151 research outputs found

    Measurement of low energy cosmic rays aboard Spacelab-1

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    In December 1983 the first Spacelab mission was launched for a duration of 10 days. Aboard was the Kiel experiment Isotopic Stack designed for measurement of heavy cosmic ray nuclei with nuclear charge equal to or greater than 3 and energies up to some 100MeV/nuc. One part of the stack was rotated in well defined steps registered by an angle encoder to receive information on impact times of the nuclei. Using this time resolving system geomagnetically forbidden particles can be detected. The chemical composition and energy spectra of mainly CNO particles are examined using a rotated 300 microns m thick CR-39 foil beneath a fixed 100 microns m thick Kodak-Cellulose Nitrate foil. About 600 sq cm have been scanned yielding nearly 100 nuclear tracks within an energy range of approximately 8 to 30 MeV/nuc. The calibration is done by means of a postflight irradiation with 410 MeV/nuc Fe-56 at Berkeley Laboratory, California, USA. Relative abundances and energy spectra are presented

    A revised global estimate of dissolved iron fluxes from marine sediments

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    Literature data on benthic dissolved iron (DFe) fluxes (µmol m−2 d−1), bottom water oxygen concentrations (O2BW, μM), and sedimentary carbon oxidation rates (COX, mmol m−2 d−1) from water depths ranging from 80 to 3700 m were assembled. The data were analyzed with a diagenetic iron model to derive an empirical function for predicting benthic DFe fluxes: inline image where γ (= 170 µmol m−2 d−1) is the maximum flux for sediments at steady state located away from river mouths. This simple function unifies previous observations that COX and O2BW are important controls on DFe fluxes. Upscaling predicts a global DFe flux from continental margin sediments of 109 ± 55 Gmol yr−1, of which 72 Gmol yr−1 is contributed by the shelf (2000 m) of 41 ± 21 Gmol yr−1 is unsupported by empirical data. Previous estimates of benthic DFe fluxes derived using global iron models are far lower (approximately 10–30 Gmol yr−1). This can be attributed to (i) inadequate treatment of the role of oxygen on benthic DFe fluxes and (ii) improper consideration of continental shelf processes due to coarse spatial resolution. Globally averaged DFe concentrations in surface waters simulated with the intermediate-complexity University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model were a factor of 2 higher with the new function. We conclude that (i) the DFe flux from marginal sediments has been underestimated in the marine iron cycle and (ii) iron scavenging in the water column is more intense than currently presumed

    Nitrous oxide dynamics in low oxygen regions of the Pacific: insights from the MEMENTO database

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    The Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is believed to be one of the largest marine sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide N2O). Future N2Oemissions from the ETP are highly uncertain because oxygen minimum zones are expected to expand, affecting both regional production and consumption of N2O. Here we assess three primary uncertainties in how N2O may respond to changing O2 levels: (1) the relationship between N2O production and O2 (is it linear or exponential at low O2 concentrations?), (2) the cutoff point at which net N2O production switches to net N2O consumption (uncertainties in this parameterization can lead to differences in model ETP N2O concentrations of more than 20%), and (3) the rate of net N2O consumption at low O2. Based on the MEMENTO database, which is the largest N2O dataset currently available, we find that N2O production in the ETP increases linearly rather than exponentially with decreasing O2. Additionally, net N2O consumption switches to net N2O production at ~ 10 μM O2, a value in line with recent studies that suggest consumption occurs on a larger scale than previously thought. N2O consumption is on the order of 0.129 mmol N2O m−3 yr−1 in the Peru–Chile Undercurrent. Based on these findings, it appears that recent studies substantially overestimated N2O production in the ETP. In light of expected deoxygenation, future N2O production is still uncertain, but due to higher-than-expected consumption levels, it is possible that N2Oconcentrations may decrease rather than increase as oxygen minimum zones expand

    Major role of the equatorial current system in setting oxygen levels in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean: a high-resolution model study

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    Understanding the causes of the observed expansion of tropical ocean's oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) is hampered by large biases in the representation of oxygen distribution in climate models, pointing to incorrectly represented mechanisms. Here we assess the oxygen budget in a global biogeochemical circulation model, focusing on the Atlantic Ocean. While a coarse (0.5°) configuration displays the common bias of too large and too intense OMZs, the oxygen concentration in an eddying (0.1°) configuration is higher and closer to observations. This improvement is traced to a stronger oxygen supply by a more realistic representation of the equatorial and off-equatorial undercurrents, outweighing the concurrent increase in oxygen consumption associated with the stronger nutrient supply. The sensitivity of the eastern tropical Atlantic oxygen budget to the equatorial current intensity suggests that temporal changes in the eastward oxygen transport from the well-oxygenated western boundary region might partly explain variations in the OMZs

    Oxygen utilization rate (OUR) underestimates ocean respiration: A model study

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    We use a simple 1-D model representing an isolated density surface in the ocean and 3-D global ocean biogeochemical models to evaluate the concept of computing the subsurface oceanic oxygen utilization rate (OUR) from the changes of apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and water age. The distribution of AOU in the ocean is not only the imprint of respiration in the ocean's interior but is strongly influenced by transport processes and eventually loss at the ocean surface. Since AOU and water age are subject to advection and diffusive mixing, it is only when they are affected both in the same way that OUR represents the correct rate of oxygen consumption. This is the case only when advection prevails or with uniform respiration rates, when the proportions of AOU and age are not changed by transport. In experiments with the 1-D tube model, OUR underestimates respiration when maximum respiration rates occur near the outcrops of isopycnals and overestimates when maxima occur far from the outcrops. Given the distribution of respiration in the ocean, i.e., elevated rates near high-latitude outcrops of isopycnals and low rates below the oligotrophic gyres, underestimates are the rule. Integrating these effects globally in three coupled ocean biogeochemical and circulation models, we find that AOU-over-age based calculations underestimate true model respiration by a factor of 3. Most of this difference is observed in the upper 1000 m of the ocean with the discrepancies increasing toward the surface where OUR underestimates respiration by as much as factor of 4

    Ocean phosphorus inventory: large uncertainties in future projections on millennial timescales and their consequences for ocean deoxygenation

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    Previous studies have suggested that enhanced weathering and benthic phosphorus (P) fluxes, triggered by climate warming, can increase the oceanic P inventory on millennial timescales, promoting ocean productivity and deoxygenation. In this study, we assessed the major uncertainties in projected P inventories and their imprint on ocean deoxygenation using an Earth system model of intermediate complexity for the same business-as-usual carbon dioxide (CO2) emission scenario until the year 2300 and subsequent linear decline to zero emissions until the year 3000. Our set of model experiments under the same climate scenarios but differing in their biogeochemical P parameterizations suggest a large spread in the simulated oceanic P inventory due to uncertainties in (1) assumptions for weathering parameters, (2) the representation of bathymetry on slopes and shelves in the model bathymetry, (3) the parametrization of benthic P fluxes and (4) the representation of sediment P inventories. Considering the weathering parameters closest to the present day, a limited P reservoir and prescribed anthropogenic P fluxes, we find a +30 % increase in the total global ocean P inventory by the year 5000 relative to pre-industrial levels, caused by global warming. Weathering, benthic and anthropogenic fluxes of P contributed +25 %, +3 % and +2 %, respectively. The total range of oceanic P inventory changes across all model simulations varied between +2 % and +60 %. Suboxic volumes were up to 5 times larger than in a model simulation with a constant oceanic P inventory. Considerably large amounts of the additional P left the ocean surface unused by phytoplankton via physical transport processes as preformed P. In the model, nitrogen fixation was not able to adjust the oceanic nitrogen inventory to the increasing P levels or to compensate for the nitrogen loss due to increased denitrification. This is because low temperatures and iron limitation inhibited the uptake of the extra P and growth by nitrogen fixers in polar and lower-latitude regions. We suggest that uncertainties in P weathering, nitrogen fixation and benthic P feedbacks need to be reduced to achieve more reliable projections of oceanic deoxygenation on millennial timescales

    Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide

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    Ocean acidification and decreasing seawater saturation state with respect to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals have raised concerns about the consequences to marine organisms, especially those building structures made of CaCO3. A large proportion of benthic marine calcifiers incorporate Mg2+ into their calcareous structures (i.e., Mg-calcite) which, in general, reduces mineral stability. The vulnerability of some marine calcifiers to ocean acidification is related to the solubility of their calcareous structures, but not all marine organisms conform to this because of sophisticated biological and physiological mechanisms to construct and maintain CaCO3 structures. Few studies have considered seawater saturation state with respect to species-specific mineralogy in evaluating the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Here, a global dataset of skeletal mol % MgCO3 of benthic calcifiers and in situ environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, pressure, and [CO32-]) spanning a depth range of 0 m (subtidal/neritic) to 5500 m (abyssal) was assembled to calculate in situ seawater saturation states with respect to species-specific Mg-calcite mineral compositions (?Mg-x). Up to 20% of all studied calcifiers at depths 1200 m currently experience seawater mineral undersaturation with respect to their skeletal mineral phase (?Mg-x1200 m) of all studied calcifying species to seawater undersaturation. These observations underscore concerns over the ability of marine benthic calcifiers to continue to construct and maintain their calcareous structures under these conditions. We advocate that ocean acidification tipping points can only be understood by assessing species-specific responses, and because of different seawater ?Mg-x present in all marine ecosystems

    Benthic marine calcifiers coexist with CaCO3-undersaturated seawater worldwide

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    Ocean acidification and decreasing seawater saturation state with respect to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals have raised concerns about the consequences to marine organisms, especially those building structures made of CaCO3. A large proportion of benthic marine calcifiers incorporate Mg2+ into their calcareous structures (i.e., Mg-calcite) which, in general, reduces mineral stability. The vulnerability of some marine calcifiers to ocean acidification is related to the solubility of their calcareous structures, but not all marine organisms conform to this because of sophisticated biological and physiological mechanisms to construct and maintain CaCO3 structures. Few studies have considered seawater saturation state with respect to species-specific mineralogy in evaluating the effect of ocean acidification on marine organisms. Here, a global dataset of skeletal mol % MgCO3 of benthic calcifiers and in situ environmental conditions (temperature, salinity, pressure, and [CO32-]) spanning a depth range of 0 m (subtidal/neritic) to 5500 m (abyssal) was assembled to calculate in situ seawater saturation states with respect to species-specific Mg-calcite mineral compositions (?Mg-x). Up to 20% of all studied calcifiers at depths <1200 m and approximately 90% of calcifiers at depths >1200 m currently experience seawater mineral undersaturation with respect to their skeletal mineral phase (?Mg-x<1). We conclude that as a result of predicted anthropogenic ocean acidification over the next 150 years, the predicted decrease in seawater mineral saturation, will expose approximately 50% (<1200 m) and 100% (>1200 m) of all studied calcifying species to seawater undersaturation. These observations underscore concerns over the ability of marine benthic calcifiers to continue to construct and maintain their calcareous structures under these conditions. We advocate that ocean acidification tipping points can only be understood by assessing species-specific responses, and because of different seawater ?Mg-x present in all marine ecosystems

    Variability in subtropical-tropical cells drives oxygen levels in the tropical Pacific Ocean

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    Previous studies found a negative trend in oxygen concentrations in tropical regions during the last decades. Employing a biogeochemical circulation model, we highlight the importance of wind driven ocean transport associated with the Subtropical-Tropical Cells (STCs) in setting the oxygen levels in the tropical ocean. The observed and simulated slowdown of the STCs by 30 percent from the 1960s to the 1990s caused a decrease in oxygen transport to the tropics. Transport of phosphate was similarly reduced, decreasing export production and respiration. The effects of physical transport and biological consumption partly compensate, damping oxygen interannual and decadal variability. Our results suggest that the observed residual oxygen trend in the tropical Pacific is mainly driven by changes in oxygen transport. Accordingly, the observed recent strengthening of the STCs leads us to expect a pause in the oxygen decrease or even an increase of tropical Pacific oxygen values in the near future

    An adjoint method for the assimilation of statistical characteristics into eddy-resolving ocean models

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    The study investigates perspectives of the parameter estimation problem with the adjoint method in eddy-resolving models. Sensitivity to initial conditions resulting from the chaotic nature of this type of model limits the direct application of the adjoint method by predictability. Prolonging the period of assimilation is accompanied by the appearance of an increasing number of secondary minima of the cost function that prevents the convergence of this method. In the framework of the Lorenz model it is shown that averaged quantities are suitable for describing invariant properties, and that secondary minima are for this type of data transformed into stochastic deviations. An adjoint method suitable for the assimilation of statistical characteristics of data and applicable on time scales beyond the predictability limit is presented. The approach assumes a greater predictability for averaged quantities. The adjoint to a prognostic model for statistical moments is employed for calculating cost function gradients that ignore the fine structure resulting from secondary minima. Coarse resolution versions of eddy-resolving models are used for this purpose. Identical twin experiments are performed with a quasigeostrophic model to evaluate the performance and limitations of this approach in improving models by estimating parameters. The wind stress curl is estimated from a simulated mean stream function. A very simple parameterization scheme for the assimilation of second-order moments is shown to permit the estimation of gradients that perform efficiently in minimizing cost functions
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