1,997 research outputs found

    Becoming Other, Becoming a Relative: The Masato Feasts among Yaminahua (Peruvian Amazon)

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    Durante las masateadas los yaminahua se reúnen y consumen grandes cantidades de masato, la bebida fermentada de yuca que da nombre a esas fiestas. La música, el baile y la participación de los madereros que trabajan río arriba marcan estas reuniones durante las cuales las familias, dispersas en el día a día en los caseríos distribuidos a los largo del curso fluvial, se juntan para divertirse, bailar y flirtear. Las masateadas parecen operar como una especie de modelo reducido sociológico: en ellas, los principios centrífugos y centrípetos de la dinámica social yaminahua se muestran de forma condensada y en acción. Si de un lado están plenamente operativos los valores que unen –la alegría, la generosidad, la voluntad de juntarse con parientes y personas afines–, de otro lado se manifiestan con especial intensidad las líneas de fractura y conflicto parcialmente obviadas en lo cotidiano, la tristeza y la separación. En este texto examinamos cómo las masateadas construyen y expresan dichas relaciones, constituyéndose en uno de los espacios (y momentos) paradigmáticos de su confluencia.During the masateada festivities the Yaminahua get together to consume mass quantities of masato, the fermented manioc-based drink that gives the festival its name. The music, dancing, and participation of loggers who work up the river mark these encounters in which families, who would normally be busy with their day-to-day chores in the housing complexes distributed along the flow of the river, get together to have a good time, dance, and flirt. The masateadas seem to function as a kind of reduced sociological model: in these festivities, the centrifugal and centripetal principals of Yaminahua social dynamics may be seen in action in a condensed form. If, on the one hand, the values uniting this group are fully operational –joyfulness, generosity, the desire to get together with family members and friends– on the other, points of fracture and conflict only partially obvious in daily life, such as sadness and separation, become manifest with special intensity. This text examines how the masateadas construct and express such kinds of relationships, thus constituting one of the paradigmatic spaces (and moments) of their confluence

    Exibir aquilo que deveria estar oculto: dilemas de uma exposição mbya guarani

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    En julio de 2018 se inauguró en el Museo de Arqueología y Etnología de la UFPR (MAE) la exposición Nhande Mbya Reko – Nuestra forma de ser guaraní, fruto de la colaboración entre el MAE y cinco comunidades guaraní de la costa del estado de Paraná. A lo largo del proceso de concepción y organización de la exposición, fue escogido como eje narrativo la distinción entre los objetos fabricados para vender, dirigidos hacia el exterior, y los que no se deben vender, preservados en el interior. Mostrar, como estrategia para el reconocimiento político, y ocultar, como mecanismo de resistencia, se convierten en piezas de una tensión que se manifiesta en un contexto en el que la política cultural establece una conexión estrecha entre autenticidad, legitimidad, visibilidad y eficacia política. En el texto son descritos los procedimientos de esta colaboración, así como la autonarrativa mbya guaraní que resulta de ella.Em julho de 2018 foi inaugurada no Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da UFPR (MAE) a exposição Nhande Mbya Reko – Nosso jeito de ser guarani, fruto da colaboração entre o MAE e cinco comunidades guarani do litoral do Paraná. No curso do processo curatorial foi escolhido como eixo narrativo a distinção entre os objetos elaborados para a venda, voltados para o exterior, e os objetos que não devem ser vendidos, preservados no interior. Mostrar, como estratégia para o reconhecimento político, e ocultar, como mecanismo de resistência, se tornam elementos de uma tensão que emerge num contexto em que a política cultural estabelece uma conexão estreita entre autenticidade, legitimidade, visibilidade e eficácia política. No texto se exploram os procedimentos dessa experiência de curadoria compartilhada e a autonarrativa mbya guarani que resulta dela.

    Políticas de Saúde, Pluralidade Terapêutica e Identidade na Amazônia

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    The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison between the therapeutic fields that form part of the daily experience of two Panoan groups: Yaminawa people (Ucayali, Peruvian Amazon) and Yawanawa people (Acre, Brazilian Amazon). This comparison raises some interesting questions, as both groups, in spite of their cultural and linguistic relatedness, are inserted in different national, social and political contexts. The existing differences observed are not limited to questions stemming from two different state health policies; rather, they are directly associated with the particularities of their respective social and regional contexts. A comparison of these situations demonstrates that the relationship that the State establishes with indigenous societies, as well as the identity aspects deriving from it, are important factors in the constitution of indigenous therapeutic habitus. The present analysis examines how these issues are exemplified in newborns' feeding practices and in the use of biomedical resources in childbirth and birth control in both groups.O propósito deste trabalho é realizar uma comparação entre os campos terapêuticos vivenciados por dois grupos pano: os Yaminawa (Departamento do Ucayali, Peru) e os Yawanawa (Acre, Brasil). Essa comparação levanta questões relevantes, na medida em que ambos os grupos, apesar de sua proximidade cultural, se encontram inseridos em realidades nacionais, sociais e políticas diferentes. As diferenças existentes não se limitam a questões derivadas de duas políticas oficiais de saúde distintas, mas estão diretamente associadas às particularidades dos respectivos contextos sociais regionais. A comparação dessas situações mostra que o tipo de relação que as sociedades envolventes e os Estados estabelecem com as populações indígenas, assim como os aspectos identitários derivados dela, são fatores importantes na constituição do habitus terapêutico desses grupos. Esse aspecto é exemplificado no texto por meio de uma reflexão sobre diferenças existentes entre as práticas, de cada um dos grupos, relativas à alimentação dos recém-nascidos e ao uso dos recursos da biomedicina em relação ao parto e o controle da natalidade

    Colecionismo, colonialismo e museus: ensaio sobre duas exposições

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    O presente ensaio é uma reflexão sobre duas exposições: a exposição “Kanak, l’art est une parole”, em exibição  no Musée Quai Branly entre 15 de outubro de 2013 e o 26 de janeiro de 2014, e a exposição “With the World in the Backpack”, em exibição permanente no Museum of Ethnography de Estocolmo. O eixo em torno do qual desenvolvo a minha reflexão é a ideia de que ambas incorporam nas suas narrativas expográficas as relações através das quais os objetos exibidos foram coletados para ser incluídos em coleções científicas e museus. De certo modo, as duas exposições condensam, paradoxalmente, a marca colonial do passado e os esforços de descolonização que definem os paradigmas através dos quais os museus olham para o futuro

    Introdução ao Dossiê Etnologia e Museus: curadorias compartilhadas

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    Apresentação das discussões envolvidas na realização da I Semana de Antropologia e Museus na UFP

    Diseño de soluciones de intervención urbana para el aprovechamiento colectivo y sostenible de los espacios públicos

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño de una serie de recursos que permitan la recuperación de espacios públicos urbanos en desuso para su transformación en espacios de convivencia y par- ticipación vecinal. Después de realizar un análisis de diferentes teorías y metodologías de diseño social y centrado en las personas y de estudiar distintos proyectos llevados a cabo por otros diseñadores y colectivos, se plantean diferentes alternativas de diseño basadas en las necesidades de los diferentes entor- nos y usuarios potenciales. Se desarrolla en su totalidad la propuesta que mejor satisface las especificaciones de diseño de acuerdo con los criterios de innovación, mejora social, sostenibilidad, interactividad con el usuario y usabilidad. Se obtiene así un producto que permite a individuos y asociaciones equipar de forma autónoma los solares de su entorno para su uso en actividades de ocio colectivo y sostenible

    Membrane vesicles released by a hypervesiculating Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 tolR mutant are highly heterogeneous and show reduced capacity for epithelial cell interaction and entry.

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    Membrane vesicles (MVs) produced by Gram-negative bacteria are being explored for novel clinical applications due to their ability to deliver active molecules to distant host cells, where they can exert immunomodulatory properties. MVs released by the probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) are good candidates for testing such applications. However, a drawback for such studies is the low level of MV isolation from in vitro culture supernatants, which may be overcome by the use of mutants in cell envelope proteins that yield a hypervesiculation phenotype. Here, we confirm that a tolR mutation in EcN increases MV production, as determined by protein, LPS and fluorescent lipid measurements. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of negatively stained MVs did not reveal significant differences with wild type EcN MVs. Conversely, TEM observation after high-pressure freezing followed by freeze substitution of bacterial samples, together with cryo-TEM observation of plunge-frozen hydrated isolated MVs showed considerable structural heterogeneity in the EcN tolR samples. In addition to common one-bilayer vesicles (OMVs) and the recently described double-bilayer vesicles (O-IMVs), other types of MVs were observed. Time-course experiments of MV uptake in Caco-2 cells using rhodamine- and DiO-labelled MVs evidenced that EcN tolR MVs displayed reduced internalization levels compared to the wild-type MVs. The low number of intracellular MVs was due to a lower cell binding capacity of the tolR-derived MVs, rather than a different entry pathway or mechanism. These findings indicate that heterogeneity of MVs from tolR mutants may have a major impact on vesicle functionality, and point to the need for conducting a detailed structural analysis when MVs from hypervesiculating mutants are to be used for biotechnological applications

    Technical and economic feasibility of ceramic waste as a coarse concrete aggregate

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    The production of solid waste continues to increment over the world. In Colombia waste generation grew 13% in only 6 years. This has led to a sanitary landfill crisis in various municipalities, like Medellín, where its main landfill La Pradera has only 7 years of lifespan and no current backup plan. This has created a massive necessity for alternative ways to waste reutilization and development into a circular economy. One of the industries present in the Valle de Aburrá is GAMMA, a ceramic insulator producer, for which approximately 10% of the monthly production is waste. Ceramic waste can be very harmful to the environment causing high concentration of Magnesium or Iron in the soil, also its degradation can take thousands of years. The infrastructure sector is one of the main factors in the economy, where concrete is a raw material with a great potential for residue reutilization. Eco-efficient concretes made from ceramic waste have been studied and shown to be compliant regarding compressive resistance demanded by standards (BS EN 12390-6:2001) [1]. In this study, ceramic electrical insulators are used as a coarse aggregate in concrete manufacturing for different substitution percentages of coarse aggregate (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Our results confirm the performance potential and the economic viability of the material for the proposed scenarios when compared to conventional concrete. The 25% of coarse aggregate replacement was the only mixture compliant with Colombian standards having an average compressive resistance of 28.05 MPa after 28-day of setting. For both the modified and conventional concrete, the workability results were 7cm within the required range of 2,5 and 7,5cm for structural concrete

    “La Jornada de la Tutoría”. Una estrategia de integración universitaria.

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    Frente a los altos índices de deserción escolar en la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la UABJO, se propuso fortalecer el acompañamiento de los estudiantes a través de una serie de actividades enmarcadas en la “Jornada de la Tutoría”.  La importancia de este proyecto que se aplica por primera ocasión en la UABJO radica en el papel del tutor en las trayectorias escolares. Un total de 644 estudiantes participaron en la jornada de la Tutoría, actividad coordinada por la Dirección de Formación Integral del Estudiante, y mediante la cual se logró impactar en el 100% de la población estudiantil de dicha Facultad y contó con la participación activa de todos los tutores, logrando así la integración de esta unidad académica

    Preparation and characterization of a bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme. A more efficient biocatalyst for C-C bond formation

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    “This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Iturrate, L., Sánchez-Moreno, I., Oroz-Guinea, I., Pérez-Gil, J., García-Junceda, E. (2010) “Preparation and characterization of a bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme. A more efficient biocatalyst for C-C bond formation“ Chem. Eur. J., 16, 4018-4030, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.200903096/abstract”A bifunctional aldolase/kinase enzyme named DLF has been constructed by gene fusion through overlap extension. This fusion enzyme consists of monomeric fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBPA) from Staphylococcus carnosus and the homodimeric dihydroxyacetone kinase (DHAK) from Citrobacter freundii CECT 4626 with an intervening five amino acid linker. The fusion protein was expressed soluble and retained both kinase and aldolase activities. The secondary structure of the bifuctional enzyme has been analysed by CD spectroscopy, as well as that of the parental enzymes, in order to study the effect of the covalent coupling of the two parent proteins on the structure of the fused enzyme. Since S. carnosus FBPA is a thermostable protein, the effect of the fusion on the thermal stability of the bifunctional enzyme has also been studied. The proximity of the active centres in the fused enzyme promotes a kinetic advantage as the 20-fold increment in the initial velocity of the overall aldol reaction indicates. Experimental evidence supports that this increase in the reaction rate can be explained in terms of substrate channellingWe thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for financial support (Grant CTQ2007-67403/BQU). J. P.-G. has been supported by grants BIO2009-09694 and CSD2007-00010. L. Iturrate and I. Sánchez-Moreno acknowledges the Predoctoral Fellowship from Comunidad de Madrid. I. Oroz-Guinea is a JAEPredoc fellow from CSIC. We thank E. G. Doyagüez for her assistance on NMR characterization