1,887 research outputs found

    The geometric order of stripes and Luttinger liquids

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    It is argued that the electron stripes as found in correlated oxides have to do with an unrecognized form of order. The manifestation of this order is the robust property that the charge stripes are at the same time anti-phase boundaries in the spin system. We demonstrate that the quantity which is ordering is sublattice parity, referring to the geometric property of a bipartite lattice that it can be subdivided in two sublattices in two different ways. Re-interpreting standard results of one dimensional physics, we demonstrate that the same order is responsible for the phenomenon of spin-charge separation in strongly interacting one dimensional electron systems. In fact, the stripe phases can be seen from this perspective as the precise generalization of the Luttinger liquid to higher dimensions. Most of this paper is devoted to a detailed exposition of the mean-field theory of sublattice parity order in 2+1 dimensions. Although the quantum-dynamics of the spin- and charge degrees of freedom is fully taken into account, a perfect sublattice parity order is imposed. Due to novel order-out-of-disorder physics, the sublattice parity order gives rise to full stripe order at long wavelength. This adds further credibility to the notion that stripes find their origin in the microscopic quantum fluctuations and it suggests a novel viewpoint on the relationship between stripes and high Tc superconductivity.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Pengembangan Instrumen Antecedent Gap ServQual

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    Di tengah-tengah persaingan yang demikian ketat, dengan menggunakan metode Antecedent Gap ServQual dan deskriptif analisis, maka, tampak dengan jelas betapa keunggulan yang kompetitif menjadi acuan bagi segenap Awak Kabin

    Validity of Finite Element Method: Analysis of Laminated Composite Decks Plates Subjected to in Plane Loading

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    To verify the accuracy of the present technique, buckling loads are evaluated and validated with other works available in the literature. Further comparisons were carried out and compared with the results obtained by the ANSYS package and experimental results. The good agreement with available data demonstrates the reliability of the finite element method used

    Stability of Thin Laminated Decks Plates Under Plane Compressive Loading

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    It was found that symmetric laminates are stiffer than the anti – symmetric one due to coupling between bending and stretching which decreases the buckling loads of symmetric laminates. The buckling load increases with increasing aspect ratio, and decreases with increase in modulus ratio. The buckling load will remain the same even when the lamination order is reversed. The buckling load increases with the mode number but at different rates depending on the type of end support. It is also observed that as the mode number increases, the plate needs additional support

    Response of Matured Tissue Cultured Bartemoda and SakkotiDate Palms to Spraying Vitamins K, A& B

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    Abstract: This study was carried out during 2013 and 2014 seasons to test the beneficial effects of using vitamins K, B, A each at 50 ppm on yield and fruit quality of matured tissue cultured Sakkoti and Bartemoda date palms grown under Aswan conditions. The palms were sprayed four times at the first week of Feb April, June and August. Single and combined applications of vitamins K, A , B each at 50 ppm materially caused an obvious promotion on all vegetative growth characters, chlorophylls a & b , total chlorophylls, total carotenoids, total carbohydrates %, nutrients , flowering , fruit setting %, yield and fruit quality in both cvs. over the check treatment. The best vitamin in this respect was vitamin B followed by vitamin A and K. The studied vitamin treatments had pronounced effect on advancing harvesting date in both date palms cvs. Treating matured tissue cultured Sakkoti and Bartemoda date palms grown under Aswan conditions four times with a mixture of vitamins K, A, B each at 50 ppm proved to be very effective in improving yield and fruit quality

    The Global Health Security index and Joint External Evaluation score for health preparedness are not correlated with countries' COVID-19 detection response time and mortality outcome

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    Global Health Security Index (GHSI) and Joint External Evaluation (JEE) are two well-known health security and related capability indices. We hypothesised that countries with higher GHSI or JEE scores would have detected their first COVID-19 case earlier, and would experience lower mortality outcome compared to countries with lower scores. We evaluated the effectiveness of GHSI and JEE in predicting countries' COVID-19 detection response times and mortality outcome (deaths/million). We used two different outcomes for the evaluation: (i) detection response time, the duration of time to the first confirmed case detection (from 31st December 2019 to 20th February 2020 when every country's first case was linked to travel from China) and (ii) mortality outcome (deaths/million) until 11th March and 1st July 2020, respectively. We interpreted the detection response time alongside previously published relative risk of the importation of COVID-19 cases from China. We performed multiple linear regression and negative binomial regression analysis to evaluate how these indices predicted the actual outcome. The two indices, GHSI and JEE were strongly correlated (r = 0.82), indicating a good agreement between them. However, both GHSI (r = 0.31) and JEE (r = 0.37) had a poor correlation with countries' COVID-19–related mortality outcome. Higher risk of importation of COVID-19 from China for a given country was negatively correlated with the time taken to detect the first case in that country (adjusted R2 = 0.63–0.66), while the GHSI and JEE had minimal predictive value. In the negative binomial regression model, countries' mortality outcome was strongly predicted by the percentage of the population aged 65 and above (incidence rate ratio (IRR): 1.10 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.01–1.21) while overall GHSI score (IRR: 1.01 (95% CI: 0.98–1.01)) and JEE (IRR: 0.99 (95% CI: 0.96–1.02)) were not significant predictors. GHSI and JEE had lower predictive value for detection response time and mortality outcome due to COVID-19. We suggest introduction of a population healthiness parameter, to address demographic and comorbidity vulnerabilities, and reappraisal of the ranking system and methods used to obtain the index based on experience gained from this pandemic

    Photoinduced 3D orientational order in side chain liquid crystalline azopolymers

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    We apply experimental technique based on the combination of methods dealing with principal refractive indices and absorption coefficients to study the photoinduced 3D orientational order in the films of liquid crystalline (LC) azopolymers. The technique is used to identify 3D orientational configurations of trans azobenzene chromophores and to characterize the degree of ordering in terms of order parameters. We study two types of LC azopolymers which form structures with preferred in-plane and out-of-plane alignment of azochromophores, correspondingly. Using irradiation with the polarized light of two different wavelengths we find that the kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy can be dominated by either photo-reorientation or photoselection mechanisms depending on the wavelength. We formulate the phenomenological model describing the kinetics of photoinduced anisotropy in terms of the isomer concentrations and the order parameter tensor. We present the numerical results for absorption coefficients that are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. The model is also used to interpret the effect of changing the mechanism with the wavelength of the pumping light.Comment: uses revtex4 28 pages, 10 figure

    A reinforcement learning hyper-heuristic for water distribution network optimisation

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    The Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) optimisation problem focuses on finding the combination of pipes from a collection of discrete sizes available to construct a network of pipes with minimum monetary cost. It is one of the most significant problems faced by WDN engineers. This problem belongs to the class of difficult combinatorial optimisation problems, whose optimal solution is hard to find, due to its large search space. Hyper-heuristics are high-level search algorithms that explore the space of heuristics rather than the space of solutions in a given optimisation problem. In this work, different selection hyper-heuristics were proposed and empirically analysed in the WDN optimisation problem, with the goal of minimising the network’s cost. New York Tunnels network benchmark was used to test the performance of these hyper-heuristics including the Reinforcement Learning (RL) hyper-heuristic method, that succeeded in achieving improved results

    Risk factors for brucellosis and knowledge-attitude practice among pastoralists in Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Brucellosis is a neglected bacterial zoonotic disease with substantial economic impact on households. Pastoral communities are a potential risk group due to their way of life being closely interlinked with their large livestock herds. METHODOLOGY: A semi-structured questionnaire survey was conducted in households in the pastoral Afar and Somali (SRS) regions. All households had people and animals serologically tested for brucellosis. Questions were related to husbandry, consumption habits, and knowledge-attitude-practice towards the disease and zoonoses. Descriptive statistics and logistic analysis were performed to assess potential risk factors for having households with positive humans and/or animals. RESULT: 647 households were included in the survey. Herd brucellosis prevalence was 40.3 % (15.9-86.3 % in Afar; 4-72.2 % in SRS). Over half (56.3 %) of the households in Afar and 41.8 % in SRS had at least one human reactor. Nearly a quarter of the households (22.8 %), recalled abortions in goats in the last 12 months, whereas 52.5 % and 50.3 % recalled stillborn in all species and membrane retentions respectively. All respondents drank raw milk and discarded animal afterbirths in the direct surroundings with minimal protection. Risk factors for animal reactors were goat herd size, and goat abortion. There was no identified risk factor for having human reactors in households. None of the households knew about brucellosis. CONCLUSION: Although being endemic in Afar and SRS, Brucellosis is not known by the pastoralists. Brucellosis control programs will have to be tailored to the pastoral context, accounting for their mobility, large, multi-species herds and habits

    Electron scale structures and magnetic reconnection signatures in the turbulent magnetosheath

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    Collisionless space plasma turbulence can generate reconnecting thin current sheets as suggested by recent results of numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The MMS mission provides the first serious opportunity to check if small ion-electron-scale reconnection, generated by turbulence, resembles the reconnection events frequently observed in the magnetotail or at the magnetopause. Here we investigate field and particle observations obtained by the MMS fleet in the turbulent terrestrial magnetosheath behind quasi-parallel bow shock geometry. We observe multiple small-scale current sheets during the event and present a detailed look of one of the detected structures. The emergence of thin current sheets can lead to electron scale structures where ions are demagnetized. Within the selected structure we see signatures of ion demagnetization, electron jets, electron heating and agyrotropy suggesting that MMS spacecraft observe reconnection at these scales
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