93 research outputs found

    Góngora: mediador turístico

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    ES: El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer las herramientas necesarias para elaborar una guíaturística de la ciudad de Granada a partir de un romance del escritor andaluz Luis deGóngora.Pese a la inseguridad inicial que puede provocar el uso de este tipo de textos en el aula de ELE,nuestra experiencia docente nos ha demostrado que es posible trabajar con textos literarios delSiglo de Oro incluso en cursos iniciales, siendo responsabilidad del profesorado diseñar lamejor adaptación y explotación para cada uno de los niveles de enseñanza. Estos textos no solosirven para sumergir al alumnado en una época importante de la literatura española, sinotambién para darle a conocer aspectos lingüísticos y culturales de manera más motivadoraThe aim of this article is to provide the necessary tools to create a tourist guide to the city ofGranada from an Andalusian romance by the writer Luis de Góngora.Despite the initial uncertainty that the use of such texts may cause in the ELE (Spanish as aforeign language) classroom, our teaching experience has shown us that it is possible to workwith literary texts of the Siglo de Oro even in initial levels with teachers holding responsibilityfor the best design and adaptation of the syllabus to each of the teaching levels. These textsserve not only to immerse students in an important period of Spanish literature, but also tointroduce them to linguistic and cultural aspects in a more motivating way

    Informe de la campaña de campo 2009 en el Agdal de Oukaïmeden (Alto Atlas, Marruecos)

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    Ruiz-Gálvez, Marisa et al.[ES] La campaña 2009 en Agdal de Oukaïmeden se ha centrado en diferentes líneas de trabajo: la excavación del Abrigo de los Elefantes o Adbasán, los sondeos realizados en Aguni Nait Warij, las excavaciones realizadas en los túmulos del valle de Oukaimed y el sondeo frente a la estación K-4.14 “Friso de los Elefantes”. Todas estas intervenciones han permitido, entre otros hallazgos, determinar cronologías. Por otro lado, la campaña ha incidido en la ejecución de distintos análisis polínicos, se han muestreado un total de 10 perfiles y se han tomado algunas muestras de musgos de los enclaves más significativos. Otra de las líneas de investigación en 2009 se ha dirigido a los procesos de deterioro de los grabados rupestres, proponiéndose recomendaciones de actuación al respecto, y a la intensificación del estudio general de arte rupestre en la zona, lo que ha propiciado nuevos descubrimientos. La campaña se ha completado con el trabajo etnoarqueológico desarrollado en contacto con los pastores del Atlas. [EN] The 2009 campaign in Agdal of Oukaïmeden has centred on different lines of work: the excavation of the Elefant's Shelter or Adbasan, the survey made in Aguni Nait Warij, the excavations made in the tombs of the Oukaimed valley and the surveying in front of the K-4.14 station >Elephant's Frieze>. All these interventions have allowed for, among other discoveries, determining chronologies. On the other hand, the campaign has focused on the execution of different analyses of pollen, showing a total of 10 profiles and moss samples of the most significant enclaves were also taken. Other lines of investigation in 2009 have been directed at the processes of deterioration of the cave wall etchings, proposing recommendations of actuation in response, and to the intensification of the general study of cavewall art in the area, which has led to new discoveries. The campaign has concluded with the ethno-archeological work developed in contact with the pastors of the Atlas.Peer Reviewe

    The effects of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing inferior third molar surgery

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety of patients. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective study (91 patients) undergoing lower third molar extraction. Patients were distributed into three groups. Informed consent for surgery was obtained through a written docu - ment, an oral interview or a video recording. Afterwards, patients were asked about their anxiety level and the effect the informed consent had had on it. Results: Whereas the information conveyed both in oral and written formats relieved the patient to some extent (in a scale of -3 to +3) 0.97±1.21 and 0.29±0.97, respectively), the video recording increased patient's anxiety in a sta - tistically significant way (in a scale of -3 to +3, -0.57±1.43). The difference obtained between the values obtained in oral and written information was not statistically significant. Discussion: The most adequate format, according to our study, would be the oral format

    Plan de gestión de energías renovables en el Monasterio Sakya Tashi Ling del Garraf

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    En el presente estudio se han analizado las posibilidades de reducción del impacto ambiental que genera el consumo de energía en el Monasterio budista Sakya Tashi Ling del Parque del Garraf, mediante la mejora de la eficiencia energética de los edificios y la producción de la energía consumida a partir de fuentes de energía renovables. Se ha realizado un inventario exhaustivo de los flujos energéticos de entrada del Monasterio: electricidad y combustibles fósiles, y el análisis de estos datos ha permitido observar que la mayor parte del consumo energético del Monasterio tiene como uso final la iluminación. El consumo total de energía se ha cuantificado en 138 kWh/m2/año y la emisiones de CO2 en 177 kg CO2/m2/año. A partir de estos datos se ha estudiado la posibilidad de reducir el consumo y abastecer la demanda energética del Monasterio a través de fuentes de energía renovable como las placas solares fotovoltaicas o las calderas de biomasa. Para alcanzar este objetivo se han propuesto tres escenarios posibles con costes económicos y resultados muy distintos. A diferencia de los escenarios "Edificio Energía Plus" y "Edificio Energía 0", el tercer escenario propuesto, que trataba de alcanzar el triple objetivo del Plan 20/20/20 (producir a partir de fuentes renovables el 20% de la energía consumida, aumentar en una 20% la eficiencia energética y reducir en un 20% las emisiones de CO2 derivadas del uso de la energía) ha resultado ser muy viable económicamente: la inversión necesaria se amortizaría en tan sólo 5 años.En el present estudi s'han analitzat les possibilitats de reducció de l'impacte ambiental que genera el consum d'energia en el Monestir budista Sakya Tashi Ling del Parc del Garraf, mitjançant la millora de l'eficiència energètica dels edificis i la producció de l'energia consumida a partir de fonts d'energia renovables. S'ha realitzat un inventari exhaustiu dels fluxos energètics d'entrada del Monestir: electricitat i combustibles fòssils, i l'anàlisi d'aquestes dades ha permès observar que la major part del consum energètic del Monestir té com a ús final la il·luminació. El consum total d'energia s'ha quantificat en 138 kWh/m2/any i les emissions de CO2 en 177 kg CO2/m2/any. A partir d'aquestes dades s'ha estudiat la possibilitat de reduir aquest consum i proveir la demanda energètica del Monestir a través de fonts d'energia renovable com les plaques solars fotovoltaiques o les calderes de biomassa. Per arribar a aquest objectiu s'han proposat tres escenaris possibles amb costos econòmics i resultats molt diferents. A diferència dels escenaris "Edifici Energia Plus" i "Edifici Energia 0", el tercer escenari proposat, que tractava d'assolir el triple objectiu del Pla 20/20/20 (produir a partir de fonts renovables el 20% de l'energia consumida, augmentar en un 20% l'eficiència energètica i reduir en un 20% les emissions de CO2 derivades de l'ús de l'energia) ha resultat ser molt viable econòmicament: la inversió necessària s'amortitzaria en només 5 anys.The current study analyzes the possibility of reducing the environmental impact generated by the consumption of energy in the Sakya Tashi Ling Buddhist Monastery of Garraf Park through the improvement of the energy efficiency in buildings and the energy production consumed from renewable energy sources. A comprehensive inventory of the energy flux (electricity and fossil fuels) that comes from the Monastery has been undertaken. The findings of these data have revealed that most of the energy consumption is devoted to lighting purposes. The total energy inputs have been calculated in 138 kWh/m2/year and the associated emissions in 177kgCO2/m2/year. Once the energy consumption of the Monastery was analyzed, the possibility of reducing such consumption was considered in order to meet the energy demands of the Monastery through the installation of uptake of renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic solar panels or biomass boilers. To achieve this goal, three possible outcomes have been proposed with very different economic costs and results

    Estados de ánimo y rendimiento deportivo en fútbol : ¿existe la ventaja de jugar en casa?

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    Los estados de ánimo previos a la competición han sido asociados con la selección de deportistas y el rendimiento deportivo. Recientes investigaciones parecen haber demostrado que la relación entre el estado de ánimo precompetitivo y el rendimiento, podría estar mediado por una serie de variables como son la duración del evento, el tipo de deporte e incluso la localización del partido (Terry, 1997). En el presente estudio, tenemos intención de observar cómo los estados de ánimo, previos a la competición, influyen en el rendimiento de un equipo de fútbol durante toda la temporada, y si esta relación está mediada por la variable localización del partido. Según los resultados obtenidos, la variable localización del partido parece mediar en la relación existente entre estados de ánimo y rendimiento, siendo los partidos jugados fuera de casa donde más se manifiestan los estados de ánimo y su consiguiente influencia en el rendimiento.Emotional states, previous to competition, have been associated to competition outcomes and athletes selection. Recent investigations have demonstrated that some variables could being mediating the relationships between emotional states and competition outcome, such as duration of the event, type of sport and game location (Terry, 1997). The present study's intention is to observe how the emotional states, previous to competition, relate to competition performance, in a soccer team during a season. Also, we are interested in the possible mediating role of game location. The study results, seem to confirm that game location mediate the relationship between emotional states and performance, with home matches having the more positive emotional states and performance

    Algoritmo Vía Aérea Difícil de la American Society of Anesthesiologist 2013: Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway. An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Task Force on Management of the Difficult Airway. American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Anesthesiology 2013; 118:251-70

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    Como viene haciendo cada 10 años, la American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) ha publicado la actualización de su algoritmo de vía aérea difícil (VAD). Sin demasiadas novedades, nos aporta su recomendación basada en la evidencia. Como era de esperar, no entra a valorar qué dispositivo de entre los que existen en el mercado, es el gold standard, ya que hasta la fecha, no hay estudio randomizado que lo demuestre

    Phosphomannomutase deficiency (PMM2-CDG): Ataxia and cerebellar assessment

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    Background: Phosphomannomutase deficiency (PMM2-CDG) is the most frequent congenital disorder of glycosylation. The cerebellum is nearly always affected in PMM2-CDG patients, a cerebellar atrophy progression is observed, and cerebellar dysfunction is their main daily functional limitation. Different therapeutic agents are under development, and clinical evaluation of drug candidates will require a standardized score of cerebellar dysfunction. We aim to assess the validity of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) in children and adolescents with genetically confirmed PMM2-CDG deficiency. We compare ICARS results with the Nijmegen Pediatric CDG Rating Scale (NPCRS), neuroimaging, intelligence quotient (IQ) and molecular data. Methods: Our observational study included 13 PMM2-CDG patients and 21 control subjects. Ethical permissions and informed consents were obtained. Three independent child neurologists rated PMM2-CDG patients and control subjects using the ICARS. A single clinician administered the NPCRS. All patients underwent brain MRI, and the relative diameter of the midsagittal vermis was measured. Psychometric evaluations were available in six patients. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare ICARS between patients and controls. To evaluate inter-observer agreement in patients' ICARS ratings, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated. ICARS internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient test was used to correlate ICARS with NPCRS, midsagittal vermis relative diameter and IQ. Results: ICARS and ICARS subscores differed between patients and controls (p < 0.001). Interobserver agreement of ICARS was "almost perfect" (ICC = 0.99), with a "good" internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.72). ICARS was significantly correlated with the total NPCRS score (rs 0.90, p < 0.001). However, there was no agreement regarding categories of severity. Regarding neuroimaging, inverse correlations between ICARS and midsagittal vermis relative diameter (rs -0.85, p = 0.003) and IQ (rs -0.94, p = 0.005) were found. Patients bearing p.E93A, p.C241S or p.R162W mutations presented a milder phenotype. Conclusions: ICARS is a reliable instrument for assessment of PMM2-CDG patients, without significant inter-rater variability. Despite our limited sample size, the results show a good correlation between functional cerebellar assessment, IQ and neuroimagingFor the first a correlation between ICARS, neuroimaging and IQ in PMM2-CDG patients has been demonstratedThe work was supported by national grants PI14/00021, PI11/01096, PI11/01250, and PI10/00455 from the National Plan on I+D+I, cofinanced by ISC-III (Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and IPT-2012- 0561-010000 from MINECO. Three research groups (U-746, U-737 and U703) from the Centre for Biomedical Research on Rare Diseases (CIBER-ER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, have worked together for the present stud

    Booster effect after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in immunocompromised hematology patients with prior COVID-19

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    Patients with hematological malignancies have been excluded from the new zoonotic coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]) vaccine trials despite being at higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19)-related mortality. However, most health authorities worldwide have designated these patients as a priority for COVID-19 vaccination, even in the absence of efficacy data in these highly immunosuppressed patients. In addition, on 12 August 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to allow for the use of an additional dose in immunocompromised individuals, such as solid organ transplant recipients or equivalently immunosuppressed patients

    Manejo de la inmunosupresión en pacientes trasplantados de riñón con COVID19. Estudio multicéntrico nacional derivado del registro COVID de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología

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    Introduction: SARS CoV2 infection has had a major impact on renal transplant patients with a high mortality in the first months of the pandemic. Intentional reduction of immunosuppressive therapy has been postulated as one of the cornerstone in the management of the infection in the absence of targeted antiviral treatment. This has been modified according to the patient`s clinical situation and its effect on renal function or anti-HLA antibodies in the medium term has not been evaluated.Objectives: Evaluate the management of immunosuppressive therapy made during SARS-CoV2 infection, as well as renal function and anti-HLA antibodies in kidney transplant patients 6 months after COVID19 diagnosis.Material and methods: Retrospective, national multicentre, retrospective study (30 centres) of kidney transplant recipients with COVID19 from 01/02/20 to 31/12/20. Clinical variables were collected from medical records and included in an anonymised database. SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis.Results: renal transplant recipients with COVID19 were included (62.6% male), with a mean age of 57.5 years. The predominant immunosuppressive treatment prior to COVID19 was triple therapy with prednisone, tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid (54.6%) followed by m-TOR inhibitor regimens (18.6%). After diagnosis of infection, mycophenolic acid was discontinued in 73.8% of patients, m-TOR inhibitor in 41.4%, tacrolimus in 10.5% and cyclosporin A in 10%. In turn, 26.9% received dexamethasone and 50.9% were started on or had their baseline prednisone dose increased. Mean creatinine before diagnosis of COVID19, at diagnosis and at 6 months was: 1.7 +/- 0.8, 2.1 +/- 1.2 and 1.8 +/- 1 mg/dl respectively (p < 0.001). 56.9% of the patients (N = 350) were monitored for anti-HLA antibodies. 94% (N = 329) had no anti-HLA changes, while 6% (N = 21) had positive anti-HLA antibodies. Among the patients with donor-specific antibodies post-COVID19 (N = 9), 7 patients (3.1%) had one immunosuppressant discontinued (5 patients had mycophenolic acid and 2 had tacrolimus), 1 patient had both immunosuppressants discontinued (3.4%) and 1 patient had no change in immunosuppression (1.1%), these differences were not significant.Conclusions: The management of immunosuppressive therapy after diagnosis of COVID19 was primarily based on discontinuation of mycophenolic acid with very discrete reductions or discontinuations of calcineurin inhibitors. This immunosuppression management did not influence renal function or changes in anti-HLA antibodies 6 months after diagnosis