9,211 research outputs found

    Estrategias de Inserción Sociolaboral con adolescentes institucionalizados: el caso de 'la Colonia San Vicente Ferrer'

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    La orientación hacia un modelo de intervención social sin precariedad y con mayores y mejores posibilidades para los adolescentes institucionalizados exige de la incorporación de procesos reivindicativos para introducir nuevas regulaciones y cambios profundos en la articulación de los planes y estructuras sociolaborales. Más aún en este momento de crisis. En nuestro caso, el desarrollo de prácticas integradoras con adolescentes sometidos a medidas judiciales de internamiento, se hace más complejo, no solo por los componentes de las medidas, sino también por las escasas oportunidades especializadas que el medio laboral promueve y los condicionantes circunstanciales que configuran la actividad diaria de los jóvenes: medio natural, tipo de recursos, limitaciones legales, características, patrones culturales, responsabilidad, estilos de socialización... etc

    Field Work’s Optimization for the Digital Capture of Large University Campuses, Combining Various Techniques of Massive Point Capture

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    The aim of the study is to obtain fast digitalization of large urban settings. The data of two university campuses in two cities in northern Spain was captured. Challenges were imposed by the lockdown situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited mobility and affected the field work for data readings. The idea was to significantly reduce time spent in the field, using a number of resources, and increasing efficiency as economically as possible. The research design is based on the Design Science Research (DSR) concept as a methodological approach to design the solutions generated by means of 3D models. The digitalization of the campuses is based on the analysis, evolution and optimization of LiDAR ALS points clouds captured by government bodies, which are open access and free. Additional TLS capture techniques were used to complement the clouds, with the study of support of UAV-assisted automated photogrammetric techniques. The results show that with points clouds overlapped with 360 images, produced with a combination of resources and techniques, it was possible to reduce the on-site working time by more than two thirds.This research was funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine/Euskadi/Navarre Euro-region (AECT). Project co-financed through the second session of the 2019 AECT call for projects

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of samples of astrochemical interest handled as individual particles by means of non-inertial acoustic confinement.

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    The present communication will show experiments performed with an acoustic levitator capable of trapping individual solid particles of different sizes (preferably in the range between 0.1 - 5 mm), shapes, and chemical properties in air. The levitator offers significant advantages over conventional handling approaches for particulate matter as it just requires picking up the desired particle, place it in the levitation device, and performing fine adjustment to bring the particle to the focal point of the laser beam. Single-shot or accumulative shots can be performed depending on the laser energy required, allowing the recording of excellent signal-to-noise ratio LIBS spectra.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El fin de la humanidad, el advenimiento del imperio avatar: de la plaza de pueblo al chat, del chat a la red social virtual

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    If the invention of writing led us to –as McLuhan called it– a conceptual stage of humanity, based on printed word as the major reference and maker of history and culture of the human being; and if Balázs’ visible man took us back to the sense of sight in order to be able to rethink reality and express inner notions not feasible with words; we may wonder about the construction of reality, and of his own self, that the human being does nowadays, a multimedia digital man that will stop existing in the real world, turning into one or more avatars of himself. Social networks are a clear example of it

    El proyecto de investigación social como instrumento integrador de la praxis para los futuros/as trabajadores sociales.

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    El presente trabajo muestra los resultados de una investigación-intervención aplicada a los alumnos de cuarto curso de Grado en Trabajo Social. En este documento se articula una metodología de enseñanza colaborativa, significativa y crítica a partir de las evidencias de la práctica del Trabajo Social. Como conclusiones de este estudio se justifica el uso de la metodología Blended Learning en el espacio universitario. Se evidencia como con la participación y cooperación colectiva se favorece el desarrollo de competencias investigadoras, y se señala el proyecto de investigación social como herramienta que permite vincular las prácticas externas del alumnado con los elementos teóricos de la disciplina

    Publicidad y educación en valores

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    En este artículo los autores reflexionan sobre el valor de la publicidad, los valores que ésta comunica y las valoraciones que se hacen de ella por parte de la sociedad. Insisten de un modo especial en los valores que transmite la publicidad en consonancia con las nuevas necesidades y mitos característicos de la sociedad de consumo.In this article, the authors reflect on the value of advertising, the values that it conveys, and the assessments made about it by society. They specially insist in the values that advertisements transmit in accordance with new necessities and myths featured by the consumer society

    Public and private sector wages interactions in a general equilibrium model

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    This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model in which the public and the private sector interact in the labor market. Previous studies that analyze the labor market effects of public sector employment and wages have mostly assumed exogenous rules for public wage and public employment. We show that theories that equalize wages with marginal products in the private sector can rationalize the interaction of public and private sector wages when extended to accommodate a non-trivial government sector/public sector union that endogenously determines public employment and wages. Our model suggests a positive correlation between public and private sector wages. Any increase in tax revenues, coupled with the existence of a positive public-private sector wage gap, makes working in the public sector an attractive option. Thus, a positive neutral productivity shock increases public and private sector wages. More interestingly, even a private-sector specific productivity shock spills-over to the public sector, increasing public wages. These facts lend some support to the wage leading role of the private sector. Nevertheless, at the same time, a positive shock to public sector wages would lead to an increase in private sector wages, via the flow of workers from the private to the public sector. JEL Classification: C32, J30, J51, J52, E62, E63, H50Labor market, public employment, public wages, Trade Unions