7,444 research outputs found

    Selection of bioantagonistic bacteria to be used in biological control of Rhizoctonia solani in tomato

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602011000100002&lng=es&nrm=isoBacteria from the rhizoplane and surrounding soil of healthy and Rhizoctonia solani diseased tomato plants, cropped in greenhouse of the V Region of Chile, were collected. The best bacterial strains, based on their ability to control development of three R. solani isolates (identified as belonging to the anastomosis groups AG-2-1, AG-4), were identified as B. subtilis (one isolate) and B. lentimorbus (two different isolates). All bacterial isolates resulted effective for the in vitro control of growth of all R. solani isolates, where the control mechanisms used by the bacteria do not involve the secretion of fungal cell wall hydrolytic enzymes. R. solani AG-2-1 was more sensitive than R. solani AG-4. On the other hand, all bacteria grew well in conditions similar to those that can be found at the field level (considering pH, salinity, Fe3+ and temperature) and showed a good capacity of tomato root colonization. These results suggest that the B. subtilis and B. lentimorbus isolates studied have an excellent potential to be used as biocontrol agents of R. solani in tomato greenhouses at the field level

    Indicadores de productividad y desarrollo para la ciudad-región de Girardot

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    A cidade de Girardot (Colômbia) é o principal centro turístico da região do Alto Magdalena onde existe uma quantidade de negócios industriais, comerciais e de serviços que, de uma ou outra fora, contribuem para o desenvolvimento da cidade. Tanto a cidade quanto a região carecem de fontes estatísticas que permitam determinar as necessidades de investimento nos diferentes setores econômicos; razão pela qual os investidores e as empresas interessados em realizar os investimentos se abstenham de fazer isso, assim a cidade perde oportunidades de gerar novas fontes de emprego e desenvolvimento. Mediante uma consulta praticada aos atores atuais, analisou-se seu comportamento. Isso facilitou a elaboração dos indicadores, os quais poderão ser consultados pelos investidores para que possam ver em que setores econômicos e financeiros existem as melhores oportunidades de investimento.La ciudad de Girardot es el principal centro turístico de la región del Alto Magdalena donde existe una cantidad de negocios industriales, comerciales y de servicios, que, de una u otra forma, contribuyen al desarrollo de la ciudad. Tanto la ciudad como la región adolecen de fuentes estadísticas que permitan determinar las necesidades de inversión en los diferentes sectores económicos; por lo que los inversionistas y las empresas interesados en realizar las inversiones, se abstienen de hacerlas, así la ciudad pierde oportunidades de generar nuevas fuentes de empleo y desarrollo. Mediante una consulta practicada a los actores actuales, se analizó su comportamiento. Esto facilitó la elaboración de los indicadores, los cuales podrán ser consultados por los inversionistas para que puedan ver en qué sectorThe city of Girardot is the most important tourist destination in the Upper Magdalena Valley, and there exists many industrial, commercial and service bussinesses, which contribute to the development of the city. However, the city lacks a good source of information about investment in the various economic sectors and for this reason investors are wary of committing to the region and the opportunity to create jobs and foster development is being lost. By consulting with local entities, an index is formulated to help investors identify the financial and economic sector which offer greatest opportunity for investmen

    El ahorro y los obstáculos a la inversión en la cadena de valor automotriz: Una propuesta teórica y empírica

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    This work begins a study of firm performance in the automotive industry, particularly based on the performance of savings and investment at the firm level. Firstly, it theoretically discusses firms` investment restrictions stemming from the specific nature of the value chain, and other financial and operational factors prone to generate excess savings at the firm level. Second, it empirically studies the behaviour of these variables infirms from Latin America, compared to those from other relevant regions of the world. The results suggest the existence of more marked obstacles to investment and growth in automakers from Latin America.Este trabajo inicia un estudio del comportamiento empresario en el sector automotriz, en particular referido al desempeño del ahorro y la inversión a nivel firma. Primero, se discuten teóricamente los límites a la inversión de las firmas que pueden surgir del particular funcionamiento de la cadena de valor, y otros factores financieros y operativos capaces de conducir a situaciones de exceso de ahorro. Segundo, se estudia empíricamente el comportamiento de estas variables en firmas de América Latina, comparándolo con otras regiones del mundo. Los resultados sugieren la existencia de obstáculos más marcados a la inversión y crecimiento de firmas automotrices en América Latina que en las restantes regiones analizadas

    La disfagia tras un accidente cerebrovascular: Cuidados de enfermería

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaLas enfermedades cerebrovasculares constituyen la segunda causa de muertes a nivel mundial, recayendo la principal incidencia sobre las personas de la tercera edad. Teniendo en cuenta el envejecimiento progresivo de la población, el abordaje de estas enfermedades, así como sus complicaciones supone un gran reto para la sanidad. Mediante esta revisión narrativa, en la que se han consultado las bases de datos Pubmed, Cinahl, Cuiden Plus, Scielo, Cochrane, Lilacs, y el motor de búsquedas Google Académico se pretende revisar la evidencia disponible sobre cómo abordar la nutrición en un paciente con disfagia tras un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV). La valoración precoz de la misma supone gran importancia en la evolución del paciente, pudiendo evitar complicaciones tales como la broncoaspiración o la neumonía. A su vez, la utilización de un test de deglución eficaz y adecuado es crucial para poder determinar el grado de la misma y así poder tomar las medidas adecuadas a la capacidad del paciente. Estas herramientas de cribado son realizadas a pie de cama por el personal de enfermería por lo que este colectivo sanitario tiene gran responsabilidad en la valoración de la disfagia. La presencia de la misma, así como el grado en el que aparezca supondrá la necesidad de aplicar diferentes medidas para la administración de los nutrientes necesarios para el paciente con el fin de garantizar la seguridad del mismo y evitar la aparición de complicaciones.The cerebrovascular diseases constitute the second cause of death in the world, with a higher incidence in elderly people. Taking into acount the aging of the population, the approach to these diseases, as well as he complications that can arise are a big challenge to the health of individuals and to the health care systems. In this narrative view, the following databases have been consulted: Pubmed, Cinahl, Cuiden Plus, Scielo, Cochrane, Lilacs and Google Academic with the aim to review the existing evidence about how to approach the nutrition of a pacient suffering from dysphagia after a stroke. The early assessment of dysphagia is critical in the evolution of the patient, since it avoids further complications such as pneumonia or aspiration. In turn, the use of an effective test of deglution is crucial to be able to determinate the level of dysphagia and to implement the appropiate measures according to the status of the pacient. This bedside screening tools are used by the nursing staff, so these professionals have a great responsability in the diagnosis and assessment of dysphagia. The presence of dysphagia, as well as the level at which it is present in the pacient, leads to the administration of different interventional approaches to administrate the nutrients needed by the pacient in order to enruse the security of the pacient and to avoid the appearance of complications

    Stability investigation damaged ships

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    There are many areas in which naval vessels could improve safety standards, although naval vessels are not necessarily regarded as less secure than the civil vessels. Although the navies never have considered water on deck a problem, it seems that this problem has a critical value in the ship damage stability analysis. As an example, this damage should be investigated if the ship has a low freeboard. For this research various studies and calculations have been carried out on several designed test vessels. It is possible to decide which criteria to use in terms of damages for each type of vessel, for example a landing ship faces more risk having grounding or raking on its bottom. This technical paper concludes with a method that helps and supports the naval architect in the analysis of damage stability. In this way, the naval engineer is able to determine which of the existing criteria fits best with the requirements of the ships function by following these few principles

    El debate chileno de 1889 sobre la reforma al plan de estudios en derecho.

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    En 1889 La Libertad Electoral, periódico liberal y laico, fue la sede de un interesante debate sobre la reforma a los estudios de derecho. Los principales protagonistas fueron Julio Bañados (ministro de Instrucción Pública), Eugenio María de Hostos (Rector del Liceo de Chillan) y Valentín Letelier (profesor de derecho administrativo).El debate se centra en la clasificación de las ciencias sociales,en la importancia de los juristas en la sociedad, en la enseñanza profesional y científica de los estudios jurídicos como, asimismo.en la proposición de nuevas asignaturas y metodologías. El proyecto de reforma fracasa ese mismo año, sin embargo, muchas de sus ideas serán rescatadas en la elaboración del nuevo plan de estudios de 1902. Constituye, además, un muestra del grado de especialización progresiva de la clase dirigente chilena a finales del siglo XIX.In 1889 La Libertad Electoral ?liberal and lay newspaper? was the venue of a interesting debate about reform to studies of Law. The major figures were Julio Bañados (minister of Public Education), Eugenio María de Hostos (rector of Chillan s School) and Valentín Letelier (profesor or lecturer of administrativ law). In their writes they centered on classification of social sciences, on the significance of the jurist in the society, on the professional and scientific education of the legal studies, also in the motion of the subject news and methodologies. The reform s project failed that same year, however a lot of ideas will be recovered in the production of the syllabus of 1902. This is a token of the high level of progressive specialization of chilean politic class at the end of 19"" century.Publicad

    Desde la fiebre y el ardor: los diarios de César Simón desde una vertiente poéticoantropológica

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    La poesía de César Simón (1932-1997) y su híbrida producción literaria presente en textos y/o diarios como Perros ahorcados (1997) o el póstumo En nombre de nada (1998), posee un carácter metafísico en el que pensamiento y sentimiento actúan de forma indisociable. Estupor, perplejidad y extrañamiento definen una escritura que se concibe como registro de sensaciones dirigido a constatar el enigma humano desde la instrascendencia. Frente al conocimiento logocéntrico, la obra de este autor actúa como discurso que, eludiendo el escepticismo, plantea una mística vacía de dioses y templos.The poetry of César Simón (1932-1997), and his hybrid literary production present in texts and/or diaries such as Perros ahorcados (1997) or En nombre de nada (1988), published posthumously, have a metaphysical nature in which thought and feeling work inseparably. Amazement, perplexity and surprise define his writing, which is conceived as a record of feelings aiming to prove human enigma from insignificance. Against logocentric knowledge, César Simón´s works act as a discourse that, avoiding scepticism, suggests a mysticism without gods and temples

    Reconsidering the role of syntactic "heaviness" in Old English split coordination

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    The splitting of coordinate structures in Old English has traditionally been attributed to structural size or “heaviness”, assuming that long, complex coordinate constructions required increased parsing and processing effort. In addition to this, most texts on Old English syntax take for granted that the split elements always appear in clause-final position. The conclusions in this paper – drawn from the analysis of a large corpus of Old English texts – imply a radical revision of these assumptions. They suggest that the role of syntactic heaviness should be reconsidered, and its importance minimised in favour of other considerations of a pragmatic and discoursive nature. The analysis of the position of the split elements confirms that they appear in non-final position much more often than has been assumed, producing syntactic discontinuity