72 research outputs found

    Réhabilitation et Valorisation d'Anciens Sites Miniers en Champ de Tomate : Cas de l'Ancienne Carrière de Hamdallaye dans la Commune Rurale de Sangarédi, Préfecture de Boké, République de Guinée

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    Les activités agricoles occupent 64% de la population Guinéenne, qui y tire 80% de ses revenus (FIDA, 2020). Les femmes qui représentent 52% de la population sont actives tout au long de la chaine de production, elles comptent pour 53,3% de la main d’œuvre et y dévouent 80% de leur temps (UN, 2012). Cependant, la plupart peinent à posséder la terre (PAM, 2019).  Par ailleurs, malgré la contribution appréciable des compagnies minières au développement économique des pays, pas ou très peu d’efforts sont consentis pour la réhabilitation des anciennes carrières en domaines agricoles. La richesse du sous-sol guinéen, l’intensification de l’exploitation minière et leurs corolaires en Guinée en général et dans la zone de Boké en particulier, qui est une zone de production agricole, font que les domaines cultivables sont sous pressions anthropiques et climatiques (MIPPP, 2022). Par conséquent, la réhabilitation et la valorisation des anciennes carrières à des fins agricoles s’imposent comme une nécessité. L’objectif de l’étude est de réhabiliter un ancien site minier à Hamdallaye en un champ de tomate. Après la fermeture des excavations et l’aménagement grossier du site par la compagnie minière, nous avons procédé au retrait des blocs de pierres et à l’étalement d’une couche d’environ 25 cm d’argile surmontée de 25cm de terre. Puis, le site a été mis en jachère pendant 15 mois après avoir été nivelé. Par la suite, une analyse agro pédologique du sol viabilisé a été réalisée dont les résultats sont les suivants : Texture : limono-argilo-sableuse ; pH : moyennement acide ; Matière organique : bien présente ; Azote : bien présent ; Phosphore : très faible ; Potassium : teneur élevée ; Capacité d’échange cationique : moyennement faible. En plus, un test de comportement a montré que le meilleur résultat est obtenu à partir de la combinaison des engrais organiques et minéraux. Conséquemment, des apports en fiente et NPK ont été faits lors de la production de la tomate. Malgré les difficultés rencontrées, les résultats de la production sont plutôt satisfaisants, ils démontrent la possibilité de réhabiliter une ancienne carrière en champ de tomate.   Agricultural activities occupy 64% of the Guinean population, who derive 80% of their income from it (IFAD, 2020). Women, who represent 52% of the population, are active throughout the production chain, accounting for 53.3% of the workforce and devoting 80% of their time to it (UN, 2012). However, most struggle to own land (WFP, 2019).  Furthermore, despite the significant contribution made by mining companies to the economic development of countries, little or no effort is made to rehabilitate former quarries into agricultural estates. The richness of the Guinean subsoil, the intensification of mining and its corollaries in Guinea in general and in the Boké area in particular, which is an agricultural production zone, mean that cultivable land is under anthropic and climatic pressure (MIPPP, 2022).  Consequently, the rehabilitation and development of former quarries for agricultural purposes is a necessity. The aim of the study is to rehabilitate a former mining site in Hamdallaye into a tomato field. Once the excavations had been closed and the site roughly landscaped by the mining company, we proceeded to remove the stone blocks and spread a layer of around 25 cm of clay topped with 25 cm of soil. The site was then leveled and left to lie fallow for 15 months. An agro-pedological analysis of the serviced soil was then carried out, with the following results: Texture: silty-clay-sandy; pH: moderately acidic; Organic matter: present; Nitrogen: present; Phosphorus: very low; Potassium: high; Cation exchange capacity: moderately low. In addition, a behavioral test showed that the best results were obtained from the combination of organic and mineral fertilizers. Consequently, manure and NPK inputs were made during tomato production. Despite the difficulties encountered, the production results are quite satisfactory, demonstrating the possibility of rehabilitating an old quarry into a tomato field


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    Context and planMauritania has immense land reserves. Its national land bank is estimated at 502,000 ha, more than enough to promote agribusiness and achieve food self-sufficiency. However, the rural sector only contributes 17% of GDP and employs 21% of the working population.  Since the 1970s, agriculture has been unable to take off and make up the shortfall in food products (wheat, cereals, pulses, fruit, etc.) on the national market. The main causes of this delay can be summed up as the under-mechanisation of agriculture, the lack of investment and, above all, the difficult access to land and land titles for traditional owners and investors to make better use of the country's immense land heritage. Another constraint that remains a thorn in the side is the 1983 Land Code, which for more than four decades has been a source of conflict because it violates traditional customary rights.Goal and Objectives:The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the new land policy and, above all, to provide a scientific description of the Mauritanian government's new approach. The Mauritanian government seems to want to change its approach by committing itself to developing the country's land potential and, in order to contribute more to the fight against poverty through agricultural development and support for local producers, it has introduced a new paradigm. The National Agricultural Development Plan (PNDA) was launched to promote the intensification and diversification of agricultural production by 2025.  In preparing this study, we have focused in this summary on a methodology and a presentation of the key results.MethodologyTo collect the data and materials for this study, we combined three surveys. In addition to the document review, we conducted focus groups based on interview guides, and a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire administered to traditional owners and/or right holders. On the basis of the data collected, a cartographer collected the data and GPS coordinates to produce field maps for all the fields in the study area.ResultsThe results of the mapping survey enabled the construction of a cartographic database of all the fields in the Bababé and Thienel basins, the two study sites.  The qualitative and quantitative surveys revealed that all the landowners support the Mauritanian government's new approach. However, more than 95% of those questioned cited as their main priority the urgent need to obtain "land certificates", which would enable them to officially secure their plots of land.   As a result, the absence of individual or collective property deeds is becoming a confirmed reality. All the people interviewed stressed the need for an inclusive, participatory and peaceful land agreement between the state, farming communities and potential investors

    Services sociaux d'éducation et de santé en Guinée: Effets redistributifs de la politique gouvernementale

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    Cette étude a pour objectif d'identifier la progressivité des services publics d'éducation et de santé en Guinée, en s'appuyant sur les schémas de consommation tirés de l'enquête sur le niveau de vie de 2002-2003. Les résultats suggèrent que l'éducation publique primaire est plus progressive que l'éducation publique secondaire et universitaire, les consultations médicales et soins prénatals dans les centres et postes de santé sont mieux assurés que dans les hôpitaux. Cependant, on observe un biais anti-féminin dans la répartition des bénéfices tirés de la fourniture des services publics d'éducation. Ces résultats de recherche induisent la nécessité de rendre plus équitable l'accès aux services publics même si la taille du budget reste constante. Ils montrent aussi que, malgré la progressivité de l'éducation publique primaire et secondaire, l'expansion de leur couverture totale n'est pas une garantie pour l'amélioration de l'équité dans l'accès à ces services.Taux de couverture, incidence moyenne, incidence marginale, progressivité, dominance, courbe de concentration

    Aging Effect of Catechol Redox Polymer Nanoparticles for Hybrid Supercapacitors

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    [EN] Redox-polymer nanoparticles are a promising solution to avoid the detrimental dissolution of organic electrode materials while showing discrete redox processes. In this work, catechol-based redox-active polymer nanoparticles (cRPNs) were synthesized through one-step emulsion polymerization with a tunable size from 25 to 150 nm. The fresh cRPNs were characterized and showed a reversible redox process centered at 0.50 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in 1 M H2SO4. Unexpectedly, the cRPN latex aged after days passing from white to pink. This aging resulted in a shift of its redox potential toward higher values, which could be associated to autoxidation of the catechol groups and subsequent crosslinking of NPs due to catechol dimer formation. Finally, we compared the performance of fresh and aged cRPNs in a hybrid supercapacitor device, proving how the aging effect had some benefits such as an increase in the voltage output, specific capacitance, cyclability and Coulombic efficiencies of the device.The authors thank for technical and human support provided by IZO-SGI SGIker of UPV/EHU. Technical and human support provided by IZO-SGI, SGIker (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ERDF and ESF) is gratefully acknowledged for assistance and generous allocation of computational resources. The authors would like to thank the European Commission for financial support through funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823989. N.P. appreciates Spanish MINECO for the Juan de la Cierva-formation fellowship (FJC2018-037781-I). R.M. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the SUSBAT project (Ref.RTI2018-101049-B-I00) (MINECO/FEDER, UE) for financial support

    Mistreatment in the gynaecology and obstetrics units of health facilities: community women's experiences in Guinea

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    Background: Improving maternal and child health helps to ensure women's well-being. However, despite many efforts, women are still subjected to mistreatment and abuse in health facilities such as gynaecology and obstetrics units. Data on women's mistreatment in gynaecology are scarce and insufficient in obstetrics departments. This study therefore analyses women's experiences of mistreatment in these services in Guinea. Methods: This study is based on a qualitative approach using in-depth individual interviews and group discussions with community women. The data was subjected to thematic analysis. Results: This study revealed a high prevalence of mistreatment of women in health facilities, both during provision of gynaecological services and in obstetric units (pregnancy, prenatal consultations and childbirth). They are mainly victims of verbal abuse, negligence and informal payment, and to a lesser extent physical violence. Victims generally have few means of redress. This mistreatment is encouraged above all by the lack of training for health care providers, the inadequacy of services and the absence of sanctions. To prevent and combat this phenomenon, it is necessary to organise training courses on respectful maternal care for healthcare providers, make patients aware of their rights and the culture of consent, and apply disciplinary sanctions. Conclusions: This study has enabled us to understand the types and extent of mistreatment suffered by women in obstetrics and gynaecology units.  It identified measures to be taken to prevent and combat mistreatment in these units in order to ensure respectful healthcare and improve relations between healthcare providers and their clients

    Cryptococcal meningitis associated HIV infection in the Donka national hospital in Conakry (Guinea)

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    Background Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is an infection of the brain parenchyma and subarachnoid space by the encapsulated saprophyte yeast organisms such as Cryptococcus neoformans. Over the last twenty years, HIV has created a large and severely immune compromisized population in whom C. neoformans is a dangerous opportunistic infection. In Guinea, the prevalence of CM is unknown. We hypothesized that the occurrence of CM correlates with AIDS/ HIV prevalence.Method This retrospective observational study was carried out at the national Hospital of Conakry (Guinea) between 2001 and 2002. We describe here the epidemiological and clinical and biological characteristics of CM disease in our national hospital.Results Our data show that, 28.6 % of HIV patients with neurological symptoms had Cryptococcus neoformans in their CSF by using Indian ink staining. The median age was 36±3 years and sex ratio (M/F) was 1.8. The major complaints were fever and cephalgia, giddiness while the major complications were altered consciousness and hemiplegia. CSF was clear with low level of glucose and higher level of albumin. The means of lymphocytes in CSF was 8±2/mm3.Conclusion This data therefore becomes relevant in not only focusing of neurological symptoms associated with HIV to be toxoplasmosis but the possibility of C neoformans in these patients; particularly when they present symptoms such as headaches, giddiness and sniff neck etc. This can easily be carried out with Indian ink staining technique

    DEMERSTEM : WP1 Stock identification Pseudotolithus elongatus Guinea Bissau and Guinea

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    The bobo croacker P. elongatus is assumed by CECAF as one single stock for Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia for assessment purposes. The consideration of one single stock for these 4 countries follows practical reasons and has no any biological basis

    Mise en place d’un Village Intelligent face au Climat pour la réduction des risques climatiques et de l’insécurité alimentaire à Daga-Birame, Sénégal. Guide de visite de terrain pour la Réunion du Comité Scientifique Indépendant du CCAFS

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    À Daga Birame, au Sénégal, CCAFS et ses partenaires ont mis en place un village climato-intelligent (CSV) dans lequel plusieurs activités sont menées. Sur la base de la vision du village et de son avenir, un ensemble d'actions ont été identifiées par la communauté afin d'atteindre les changements souhaités dans la productivité agricole et la sécurité alimentaire tels que les activités génératrices de revenus, l'amélioration de la résilience et la gestion durable des ressources naturelles du village. Ces actions ont été structurées autour de quatre composantes: Les services d'information climatologique (SIC); le développement des technologies / pratiques agricoles adaptées au climat; le renforcement de capacités des villageois et celle des connaissances et des institutions locales

    Mixed methods study evaluating the implementation of the WHO hand hygiene strategy focusing on alcohol based handrub and training among health care workers in Faranah, Guinea

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    Introduction The most frequent adverse health events in healthcare worldwide are healthcare-associated infection. Despite ongoing implementation of the WHO multimodal Hand Hygiene (HH) Improvement Strategy, healthcare-associated infection rate continues to be twofold higher in low- than in high-income countries. This study focused on continued evaluation of HH compliance and knowledge. The mixed method approach, with inclusion of patients and care-givers, provided insight into challenges and facilitators of the WHO HH Improvement Strategy, and highlighted improvement points. Methods An uncontrolled, before-and–after intervention, mixed methods study in Faranah Regional Hospital was conducted from December 2017 to August 2019. The intervention implemented the WHO HH Strategy including HH training for healthcare workers (HCWs), and the relaunch of the local production of alcohol-based handrub (ABHR). A baseline assessment of HH knowledge, perception and compliance of HCWs was done prior to the intervention and compared to two follow-up assessments. The second follow-up assessment was complemented by a qualitative component. Results Overall compliance six months post-intervention was 45.1% and significantly higher than baseline but significantly lower than in first follow-up. Knowledge showed similar patterns of improvement and waning. The perception survey demonstrated high appreciation of the intervention, such as local production of ABHR. HCW’s were concerned about overconsuming of ABHR, however simultaneous quantitative measurements showed that consumption in fact was 36% of the estimated amount needed for sufficient HH compliance. Potential fields for improvement identified by HCWs to enhance sustainability were permanent ABHR availability, having a dedicated person with ownership over continuous simulation HH trainings including simulations to improve technique. Conclusion The study shows that the WHO multimodal HH strategy has a positive effect on HCW compliance and knowledge. Improvement points identified by local staff like sensitization on appropriate ABHR amount per HH action should be considered for sustainable HH improvement.Peer Reviewe