443 research outputs found

    Microbes on a bottle: substrate, season and geography influence community composition of microbes colonizing marine plastic debris

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    Plastic debris pervades in our oceans and freshwater systems and the potential ecosystem-level impacts of this anthropogenic litter require urgent evaluation. Microbes readily colonize aquatic plastic debris and members of these biofilm communities are speculated to include pathogenic, toxic, invasive or plastic degrading-species. The influence of plastic-colonizing microorganisms on the fate of plastic debris is largely unknown, as is the role of plastic in selecting for unique microbial communities. This work aimed to characterize microbial biofilm communities colonizing single-use poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) drinking bottles, determine their plastic-specificity in contrast with seawater and glass-colonizing communities, and identify seasonal and geographical influences on the communities. A substrate recruitment experiment was established in which PET bottles were deployed for 5–6 weeks at three stations in the North Sea in three different seasons. The structure and composition of the PET-colonizing bacterial/archaeal and eukaryotic communities varied with season and station. Abundant PET-colonizing taxa belonged to the phylum Bacteroidetes (e.g. Flavobacteriaceae, Cryomorphaceae, Saprospiraceae—all known to degrade complex carbon substrates) and diatoms (e.g. Coscinodiscophytina, Bacillariophytina). The PET-colonizing microbial communities differed significantly from free-living communities, but from particle-associated (>3 μm) communities or those inhabiting glass substrates. These data suggest that microbial community assembly on plastics is driven by conventional marine biofilm processes, with the plastic surface serving as raft for attachment, rather than selecting for recruitment of plastic-specific microbial colonizers. A small proportion of taxa, notably, members of the Cryomorphaceae and Alcanivoraceae, were significantly discriminant of PET but not glass surfaces, conjuring the possibility that these groups may directly interact with the PET substrate. Future research is required to investigate microscale functional interactions at the plastic surface

    Ares I-X First Flight Loss of Vehicle Probability Analysis

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    As part of the Constellation (Cx) Program development effort, several test flights were planned to prove concepts and operational capabilities of the new vehicles being developed. The first test, involving the Eastern Test Range, is the Ares I-X launched in 2009. As part of this test, the risk to the general public was addressed to ensure it is within Air Force requirements. This paper describes the methodology used to develop first flight estimates of overall loss of vehicle (LOV) failure probability, specifically for the Ares I-X. The method described in this report starts with the Air Force s generic failure probability estimate for first flight and adjusts the value based on the complexity of the vehicle as compared to the complexity of a generic vehicle. The results estimate a 1 in 9 probability of failure. The paper also describes traditional PRA methods used in this assessment, which were then combined with the updated first flight risk methodology to generate inputs required by the malfunction turn analysis to support estimate of casualty (Ec) calculations as part of the Final Flight Data Package (FFDP) delivered to the Eastern Range for Final Flight Plan Approval

    Wigner functions, contact interactions, and matching

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    Quantum mechanics in phase space (or deformation quantization) appears to fail as an autonomous quantum method when infinite potential walls are present. The stationary physical Wigner functions do not satisfy the normal eigen equations, the *-eigen equations, unless an ad hoc boundary potential is added [Dias-Prata]. Alternatively, they satisfy a different, higher-order, ``*-eigen-* equation'', locally, i.e. away from the walls [Kryukov-Walton]. Here we show that this substitute equation can be written in a very simple form, even in the presence of an additional, arbitrary, but regular potential. The more general applicability of the -eigen- equation is then demonstrated. First, using an idea from [Fairlie-Manogue], we extend it to a dynamical equation describing time evolution. We then show that also for general contact interactions, the -eigen- equation is satisfied locally. Specifically, we treat the most general possible (Robin) boundary conditions at an infinite wall, general one-dimensional point interactions, and a finite potential jump. Finally, we examine a smooth potential, that has simple but different expressions for x positive and negative. We find that the -eigen- equation is again satisfied locally. It seems, therefore, that the -eigen- equation is generally relevant to the matching of Wigner functions; it can be solved piece-wise and its solutions then matched.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Variation in bacterial, archaeal and fungal community structure and abundance in High Arctic tundra soil

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    Arctic ecosystems are under pressure from climate change and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition. However, knowledge of the ecology of microbial communities and their responses to such challenges in Arctic tundra soil remain limited, despite the central role these organisms play for ecosystem functioning. We utilised a plot-scale experiment in High Arctic tundra on Svalbard to investigate short-term variation (9 days), following simulation of a N deposition event (4 kg N ha?1 yr?1), in the structure and abundance of bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities between organic and mineral soil horizons. T-RFLP analysis showed significant differences between horizons in bacterial and archaeal community structure. Q-PCR analysis showed that fungal abundance did not differ significantly between soil horizons, whilst bacterial and archaeal abundance was significantly higher in mineral than in organic horizons, despite soil water and total C and N contents being significantly greater in the organic horizon. In the organic horizon, bacterial community structure and fungal abundance varied significantly over time. In the mineral horizon, there was significant variation over time in bacterial abundance, in archaeal community structure and in both fungal community structure and abundance. In contrast, N deposition did not lead to significant variation in either the structure or the abundance of microbial communities. This research demonstrates that microbial community structure and abundance can change rapidly (over only a few days) in Arctic tundra soils and also differently between soil horizons in response to different environmental drivers. Moreover, this variability in microbial community structure and abundance is soil horizon- and taxonomic domain-specific, highlighting the importance of investigating microbial communities across all soil horizons and over short periods of time

    Seasonal variation in denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia process rates and corresponding key functional genes along an estuarine nitrate gradient

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    This research investigated spatial-temporal variation in benthic bacterial community structure, rates of denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) processes and abundances of corresponding genes and transcripts at three sites—the estuary-head, mid-estuary and the estuary mouth (EM) along the nitrate gradient of the Colne estuary over an annual cycle. Denitrification rates declined down the estuary, while DNRA rates were higher at the estuary head and middle than the EM. In four out of the six 2-monthly time-points, rates of DNRA were greater than denitrification at each site. Abundance of gene markers for nitrate-reduction (nitrate reductase narG and napA), denitrification (nitrite reductase nirS) and DNRA (DNRA nitrite reductase nrfA) declined along the estuary with significant relationships between denitrification and nirS abundance, and DNRA and nrfA abundance. Spatially, rates of denitrification, DNRA and corresponding functional gene abundances decreased along the estuary. However, temporal correlations between rate processes and functional gene and transcript abundances were not observed

    Interactions between microorganisms and marine microplastics: A call for research

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    Synthetic thermoplastics constitute the majority by percentage of anthropogenic debris entering the Earth’s oceans. Microplastics (≤5-mm fragments) are rapidly emerging pollutants in marine ecosystems that may transport potentially toxic chemicals into macrobial food webs. This commentary evaluates our knowledge concerning the interactions between marine organisms and microplastics and identifies the lack of microbial research into microplastic contamination as a significant knowledge gap. Microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, and picoeukaryotes) in coastal sediments represent a key category of life with reference to understanding and mitigating the potential adverse effects of microplastics due to their role as drivers of the global functioning of the marine biosphere and as putative mediators of the biodegradation of plastic-associated additives, contaminants, or even the plastics themselves. As such, research into the formation, structure, and activities of microplastic-associated microbial biofilms is essential in order to underpin management decisions aimed at safeguarding the ecological integrity of our seas and oceans

    Physiological integration of coral colonies is correlated with bleaching resistance

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    Inter-module physiological integration of colonial organisms can facilitate colony-wide coordinated responses to stimuli that strengthen colony fitness and stress resistance. In scleractinian corals, whose colonial integration ranges from isolated polyps to a seamless continuum of polyp structures and functions, this coordination improves responses to injury, predation, disease, and stress and may be one of the indications of an evolutionary origin of Symbiodinium symbiosis. However, observations of species-specific coral bleaching patterns suggest that highly integrated coral colonies may be more susceptible to thermal stress, and support the hypothesis that communication pathways between highly integrated polyps facilitate the dissemination of toxic byproducts created during the bleaching response. Here we reassess this hypothesis by parameterizing an integration index using 7 skeletal features that have been historically employed to infer physiological integration. We examine the relationship between this index and bleaching response across a phylogeny of 88 diverse coral species. Correcting for phylogenetic relationships among species in the analyses reveals significant patterns among species characters that could otherwise be obscured in simple cross-species comparisons using standard statistics, whose assumptions of independence are violated by the shared evolutionary history among species. Similar to the observed benefits of in creased coloniality for other types of stressors, the results indicate a significantly reduced bleaching response among coral species with highly integrated colonies

    Arctic soil microbial diversity in a changing world

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    The Arctic region is a unique environment, subject to extreme environmental conditions, shaping life therein and contributing to its sensitivity to environmental change. The Arctic is under increasing environmental pressure from anthropogenic activity and global warming. The unique microbial diversity of Arctic regions, that has a critical role in biogeochemical cycling and in the production of greenhouse gases, will be directly affected by and affect, global changes. This article reviews current knowledge and understanding of microbial taxonomic and functional diversity in Arctic soils, the contributions of microbial diversity to ecosystem processes and their responses to environmental change

    Dynamics of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production and loss in an estuarine, diatom-dominated, microalgal biofilm over a tidal emersion-immersion period.

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    We studied patterns of production and loss of four different extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) fractions - colloidal carbohydrates, colloidal EPS (cEPS), hot water (HW)-extracted and hot bicarbonate (HB)-extracted fractions - and community profiles of active (RNA) bacterial communities by use of Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction amplified 16S rRNA in mudflats in the Colne Estuary, United Kingdom, over two tidal emersion-immersion cycles. Colloidal carbohydrates and intracellular storage carbohydrate (HW) increased during tidal emersion and declined during tidal cover. The dynamics of cEPS and uronic acid content were closely coupled, as were the HB fraction and HB uronic acids. Changes in monosaccharide profiles of HW and HB fractions occurred during the diel period, with some similarity between cEPS and HB fractions. Increasing enzymatic release rates of reducing sugars and increased reducing sugar content were correlated with increased concentrations of colloidal carbohydrate and cEPS during the illuminated emersion period, and with the amount of HB-extracted uronic acids (the most refractory EPS fraction measured). Loss of reducing sugars was high, with sediment concentrations far below those predicted by the measured in situ release rates, T-RFLP analysis revealed no significant shifts in the overall taxonomic composition of the active bacterial community. However, 12 of the 59 terminal restriction fragments identified showed significant changes in relative abundance during the tidal cycle. Changes in the relative abundance of three particular terminal restriction fragments (bacterial taxa) were positively correlated to the rate of extracellular hydrolysis. Losses of chlorophyll a and colloidal and cEPS (up to 50-60) occurred mainly in the first 30 min after tidal cover. About half of this may be owing to in situ degradation, with "wash away" into the water column accounting for the remainder. © 2006, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc

    Nitrogen accumulation and partitioning in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem from extreme atmospheric N deposition events

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    Arctic ecosystems are threatened by pollution from recently detected extreme atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition events in which up to 90% of the annual N deposition can occur in just a few days. We undertook the first assessment of the fate of N from extreme deposition in High Arctic tundra and are presenting the results from the whole ecosystem 15N labelling experiment. In 2010, we simulated N depositions at rates of 0, 0.04, 0.4 and 1.2 g N m− 2 yr− 1, applied as 15NH415NO3 in Svalbard (79°N), during the summer. Separate applications of 15NO3− and 15NH4+ were also made to determine the importance of N form in their retention.More than 95% of the total 15N applied was recovered after one growing season (~ 90% after two), demonstrating a considerable capacity of Arctic tundra to retain N from these deposition events. Important sinks for the deposited N, regardless of its application rate or form, were non-vascular plants > vascular plants > organic soil > litter > mineral soil, suggesting that non-vascular plants could be the primary component of this ecosystem to undergo measurable changes due to N enrichment from extreme deposition events. Substantial retention of N by soil microbial biomass (70% and 39% of 15N in organic and mineral horizon, respectively) during the initial partitioning demonstrated their capacity to act as effective buffers for N leaching. Between the two N forms, vascular plants (Salix polaris) in particular showed difference in their N recovery, incorporating four times greater 15NO3− than 15NH4+, suggesting deposition rich in nitrate will impact them more. Overall, these findings show that despite the deposition rates being extreme in statistical terms, biologically they do not exceed the capacity of tundra to sequester pollutant N during the growing season. Therefore, current and future extreme events may represent a major source of eutrophication
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