
Overview of Cooperative Learning and The Implication of its Implementation in the Classroom


Social interactions happen inside the class thanks to the process of teaching and learning. These interactions occur among students themselves and between students and teachers. However, in a traditional classroom (teacher speaking classroom), the most promoted interaction is the students – teachers one. This interaction is necessary for the students to learn, but the problem arises when the other type of interaction is left aside (Pujolàs Maset, 2008). Students do not work together as much as they work individually, answering teachers’ questions or making the activities demanded. This can lead students to a certain degree of competition inside the class. Competition is not only caused by the interactions, but also by the organization of the furniture of the classroom: tables are separated in individual rows and teachers have their tables on the front of the classroom to control the class.Departamento de Filología InglesaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

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