35 research outputs found

    Diagnostique des pratiques de fumage de la viande de poulet (Gallus gallus) dans la ville de Lome au Togo

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    Le fumage traditionnel du poulet est une pratique moins rĂ©pandue au Togo comparativement au fumage du poisson. De plus en plus, cette pratique devient une activitĂ© Ă©conomique qui occupe bon nombre de femmes et satisfait une frange de consommateurs. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  dĂ©crire et Ă  caractĂ©riser l’activitĂ© de fumage de la viande de poulet Ă  travers ses composantes telles que les acteurs, les procĂ©dĂ©s et les conditions de production dans la ville de LomĂ© au Togo. Pour ce faire, une enquĂŞte exploratoire par ratissage systĂ©matique des acteurs (processors de fumage) et un suivi des Ă©tapes technologiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. L’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la  production du poulet fumĂ© Ă  LomĂ© est une activitĂ© menĂ©e uniquement par des femmes. Près de 53,3% de ces femmes ont Ă©tĂ© alphabĂ©tisĂ©es dont 6,7% ont eu Ă  franchir le niveau primaire. Elles transformaient exclusivement les poulets importĂ©s sous forme entière ou de dĂ©coupes en poulets fumĂ©s qu’elles commercialisaient elles-mĂŞmes. Le fumage du poulet passait par la dĂ©congĂ©lation, le lavage, l’assaisonnement et/ou la prĂ©-cuisson et le fumage proprement dit. Il existait une variation dans la conduite de ces opĂ©rations unitaires d’une productrice Ă  une autre mais la diffĂ©rence essentielle observĂ©e se situait au niveau du traitement appliquĂ© au poulet avant le fumage. La conduite du fumage Ă©tait empirique utilisant comme combustibles le bois combinĂ© Ă  diffĂ©rents matĂ©riaux  vĂ©gĂ©taux principalement la sciure de bois, les coques de noix de coco, les enveloppes de maĂŻs sĂ©chĂ© et les cartons de rĂ©cupĂ©ration. L’équipement utilisĂ©, Ă©kpo ou ado en langue locale EwĂ© est une sorte de four traditionnel couramment utilisĂ© dans les pratiques culinaires au Togo. La durĂ©e moyenne du fumage Ă©tait environ de 60,33 ± 10,6 min et la tempĂ©rature moyenne atteinte Ă  cĹ“ur du poulet est de 82,51 ± 5,8 °C. Le poulet fumĂ©, essentiellement transformĂ© pour les besoins de goĂ»t, a une durĂ©e de conservation assez limitĂ©e (<24 heures) Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante. MalgrĂ© les conditions de travail prĂ©caires et des règles d’hygiène peu observĂ©es sur les sites de production, le poulet fumĂ© semble satisfaire les consommateurs. De ce fait, des Ă©tudes complĂ©mentaires de caractĂ©risation sensorielle, physicochimique et microbiologique seraient nĂ©cessaires pour Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© de ces poulets fumĂ©s. Mots clĂ©s : poulet fumĂ©, fumage traditionnel, procĂ©dĂ©, fumoir traditionnel, Lom

    Epidemiology of Use of a Traditional Spirit “Sodabi” in the General Population of Togo

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the profile of sodabi consumption in the Togolese population. This transverse descriptive study was conducted over a nine month period from June 9, 2013 to March 9, 2014, throughout the five regions of Togo. Findings demonstrated a clear profile of 2388 sodabi drinkers. 1672 (70.02%) men and 716 (29.98%) women. Prevalence was 62.45% in the population studied. Mean age was 35.3 years. Almost all subjects interrogated (98.48%) were togolese nationals. The study included the following ethnic and regional groups, the Kabyè-Tem ethnic group (43.59%) and the Paragourma-Akan groups (23.50%) were the most represented among the subjects interrogated. More than a third (25.67%) of subjects interviewed was unemployed with a higher unemployment rate in the Maritime region and Lomé Commune (37.16%). Most of the people interrogated (49.66%) were living as couples (married or cohabiting). 4.06% of subjects drank sodabi only. 51.40% of drinkers abused sodabi (40.59% men against 10.81% women). The prevalence of noxious alcohol use was high (12.35%) among unemployed participants. 25.51% of drinkers visited drinking establishments once a week and 22.10% almost every day. The euphoric effect of alcohol (45.23%) and friendly atmosphere (19.39%) of the drinking establishment were the main reasons for attendance (64.62%). Of the damage caused by the abuse of sodabi, 39.26% of subjects showed somatic or neurological complications and 60.74% psychological and psychiatric complications. Updating these data seems necessary, because combating excessive drinking is one of the main objectives of current togolese public health policy

    Étude ethnobotanique des plantes alimentaires utilisées en médecine traditionnelle dans la région Maritime du Togo

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    Les plantes alimentaires contiennent des principes actifs douĂ©s de diverses propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©dicinales pouvant intervenir dans le traitement de nombreuses maladies. Cette Ă©tude est consacrĂ©e au recensement des plantes ayant des potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique dans la rĂ©gion Maritime du Togo, dans le but de la valorisation de ces plantes. De juin Ă  septembre 2017, une enquĂŞte ethnobotanique, basĂ©e sur l’utilisation des interviews individuelles Ă  l'aide d'un questionnaire semi-structurĂ©, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès de 101 Praticiens de la MĂ©decine Traditionnelle. Au total 86 espèces vĂ©gĂ©tales appartenant Ă  72 genres et 36 familles ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es. Les Fabaceae et les Solanaceae (7 espèces chacune) ont Ă©tĂ© les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©es. Les espèces les plus citĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© Ocimum gratissimum L. (10,48%), Vernonia amygdalina Delile (6,71%), Lactuca taraxacifolia (Willd.) Schum. (6,08%) et Heliotropium indicum L. (5,66%). Les feuilles (77,85%), les fruits (5,63%) et les racines (4,26%) sont les organes les plus utilisĂ©es sur 799 recettes inventoriĂ©es. La principale forme galĂ©nique reste la sauce (51,19%) et le mode principal d’administration est la voie orale (90,74%). Concernant les maladies traitĂ©es, les affections du tube digestif sont au premier rang (43,80%) suivies par des affections cardiovasculaires (13,52%). Cette Ă©tude fournie une base de donnĂ©es sur des plantes ayant des potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique au Togo.Mots clĂ©s : Alicaments, potentiels nutritionnel et thĂ©rapeutique, sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire, Togo.   English title: Ethnobotanical study of some food plants used in traditional medicine in the Maritime region of TogoFood plants contain active substances with various medicinal properties that can be used to treat many diseases. This study is devoted to the inventory of plants with nutritional and therapeutic potential in Maritime region of Togo, with the aim of promoting these plants. From June to September 2017, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted among 101 Traditional Medicine Practitioners through individual interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. A total of 86 plants species belonging to 72 genera and 36 families were identified. Fabaceae and Solanaceae (7 species each) were the most represented. The most cited species were Ocimum gratissimum L. (10.48%), Vernonia amygdalina Delile (6.71%), Lactuca taraxacifolia (Willd.) Schum. (6.08%) and Heliotropium indicum L. (5.66%). The leaves (77.85%), fruits (5.63%) and roots (4.26%) were the most plant parts used out of 799 inventoried recipes. The main dosage form remains the sauce (51.19%) and the main mode of administration is the oral route (90.74%). Regarding the treated diseases, the digestive disorders are in first place (43.80%), followed by cardiovascular diseases (13.52%). This study provides a database of plants with nutritional and therapeutic potential in Togo.Keywords: Food plants, nutritional and therapeutic potentials, food security, Togo

    Beneficial Effects of Probiotic and Food Borne Yeasts on Human Health

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    Besides being important in the fermentation of foods and beverages, yeasts have shown numerous beneficial effects on human health. Among these, probiotic effects are the most well known health effects including prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases and immunomodulatory effects. Other beneficial functions of yeasts are improvement of bioavailability of minerals through the hydrolysis of phytate, folate biofortification and detoxification of mycotoxins due to surface binding to the yeast cell wall

    Folate determination in cereal-based foods by high-performance liquid chromatography

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    By federal regulation and beginning January 1, 1998, folic acid must be added to bread and cereals because of its multiple health-related benefits. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a reliable method for rapid, routine determination of folates in fortified cereal products in replacement of the lengthy standard microbiological method. A reversed-phase ion-pair HPLC method was developed and evaluated for achieving this purpose. Added folic acid in vitamin fortified cereal-based foods was extracted using an α\alpha-amylase preparation for digestion of starch in the sample matrix. Added folic acid was determined within 15 min using a \rm C\sb{18} column and a buffered methanol/water mobile phase containing tetrabutylammonium phosphate as an ion-pairing agent. Quantitation was achieved by UV absorption at 280 nm. Determination of endogenous folates was achieved by treating the sample with rat plasma deconjugase that converted polyglutamyl folates to their monoglutamate residues. After sample clean-up by solid phase extraction, the folates were determined using fluorescence detection with an excitation wavelength of 290 nm and emission wavelength of 350 nm or 450 nm depending on the forms analyzed. Four forms of native folates, tetrahydrofolate, 5-formyltetrahydrofolate, 10-formylfolate and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were measured within 31 min. Total endogenous folate levels ranged from 66 to 191 μg/100\rm\mu g/100 g in fortified breakfast cereals, 35 to 45 μg/100\rm\mu g/100 g in unfortified breakfast cereals and 55 to 65 μg/100\rm\mu g/100 g in unfortified wheat flour. A comparison of results between the chromatographic and standard microbiological methods yielded a high correlation (r = 0.993) between the two procedures. The stability and distribution of added and native folates throughout sponge-and-dough bread processing were assessed using the HPLC procedure described above. Data indicated a good stability of added folic acid at the baking stage, where only 20% was lost. Four native folates described above were detected throughout the process. Their levels increased 72% at the sponge stage, probably due to a contribution from the yeast source, then decreased 32% after baking. However, native folates in bread remained higher (15%) than in the flour

    Aromatic Composition of “Sodabi”, a Traditional Liquor of Fermented Oil Palm Wine

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    peer reviewedThe aim of this study is to determine the profile of the volatile chemical compounds of Sodabi which is a traditional liquor widely consumed by people in the West Africa. Sodabi is a distilled product of fermented oil palm wine and its production is artisanal, using rudimentary equipment and recycled materials under precarious sanitary conditions. The production of this liquor is also often associated with adulterating practices such as the use of substrates other than palm wine and additives susceptible of producing toxic compounds in the end product. Chemical analysis of some samples of Sodabi showed a pH of 4.25±0.72; an acidity of 660±29.39 mg/L; a density of 0.9625±0.01; an alcohol contents of 44.31±1.95%v/v and a soluble solid contents of 31.45±2.44 mg/L. Volatile components of Sodabi samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the results revealed forty-eight (48) components. The most abundant molecules was ethanol (98.95%v/v) and higher alcohols including 3-methylbutan-1-ol and 2-methylbutan-1-ol. Esters (methyl salicylate, diethyl succinate), aldehydes (furfural), ketones (butyrolactone) and phenols (phenol, 4-vinyl-2-methoxyphenol) were also determined. The compounds found in Sodabi were for the most part similar to those of industrial spirits. Trace amounts of methanol and lead were detected but the quantities of which were well below those associated with acute toxicity and representing no threat to the consumption of Sodabi

    Valorisation de la canne sucrière de "bouche" par la production artisanale du sucre roux

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    The present study was inspired by different traditional processes of production of the brown sugar as they exist in the Latin America and the Caribs. The adjustment to the local conditions has been madethrough the choice of the ingredients and equipment. The edible and nourishing brown sugar was manufactured from the sugar cane plants that are locally only used as "cane for the mouth" and toproduce a local hard liquor. The traditional processing of the sugar cane is generally based on the technology of modern sugar factories which includes the stages of extraction, purification, concentration and crystallization. The extraction of the cane juice required an improved manually driven traditional roller crusher. This tool permitted to reach an improved extraction throughput of 67 ± 6%. The sugar cane juice was heated and purified by an extract of gumbo (Hibiscus esculentus) used as a clarifying agent before the concentration. The energetic beating of the concentrated sugar cane juice permitted to inducecrystallization. The sugar obtained was then sun dried. The proximate analysis of the brown sugar compared with that of the refined white sugar of trade revealed for the traditional brown sugar 1.5% protein content and substantial levels of six minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and manganese) whereas the refined sugar was nearly deprived of those chemical elements. Minerals like zinc, lead, cobalt, chromium, copper and cadmium were inexistent in the two types of sugar. This study clearly indicated that, compared with the refined sugar, the brown sugar has higher protein and mineral contents. These attributes make the brown sugar a food sweetener of significant nutritional value

    Proprietes physico-chimiques et reactivite comparees des agents coagulants vegetaux dans la fabrication du fromage lacal frais \"wagasi\"

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    No Abstract. J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo) Vol. 7(1) (Serie A) 2005: pp. 69-7

    Conservation, transformation et composition chimique des arilles des fruits mûrs du fisanier (Blighia sapida K.D. koenig) au Togo

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    Les arilles du fruit du fisanier (Blighia spida) qui abondent au Togo à la saison de la récolte, possèdent des potentialités nutritives qui pourraient être mises à profit dans l’alimentation humaine et animale mais malencontreusement, ils ne sont pas exploités et jonchent le sol abandonnés au pourrissement, constituant ainsi un important gaspillage. Cette étude a caractérisé les arilles des fruits des variétés de fisanier rencontrées au Togo par la détermination de leur composition chimique. Quelques voies de valorisation par la conservation et la transformation de ce fruit ont été également explorées. Les méthodes utilisées sont les analyses chimiques, la spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique, le froid, le séchage et les solutions acides et basiques. La transformation des arilles en conserve d’émulsion a été également tentée. Les résultats ont montré que arilles des fruits mûrs de Blighia sapida sont très hydratés (61,71±0,20%) d’où la difficulté de les conserver à l’état frais. Le séchage et la congélation se sont révélés les moyens les plus efficaces pour assurer une longue durée de conservation (≥ 6 mois). Les solutions basiques de bicarbonate de sodium et de potassium apparaissent plus adaptées pour la conservation (2 – 3 mois) des arilles frais. Séchés, ces arilles se révèlent riches en lipides (48,46±0,42%) et peuvent être exploités pour une extraction industrielle d’huile. Ils se prêtent bien à la transformation en une émulsion stable, tartinable et de propriétés organoleptiques appréciables évoquant la margarine. Les concentrations en protéines (12,79±0,30%), glucides (29,69±0,26%) et cendres (4,96±0,012%) sont également importantes. La présence dans leur composition de presque tous les éléments minéraux avec une prédominance du potassium (2250 mg/100g), du sodium (715 mg/100g), du phosphore (253 mg/100 g)) et du magnésium (195 mg/100 g), confère à ces arilles une valeur nutritionnelle non négligeable. De par leur composition chimique, les arilles des fruits de Blighia sapida constituent en définitive, un bon aliment pour l’alimentation humaine et animale avec de réelles potentialités économiques.Mots clés: Blighia sapida, arilles, composition chimique, conservation, transformationEnglish Title: Preservation, processing and chemical composition of the arils of ripe ackee fruits (Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig) in TogoEnglish AbstractThe arils of ackee fruits (Blighia spida) that abound in Togo during the harvest season, possess nourishing potentialities that could be put to profit in the human and animal food but unfortunately they are not exploited and strew soil, abandoned to deterioration, resulting therefore in a huge waste. This study characterized arils of varieties of ackee  fruits met in Togo by the assessment of their chemical composition. Some ways of valorization of these fruits by preservation and processing were also explored. The methods used were chemical analyses, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, freezing, drying and preservation in acidic and alkaline chemical solutions. An attempt of processing the arils into emulsion canned food was also achieved.The results showed that arils of ripe fruits of Blighia sapida are much hydrated (61.71±0.20%) from where the difficulty to keep them fresh. Drying and freezing them proved to be the most efficient means to assure a long shelf life (≥ 6 months). Of the chemical solutions, alkaline solutions of sodium and potassium bicarbonate appeared to be more appropriate for the preservation (2 - 3 months) of the raw arils. Dried, these arils proved to be rich in fats (48.46±0.42%) and can be a good candidate for an industrial extraction of oil. The arils of mature fruits can easily be processed into a stable, spreadable and attractive emulsion suggesting margarine. The concentrations in protein (12.79±0.30%), carbohydrate (29.69±0.26%) and ash (4.96±0.012%) are also considerable. The presence in their composition of nearly all mineral elements with predominance of potassium (2250 mg/100g), sodium (715 mg/100g), phosphor (253 mg/100g) and magnesium (195 mg/100g), gives a non-negligible nutritional value to these arils. Based on the chemical composition, the arils of the fruits of Blighia sapida constitute definitively a good food for human and animal with real economic potentialities.Keywords: Blighia sapida, arils, chemical composition, preservation, processin