104 research outputs found

    trade implications of extending the turkey-eu customs union agreement to agricultural products

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    Turkey’s membership of EU will lead to the enlargement of already established customs union between EU and Turkey for the agricultural products. This involves not only a full liberalization of agricultural trade within the EU but also the implementation of a Common external tariff. In this new situation, trade diversion and creation effects for agro-food trade will emerge. In terms of article XXIV of GATT, the possible results of these counteracting effects are important. In this paper, using the Armington assumption, the trade diversion and creation effects of Turkey’s membership for the agricultural trade will be calculated and analyzed.Elasticities of Substitution, Armington Elasticities, Fixed Effect Panel, Random Effect Panel, Trade Creation, Trade Diversion, EU Membership of Turkey, Agricultural Products, Turkey, Article XXIV of GATT, Turkish Agricultural Sector Model, TAGRIS

    Development of a Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System with Application to the Economic Optimization of Aircraft Based Weather Data Collection

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    This research is motivated by the economic optimization of the Troposherical Airborne Meteorological Data Reporting (TAMDAR), an aircraft-based meteorological data collection system. In the envisioned TAMDAR system, meteorological data collected by the onboard sensors of selected aircraft are transmitted to the ground as aircraft fly their missions. The data is processed by a national center, which disseminates the data to diverse users such as weather forecasters and aviation control centers. Substantial government funding is required for the implementation and operation of this new data acquisition system and data transmission expenditures constitute the largest portion of the costs. To achieve economic optimization of the data gathering activities, the TAMDAR system requires a multicriteria spatial decision support system (MC-SDSS) that facilitates the efficient selection of the most desirable data points to collect based on a limited budget. To optimize the data collection each data point must be assigned a value by the TAMDAR DSS and a specialized data valuation technique is developed for this purpose. This work presents a design methodology for practical integrated application of multi-attribute utility, simulation and spatial decision analysis techniques in the optimization of aircraft-based weather data collection systems. The TAMDAR DSS demonstrates tools to address a number of challenging decision support design problems such as inherent uncertainty, required subject-matter knowledge, geo-spatial data dimension, resolution of conflicting goals, reduction of complexity and, qualitative judgment. The developed model has wide application to other weather information and data gathering problems

    Septorinoplastide nazal tip desteği değişikliklerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Gereç-Yöntem: Bu prospektif ve kör çalışma Şubat 2018-Mart 2018 arasında Başkent Üniversitesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı'nda açık teknik estetik rinoplasti uygulanan 15 hasta üzerinde uygulandı. Çalışma öncesinde tüm hastalardan bilgilendirilmiş onam formu alındı. Daha önce opere edilen hastalar ve kaudal septum deviasyonu olan hastalar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Ameliyatlar tek bir cerrah tarafından yapıldı. Midkolumellar insizyon, flep elevasyonu, kaudal septum rezeksiyonu, tongue in groove tekniği, kolumellar strut grefti, tip müdahaleleri uygulanan hastalar çalışmaya alındı, Kliniğimizde rutin olarak kullandığımız bu teknikler tüm hastalara aynı sıra ile uygulandı. Kaudal strut ve tongue in groove teknikleri cerrah tarafından gerekli görülen hastalara uygulandı. Her bir aşama 1mm, 2mm, 3mm ölçülerinde tip bölgesine kompresyon uygulanarak preoperatif, kaudal septum rezeksiyonu, flep elevasyonu, kolumellar insizyon kapatılmasının hemen ardından erken postoperatif dönemde newtonmetre (SF-50Newton Dijital Dinamometre, EgeRate) ile direnç ölçümü yapıldı. Ölçümler sırasında kolumellanın hemen önüne cetvel konularak kompresyon uygulanırken profilden video ve seri fotoğraflar alındı. Daha sonra bu kayıtlar kör bir araştırmacı tarafından bilgisayar ortamında incelenerek veriler kaybedildi. Bulgular: Hastaların yaşları 19 ile 35 arasında değişmekte olup ortlaması 24 8±4 9 idi. Cinsiyetlerine göre dağılıma bakıldığında; olguların %66 6'sı (n=10) kadın, %33 4’ü (n=5) erkekti. Kaudal septum re ek iyonu onra nda tip direnci anlamlı şekilde düşük saptanmıştır. Tongue in groove tekniğinde diğer tüm manevralarla karşılaştırıldığında tip desteğinde anlamlı olarak bir artış saptandı (p<0.05). Kolumellar strut grefti uygulamasında ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası dönemde tip desteğinde anlamlı bir değişiklik saptanmadı. Ayrıca intradomal bağların diseksiyonu sonrası tip desteği anlamlı olarak azalmış bulunurken, ameliyat sonunda onarım yapıldığında bu desteğin tekrar arttığı saptandı(p<0,05) Sonuç: Bu çalışma, çeşitli rinoplasti manevralarında sonra nazal tip desteğindeki değişimi değerlendirmek ve ölçmek için test ekipmanının kullanımını göstermektedir. Kaudal strut grefti uygulaması tip desteğini artırmamaktadır. Tongue-in-groove tekniği seçilmiş hastalarda kullanılabilen ve nazal tip gücünü en fazla artıran tekniktir. Materials and Method: This prospective and blind study is conducted at, Baskent University School of Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology Department between February 2018- March 2018. 15 patients undergoing open technique aesthetic rhinoplasty are included. Informed consent is obtained from all patients. Patients having history of previous nose surgery and patients with caudal septum deviation are excluded. All procedures are performed by a single surgeon. Patients operated using following techniques are included in this study: midcolumellar incision, flap elevation, caudal septum resection, tongue-in-groove technique, columellar strut grafting and tip intervention. These techniques previously cited are carried out in exact same order for all the patients during surgery. Caudal strut and tongue-in-groove techniques are optionally performed for suitable patients as seen necessary by the surgeon. Measurements are taken in between all the stages, preoperatively; following caudal septum resection; columellar strut grafting; tongue-in-groove (chosen patients only); tip interventions (saturation and grafting) and early postoperative period immediately after closing columellar incision, while applying 1mm, 2mm and 3mm compression forces to tip area. Newtonmeter is used for resistance measurements (SF-50Newton Dijital Dinamometre, EgeRate). Serial photos are taken and video recordings are obtained with a scale placed adjacent to columella during application of compressive forces. Subsequently these recordings are analyzed and data are documented. Results: Mean age for the tudy group wa 24 8±4 9 ranging etween 19and 35. %66.6 (n=10) of the patients were female, %33,4 (n=5) were male. Significant reduction in tip support following caudal septum resection is detected. Significant increase in tip support is observed following tongue-in-groove technique compared to all other maneuvers (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative tip support for columellar strut grafting. Additionally tip support is found to be significantly reduced after dissection of intradomal ligaments which showed improvement with repair (p<0,05). Conclusion: This study shows application of testing equipment for evaluating and measuring nasal tip support following various rhinoplasty maneuvers. Caudal strut grafting revealed no increase in tip support. Tongue-in-groove technique has shown to improve nasal tip support at the utmost compared to other techniques employed

    Longitudinal Study of the Market Penetration of Cockpit Weather Information Systems

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    The purpose of the longitudinal research of the market penetration of cockpit weather information systems (CWIS) is to contribute to the body of knowledge on modeling advanced technology feasibility in aviation by tracking and analyzing the market adoption of CWIS over a three year period. This research takes advantage of a previous study, conducted by Dr. Paul Kauffmann in 2000, which demonstrated an integrated and cost effective approach to evaluate advanced technology feasibility, examining the feasibility of CWIS in five market segments: transport, commuter, general aviation, business, and rotorcraft. The longitudinal research consists of two consecutive studies and produced two reports. The first report was submitted in August 2003 and included general market analysis about the CWIS products in the market at the time, identified their characteristics and examined developing market dynamics

    trade implications of extending the turkey-eu customs union agreement to agricultural products

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    Turkey’s membership of EU will lead to the enlargement of already established customs union between EU and Turkey for the agricultural products. This involves not only a full liberalization of agricultural trade within the EU but also the implementation of a Common external tariff. In this new situation, trade diversion and creation effects for agro-food trade will emerge. In terms of article XXIV of GATT, the possible results of these counteracting effects are important. In this paper, using the Armington assumption, the trade diversion and creation effects of Turkey’s membership for the agricultural trade will be calculated and analyzed

    Consumer Engagement Via Decision Support Systems In Smart Grids

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    Akıllı şebekeler 2000’lerin başında ortaya konan yeni ve popüler bir kavram olmakla birlikte araştırma ve geliştirme alanında önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Akıllı şebeke, temel olarak operasyon, bilgi ve haberleşme sistemlerinin entegrasyonu ile ş ekillenmiş elektrik dağıtım ş ebekesidir. Akıllı şebekeler, enerjinin üretiminden, tüketimine kadar her aşamada gerçek zamanlı iki yönlü bilgi transferi sağlayarak, sürdürülebilir, güvenli ve enerji verimliliği yüksek bir enerji ağı sunmaktadır. Bu makale, akıllı şebekeler altyapısını kullanan bir piyasa aracı olan talep tarafı katılımı için karar destek sistemlerine odaklanmaktadır. Enerji dağıtım sektörünün güncel durumu ve gelecekte yapılacak akıllı şebeke uygulamalarının üretim, dağıtım ve son kullanıcılar üzerindeki etkileri vurgulanacaktır. Smart grid is a new and popular concept, which has been introduced by the beginning of 2000s and possesses a high potential for becoming a remarkable research and development area. The smart grid is basically the conventional electricity grid which is educated by the integration of operation and ICT technologies. It provides sustainable, secure and efficient energy network by enabling real time two way information transfers starting from energy production through distribution, storage and consumption. This paper focuses on consumer engagement and demand side management by using decision support systems. The current status and future smart grid developments on energy distribution, production and end-consumer is highlighted

    Effect of Suture Type and Suture Distance on Holding Strength in Nasal Septal Laceration Model

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    Objective:Septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps can be lacerated during the elevation of the flaps. Appropriate repair of the lacerations is essential to prevent the development of septal perforation during the healing process. We aimed to determine the superior suture type and suture distance to use in repairing the lacerations of nasal septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps.Methods:The study used 128 nasal septal mucosal-perichondrial flaps prepared from sheep heads. Experimentally induced lacerations on the mucosal-perichondrial flaps were sutured with two interrupted sutures using one of four suture materials (4-0/5-0 Polyglactin 910, 4-0/5-0 Polydioxanone) and leaving either 5 mm or 10 mm distance between the sutures. Maximum tissue holding strength (HSmax) was measured for each suture material and suture distance used.Results:Mean HSmax values were higher for Polyglactin 910 sutures (p<0.001) and 10 mm suture distance (p=0.008) when the groups were compared in terms of suture material and suture distance, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the mean HSmax values of sutures with 4-0 and 5-0 diameters (p=0.057).Conclusion:Polyglactin 910 suture material with 10 mm space between two adjacent sutures may be more durable than the other suture materials when repairing nasal septal mucosal lacerations

    Protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen and iloprost on ischemia/reperfusion-induced lung injury in a rabbit model

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    Durakoglugil, Emre/0000-0001-5268-4262; Dokumcu, Z/0000-0002-4996-7824; YILMAZ, Yeliz/0000-0003-1811-122X; Bozok, Sahin/0000-0002-1256-5055WOS: 000307333500001PubMed: 22676276Background: the role of multiorgan damage in the mortality caused by ischemic limb injury is still not clarified. the objective of this study was to examine the potential protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and iloprost (IL) therapy on lung damage induced by limb ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rabbit model, using both biochemical and histopathological aspects. Methods: Forty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly allocated into one of five study groups: HBO group (single session of HBO treatment); IL group (25 ng/kg/min infusion of IL); HBO + IL group (both HBO and IL); Control group (0.9% saline only); and a sham group. Acute hind limb ischemia-reperfusion was established by clamping the abdominal aorta for 1 h. HBO treatment and IL infusion were administrated during 60 min of ischemia and 60 min of reperfusion period. Blood pH, partial pressure of oxygen, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and levels of bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were determined at the end of the reperfusion period. Malondialdehyde was measured in the plasma and lung as an indicator of free radicals. After sacrifice, left lungs were removed and histopathological examination determined the degree of lung injury. Results: in the control group, blood partial pressure of oxygen and bicarbonate levels were significantly lower and creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, malondialdehyde and tumor necrosis factor-a levels were significantly higher than those of the HBO group, IL group, HBO + IL group and sham group. Similarly, the malondialdehyde levels in the lung tissue and plasma levels were significantly lower in the treatment groups compared with the control group. the extent of lung injury according to the histological findings was significantly higher in the control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that both HBO and IL therapies and their combination might be effectively used in the prevention of lung injury after ischemia/reperfusion injury of the lower extremities

    The determination of parent attitude and childhood trauma in adolescent pushed into crime

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine parent attitude and childhood traumas of adolescents pushed into crime who came to the policlinic of child and adolescent psychiatry for judicial evaluation. Method: Of this descriptive cross-sectional study sample was included 45 adolescents aged between 13 and 18 years, came with their parents to the psychiatric outpatient clinic of child, pushed into crime. Data were collected with Introductory Information Form, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Parents Attitude Research Instrument Scale. To evaluation of the data, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney-U, Kruskal Wallis Variance analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were used. Results:84.4 % of adolescent who joined the research were 15-17 age, 60.0% of them were male and 57.8% of them were not unable to continue schooling. The mean of trauma questionnaire of adolescent was found 54.42±7.53 (middle). It was found that sexual abuse’s median points of adolescent who were unable to continue schooling, had a poor commination with father, and physical abuse’s median points of adolescent who lived with their family, and physical neglect’s median points of adolescent who graduated from primary school, and emotional abuse’s median points of adolescent whose father showed irrelevant attitude, and emotional neglects’ median points of adolescent who have three or more sisters/brothers, whose mothers showed unbalanced and inconsistent attitude were higher than other’s significantly (p<0.05). Discussion: Adolescent who pushed into crime experienced middle level childhood trauma. The repressive-irrelevant parental attitude, unable to continue schooling, poor communication with the father, being in the crowded family, having psychiatric diagnosis from childhood are predictors of childhood mental trauma

    Nosocomial Oral Myiasis by Sarcophaga sp. in Turkey

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    We present a case of oral myiasis in a 15-year-old boy with tuberculosis meningitis. The diagnosis was based on the visual presence of wriggling larvae about 1 cm in size and on the microscopic features of the maggots, especially those relating to stigmatic structures. The larvae were identified as third-stage larvae of Sarcophaga sp