127 research outputs found
The idea of ‘naturality’ in the Hispanic monarchy and the formation of Spanish identity between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries: an approach
‘Naturality’, a juridical and political concept, was fundamental in creating the Spanish identity. The article examines six existing varieties of ‘naturality’ in Spain: in Castile, Aragón, Valencia, Catalonia, Mallorca and Navarre. It draws its evidences from legal compilations. Comparative analysis shows up that they consisted in the privilege of serving the king by being appointed to occupy secular and ecclesiastical offices. All of them evolved equally but the Navarrese ‘naturality’. At the beginning of the eighteenth century three decrees suppressed all naturalities but the Castilian and Navarrese, and gave the king the full control on ‘naturality’ but in Navarre. The new Castilian ‘naturality’ had no name at first and included all others. The subsequent legislation was focused on fixing the condition of being stranger, creating a central vacuum that by usage came to be called Spanish ‘naturality’
Intereses financieros y nacionalismo. La pugna entre mercaderes banqueros españoles y franceses en Madrid, 1766-1796
The paper starts by referring the presence of three financial groups in Madrid in 18th century Vasque, Navarrese and French. By then, the town was the main financial market of the Spanish Monarchy. The Real Giro, the first Spanish public bank, was set up in 1748 mainly to keep under control the silver exports towards European countries. But it soon declined and, at the same time, the Madrid French tradesmen achieved an increasing activity. Both facts fed a struggle between two financial groups, the French and that of the Spanish naturals, for controlling the silver business. Later on Floridablanca fueled the creation of the Banco de San Carlos, which came to be controlled by French. In this situation, the Spanish tradesmen, who held on the Spanish financial group Cinco Gremios Mayores, faced off them by increasingly using nationalist arguments. The reaction to the political events of 1789 and the subsequent process of expulsion of the French from Spain blocked the ways to finance the State and its Enlightened policy. It also fuelded the Spanish Monarchy’s debt increase and paved the path to a first process of public auction of many Church estates in 1798.Se analiza la presencia de tres grupos financieros: vascos y navarros de un lado y franceses de otro, en Madrid, la capital financiera de la monarquía hispánica en el siglo XVIII. La puesta en marcha en 1748 del Real Giro, el primer banco estatal español, para intervenir en el lucrativo comercio de la exportación de plata a Europa, sumado al creciente poder de los mercaderes franceses en Madrid, alimentó un conflicto entre grupos financieros por el control del negocio. Cuando en 1782 Floridablanca impulsó la creación del Banco de San Carlos, que acabó controlado por los franceses, los mercaderes españoles, agrupados en el grupo financiero Cinco Gremios Mayores, se acabaron enfrentando a ellos con argumentos nacionalistas. La reacción subsiguiente a 1789 y la progresiva expulsión de franceses cegó los canales de financiación del Estado y la política ilustrada, impulsando el crecimiento de la deuda y la próxima desamortización de 1798
Prevention and treatment of oral mucositis in patients receiving chemotherapy
Oral mucositis is one of the most common side effects of cancer treatment (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy). It is
an inflammatory process that affects the mucosa of the oral cavity, giving rise to erythematous areas in combination
with ulcers that can reach a large size. The true importance of oral mucositis is the complications it causes ' fundamentally
intense pain associated to the oral ulcers, and the risk of overinfection. This in turn may require reduction
or even suspension of the antineoplastic treatment, with the risk of seriously worsening the patient prognosis. This
points to the importance of establishing therapeutic tools of use in the prevention and/or treatment of mucositis. The
present study offers a literature review of all the articles published over the last 10 years referred to the prevention
and/or treatment of oral mucositis associated to chemotherapy
Intereses financieros y nacionalismo. La pugna entre mercaderes banqueros españoles y franceses en Madrid, 1766-1796
The paper starts by referring the presence of three financial groups in Madrid in 18th century Vasque, Navarrese and French. By then, the town was the main financial market of the Spanish Monarchy. The Real Giro, the first Spanish public bank, was set up in 1748 mainly to keep under control the silver exports towards European countries. But it soon declined and, at the same time, the Madrid French tradesmen achieved an increasing activity. Both facts fed a struggle between two financial groups, the French and that of the Spanish naturals, for controlling the silver business. Later on Floridablanca fueled the creation of the Banco de San Carlos, which came to be controlled by French. In this situation, the Spanish tradesmen, who held on the Spanish financial group Cinco Gremios Mayores, faced off them by increasingly using nationalist arguments. The reaction to the political events of 1789 and the subsequent process of expulsion of the French from Spain blocked the ways to finance the State and its Enlightened policy. It also fuelded the Spanish Monarchy’s debt increase and paved the path to a first process of public auction of many Church estates in 1798
Propuesta de intervención para el juego patológico
Desde hace varias décadas, se pueden encontrar en España una gran cantidad de juegos de azar y apuestas a pie de calle y además sigue una tendencia ascendente. El mal uso de este tipo de ocio ha llevado a la aparición del llamado trastorno del juego patológico o ludopatía, el cual trae consigo una gran cantidad de consecuencias negativas en varias áreas del individuo afectado. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de intervención para el trastorno del juego patológico basada en otros trabajos realizados por varios autores y profesionales de la materia. En este protocolo de intervención se evalúan variables relacionadas con la conducta de juego y variables relacionadas con otros trastornos comórbidos al juego patológico mediante instrumentos con una eficacia contrastada. La intervención tiene un enfoque cognitivo-conductual y se compone de técnicas como la reestructuración cognitiva, la desensibilización imaginada con relajación, la exposición en vivo con prevención de respuesta y la prevención de recaídas
Estudio genético de dos fenotipos óseos: osteocondromatosis múltiple y alta masa ósea
[spa]Mi trabajo de tesis está compuesto por dos estudios diferenciados. Por un lado, el análisis molecular de la Osteocondromatosis Múltiple (MO) en pacientes españoles y latinoamericanos. El uso combinado de dos métodos complementarios en la búsqueda de mutaciones (detección de la dosis génica y análisis de la secuencia de ADN) ha permitido descubrir la causa de MO en el 95% de los pacientes españoles y en el 83% de los pacientes latinoamericanos analizados. Se han genotipado los exones y las regiones intrónicas flanqueantes de los genes causantes de la MO, EXT1 y EXT2, en 39 pacientes españoles y 27 latinoamericanos. Se ha identificado la mutación causal en 37 de los pacientes españoles, 29 en EXT1 y 8 en EXT2, 18 de las cuales no habían sido descritas previamente. Tras el análisis mutacional en los pacientes latinoamericanos se ha identificado la mutación causal en 18 de ellos. El análisis mediante MLPA ha permitido descubrir mutaciones de tipo mosaico y se ha confirmado que este tipo de mutaciones también pueden dar lugar a MO. También se ha realizado un estudio de la correlación genotipo-fenotipo en estos pacientes. Este estudio ha permitido determinar que los pacientes españoles con mutaciones missense tienen menor número de osteocondromas que los pacientes con otro tipo de mutaciones. En los pacientes latinoamericanos no se ha podido establecer ninguna correlación entre el grado de severidad de la MO y el gen mutado. Por otra parte, mi tesis aborda el estudio genético molecular del fenotipo alta masa ósea (HBM) en probandos españolas. Se encontraron 13 casos con este fenotipo en los que se analizaron los exones relevantes del gen LRP5, descrito como causante de la HBM y de su inhibidor DKK1. No se encontraron mutaciones en las regiones analizadas del gen LRP5. En una probando con HBM se ha identificado un cambio missense en DKK1 (p.Y74F), no descrito previamente, que podría ser la causa del fenotipo. Se realizó un estudio de 55 loci autosómicos asociados con la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) para comprobar si las probandos tienen un mayor número de alelos protectores frente a la pérdida de masa ósea. En la mayoría de los casos de HBM estudiados, los niveles de DMO se distribuyen inversamente al número de alelos de riesgo de osteoporosis. El único caso en el que esto no se cumple es el que presenta el mayor valor de Z-score y su alta masa ósea podría explicarse por una variante genética rara y penetrante. Por otro lado, se pudo disponer de osteoblastos primarios de dos probandos con HBM y de 5 muestras control y se realizó un análisis transcriptómico de estas células para analizar la expresión diferencial de genes relevantes en el metabolismo óseo en este tipo celular. En el estudio de expresión en osteoblastos primarios se ha observado una correlación negativa entre el valor de Z-score y la expresión de IL6R, DLX3, TWIST1 y PPARG. Este estudio transcriptómico apunta a que tanto un aumento en los niveles de RUNX2 como una disminución en la cantidad de SOX6 podrían tener un papel en algunos casos de HBM. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, se propone un modelo de heterogeneidad genética para la HBM, en la que hay casos debidos a efectos pequeños y aditivos de diversos genes y otros causados principalmente por mutaciones en un único gen.[eng]There are two different studies that compose my thesis. The first one is a molecular analysis of multiple osteochondromas (MO) in Spanish and Latin American patients. MO is a genetically heterogeneous disease caused by mutations in two genes: EXT1 and EXT2. On sequencing all exons and flanking regions of those two genes in the samples of 39 unrelated patients, 37 pathogenic mutations were identified. Twenty-nine different mutations were found in the EXT1 gene, while 8 were found in EXT2. Eighteen out of the 37 mutations were novel. After the mutational analysis in Latin American patients the causative mutation in 18 of them has been identified. MLPA analysis has revealed mosaic mutations and it has been confirmed that such mutations can also lead to MO. Also a study of genotype-phenotype correlation in these patients was made. On the second one, my thesis addresses the molecular genetic study of high bone mass phenotype (HBM). Thirteen cases were found with this phenotype and the relevant exons of LRP5, described as HBM causative gene, and DKK1, that is LRP5 inhibitor, were sequenced. No mutations in the relevant exons of LRP5 were found. A rare missense change in DKK1 was found in one woman (p.Y74F). Fifty-five BMD SNPs were genotyped in the HBM cases to obtain risk scores for each individual. Z-scores were negatively correlated with these risk scores, with a single exception, which may be explained by a rare penetrant genetic variant. An expression analysis in primary osteoblasts from two HBM cases and five controls was carried out. It showed that IL6R, DLX3, TWIST1 and PPARG were negatively related to Z-score. One HBM case presented with high levels of RUNX2, while the other displayed very low SOX6. In conclusion, we provide evidence of heterogeneity and the additive effects of several genes for the HBM phenotype
Dental considerations in pregnancy and menopause
The present study offers a literature review of the main oral complications observed in women during pregnancy
and menopause, and describes the different dental management protocols used during these periods and during lactation,
according to the scientific literature. To this effect, a PubMed-Medline search was made, using the following
key word combinations: “pregnant and dentistry”, “lactation and dentistry”, “postmenopausal and dentistry”, “menopausal
and dentistry” and “oral bisphosphonates and dentistry”. The search was limited to reviews, metaanalyses
and clinical guides in dental journals published over the last 10 years in English and Spanish. A total of 38 publications
were evaluated. Pregnancy can be characterized by an increased prevalence of caries and dental erosions,
worsening of pre-existing gingivitis, or the appearance of pyogenic granulomas, among other problems. Although
routine dental treatment is generally safe in pregnant patients and posteriorly during the lactation period, certain
dental procedures can have potentially damaging effects, such as the use of ionizing radiations, the administration
of drugs, or the generation of pain and stress. In postmenopausal women, alterations of the oral cavity are related
to the hormone alterations that characterize these patients and to physiological aging of the oral tissues, potentially
giving rise to periodontitis, burning mouth syndrome and xerostomia. As a result of the development of osteoporosis,
these patients may be receiving treatment with oral bisphosphonates, which in turn may require changes in the
dental management plan
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