262 research outputs found

    Anterior segment topography and aberrations for clinical applications

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    En esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de un Tomógrafo de Coherencia Óptica (OCT) para visualizar en alta resolución y cuantificar tridimensionalmente el segmento anterior del ojo y se ha adaptado el aberrómetro Trazado de Rayos Laser (LRT) para medir las aberraciones oculares en distintas condiciones: queratocono y su tratamiento con anillos intracorneales (ICRS), estimulando la acomodación y en pacientes con lentes intraoculares (IOL). En particular, (1) se analiza la geometría de la córnea y las aberraciones en pacientes con queratocono antes y después de la cirugía de ICRS, y se analiza la posición de los ICRS; (2) se evalúa por primera vez in vivo la topografía del cristalino con la acomodación; (3) se analiza por primera vez la posición tridimensional y el impacto visual de las IOL acomodativas; y (4) se analiza in vivo la aberración cromática longitudinal en pacientes con IOL.Instituto Universitario de Oftalmobiología Aplicad

    Artificial iris performance for smart contact lens vision correction applications

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    This paper presents the simulated performance assessment of an artificial iris embedded on a scleral contact lens using real data from an aniridia patient. The artificial iris is based on guest-host liquid crystal cells (GH-LCD) in order to actively modify the transmittance of the lens and effective pupil size. Experimental validation of the GH-LCD spectrum and iris contrast (determined to be 1:2.1) enabled the development of optical models that include the effect of a small pupil on image quality and visual quality on an optical system with aniridia characteristics. Visual simulations at different light conditions (high/low photopic and mesopic) demonstrated the theoretical capacity of the customized artificial iris smart contact lens to expand the depth-of-focus and decrease the optical aberrations (in particular, the spherical aberration). The visual modelling suggests a maximum depth-of-focus value for a 2-mm pupil diameter for both eyes as follows: 3D (1,000 cd/m(2)), 2D (10 cd/m(2)) and 0.75D (1 cd/m(2)). This work demonstrates the beneficial optical effects of an active artificial iris, based on visual simulations in response to different light levels, and enables further experimental investigation on patients to validate the dynamic light attenuation and visual performance of smart contact lenses with GH-LCD

    Full OCT anterior segment biometry: An application in cataract surgery

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    In vivo three-dimensional (3-D) anterior segment biometry before and after cataract surgery was analyzed by using custom highresolution high-speed anterior segment spectral domain Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). The system was provided with custom algorithms for denoising, segmentation, full distortion correction (fan and optical) and merging of the anterior segment volumes (cornea, iris, and crystalline lens or IOL), to provide fully quantitative data of the anterior segment of the eye. The method was tested on an in vitro artificial eye with known surfaces geometry at different orientations and demonstrated on an aging cataract patient in vivo. Biometric parameters CCT, ACD/ILP, CLT/ILT Tilt and decentration are retrieved with a very high degree of accuracy. IOL was placed 400 οm behind the natural crystalline lens, The IOL was aligned with a similar orientation of the natural lens (2.47 deg superiorly), but slightly lower amounts (0.77 deg superiorly). The IOL was decentered superiorly (0.39 mm) and nasally (0.26 mm). © 2013 Optical Society of America.This study has been funded by Spanish Government Grant FIS2011-25637 and European Research Council Grant ERC-2011-AdG-294099 to S. Marcos.Peer Reviewe

    Scleral changes induced by atropine in chicks as an experimental model of myopia

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To determine the effects of intravitreal atropine on scleral growth in the form-deprived chick as an experimental model of myopia. Methods: Five groups of five chicks were studied from day 0–12 post-hatching. One group remained untreated (C), and four were form-deprived by monocular light diffusers to induce myopia. Two groups (RL and A) wore diffusers for 9 days, and the other two groups (D and D + A) wore diffusers throughout the study. Group D received no further treatment (myopia positive control). Groups A and D + A received intravitreal injections of atropine for days 9–12. Measurements of refractive error and axial length were performed on days 0, 9, and 12. Sclera changes were assessed in cartilaginous and fibrous layers by histological analysis. Results: All form-deprived eyes had a myopic refractive error on day 9. All atropine- treated groups were hyperopic on day 12. The effect of atropine was most evident in Group D + A in which diffusers were maintained throughout treatment and changes in refractive error were statistically significant. The observed changes in axial length were in line with the changes in refractive error. The scleral fibrous layer thickness increased, and the sceral cartilaginous layer underwent a slight thinning compared to Group D, the myopia positive control. Conclusions: If the signals that induce growth remain during atropine treatment, morphological changes in sclera are produced: the scleral fibrous layer thickened, and the sceral cartilaginous layer thinned. These changes resulted in refractive error recovery, and the ocular growth was stopped. The data suggested the atropine was acting throughout the scleral fibrous layer.2015-09-2

    La coordinación entre espacios formativos formales y deportivos: un estudio de caso etnográfico en el fútbol prebenjamín

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    El fútbol escolar es hoy una actividad extraescolar de gran relevancia educativa y social. Muchos niños, acompañados por sus familias, participan en una competición reglada sobre la que vierten ilusiones y expectativas. La coordinación emerge como herramienta indispensable para abordar una educación holística del niño, con especial incidencia en una etapa de cambios psicosociales en la que comienza paralelamente su institucionalización escolar y deportiva. El estudio trata de comprender el modo en el que desarrollan las acciones para la coordinación entre los espacios formativos formales y extraescolares deportivos. Para ello, se utiliza un estudio de caso etnográfico en el que se desarrolla una observación participante durante un curso escolar completo, que se complementa con entrevistas en profundidad a maestros. El muestreo teórico se compone de 101 escolares de seis y siete años (cinco niñas y 96 niños), diez entrenadores de fútbol (todos hombres y correspondientes a diez equipos diferentes), 21 maestros (15 mujeres y cinco hombres) y otros actores como familias y organizadores que intervienen en la construcción del escenario socioeducativo. Los resultados más relevantes evidencian una sectorización de las actividades formativas para el niño, que construye aprendizajes en paralelo en dos espacios socioeducativos. Los espacios que facilitan la comunicación se emprenden desde iniciativas personales de agentes educativos con presencia en los dos espacios. Los familiares emergen como figuras educativas de relevancia para la coordinación. El estudio concluye revalorizando la comunicación para lograr una educación holística del niño, y que las actividades extraescolares puedan ser consideradas y utilizadas proactivamente en beneficio pedagógico de las particularidades inherentes a cada persona

    Disaster Preparedness in the Philippines: From the Will to the Way

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    Geographically situated in the circle of fire in the Pacific and bordering the pacific tectonic plate, makes the Filipino archipelago one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world. As a result of this exposure, it is estimated that an annual USD 7.893 million are spent directly to the multi-hazard prevention, promotion and response, representing the 69% of social expenditure in the country. Multilevel efforts to prevent the results of the disasters hitting the Philippines have been developed, including the local, regional, country and regional areas. These efforts are being developed at operational and promotional levels, including the political initiatives at local, country and regional frameworks. There have been political efforts to create guidelines so as to work on disaster risk reduction and vulnerability reduction for the most vulnerable countries, with the first world conference held in 1994. The second one in Hyogo in 2005 produced a comprehensive guideline for the risk reduction for the most vulnerable countries, focusing on those most at risk like archipelagos, countries in high risk areas and high impact areas. There is a surprisingly small amount of literature published concerning the impact of the political initiatives and its impact on the health of such populated areas. The paper describes the responses generated by the Filipino government after Yolanda, based on the legal framework that Hyogo provided, as well as provides a literature review of the published manuscripts on different sources, finalising with several recommendations as the improvement of the coordination and communication between levels of implementation, the clarification of the real problems identified for each area and the coordination between all the actors involved (local government, INGOs, regional government, international initiatives…) in the DRR process in an area to avoid duplication of activities and looking forward to engaging in synergetic initiatives

    Las tendencias digitales y su contribución en las competencias del perfil de egreso para los estudiantes de la carrera profesional de Diseño Gráfico para las escuelas de educación superior en lima, en 2019-2020

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir cómo contribuyen las tendencias digitales a las competencias del perfil de egreso para los estudiantes de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico para las Escuelas de Educación Superior de Lima, en 2019-2020. Los participantes fueron 13 representantes del sector productivo del rubro de publicidad. La metodología empleada desarrolla el enfoque cualitativo, el alcance es descriptivo y el diseño fenomenológico. Los resultados mostraron la contribución de las tendencias digitales en el mercado laboral, tanto para la realización de contenidos digitales como para la experiencia de usuario. Así también, la poca actualización que existe en la formación del diseñador gráfico frente a la transformación digital de las empresas. Dando énfasis, en la gamificación, Big Data y realidad aumentada, donde los resultados demuestran la importancia del diseñador para analizar, usar estos recursos a su favor y así poder, no solamente solucionar los problemas de comunicación, sino predecir el comportamiento del usuario. Se concluye que el perfil de egreso de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico cambió transformando al profesional en un diseñador digital 4.0, quien necesita egresar al mundo laboral habiendo desarrollado las competencias requeridas, en donde sea capaz de desenvolverse óptimamente en el nuevo rol del Diseño Gráfico.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Lima Centr

    Enteritis rádica y nutrición artificial: presentación de un caso

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    Radiation enteritis is caused by intestinal toxicity after radiotherapy. There is micro and macroscopic damage, and its late presentation is characterized by malabsorption. We present the case of a 69-year-old woman with a history of endometrial carcinoma treated by surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. She consulted for vomiting and di- arrhea, and presented clinical and analytical data of malnutrition. Enteral nutrition was prescribed but later it was necessary to initiate home parenteral nutrition. The potential appearance of this condition limits the maximum dose of radiotherapy and may compromise its efficacy. It is important to plan an early nutritional support as it will condition its evolution.La enteritis rádica se produce por toxicidad intestinal tras radioterapia. Existe daño microscópico y macroscópico, y su presentación tardía se caracteriza por malabsorción. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 69 años con antecedente de carcinoma de endometrio tratado mediante cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia. Consultó por vómitos y diarrea, y presentaba datos clínicos y analíticos de desnutrición. Se pautó nutrición enteral pero posteriormente fue necesario iniciar nutrición parenteral domiciliaria. La potencial aparición de este cuadro limita la dosis máxima de radioterapia y puede comprometer su eficacia. Es importante planificar el soporte nutricional temprano ya que condicionará su evolución

    Compositional Variations in Apatite and Petrogenetic Significance: Examples from Peraluminous Granites and Related Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Veins from the Central Iberian Zone (Spain and Portugal)

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    Apatite can be used as an archive of processes occurring during the evolution of granitic magmas and as a pegmatite exploration tool. With this aim, a detailed compositional study of apatite was performed on different Variscan granites, pegmatites and quartz veins from the Central Iberian Zone. Manganese in granitic apatite increases with increasing evolution degree. Such Mn increase would not be related to changes in the fO2 during evolution but rather to a higher proportion of Mn in residual melts, joined to an increase in SiO2 content and peraluminosity. In the case of pegmatitic apatite, the fO2 and the polymerization degree of the melts seem not to have influenced the Mn and Fe contents but the higher availability of these transition elements and/or the lack of minerals competing for them. The subrounded Fe-Mn phosphate nodules, where apatite often occurs in P-rich pegmatites and P-rich quartz dykes, probably crystallized from a P-rich melt exsolved from the pegmatitic melt and where Fe, Mn and Cl would partition. The low Mn and Fe contents in the apatite from the quartz veins may be attributed either to the low availability of these elements in the late hydrothermal fluids derived from the granitic and pegmatitic melts, or to a high fO2. The Rare Earth Elements, Sr and Y are the main trace elements of the studied apatites. The REE contents of apatite decrease with the evolution of their hosting rocks. The REE patterns show in general strong tetrad effects that are probably not related to the fluids’ activity in the system. On the contrary, the fluids likely drive the non-CHARAC behavior of apatite from the most evolved granitic and pegmatitic units. Low fO2 conditions seem to be related to strong Eu anomalies observed for most of the apatites associated with different granitic units, barren and P-rich pegmatites. The positive Eu anomalies in some apatites from leucogranites and Li-rich pegmatites could reflect their early character, prior to the crystallization of feldspars. The increase in the Sr content in apatite from Li-rich pegmatites and B-P±F-rich leucogranites could be related to problems in accommodating this element in the albite structure, favoring its incorporation into apatite. The triangular plots ΣREE-Sr-Y and U–Th–Pb of apatites, as well as the Eu anomaly versus the TE1,3 diagram, seem to be potentially good as petrogenetic indicators, mainly for pegmatites and, to a lesser extent, for granites from the CIZFinancial support was provided by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Innovation Programme (grant agreement No 869274, project GREENPEG: New Exploration Tools for European Pegmatite Green-Tech Resources); by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Project RTI2018-094097-B-100, with ERDF funds, A way of making Europe); and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (grant GIU18/084). The work was also supported by Portuguese National Funds through the FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., with projects UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020-ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences)