148 research outputs found

    Implementación de un servidor SIG para la gestión y divulgación de un jardín botánico: ejemplo práctico aplicado al ZooBotánico de Jerez

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    Los sistemas de información geográfica (abreviado como SIG, en adelante) constituyen hoy en día una de las herramientas más potentes para el manejo y gestión de datos espaciales. Los SIG combinan las características visuales de un mapa con la capacidad de análisis de una base de datos. La posibilidad de difundir la información a diversas escalas confiere a los SIG una gran versatilidad para su uso como recurso docente y divulgativo. Sin embargo, estas aplicaciones suelen ser poco manejables por el público, dado que requieren conocimientos precisos de programas normalmente complejos. Los servidores SIG resuelven este problema, pues hacen posible que un usuario pueda utilizar recursos SIG a través de la web sin la necesidad de un software SIG específico. Los SIG encuentran numerosas aplicaciones en el campo de las ciencias naturales. De hecho, cada vez son más los organismos y empresas que utilizan esta tecnología para su uso público o su gestión diaria. En esta comunicación se presenta la implantación de un servidor SIG para la gestión y divulgación de la colección de especies disponible en el ZooBotánico de Jerez. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación en lenguaje Flex que utiliza servicios SIG a través del software ArcGIS Server 10 y es totalmente compatible con la tecnología ANDROID. La aplicación es accesible a través de un explorador web y proporciona acceso a la colección botánica del Parque (>400 especies, incluidas árboles, arbustos y palmeras). El visitante puede consultar la localización y el nombre de todas las especies, la altura y el diámetro del tronco, así como fotografías de las mismas. La aplicación incluye también una cartografía a escala de las instalaciones, zonas verdes y servicios disponibles en el Parque.Geographic Information Systems (abbreviated here as GIS, hereafter) are one of the most powerful tools to organize and manage spatial data. GIS applications combine visual aspects of maps with the analytical power of databases. GIS allow the use of spatial data at different accurate levels, which represents a valuable teaching and divulgative resource. However, GIS-users need a good knowledge of complex software which in fact, reduces its access by nonspecialized public. GIS servers reduce such limitations enabling users to consume GIS-resources without needing of technical knowledge or specific software. Many GO (Government Organization) and SME (Small Medium Enterprises) are now applying this technology to the diary organization activities and management. In this paper, we present the implementation of a GIS server for the management and diffussion of the species available at ZooBotánico of Jerez botanical collection. We develop a web application that can be run directly from the web browser and allow the access and browse of the different elements of the botanical collection (>400 species including trees, bushes and palms). This application has been written in Flex programming-language, ArcGIS Server 10 software, and it is fully compatible with ANDROID technology. This web application allows the visitors to query the location, name and individual characteristics of all species available in the Park, as well as it shows a photo of each specimen

    Parentalidad Positiva y Formación Experiencial: Análisis de los Procesos de Cambio Familiar

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    Several changes are affecting families and usually cause their vulnerability as they feel unable to cope with everyday situations with accurate answers. Exchanging views and sharing experiences with other parents may help them to succeed in these new situations. "Building the everyday" is a parental education program, which focuses on the promotion of positive parenting. The program tries to improve educational outcomes through better sharing of family responsibilities and with a supportive and strong sense of community. 48 fathers and mothers whose children were in Primary Education in 6 schools of the Principality of Asturias have participated in the study (22 couples and 4 monoparental families). The aim of the present study is to show the results of the final evaluation of the program and to assess the effects of experiential programs in the processes of family change. The results show a great interest in participants in the program and its structure; they also show changes in parents’ attitudes, preferences and beliefs about gender roles; the program improves the division of domestic work and other areas such as communication, the establishment of rules and conflict resolution. In short, these processes of change, offer families learning opportunities which may enable the reconstruction / optimization of their parenthood. = Los cambios que están afectando al núcleo familiar provocan la indefensión de las familias ante las posibles maneras de dar respuesta a las situaciones cotidianas, siendo necesario compartir experiencias con otros padres y madres. “Construir lo cotidiano” es un programa de educación parental dirigido a favorecer la parentalidad positiva y mejorar los resultados educativos a través de un mejor reparto de las cargas familiares con un sentido solidario y fuertemente comunitario. En el estudio han participado 48 personas (22 parejas nucleares; 4 familias monoparentales) de seis centros educativos en los niveles de Educación Infantil y Primaria del Principado de Asturias. El objetivo del trabajo es mostrar resultados de la evaluación final del programa y comprobar los efectos de la formación experiencial en los procesos de cambio en la dinámica familiar. Los resultados muestran un gran interés de las familias en el planteamiento y estructura del programa, así como cambios a corto plazo en actitudes, preferencias y creencias que poseen sobre los roles sexuales, el reparto del trabajo doméstico, la comunicación, el establecimiento de normas y la resolución de conflictos. En definitiva, estos procesos de cambio, ofrecen oportunidades de aprendizaje que terminan posibilitando la reconstrucción/optimización del ejercicio de la parentalidad

    Antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae in stable angina and interleukin-6 levels

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    Producción CientíficaInflammation is a key mechanism in atherogenesis and the rapid progression of coronary artery disease. Tissue lesion occasions the release of chemical mediators, cytokines, accompanied by an increase in the blood concentrations of acute phase reactants, such as fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A protein, sialic acid and ceruloplasmin and a reduction of those of albumin. It has been observed that these proteins are higher in patients with is-chemic heart disease and, furthermore, who have a higher tendency to present adverse cardiovascular incidents [1]. On the other hand, the inflammation appears to be directly linked to the ‘vulnerability’ or ‘instability’ of the atheromatous plaques that pre-dispose to disruption and acute coronary incidents. The inflammatory mechanism, therefore, can repre-sent the final common connection channel of chronic infection between atherogenesis and the clinical manifestations of coronary artery disease [2]

    Integrating geospatial technologies as teaching resources for Earth sciences in secondary schools

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    El artículo se encuentra publicado originalmente por la revista "Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra", accesible libremente en la siguiente url:http://www.raco.cat/index.php/ECT/article/view/298942/388215Las Tecnologías Geoespaciales son tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que trabajan con datos espaciales georreferenciados. En los últimos años, la gran proliferación y disponibilidad de datos espaciales de gran calidad a nivel global, ha tenido como consecuencia un gran desarrollo de estas tecnologías, especialmente de aquellas basadas en la web. Desde un punto de vista educativo, estas nuevas tecnologías geoespaciales tienen un gran potencial en la enseñanza de la Geografía, así como en otras materias como las Ciencias de la Tierra, donde la componente espacial es muy importante. La utilización de estas tecnologías en Ciencias de la Tierra como herramientas docentes puede tener dos enfoques. Pueden servir para ilustrar con ejemplos del mundo real la relación entre procesos geológicos y formas del relieve resultantes. También pueden dar soporte para el diseño de experiencias de aprendizaje más complejas, que hagan uso de funciones más avanzadas y que requieran una exploración, análisis y síntesis por parte del alumnado. En este trabajo se presenta una visión de conjunto de la utilización de estas tecnologías como herramientas docentes en Ciencias de la Tierra y se realiza un repaso a las experiencias docentes más relevantes realizadas con las mismas. Así mismo, también se analizan las principales Tecnologías Geoespaciales disponibles en educación, resaltando sus principales posibilidades, así como sus ventajas e inconvenientes cuando son usadas con fines docentes.Geospatial technologies are Information and Communication Technologies that work with spatial data referred to positions on the Earth surface. In the last decade, the great availability of high quality spatial data from all over the world has promoted a major development of these Geospatial Technologies, especially web-based. From a teaching perspective, these new technologies have a great potential in Geography, but also in Earth Science, where concepts and processes have a very clear spatial component. These Geospatial Technologies can support teaching in two ways. They can provide real-world examples of the relationships between landforms and geological processes. But they can also be used to support more complex learning projects that involve advanced features and require, on the part of the students, a process of exploration, evaluation and synthesis of spatial data. In this paper we offer an overview of the use of these technologies as teaching tools in Earth Science, highlighting the most relevant teaching experiences that have used them. We also analyze the most widely used Geospatial Technologies stressing their advantages and disadvantages when they are used in teaching.Proyecto CGL-2011-29920 del Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónProyecto de Innovación Docente 13-194 de la Universidad de GranadaUniversidad de Granada. Departamento de GeodinámicaUniversidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias ExperimentalesInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC-UGR

    Étude qualitative des différences de genre dans le choix des options académiques par les élèves du baccalauréat scientifique et technologuique

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    The current paper analyses parents’, teachers’ and students‘ opinions about the academic decisions. A qualitative methodology based on focus groups has been used. There have been developed five focus groups with students who are studying Scientific/Technological Senior Secondary Education in Asturias (Spain), six focus groups with teachers and two with parents. Results show that there still exist gender bias in the elections. Moreover, the most important reason to explain students’ options is what we have called «the ideology of innate liking» that is, preferring the studies because they like them or because they feel a vocation towards them. The paper ends with some recommendations to develop a vocational counselling free form gender stereotypes.El artículo analiza las causas que ayudan a explicar las diferencias de género en las elecciones académicas a partir de la opinión de los progenitores, docentes y estudiantes. Se ha usado una metodología cualitativa basada en el uso de grupos de discusión. Se organizaron cinco grupos con estudiantes que cursan la modalidad de bachillerato científico-técnico en distintas instituciones de educación secundaria del Principado de Asturias, también se realizaron seis grupos con docentes y dos grupos con progenitores. Los resultados permiten concluir que sigue existiendo un sesgo de género en la elección. La razón fundamental que indican los estudiantes para hacer sus elecciones tiene que ver con lo que hemos denominado la «ideología del gusto innato», pues eligen los estudios porque les gustan o sienten vocación hacia ellos, reforzando los estereotipos de género. El artículo finaliza con unas orientaciones para desarrollar una orientación vocacional no sesgada por razón de género.L’article analyse les causes qui contribuent à expliquer les différences entre les sexes dans les choix des études universitaires, selon les points de vue des parents, des enseignants et des apprenants. Il a été utilisé une méthodologie qualitative basée sur l’emploi de groupes de discussion. On a organisé cinq groupes avec des apprenants du baccalauréat de la modalité scientifique et technique de différents établissements de l’éducation secondaire des Asturies, ainsi que six groupes avec des enseignants, et deux autres avec des parents. Les résultats suggèrent qu’il y a encore un parti pris sexiste dans le choix. La justification donnée par les apprenants, à propos de leurs choix, est en rapport avec ce que nous avons appelé « l’idéologie du goût inné », car ils choisissent les études en fonction de leurs goûts, ou par vocation, tout en renforçant les stéréotypes de genre. L’article conclut avec des lignes directrices pour développer une orientation professionnelle libre des préjugés sexistes

    Computational Aided Acetaminophen – Phthalic Acid Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Design for Analytical Determination of Known and New Developed Recreational Drugs

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    This is a manuscript version of the article.[Abstract] In recent times, abuse drug consumption rates have been increasing. In addition, authorities have detected a trend in the development of new substances expressly created to avoid legislation. These novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are non-registered formulations, closely chemically related to outlawed ones to maintain the same psychotropic effects while circumventing legal restrictions. This issue arises enormous social, sanitary, and road safety problems since there is no way to detect nor quantify these non-registered substances. The aim of this work is the development of a high selective material able to pre-concentrate and detect NPS. On that account, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) designed with an imprinted cavity that matches the cathinones structural shape were proposed to detect both conventional and new cathinone derived recreational drugs. The increasing number of illicit drug modifications that is being reported requires developing a receptor valid for not only known molecules but also for incoming ones; thus, a virtual procedure must be carried out to take a step forward towards future modifications. Accordingly, a computational MIP design is proposed as the most appropriated method to effectively design this receptor. By means of molecular dynamics and molecular docking, several combinations are studied regarding their pre-polymerization complex stability but also their rebinding capacity against the proposed analytes. Hence, a phthalic acid – acetaminophen MIP is selected as the most well-suited receptor, valid for current and forthcoming cathinone recreational drugs.Authors wish to thank Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) for the financial support through the research project CTQ2016-80473-P cofinanced with FEDER (UE) programm

    Application of geoarchaeological evolutionary models for the interpretation of complex archaeological structures in the central Ebro Basin (Spain)

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    In landscapes that are extremely sensitive to small environmental changes, like some Mediterranean areas, archaeological contexts could present some problems to their interpretation and evolutionary reconstruction. This is the case of Los Pedregales archaeological site, located in the Hoya de Huesca (NE of Spain), where several stone mounds of unknown age and function were found in an extensive badland. The geomorphological, edaphological, and archaeological study, together with radiocarbon and OSL datings and contextualization into the geomorphological regional framework, made it possible to interpret these structures and to establish an evolutionary model. It was determined that they were silos excavated in Pleistocene sands and silts (Unit 1) during the Visigothic and Early Muslim epochs (6th-7th centuries), and that they were later filled with limestone blocks. Successive aggradational and degradational stages (Units 2, 3 and 4) during MCA (Medieval Climatic Anomaly) and LIA (Little Ice Age) periods covered and incised the area, leaving the shape of positive structures included in the badland

    Improving landslide inventories by combining satellite interferometry and landscape analysis: the case of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain)

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    An updated and complete landslide inventory is the starting point for an appropriate hazard assessment. This paper presents an improvement for landslide mapping by integrating data from two well-consolidated techniques: Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) and Landscape Analysis through the normalised channel steepness index (ksn). The southwestern sector of the Sierra Nevada mountain range (Southern Spain) was selected as the case study. We first propose the double normalised steepness (ksnn) index, derived from the ksn index, to remove the active tectonics signal. The obtained ksnn anomalies (or knickzones) along rivers and the unstable ground areas from the DInSAR analysis rapidly highlighted the slopes of interest. Thus, we provided a new inventory of 28 landslides that implies an increase in the area affected by landslides compared with the previous mapping: 33.5% in the present study vs. 14.5% in the Spanish Land Movements Database. The two main typologies of identified landslides are Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DGSDs) and rockslides, with the prevalence of large DGSDs in Sierra Nevada being first revealed in this work. We also demonstrate that the combination of DInSAR and Landscape Analysis could overcome the limitations of each method for landslide detection. They also supported us in dealing with difficulties in recognising this type of landslides due to their poorly defined boundaries, a homogeneous lithology and the imprint of glacial and periglacial processes. Finally, a preliminary hazard perspective of these landslides was outlined.Universidad de Granada/CBUAMarie Curie Actions B-RNM-305-UGR18 A-RNM-508-UGR20 P18-RT-3632ERDF through the project RISKCOAST' of the Interreg SUDOE Programme SOE3/P4/E0868Project MORPHOMED' from the Spanish Ministry of Science (MCIN)/State Research Agency (SRA) PID2019-107138RB-I00Ramon y Cajal' Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science RYC-2017-23335NoR 6373

    Sentinel-1 DInSAR for Monitoring Active Landslides in Critical Infrastructures: The Case of the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain)

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    We thank the editors and four anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions that improved the manuscript.Landslides in reservoir contexts are a well-recognised hazard that may lead to dangerous situations regarding infrastructures and people’s safety. Satellite-based radar interferometry is proving to be a reliable method to monitor the activity of landslides in such contexts. Here, we present a DInSAR (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) analysis of Sentinel-1 images that exemplifies the usefulness of the technique to recognize and monitor landslides in the Rules Reservoir (Southern Spain). The integration of DInSAR results with a comprehensive geomorphological study allowed us to understand the typology, evolution and triggering factors of three active landslides: Lorenzo-1, Rules Viaduct and El Arrecife. We could distinguish between rotational and translational landslides and, thus, we evaluated the potential hazards related to these typologies, i.e., retrogression (Lorenzo-1 and Rules Viaduct landslides) or catastrophic slope failure (El Arrecife Landslide), respectively. We also observed how changes in the water level of the reservoir influence the landslide’s behaviour. Additionally, we were able to monitor the stability of the Rules Dam as well as detect the deformation of a highway viaduct that crosses a branch of the reservoir. Overall, we consider that other techniques must be applied to continue monitoring the movements, especially in the El Arrecife Landslide, in order to avoid future structural damages and fatalities.A Spanish “Sistema de Garantía Juvenil” research contract, founded by the Junta de Andalucía and the European Social Funds, supported the work of Cristina Reyes-Carmona. Spanish “Ramón y Cajal” grant supported part of the work of Jorge Pedro Galve. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the DEMOS project “Deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 data” (Ref: CGL2017-83704-P) and the LITHOSURF project “Respuesta de la topografía y la red de drenaje a procesos litosféricos y climáticos en el sur de Iberia” (Ref: CGL2015-67130-C2-1-R). This work has been partially developed in the framework of the RISKCOAST project (Ref: SOE3/P4/E0868) funded by the Interreg SUDOE program (3rd call for proposals)