4,453 research outputs found

    Leptonic CP phases near the μτ\mu-\tau symmetric limit

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    The neutrino masses and mixings indicated by current neutrino oscillation experiments suggest that the neutrino mass matrix possesses an approximate μτ\mu-\tau exchange symmetry. In this study, we explore the neutrino parameter space and show that if a small μτ\mu-\tau symmetry breaking is considered, the Majorana CPCP phases must be unequal and non-zero independently of the neutrino mass scale. Moreover, a small μτ\mu-\tau symmetry breaking favors quasi-degenerate masses. We also show that Majorana phases are strongly correlated with the Dirac CPCP violating phase. Within this framework, we obtain robust predictions for the values of the Majorana phases when the experimental indications for the Dirac CPCP phase are used.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for publication in PL

    La "visión teórica" de los conceptos y los conceptos fenoménicos

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    En este trabajo intentaré mostrar que no hay manera de lograr convergencia algunas entre la noción filosófica de "concepto fenoménico" (Chalmers, 1996) y una particular teoría empírica, acerca de los conceptos en general y de los conceptos mentales en particular, basándose mayoritaria hoy en día, denominada "visión teórica" de los conceptos. Para ello diviidiré el trabajo en tres partes. En la primera trataré de explicitar la noción de “concepto fenoménico” siguiendo principalmente a Chalmers en su 1996, aunque creo que este es sólo un ejemplo paradigmático de cómo la mayoría de los filósofos contemporáneos caracterizarían esta noción. En la segunda presentaré las tesis centrales que caracterizan a la "visión teórica" de los conceptos. Finalmente, concluiré que estas dos posiciones resultan incompatibles

    Leyes y contrafácticos

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    Las leyes naturales expresan regularidades, son generalizaciones universales que no pueden exhibir contraejemplos (en nuestro mundo actual) Pero, . ¿Cómo distinguir leyes de generalizaciones meramente accidentales? Resulta intuitivo pensar que hay dos tipos de regularidades diferentes, (a) aquellas regularidades que expresan leyes naturales, y por lo tanto exhiben algún tipo de necesidad, necesidad física o natural, y (b) aquellas regularidades accidentales, contingentes, que expresan una inexistencia de contraejemplos meramente casual Estas últimas son regularidades que simplemente nos dicen cómo es nuestro mundo actual, sin hacer referencia a ningún tipo de necesidad subyacente

    El Trabajo no remunerado en el hogar. Un análisis empírico a partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo

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    A partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo que realizó el INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) en el 2009-2010, se estudia mediante diferentes variables cómo emplea el tiempo los hombres y las mujeres en el grupo que el INE denomina “Hogar y familia”.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    De cómo es posible sostener una posición naturalista no-reduccionista de los fenómenos mentales, y de sus límites

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    En este trabajo me propongo explorar las razones que han llevado a la mayoría de los filósofos dentro del ámbito de la filosofía de la mente contemporánea a adoptar posiciones de tipo naturalistas no-reductivistas. Tendré especial cuidado en señalar qué sentido de reducción es el que se pretende dejar de lado. En lo personal considero que el naturalismo en mi área de trabajo, la filosofía de la mente, es la opción a seguir. Y también creo que es inadecuado empeñarse en buscar reducciones que se ajusten a principios epistemológicos impuestos a priori para lograr "encajar" lo mental dentro del ámbito físico

    Application with: TMS320DM6437

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    The project is related with video signal processing. Specifically, it is about how to rearrange the pixel of a digital image, in a real time, for can be connected to the mirror projector

    Las neuronas espejo. Un caso de estudio de la relación neurociencia-filosofía

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    The discovery of the mirror neuron system, which occurred 25 years ago, was considered by some authors as a definitive proof of the superiority of one philosophical theory (the Simulation Theory) over another (the Theory of Theory). However, the claim to have found a definitive answer to the philosophical problem of understanding other minds from neuroscientific data is far from acceptable. In this work I will show that there is a multiplicity of possible interpretations regarding the role of mirror neurons, and that one of the most plausible seems consistent with the second-person perspective (Pérez and Gomila 2021). The conclusion I seek to draw from this case study is that there are no direct paths from neuroscience to the solution of (at least some) philosophical problems.El descubrimiento del sistema de neuronas espejo, que acaeció hace 25 años, fue considerado por algunos autores como prueba definitiva de la superioridad de una teoría filosófica (la Teoría de la Simulación) por sobre otra (la Teoría de la Teoría). Sin embargo, esta pretensión de haber encontrado una respuesta definitiva al problema filosófico de la comprensión de las otras mentes a partir de datos neurocientíficos dista mucho de ser aceptable. En este trabajo mostraré que existe una multiplicidad de interpretaciones posibles relativas al rol de las neuronas espejo, y que una de las más plausibles parece congruente con la perspectiva de segunda persona (Pérez y Gomila 2021). La conclusión que busco extraer de este caso de estudio es que no hay caminos directos desde la neurociencia a la solución de (al menos algunos) problemas filosóficos.

    The implications of tourism development on labour conditions

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    Tourism currently plays an important role in the economy, contributing to the growth of economy, as well as having a remarkable impact on the local economy, environment, population and social development of the regions. The particular feature of the tourism is that includes many activities of different type and size, so this transversal character contributes to the creation of direct and indirect employment. However, the measurement and evaluation of the economic impact of tourism face two difficulties: first, the extensive and varied methodology on its measurement, and secondly the lack of reliable statistical sources and homogeneous. According to the specialized literature, tourism industry is considered labor-intensive activity that generates employment among people with low possibilities entering the labor market such as women, immigrants, young people and less skilled. However, tourism employment has been criticized for generating temporary and part-time employment, and low-wages. Consequently it is essential to focus on the tourism employment analysis given that the quality of tourist services offered will depend on the employees, because it is a factor still irreplaceable in many phases of activity. In addition, for the formulation of policies and an efficient expenditure of public funds become vital to know, examine and evaluate the impact of tourism on employment. Furthermore, the maintenance and improvement of competitiveness in the tourism sector could considerably contribute to promoting intelligent, sustainable and integrated growth. Although Spain maintains one of the highest positions in the world ranking in the number of tourists’ arrival, its distribution by regions is very different. In addition, the Spanish tourism follows the pattern of Mediterranean tourism, with a high concentration of activity in the summer months. Consequently, it is essential to propose a method to study tourism specialization and seasonality in Spain at a regional level, which enhances the analysis of the tourism sector. Depending on the degree of development of tourism in each region, we can observe different effects on the economy. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to contribute to fill the gap in the literature about working conditions in the tourism characteristic activities. As a result the first step is to review the existing literature that defines the concepts of tourism, tourism specialization and seasonality, and to look for the best measure to approach these concepts. Then, we applied the specialization and seasonality in order to find the regional disparities in the Spanish territory. Secondly, we analyze tourism employment from supply-side perspective following the international recommendations, and using data provided by Census and the Labor Force Survey. We obtain that tourism employment have different characteristics depending on the particular characteristic activity. In addition, the outcomes show the worrying presence of temporary employees, the slightly increase of part-time employees and a decrease of wage relative to the rest of the economy. Later, in the third section we examine the effects of tourism specialization and seasonality on the high percentage of temporary employment in the tourist activities. Finally in the last section, we consider how the tourism specialization and seasonality influence on the labor market. We introduce the indicators of tourism specialization and seasonality in a wage equation to see its effects on wages and employment

    Overview of Cooperative Learning and The Implication of its Implementation in the Classroom

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    Social interactions happen inside the class thanks to the process of teaching and learning. These interactions occur among students themselves and between students and teachers. However, in a traditional classroom (teacher speaking classroom), the most promoted interaction is the students – teachers one. This interaction is necessary for the students to learn, but the problem arises when the other type of interaction is left aside (Pujolàs Maset, 2008). Students do not work together as much as they work individually, answering teachers’ questions or making the activities demanded. This can lead students to a certain degree of competition inside the class. Competition is not only caused by the interactions, but also by the organization of the furniture of the classroom: tables are separated in individual rows and teachers have their tables on the front of the classroom to control the class.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma