24 research outputs found
Cruise Report PASSAGE23
[EN]Cruise PASSAGE23 started on the 17th of November from Cádiz Port (Spain) and ended on the 23rd of November at Cádiz Port. The cruise took place aboard the R/V Ramón Margalef. During the cruise, two mooring lines were deployed on the southwestern Portuguese margin (Fig. 1). Each mooring line was equipped with two sediment traps and three different types of hydrographic sensors to measure turbidity, current speed, temperature, and salinity. The mooring lines were deployed at 2625 and 1515 meters water depth (mwd) using train wheels as anchors. CTD profiles and seawater samples were collected at 21 stations along the southwestern Iberian margin with a 12-bottle rosette. Sea water was filtered with a filtration ramp at selected water depths on cellulose filters for ecological studies and on glass fiber filters for carbon cycle studies. Surface sediment samples were collected whenever possible by two types of corers: a brand-new monocorer from Unidad de Tecnología Marina (UTM-CSIC) that descends attached to the rosette and a small box-corer loaned by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). Monocorer and boxcorer tubes were sampled aboard at 1-cm intervals using a handcrafted core extruder
Study of the Quaternary deposits of Los Aljezares Natural Site (Aspe, Alicante): first contributions
Este trabajo recoge la primera aportación del estudio multidisciplinar llevado a cabo en los depósitos cuaternarios del Paraje Natural Municipal de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante). El paraje se localiza en un área deprimida rodeada por altos topográficos únicamente interrumpidos por la entrada y salida del río Vinalopó de N a S. Los depósitos cuaternarios presentan techos planos continuos dispuestos a una cota topográfica similar, lo que puede llevar a relacionarlos con terrazas fluviales del Vinalopó, sin embargo reflejan superficies de colmatación de una cuenca sedimentaria previa al encajamiento del río. Están constituidos por depósitos de gravas y arenas gruesas, y lutitas y arenas finas que representarían respectivamente facies proximales y distales de sistemas aluviales procedentes de los relieves circundantes, dejando en la zona central un área lacutre-palustre. Una prospección geoarqueológica reciente ha permitido constatar la presencia de industria lítica en estos depósitos, permitiendo atribuir una edad Pleistoceno superior al relleno de la cuenca. Se han podido establecer tres etapas en la configuración del paraje de Los Aljezares. Una primera etapa de carácter erosivo correspondería al desarrollo del paleo-relieve que generó la cuenca, la segunda a la sedimentación de los depósitos cuaternarios estudiados y la tercera al encajamiento del río Vinalopó.This work includes the first contributions of the multidisciplinary study carried out in the Quaternary deposits of Los Aljezares Natrual Site (Aspe, Alicante). This site is located in a depressed area surrounded by topographical elevations only interrupted by the entrenching of the Vinalopó River from N to S. The Quaternary deposits show continuous flat tops in similar topographic level, suggesting fluvial terraces of the Vinalopó River. However, this study has allowed us to associate these deposits with the filling of a sedimentary basin formed previously to the entrenching of the river. The Quaternary deposits consist of gravel and coarse sand, and lutites and fine sands that would respectively show proximal and distal facies of alluvial systems coming from the surrounding reliefs, and leaving in the central area a lacustrine-palustrine zone. Additionally, lithic industry has been identified in these deposits in a recent geoarchaeological survey, allowing us to attribute them to a Upper Pleistocene age. Moreover, three stages in the configuration of Los Aljezares Natural Site have been established: i) a first erosional stage leaving the paleorelief where the basin is developed; ii) the sedimentation of the Quaternary deposits and iii) the entrenching of the Vinalopó River.Este estudio ha sido financiado a través de las actividades de investigación de la Asociación Cinco Ojos. Observatorio de Patrimonio y del convenio AYTOASPE1-16TPA entre la Universidad de Alicante y el Ayuntamiento de Aspe
Cáncer de pulmón no microcítico: quimioterapia y otros tratamientos sistémicos
Lung cancer is the most frequent neoplasia in industrialized countries and the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 75-80% of lung carcinomas. Approximately one-third of these patients are diagnosed of locally advanced disease (Stage III of TNM staging system). Although surgery is the optimal treatment strategy, even in patients with stage I disease, approximately one third of them will die within 5 years, due to relapses and distant metastases. Several studies have explored the impact of neo-adyuvant chemotherapy in free disease survival and overall survival and adjuvant chemotherapy trials have been conducted to eliminate occult micrometastases and improve overall survival. In advanced disease, primary goals of therapy are palliation of symptoms as well as improvements in quality of life without high treatment-related toxicity
Estudio de los depósitos cuaternarios del Paraje Natural Municipal de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante): primeras aportaciones
Este trabajo recoge la primera aportación del estudio multidisciplinar llevado a cabo en los depósitos cuaternarios del Paraje Natural Municipal de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante). El paraje se localiza en un área deprimida rodeada por altos topográficos únicamente interrumpidos por la entrada y salida del río Vinalopó de N a S. Los depósitos cuaternarios presentan techos planos continuos dispuestos a una cota topográfica similar, lo que puede llevar a relacionarlos con terrazas fluviales del Vinalopó, sin embargo reflejan superficies de colmatación de una cuenca sedimentaria previa al encajamiento del río. Están constituidos por depósitos de gravas y arenas gruesas, y lutitas y arenas finas que representarían respectivamente facies proximales y distales de sistemas aluviales procedentes de los relieves circundantes, dejando en la zona central un área lacutre-palustre. Una prospección geoarqueológica reciente ha permitido constatar la presencia de industria lítica en estos depósitos, permitiendo atribuir una edad Pleistoceno superior al relleno de la cuenca. Se han podido establecer tres etapas en la configuración del paraje de Los Aljezares. Una primera etapa de carácter erosivo correspondería al desarrollo del paleo-relieve que generó la cuenca, la segunda a la sedimentación de los depósitos cuaternarios estudiados y la tercera al encajamiento del río Vinalopó
Geology and Archaeology of the late 4th century CE Earthquake-Tsunami event that struck the ancient roman city of Baelo Claudia (Cádiz, South Spain)
El presente trabajo resume el conjunto de nuevas investigaciones geológicas y arqueológicas que certifican la ocurrencia de un potente evento terremoto-tsunami que devastó la antigua ciudad romana de Baelo Claudia (Estrecho de Gibraltar) en la segunda mitad del siglo IV d.C. Aparte de las importantes de formaciones cosísmicas documentadas en forma de deformaciones en los restos arquitectónicos (EAEs) el presente estudio se centra en los efectos y registro sedimentario del tsunami que acompaño al terremoto. El análisis de los depósitos de tsunami en sondeos y afloramientos de la parte baja de la ciudad indican que este alcanzó una altura mínima de + 8 m por encima del nivel del mar y que penetró al menos 250 m hacia el interior alcanzando la base de los templos en la zona del Foro. Sin embargo, en los pequeños arroyos que se encuentran en la zona y en la antigua laguna litoral oriental la inundación pudo penetrar hasta algo más de un kilómetro. La capa del tsunami ha sido bien documentada dentro y fuera de la ciudad en trabajos anteriores y se encuentra bien. La tsunamita es un depósito arenoso cohesivo oscuro (de 28 a 52 cm de grosor) que contiene fragmentos de cerámica, huesos de pescado y de animales, cristalería, ladrillos y grandes bloques de mampostería y tambores de columnas. La capa también contiene conjuntos microfaunísticos con una mezcla de foraminíferos bentónicos y planctónicos, así como gasterópodos lagunares de agua salobre y numerosos restos de conchas y foraminíferos rotos reelaborados. Los datos presentados en este trabajo indican que la capa del paleotsunami se compone principalmente de arenas finas-medias bien redondeadas procedentes de la reelaboración de depósitos eólicos y de las antiguas playas y barras litorales que en época romana cerraban la antigua bahía. Interpretamos que la mayoría de los depósitos de tsunami son depósitos de backwash (retroceso de la ola) que quedaron atrapados entre las ruinas de la ciudad y especialmente a lo largo del Decumano Máximo, Termas marítimas y Mausoleo de Iunia Rufina en la necrópolis oriental de la ciudad. Los hallazgos arqueológicos en este monumento derribado por el terremoto y posterior tsunami permiten establecer la edad de este suceso entre los años 350 - 390 AD.This paper summarizes the set of new geological and archaeological studies that certify the occurrence of a powerful earthquake-tsunami event that devastated the ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia (Strait of Gibral tar) in the second half of the 4th century AD. Apart from the important coseismic deformations documented in the in the architectural remains (EAEs), the present study focuses on the effects and sedimentary record of the subsequent tsunami. Analysis of tsunami deposits in drill cores and outcrops along the lower part of the city indicate that the tsunami reached a minimum height of + 8m above sea level and penetrated at least 250 m inland reaching the base of the temples above the Forum area. However, in the small creeks around the area and in the ancient eastern littoral lagoon, flooding could have penetrated up to about one kilometre. The tsunami layer is a dark cohesive sandy deposit (28 to 52 cm thick) containing fragments of pottery, fish and animal bones, glassware, bricks and large boulders of masonry blocks and column drums. The layer also contains microfaunal assemblages with a mixture of benthic and planktonic foraminifera as well as lagoonal brackish-water gastropods and numerous shell debris and broken reworked foraminifera. Data presented in this work indicate that the tsunami layer is mainly composed of well-rounded fine-medium sands originating from the reworking of aeolian and littoral beach deposits of the old roman spit-bar enclosing the ancient embayment. We interpret most of the tsunami layer as backwash deposits trapped within the ruins of the city after the earthquake destruction, as testified by recent excavations along de decumanus maximum, Termas Marítimas and the funerary mausoleum of Iunia Rufina in the eastern necropolis. The archaeological findings in this funerary monument toppled by the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami allow to establish the age of this event between 350 - 390 AD.Esta investigación forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación Español I+D+i PID2021-123510OB-I00 (QTECIBERIA-USAL) financiado por el MICIN AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por el Instituto de Neotectónica y Riesgos Naturales de la Universidad RTWH Aachen (Alemania). Esta es una contribución del Grupo de Trabajo QTECT-AEQUA
New data for the Middle Paleolithic at the Vinalopó Mid Basin: the spot Paraje Natural Municipal de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante). Techno-typological analysis of surface lithic industry
Se estudian los materiales líticos en superficie procedentes del Paraje Natural de Los Aljezares. El objetivo es dar a conocer el yacimiento y valorar su interés en el contexto regional. Los datos obtenidos permiten establecer la presencia de materiales adscritos al Paleolítico medio y superior. Este enclave aporta nueva información al poblamiento de la cuenca media del Vinalopó y proporciona un marco de comparación con otros conjuntos ubicados en las inmediaciones de la misma.S’estudien els materials lítics en superfície procedents del Paraje Natural de Los Aljezares. L’objectiu és donar a conèixer el jaciment i valorar el seu interès en el context regional. Les dades obtingudes permeten establir la presència de materials adscrits al Paleolític mitjà i superior. Aquest enclavament aporta nova información al poblament de la conca mitjana del Vinalopó i proporciona un marc de comparació amb altres conjunts situats en els voltants d’aquesta.In this paper surface lithic materials from The Paraje Natural de Los Aljezares are studied. The aim is to raise awareness of the site and assess its interest in the regional context. The data obtained allow us to establish the presence of materials assigned to the Middle and Upper Paleolithic. This site provides new information to the settlement of the Vinalopó middle basin and provides a framework for comparison with other sites located in the vicinity.La investigación se ha financiado a través de los siguientes proyectos de investigación: “Estudio del registro climático reciente preservado en depósitos cuaternarios: el caso de Los Aljezares (Aspe, Alicante) y su relación con los depósitos del Medio y Bajo Vinalopó” (GRE17-02), “El pasado lejano: aproximación a la conducta y la ocupación del territorio en el paleolítico valenciano” (PROMETEO/2017/060) y “Síntesis del Paleolitico medio y superior en Valencia y Murcia: aspectos cronológicos, paleoambientales, económicos y culturales” (HAR2017-85153-P)
Biogeographical and seasonal distribution of pteropod populations in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea inferred from sediment traps
Pteropods are a group of cosmopolitan holoplanktic gastropods that produce an aragonite shell and play an important role in both marine ecosystems and geochemical cycles. In addition to being affected by anthropogenic impacts that include warming and changes in carbonate system parameters, the Mediterranean Sea is considered to be understudied concerning pteropods dynamics and abundances. This work aims to document the modern spatial and temporal distributions of pteropods populations in the Northwestern and Central Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lions and Strait of Sicily), respectively. We present data from two sediment-trap records that cover the timeframe between early 1996 and early 2004 for the Gulf of Lions and late 2013 to late 2014 for the Sicily Strait. A total of 843 pteropod shells and 18 different species were identified. Limacina inflata, Creseis virgula and Creseis clava were the most abundant species in the Gulf of Lions, while in the Sicily Strait, C. conica replaced C. clava as the most abundant species. These taxons represented around 70% of the total individuals identified in both sites. Overall, our results suggest a greater pteropod abundance in the Gulf of Lions than in the Sicily Strait, most likely due to enhanced food conditions. In the Gulf of Lions, maximum fluxes occurred in autumn (32.5% of the annual pteropod fluxes registered in October), while in the Sicily Strait peak fluxes occurred in winter (30.5% of the annual pteropod fluxes registered in January). Comparison of temporal changes pteropod fluxes with satellite sea surface temperature (SST), and chlorophyll-a concentration suggest a possible positive effect of high algal accumulation and cool water conditions in the Strait of Sicily on the main pteropod groups. In turn, no clear relationships between pteropod groups, SST and chlorophyll-a were identified in the Gulf of Lions, highlighting the effect of salinity and carbonate system parameters. Overall, and despite the limitations associated with the use of sediment traps for pteropod population monitoring, the consistency of our results with the literature supports the use of sediment traps as useful tools for documenting the diversity and temporal distribution of pteropods
CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative
Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research
JMicrovision. 7: Proporciones de color
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