305 research outputs found

    Andamios porosos (apatita/colágeno) de origen marino para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    1 póster presentado en las III Xornadas de Investigación BioIntegraSaúde 2015, Vigo 16 xuño 2015.-- E. López-Senra ... et al.FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1 (nº 316265, BIOCAPS); UE-INTERREG 2011-1/164 MARMED; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project MAT2010-18281)Peer reviewe

    Optimal static and dynamic recycling of defective binary devices

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    The binary Defect Combination Problem consists in finding a fully working subset from a given ensemble of imperfect binary components. We determine the typical properties of the model using methods of statistical mechanics, in particular, the region in the parameter space where there is almost surely at least one fully-working subset. Dynamic recycling of a flux of imperfect binary components leads to zero wastage.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Tool for applying mathematical morphology operators to grayscale images

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    Pasos previos a la medición y clasificación de rasgos y la posterior caracterización de imágenes, son el filtrado y la segmentación. Dada la utilidad de la morfología matemática en tales tareas, surgió la necesidad de incorporar una herramienta para la aplicación de operadores de morfología matemática sobre imágenes en escala de gris al prototipo Cimahis (Caracterización de imágenes histológicas), actualmente en desarrollo en la Universidad de Carabobo. La investigación se completó en tres etapas: un estudio del estado del arte del problema donde se revisaron las bases teóricas de la morfología matemática, sus aplicaciones prácticas y la documentación del Cimahis, seguida de una etapa de planificación y diseño usando la metodología Feature Driven Development (FDD) donde se crearon los artefactos de diseño y se hizo la planeación de actividades que guío la etapa de construcción y prueba en la cual se llevó a cabo la implementación e integración de la herramienta con el prototipo y se hicieron varios test para validar la correctitud en los operadores morfológicos y estimar la eficiencia relativa de la herramienta respecto de otros programas de procesamiento de imágenes. Al final se construyó una herrmienta funcional y eficiente que cuenta con doce operaciones morfológicas, entre las cuales están, el gradiente morfológico, las transformaciones top-hat, bottom-hat y dos operadores de reconstrucción morfológica. La mayoría de los resultados experimentales muestran tiempos de ejecución entre seis y treinta veces más bajos que los generados por las contrapartes disponibles en las herramientas de procesamiento morfológico usadas para hacer las pruebas.Steps prior to the measurement and classification of features and the subsequent characterization of images are filtering and segmentation. Given the usefulness of mathematical morphology in such tasks, the need arose to incorporate a tool for the application of mathematical morphology operators on grayscale images to the Cimahis prototype (Characterization of histological images), currently under development at the University of Carabobo . The research was completed in three stages: a study of the state of the art of the problem where the theoretical bases of mathematical morphology, its practical applications and the Cimahis documentation were reviewed, followed by a planning and design stage using the Feature Driven Development methodology. (FDD) where the design artifacts were created and the planning of activities was carried out that guided the construction and testing stage in which the implementation and integration of the tool with the prototype was carried out and several tests were carried out to validate the correctness in the morphological operators and estimate the relative efficiency of the tool compared to other image processing programs. In the end, a functional and efficient tool was built that has twelve morphological operations, among which are the morphological gradient, the top-hat, bottom-hat transformations and two morphological reconstruction operators. Most of the experimental results show execution times between six and thirty times lower than those generated by the available counterparts in the morphological processing tools used to do the tests

    A weighted belief-propagation algorithm to estimate volume-related properties of random polytopes

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    In this work we introduce a novel weighted message-passing algorithm based on the cavity method to estimate volume-related properties of random polytopes, properties which are relevant in various research fields ranging from metabolic networks, to neural networks, to compressed sensing. Unlike the usual approach consisting in approximating the real-valued cavity marginal distributions by a few parameters, we propose an algorithm to faithfully represent the entire marginal distribution. We explain various alternatives to implement the algorithm and benchmark the theoretical findings by showing concrete applications to random polytopes. The results obtained with our approach are found to be in very good agreement with the estimates produced by the Hit-and-Run algorithm, known to produce uniform sampling.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Evaluation of visible implants elastomer tags in juveniles of red octopus Octopus maya : Evaluación de implantes visibles de elastómero en juveniles de pulpo rojo Octopus maya

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    In this work, the effects of visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags on survival and body growth rate on juvenile red octopus Octopus maya from the Yucatan Peninsula were tested under controlled conditions. Juveniles with an average weight of 1.14 g were not affected by VIE within 30 days, so this methodology is suggested as a useful tool to study the life cycle aspects of this important fishery species

    Spectral Properties of the Jacobi Ensembles via the Coulomb Gas approach

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    Using the Coulomb gas method and standard methods of statistical physics, we compute analytically the joint cumulative probability distribution of the extreme eigenvalues of the Jacobi-MANOVA ensemble of random matrices, in the limit of large matrices. This allows us to derive the rate functions for the large fluctuations to the left and the right of the expected values of the smallest and largest eigenvalues analytically. Our findings are compared with some available known exact results as well as with numerical simulations finding good agreement.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    Cytogenetic and genomic analysis of a patient with turner syndrome and t(2;12): a case report

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    Background: Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that afects women. It is caused by an absent or incomplete X chromosome, which can be presented in mosaicism or not. There are 12 cases of Turner syndrome patients who present structural alterations in autosomal chromosomes. Case presentation: The present case report describes a patient with a reciprocal, maternally inherited translocation between chromosomes 2 and 12 with a mosaicism of X monosomy 45,X,t(2;12)(p13;q24)[95]/46,XX,t(2;12)(p13;q24) [5]. Through genetic mapping arrays, altered genes in the patient were determined within the 23 chromosome pairs. These genes were associated with the patient’s clinical features using a bioinformatics tool Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the frst case in which a translocation (2;12) is reported in a patient with Turner syndrome and confrmed by conventional cytogenetics, FISH and molecular genetics. Clinical features of our patient are closely related with the loss of one X chromosome, however mild intellectual disability can be likely explained by autosomal genes. The presence of familial translocations was a common fnding, thus emphasizing the need for familiar testing for further genetic counselling

    A Quick Guide for Using Microsoft Onenote as an Electronic Laboratory Notebook

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    [Abstract] Scientific data recording and reporting systems are of a great interest for endorsing reproducibility and transparency practices among the scientific community. Current research generates large datasets that can no longer be documented using paper lab notebooks (PLNs). In this regard, electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) could be a promising solution to replace PLNs and promote scientific reproducibility and transparency. We previously analyzed five ELNs and performed two survey-based studies to implement an ELN in a biomedical research institute. Among the ELNs tested, we found that Microsoft OneNote presents numerous features related to ELN best functionalities. In addition, both surveyed groups preferred OneNote over a scientifically designed ELN (PerkinElmer Elements). However, OneNote remains a general note-taking application and has not been designed for scientific purposes. We therefore provide a quick guide to adapt OneNote to an ELN workflow that can also be adjusted to other nonscientific ELNs