13 research outputs found

    Pollination syndrome of the African custard apple (Annona senegalensis Pers.) reveals reliance on specialized brood-site weevil pollinators in Annonaceae

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    International audienceThe pollination syndrome of the African custard apple (Annona senegalensis Pers.; Annonaceae) was investigated to gain insights into the reproductive strategy of this multipurpose wild shrub. Flower visitors were collected and frequently surveyed in the morning on 30 flowers of 30 plants per site, at four sites across the Sudanian and Sudano-Sahelian climatic zones of Burkina Faso during the flowering season, from May to June. A total of nine species of insects including Coleoptera (Curculionidae, Scarabeidae), Hymenoptera (Formicidae) and Diptera (Tephritidae) were observed visiting flowers. Among the recorded insects, two sympatric species of weevil (Curculioninae, Ochyromerini, Endaeus castus Schoenherr and Endaeus floralis Marshall) were by far the most abundant (97% of specimens) and were observed on all the 120 flowers sampled. Both species were observed on the fleshy petals of the cantharophilous flowers of Annona senegalensis that they use as substrate for the development of larval stages. These observations echo with the ever-growing number of researches highlighting the major role of weevils in the pollination of the pantropical Annonaceae. Our study provides first evidence of brood-site mutualism between an Annonaceae species and its specialized weevils pollinators

    Santé des adolescents et des jeunes au Burkina Faso : état des lieux et priorités

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    La population des adolescents et jeunes au Burkina Faso (tranche d’ñge des 10 Ă  24 ans) reprĂ©sente 43,6 % et suscite un intĂ©rĂȘt particulier pour le MinistĂšre de la SantĂ©. Pour ce faire, il y a la nĂ©cessitĂ© de regarder leurs besoins afin de leur offrir des soins adaptĂ©s. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude avait pour objectif de faire le point de l’état de santĂ© des adolescents et des jeunes et d’en dĂ©gager des prioritĂ©s. Il s‘est agi d’une Ă©tude Ă©valuative ayant utilisĂ© une revue documentaire associĂ©e Ă  une interview des acteurs clĂ©s et un atelier de validation et d’identification des interventions pertinentes pour un plan stratĂ©gique national. La situation de la santĂ© des adolescents et des jeunes est caractĂ©risĂ©e par des grossesses prĂ©coces et non dĂ©sirĂ©es, des avortements provoquĂ©s clandestins, des rapports sexuels prĂ©coces, non protĂ©gĂ©s, souvent avec plusieurs partenaires, une prĂ©valence Ă©levĂ©e du VIH/Sida et des infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST), les traumatismes, les problĂšmes de santĂ© mentale et les violences diverses. Le phĂ©nomĂšne est aggravĂ© par la faible utilisation des mĂ©thodes contraceptives et des services de santĂ© par les jeunes. Mal documentĂ©e, la situation relative Ă  la consommation d’alcool, de drogue et de tabac, substances hautement nuisibles pour la santĂ©, reste prĂ©occupante. Il est ressorti Ă©galement l’insuffisance d’infrastructures et d’équipements pour les loisirs ainsi qu’un faible accompagnement technique des activitĂ©s en faveur des adolescents et des jeunes. Le constat gĂ©nĂ©ral est que l’offre de services s’est amĂ©liorĂ©e malgrĂ© l’insuffisance de la sensibilisation, notamment auprĂšs des jeunes non scolarisĂ©s, de mĂȘme que les disparitĂ©s entre les zones urbaines et rurales pour l’accĂšs Ă  l’information et aux services. Le plan stratĂ©gique de santĂ© des jeunes (PSSAJ) constitue un cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence essentiel dont l’importance a Ă©tĂ© soulignĂ©e par tous les informateurs. La diffusion et l’appropriation prĂ©vues pour sa mise en oeuvre n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© effectives comme la mise Ă  disposition en temps rĂ©el faute de ressources financiĂšres, matĂ©rielles et humaines. Aussi, il est nĂ©cessaire de mettre en place un cadre de concertation associant toutes les parties prenantes pour l’élaboration du document. En outre, l’importance d’un dispositif de coordination et de suivi-Ă©valuation des interventions multisectorielles a Ă©tĂ© relevĂ©e comme une condition essentielle pour atteindre les objectifs du plan stratĂ©gique de la santĂ© des adolescents et jeunes. La santĂ© des adolescents et jeunes reste marquĂ©e par la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l’affirmation d’une gouvernance orientĂ©e sur leurs spĂ©cificitĂ©s. Par ailleurs, la double protection est apparue comme une solution idoine, Ă  dĂ©faut de l’abstinence, face aux causes majeures tridimensionnelles de leurs problĂšmes (grossesses, avortements et IST/sida). Une approche systĂ©mique prenant en compte des interventions multisectorielles reste essentielle pour la prise en compte des problĂšmes de santĂ© des adolescents et jeunes.Mots-clĂ©s : Ă©quitĂ©, adolescents et jeunes, systĂšme de santĂ©, Afrique, accĂšs aux soins

    Pulse wave velocity is lower in trained than in untrained sickle cell trait carriers

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    International audienceSickle cell trait (SCT) is a benign condition of sickle cell disease. Nevertheless, previous reports showed that SCT carriers have increased blood viscosity and decreased vascular reactivity compared to non-SCT carrier. The benefit of regular exercise on vascular function has been well documented in the general population but no study focused on the SCT population

    Can linear transportation infrastructure verges constitute a habitat and/or a corridor for vertebrates in temperate ecosystems? A systematic review

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    Background. Linear transportation infrastructures (roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, powerlines and waterways) generate well documented fragmenting effects on species habitats. However, the potential of verges of linear transportation infrastructures (road and railway embankments, strips of grass under power lines or above buried pipelines, or waterway banks) as habitat or corridor for biodiversity, remains controversial. In a context of constant loss of natural habitats, the opportunities of anthropogenic areas for compensating the loss of biodiversity they generated have to be considered. This paper is the first synthesis of evidence addressing this topic for vertebrates (mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles) in temperate ecosystems.Methods. We conducted a systematic literature survey using two online publication databases, three search engines, specialist websites, and by sending a call for literature to subject experts. We successively screened the articles for relevance on titles, abstracts and full texts using criteria detailed in an a priori protocol. We then used six specific questions to categorize the retained studies and to critically appraise them. These questions encompassed the potential of verges as habitats and corridors for vertebrates, and the effects of landscape and management on these potentialities. We critically appraised all studies to assess their risk of bias and created a database of the studies with low and medium risk of bias. We synthesized results for each specific question in narrative syntheses. Finally, studies that met meta-analysis requirements were used for quantitative syntheses.Results. Our initial searches identified 83,565 documents. After critical appraisal, we retained 119 documents that reported 128 studies. Most studies were conducted in Europe (49%) and in the United States of America (22%), and were about mammals (61%) and birds (20%). Results from the narrative synthesis and meta-analyses converged and revealed that the potential of linear transportation infrastructures verges to constitute a habitat for vertebrate species varies according to the infrastructure and the biological group considered. Especially, highway verges may be a refuge for small mammals but seems detrimental to birds. The potential also varied depending on the landscape considered, with urbanisation being related to lower biodiversity hosted by verges. We found a wide variety of verge management practices with few studies on each practice, which prevented us from drawing general conclusions. Likewise, we found too few studies assessing the corridor potential of verges to be able to fully conclude although this potential seems to exist. We did not find any study assessing the effect of landscape context or management on the role of corridor of verges.Conclusions. We identified a major knowledge gap regarding the potential of linear transportation infrastructure verges as corridors for vertebrates, and when they exist studies rarely directly measured movements on verges. We thus encourage more research on this topic and the development of protocols that enable direct measures of vertebrate movements. The effect of management practices on the role of habitat of verges also deserves further investigations, and research efforts should be coordinated to focus on one specific practice (e.g. vegetation management)

    Can linear transportation infrastructure verges constitute a habitat and/or a corridor for vertebrates in temperate ecosystems? A systematic review

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    Background. Linear transportation infrastructures (roads, railways, oil and gas pipelines, powerlines and waterways) generate well documented fragmenting effects on species habitats. However, the potential of verges of linear transportation infrastructures (road and railway embankments, strips of grass under power lines or above buried pipelines, or waterway banks) as habitat or corridor for biodiversity, remains controversial. In a context of constant loss of natural habitats, the opportunities of anthropogenic areas for compensating the loss of biodiversity they generated have to be considered. This paper is the first synthesis of evidence addressing this topic for vertebrates (mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles) in temperate ecosystems.Methods. We conducted a systematic literature survey using two online publication databases, three search engines, specialist websites, and by sending a call for literature to subject experts. We successively screened the articles for relevance on titles, abstracts and full texts using criteria detailed in an a priori protocol. We then used six specific questions to categorize the retained studies and to critically appraise them. These questions encompassed the potential of verges as habitats and corridors for vertebrates, and the effects of landscape and management on these potentialities. We critically appraised all studies to assess their risk of bias and created a database of the studies with low and medium risk of bias. We synthesized results for each specific question in narrative syntheses. Finally, studies that met meta-analysis requirements were used for quantitative syntheses.Results. Our initial searches identified 83,565 documents. After critical appraisal, we retained 119 documents that reported 128 studies. Most studies were conducted in Europe (49%) and in the United States of America (22%), and were about mammals (61%) and birds (20%). Results from the narrative synthesis and meta-analyses converged and revealed that the potential of linear transportation infrastructures verges to constitute a habitat for vertebrate species varies according to the infrastructure and the biological group considered. Especially, highway verges may be a refuge for small mammals but seems detrimental to birds. The potential also varied depending on the landscape considered, with urbanisation being related to lower biodiversity hosted by verges. We found a wide variety of verge management practices with few studies on each practice, which prevented us from drawing general conclusions. Likewise, we found too few studies assessing the corridor potential of verges to be able to fully conclude although this potential seems to exist. We did not find any study assessing the effect of landscape context or management on the role of corridor of verges.Conclusions. We identified a major knowledge gap regarding the potential of linear transportation infrastructure verges as corridors for vertebrates, and when they exist studies rarely directly measured movements on verges. We thus encourage more research on this topic and the development of protocols that enable direct measures of vertebrate movements. The effect of management practices on the role of habitat of verges also deserves further investigations, and research efforts should be coordinated to focus on one specific practice (e.g. vegetation management)

    L'opposition au projet ZACA à Ouagadougou (2001–03): feu de paille ou mutations profondes de l'islam burkinabù?

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