulating in the hybrid media system or threatened by the destructive dynamics of disinformation and polarization

    Promoting Social Media Engagement Via Branded Content Communication: A Fashion Brands Study on Instagram

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    Social networks have become crucial communication channels for brands through awareness, engagement, and word of mouth. Instagram is firmly positioned as a direct gateway between brands and consumers, as it became the fifth most‐used social network globally in 2021. As such, branded content is expected to increase the brand's likability, by capturing the interest and attention of the consumer, which could differ depending on what social media platform is used. This study aims to analyze whether there is a relationship between the branded content published on the Instagram profile of luxury brands (Manolo Blahnik and Loewe) and the interactions of and with its followers, focusing on branded content commu‐ nication associated to industrial, social responsibility, and commercial issues. A correlational study is presented using a quantitative methodology to test the hypotheses through an ANOVA analysis. The results show which type of content is more productive on Instagram's social network profile, helping diffusion of the firm, as it provokes more reactions from followers when using branded content related to social responsibility. It is also worth noting the extent of the interactions that branded content shows within the brand, whose influence is detected not in averages but in reach. The study's con‐ clusions allow us to affirm that branded content directly impacts brand reputation, generating positive engagement in all the cases analyzed. The study contributes to a better understanding of the branded content effect on consumer

    Digital literacy and higher education during COVID-19 lockdown : Spain, Italy and Ecuador

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    Digital literacy constitutes the basis for citizenship in order to be effective and efficient in the 21st Century in professional and personal lives. The set of skills and competences integrating digital literacy are expected to be guaranteed in higher education. During the lockdown globally imposed for the COVID-19 pandemic, educational systems worldwide had to face many disruptive changes. The aim of this research is to present a comparative study of three countries' higher education institutions (Spain, Italy, and Ecuador), analyzing how they have faced the global lockdown situation, focusing on the development of digital literacy. The methodological approach followed in this study was quantitative with an exploratory-correlational scope using a questionnaire designed ad hoc and applied in a sample of 376 students. Results point the necessity of enhancing the main aspects such as the teacher's digital skills, sources for learning that may be adapted, communication between universities and students, and teaching methodologies that should be appropriate to the current context. Conclusions may suggest rethinking higher education learning and reinforcing main issues for this transformation, mainly: communication, teaching, and digital competences. Otherwise, digital literacy is not being guaranteed, which means higher education is not accomplishing one of its main objectives

    Digital competences for smart learning during COVID-19 in higher education students from Spain and Latin America

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    Networked society before pandemic situation had become the context of a technology supported environment for learning and teaching. Since COVID-19 pandemic occurred learning happened essentially mediated through connected smart devices that demand digital skills and reinforced Smart learning. This study aims to present a descriptive and comparative analysis focusing on digital competences in three different areas: Use, Learning and Critical thinking, justified in a global situation of intensive use of technology. Each area was analyzed considering the five subareas of digital competence: information management, communication, content creation, safety and problem solving. The study was designed under a non-experimental quantitative methodology in which higher education students from Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico participated (N=926). Results show significant differences among countries that could help to improve not only formal education in Higher Education, but the digital skills needed for lifelong learning among citizenship in next future conditioned by recent global situation of pandemic.This work is conducted with the support of the "Youtubers and Instagrammers: Media competence in emerging prosumers" Project (RTI2018-093303-B-I00)

    International dimensions of media literacy in a connected world

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    ABSTRACT: This article presents an in-depth study of international indicators of media literacy in its most relevant contexts. The essay analyzes the main dimensions necessary to be taken into account as the starting point to measure, develop or foster media literacy for students or adults in any scenario. The UNESCO, European, and Australian framework are the three contexts studied as significant contributors to media literacy development. After the analysis, the conclusions focus on four specific indicators that are common to the three contexts studied. These four issues constitute the starting point for every research or researcher interested on media literacy studies.This work is supported by the R+D+I Project entitled "Media competences of citizens in emerging digital media (smartphones and tablets): Innovative practices and educational strategies in multiple contexts", EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R (MINECO / FEDER), financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain

    Communication and education in a digital connected world. Presentation

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    Resumen: La transformación digital construye sociedades basadas en lógicas participativas y conectadas donde los ciudadanos se convierten en usuarios en red que participan en igualdad de condiciones desde dispositivos móviles. La cada vez más naturalizada interacción virtual, acentuada tras los últimos sucesos de confinamiento global por la pandemia Covid-19, obliga a una continua reflexión en la que la comunicación y la educación son factores determinantes en el avance de la sociedad. La cuestión que emerge ante un panorama de inexorable penetración tecnológica y conectividad es si se están realizando las acciones y prácticas adecuadas para que esa participación resulte crítica y democrática. En este contexto se presenta este monográfico donde comunicación y educación se entrelazan para ofrecer aportes significativos en cuatro áreas: 1) la comunicación tratada en el ámbito educativo: el periodismo en el aula y las competencias transmedia; 2) las redes sociales como espacios para la comunicación y la educación: uso de Twitter e Instagram en contexto educativo, bots, desinformación, bulos y competencias digitales; 3) las nuevas generaciones conectadas, y 4) actores emergentes en la comunicación y la educación: youtubers, gamers plataformas OTT y responsabilidad familiar.Abstract: The digital transformation builds societies based on participatory and connected logics where citizens become network users who participate on equal terms from mobile devices. The increasingly naturalized virtual interaction, accentuated after the last events of global confinement by the Covid-19 pandemic, forces a continuous reflection on communication and education as determining factors in the advancement of society. The question that emerges in the face of inexorable technological penetration and connectivity is whether they are carrying out the appropriate actions and practices for this resulting critical and democratic participation. In this context, this monograph is presented where communication and education are intertwined to offer specific contributions in four areas: 1) communication addressed in the educational field: journalism in the classroom and transmedia skills; 2) social networks as spaces for communication and education: use of Twitter and Instagram in an educational context, bots, misinformation, rumors and digital skills; 3) new connected generations, and 4) emerging actors in communication and education: youtubers, OTT platform gamers and family responsibility.La participación de las editoras temáticas en este monográfico se enmarca dentro de los resultados del Proyecto I+D “Youtubers e instagramers: La competencia mediática de los prosumidores emergentes” (RTI2018-093303-B-I00), financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    Smartphone and social networks as enablers of media and digital literacy in children and adolescent : Musical.ly

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    La altísima utilización de los smartphones entre la población infantil y adolescente ha propiciado el acceso masivo de este público a las redes sociales, que se han convertido en importantes ámbitos de socialización. Utilizadas como mecanismos de participación, integración e interacción social, niños y adolescentes se han integrado en las redes como escenarios naturales de desarrollo. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un enfoque pedagógico al estudio de las redes como espacios comunicativos y de desarrollo competencial a través de un estudio de caso de la red Musical.ly. La elección de esta red se justifica por el hecho de que la mayoría de sus 200 millones de usuarios son jóvenes entre 11 y 16 años. La metodología empleada ha sido de corte cualitativo de análisis de contenido basándose en las teorías de la comunicación mediada. A partir del estudio de la estructura mediática de la red, así como de las acciones que posibilita, este trabajo aporta evidencias de la relación que existe entre las acciones que se realizan al utilizar la red social con el desarrollo competencial de la alfabetización mediática y digital, abriendo un relevante campo de investigación que propone las redes sociales como herramientas de aprendizaje.The high penetration of smartphones, especially among children and adolescents has allowed the access to this public to social networks, which have become important areas of socialization for them. Used as mechanisms for participation, integration and social interaction, social networks are used by children and adolescents as natural scenarios in their development. The aim of this work has been to offer a pedagogical approach to the study of social networks, as communicative and competence development spaces, presenting a case study of Musical.ly network. The choice of this social network is justified by the fact that among its 200 million users, the majority are adolescents and children between 11 and 16 years old. The methodology used for the study was a qualitative analysis of content based on the theories of mediated communication. Based on the study of the media structure of the network, as well as the actions it allows, this work provides evidence of the relationship that exists between the actions carried out when using the social network with the competence development of media and digital literacy, opening an interesting field of research that proposes social networks as learning tools

    Teacher's digital competence as key for strengthening a responsible use of the Internet

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    Resumen: La responsabilidad en el uso de internet para favorecer el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, en ocasiones diluida y descuidada, en una sociedad cada día más tecnificada y conectada es un tema central en la integración de la tecnología en los centros escolares. El objeto de estudio de este trabajo es indagar sobre la percepción que tienen los docentes de su competencia digtial y de la responsabilidad del uso de internet de sus estudiantes. Con una metodología mixta de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio, el estudio, con una muestra de 144 docentes, revela un cambio de tendencia al hablar de responsabilidad en el uso seguro de internet. Los resultados ponen de relieve un profesorado competente en materia digital que destaca las competencias digitales como elemento coadyuvante y piedra angular en el refuerzo de esa responsabilidad, el aumento de los beneficios y la atenuación de riesgos en su uso por parte de los estudiantes.Abstract: In an increasingly technical and connected society the responsibility in the use of the internet, sometimes diluted and neglected, to promote student learning is a key issue in the integration of technology in schools. The objective of this study is to inquire about the teachers 'perception on their digital competence and on the responsibility of usage when their students surf the Internet. With a mixed descriptive and exploratory methodology, the study, with a sample of 144 teachers, reveals a change in trend when talking about responsibility in the use of the internet. The results underline that teachers are digitally competent and they highlight digital skills as an aid and cornerstone in reinforcing this responsibility, increasing benefits and mitigating risks in the use of Internet by students.Este trabajo se enmarca en el Proyecto I+d "youtubers e instagrammers: la competencia mediatica en los prosumidores emergentes” (RTI2018-093303-b-I00), financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y el fondo Europeo de desarrollo Regional (fEdER)