84 research outputs found

    Evaluación docente de las clases impartidas con la pizarra táctil en Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería

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    En la última década las asignaturas de Expresión Gráfica han sufrido un profundo cambio motivado por la imposición de los sistemas CAD. Estos cambios han ocasionado la sustitución de la pizarra convencional por los monitores de las estaciones de trabajo. Sin embargo, la pizarra sigue siendo un elemento imprescindible en el desarrollo de las clases. La pizarra táctil constituye una técnica novedosa de gran utilidad en la tarea docente de las asignaturas relacionadas con el área de Expresión Gráfica, permitiendo la proyección de imágenes, figuras y dibujos de forma simultanea al proceso explicativo, de manera cómoda y sencilla. En el presente estudio se describe el trabajo realizado por los profesores del Departamento de Expresión Gráfica y Cartografía de la Universidad de Alicante, utilizando la pizarra táctil en las clases de las asignaturas de Expresión Gráfica. Se ha la evaluación del trabajo efectuado teniendo en cuenta: la facilidad de aprendizaje, la flexibilidad, la capacidad de interacción que permite, los recursos de ayuda y forma en que el usuario puede utilizarlos, el contenido científico en cuanto a exactitud, actualidad y adecuación, intenciones formativas, conocimientos previos, comunicación, formas de dar el mensaje en su aspecto estético, integración y densidad, la organización de los contenidos, secuenciación y distribución de tiempos. De este estudio se pueden deducir las ventajas e inconvenientes del uso de la pizarra táctil en las clases de Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería.Ingegra

    Hábitat, marco radiométrico y producción artesanal durante el final del Neolítico y el Horizonte Campaniforme en el corredor de Montesa (Valencia). Los yacimientos de Quintaret y Corcot

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    El propósito principal de este artículo reside en la descripción e interpretación del registro arqueológico correspondiente al Neolítico final y al Horizonte Campaniforme documentado en los yacimientos de Quintaret (Montesa, Valencia) y Corcot (l¿Alcúdia de Crespins, Valencia). Las estructuras aquí reconocidas corresponden a fosas y silos, de cuyo relleno procede un interesante conjunto de materiales. Las dataciones radiométricas obtenidas sitúan el desarrollo de los yacimientos al menos entre el último siglo del IV milenio y los siglos centrales del III milenio cal AC. Cabe destacar la recuperación de varios vasos campaniformes de estilo regional en la estructura Q138 de Quintaret, así como la documentación en otras estructuras de un elevado número de restos de la fábrica de perlas de collar sobre lignito y caliza, que evidencian la existencia en el lugar de áreas de actividad relacionadas con estas artesanías

    Matemática y programación

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    El trabajo que se presenta es el resultado de una pasantía realizada por profesores de matemática e informática de la enseñanza media, bajo la tutoría de Sylvia da Rosa, investigadora del Pedeciba Área Informática, en el marco del programa Acortando Distancias del Pedeciba y ProCiencias, apoyado por la ANII. En dicho trabajo se han elaborado algunas secuencias didácticas y actividades para el aula, dirigidas a los profesores, con las que se busca que los estudiantes: *Reconozcan un problema algorítmico, puedan enunciarlo, busquen una solución y la expresen como un algoritmo. *Aprendan los fundamentos básicos de un lenguaje de programación (en este caso phyton), y lo utilicen en la implementación de los algoritmos que han escrito en lenguaje natural y/o matemático. *Refuercen, a través de las actividades anteriores, los conocimientos matemáticos que utilizan en la elaboración de los algoritmos. En este material se incluyen los problemas seleccionados y trabajados por los pasantes, como una primera aproximación. Complementa el material, un breve manual de phyton que recoge fundamentalmente los aspectos que surgieron durante este trabajo

    El yacimiento de Colata (Montaverner, Valencia) y los 'poblados de silos' del IV milenio en las comarcas centro-meridionales del País Valenciano

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    Les estructures documentades al jaciment de Colata (Montaverner, València) mostren la parcialitat del registre que caracteritza aquest tipus de jaciment a l'aire lliure del IV mil·lenni aC, cosa que obliga a plantejar noves estratègies per a reinterpretar l¿evolució en les conductes d'emmagatzematge, consum i producció d'aliments, i en la organització social d'aquestes comunitats. Paraules'clau: Vall d'Albaida. Estructures excavades. Poblats de sitges. Patró d'assentament. Organització social

    La Tutoría Estratégica como método de la Gestión del talento y el desarrollo de competencias en la enseñanza presencial

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    A través de una dinámica grupal los alumnos aportan nuevas áreas de estudio sobre la asignatura. Los temas de mayor interés serán objeto de una tutoría grupal para participar en el congreso de pregrado o en la creación contenidos multimedia

    EoE CONNECT, the European Registry of Clinical, Environmental, and Genetic Determinants in Eosinophilic Esophagitis: rationale, design, and study protocol of a large-scale epidemiological study in Europe

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    Background: The growing prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) represents a considerable burden to patients and health care systems. Optimizing cost-effective management and identifying mechanisms for disease onset and progression are required. However, the paucity of large patient cohorts and heterogeneity of practice hinder the defining of optimal management of EoE. Methods: EoE CONNECT is an ongoing, prospective registry study initiated in 2016 and currently managed by EUREOS, the European Consortium for Eosinophilic Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Patients are managed and treated by their responsible specialists independently. Data recorded using a web-based system include demographic and clinical variables; patient allergies; environmental, intrapartum, and early life exposures; and family background. Symptoms are structurally assessed at every visit; endoscopic features and histological findings are recorded for each examination. Prospective treatment data are registered sequentially, with new sequences created each time a different treatment (active principle, formulation, or dose) is administered to a patient. EoE CONNECT database is actively monitored to ensure the highest data accuracy and the highest scientific and ethical standards. Results: EoE CONNECT is currently being conducted at 39 centers in Europe and enrolls patients of all ages with EoE. In its aim to increase knowledge, to date EoE CONNECT has provided evidence on the effectiveness of first- and second-line therapies for EoE in clinical practice, the ability of proton pump inhibitors to induce disease remission, and factors associated with improved response. Drug effects to reverse fibrous remodeling and endoscopic features of fibrosis in EoE have also been assessed. Conclusion: This prospective registry study will provide important information on the epidemiological and clinical aspects of EoE and evidence as to the real-world and long-term effectiveness and safety of therapy. These data will potentially be a vital benchmark for planning future EoE health care services in Europe

    Accurate and timely diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis improves over time in Europe. An analysis of the EoE CONNECT Registry

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to clinical practice guidelines for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has been described and the diagnostic delay of the disease continues to be unacceptable in many settings. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of improved knowledge provided by the successive international clinical practice guidelines on reducing diagnostic delay and improving the diagnostic process for European patients with EoE. METHODS: Cross‐sectional analysis of the EoE CONNECT registry based on clinical practice. Time periods defined by the publication dates of four major sets of guidelines over 10 years were considered. Patients were grouped per time period according to date of symptom onset. RESULTS: Data from 1,132 patients was analyzed and median (IQR) diagnostic delay in the whole series was 2.1 (0.7‐6.2) years. This gradually decreased over time with subsequent release of new guidelines (p < 0.001), from 12.7 years up to 2007 to 0.7 years after 2017. The proportion of patients with stricturing of mixed phenotypes at the point of EoE diagnosis also decreased over time (41.3% vs. 16%; p < 0.001), as did EREFS scores. The fibrotic sub‐score decreased from a median (IQR) of 2 (1‐2) to 0 (0‐1) when patients whose symptoms started up to 2007 and after 2017 were compared (p < 0.001). In parallel, symptoms measured with the Dysphagia Symptoms Score reduced significantly when patients with symptoms starting before 2007 and after 2012 were compared. A reduction in the number of endoscopies patients underwent before the one that achieved an EoE diagnosis, and the use of allergy testing as part of the diagnostic workout of EoE, also reduced significantly over time (p = 0.010 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic work‐up of EoE patients improved substantially over time at the European sites contributing to EoE CONNECT, with a dramatic reduction in diagnostic delay

    Maritime-oriented foragers during the Late Pleistocene on the eastern costa del sol (Southeast Iberia): Cueva Victoria (Málaga, Spain)

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    The Mediterranean coast of Spain is marked by several clusters of Palaeolithic sites: to the south of the Pyrenees, in the area around the Ebro River, in the central part, and on the south coast, one of the southernmost regions in Europe. The number of sites is small compared with northern Iberia, but like that region, the Palaeolithic occupations are accompanied by several rock art ensembles. The archaeological material (both biotic and abiotic resources) and radiocarbon dates presented here were obtained during archaeological fieldwork of professor J. Fortea in the Late Pleistocene deposits in Cueva Victoria, located near the modern coastline and about 150 km north of the Strait of Gibraltar. In the three occupation phases, marine resources were acquired by shell-fishing (focusing almost exclusively on the clam Ruditapes decussatus), fishing, and the use of beached marine mammals. This contrasts with the limited data about the exploitation of terrestrial resources by hunting and gathering animals and plants. The study is completed by the study of artefacts (lithic and bone industry and objects of adornment) that help to understand the subsistence strategies of the cave occupants and enable a comparison with other groups inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of the Iberian Peninsula during Greenland Interstadial 1, between ca. 15.1 and 13.6 cal BP.This work was supported by the University of Salamanca GIR PREHUSAL, the Ministry of Science and Innovation-Spanish Government (PaleontheMove-PID2020-114462GB-I00), the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Madrid) and Dirección General de Universitat, Investigacio i Ciencia of the Valencian Regional Government (Project Aico/2020/97).Peer reviewe

    A randomized, double-blind study on the efficacy of oral domperidone versus placebo for reducing SARS-CoV-2 viral load in mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients in primary health care

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    15 p.-3 fig.-3 tab.Introduction:The clinical effect of domperidone against COVID-19 has been investigated in a double-blind phase III clinical trial (EudraCT number 2021-001228-17). Domperidone has shown in vitro antiviral activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and potential immudolatory properties through the stimulation of prolactin secretion.Patients and methods:The efficacy of oral domperidone plus standard of care (SOC; n = 87) versus placebo plus SOC (n = 86) was evaluated in a 28-day randomized double-blind multicentre study in primary health care centres. A total of 173 outpatients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 were included. Three daily doses of 10 mg (30 mg/day) of domperidone or placebo were administered for 7 days. Reduction of viral load on day 4 was the primary efficay endpoint. It was estimated in saliva samples by reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), as the cycle thresholds detected ORF1ab, N Protein and S Protein genes.Results:A significant reduction in the viral load was observed (p < 0.001) from baseline to days 4, 7 and 14 of the three genes studied with non-significant differences between domperidone and placebo groups. Twenty-three patients (13.3%) experienced adverse events, 14 patients in the domperidone group (16.1%) and 9 patients in the placebo group (10.5%). No patients needed to be hospitalized.Conclusion: Results do not prove the use of domperidone as antiviral in patients with COVID-19.This research was funded by CSIC (grant no. PIE 201980E024) and by the European Commission: NextGeneration EU (Regulation EU 2020/2094) through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global). The study sponsor was Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P. (CSIC), Madrid, Spain. The sponsor was involved in the design, data interpretation, manuscript review and the decision to submit the article for publication.Peer reviewe