Cruise Report PASSAGE23


[EN]Cruise PASSAGE23 started on the 17th of November from Cádiz Port (Spain) and ended on the 23rd of November at Cádiz Port. The cruise took place aboard the R/V Ramón Margalef. During the cruise, two mooring lines were deployed on the southwestern Portuguese margin (Fig. 1). Each mooring line was equipped with two sediment traps and three different types of hydrographic sensors to measure turbidity, current speed, temperature, and salinity. The mooring lines were deployed at 2625 and 1515 meters water depth (mwd) using train wheels as anchors. CTD profiles and seawater samples were collected at 21 stations along the southwestern Iberian margin with a 12-bottle rosette. Sea water was filtered with a filtration ramp at selected water depths on cellulose filters for ecological studies and on glass fiber filters for carbon cycle studies. Surface sediment samples were collected whenever possible by two types of corers: a brand-new monocorer from Unidad de Tecnología Marina (UTM-CSIC) that descends attached to the rosette and a small box-corer loaned by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). Monocorer and boxcorer tubes were sampled aboard at 1-cm intervals using a handcrafted core extruder

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