278 research outputs found

    Análisis de entornos gamificados como recursos de integración curricular. Una experiencia músico matemática.

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    El presente trabajo se basa en la exploración de posibilidades de integración curricular en salas de escape educativas y en el planteamiento de un modelo didáctico para el análisis de este tipo de prácticas. Las salas de escape como entornos de gamificación educativa se construyen a partir de situaciones problemas diseñadas y estudiadas desde un enfoque integrador, intentando vincular desde la interdisciplinariedad y globalidad contenidos curriculares de diferentes disciplinas académicas. En este caso se integrarían conocimientos musicales y matemáticos. Esta experiencia lúdica e integradora debe ir acompañada de un modelo de análisis que nos permita evaluar el potencial educativo e integrador de la sala de escape diseñada. Tomando como referencia el modelo de análisis ya propuesto por Font, Planas y Godino, se desarrolla una propuesta paralela en la que se toman en consideración tanto los aspectos musicales como matemáticos trabajados desde la integración curricular. La propuesta de la sala de escape interdisciplinar y el modelo de análisis didáctico músico-matemático quedan expuestos en el presente trabajo de manera teórica con la intención de una posible futura implementación

    Formative Potential of the Development and Assessment of an Educational Escape Room Designed to Integrate Music-Mathematical Knowledge

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    In the particular case of Spain, student and teacher difficulties associated with the mathematical discipline have been evidenced in PISA and TEDS-M reports. As we consider that the teachers' difficulties are connected to the students' performance, we propose a multi-disciplinary approach to deliver specific didactic/mathematical knowledge to the trainee teachers. Such additional instruction shall be meaningfully connected to the real needs of the schools, so a service-learning approach is proposed here. In the present manuscript, the trainee teachers have co-designed educational escape rooms (in coordination with local schools) with the aim of mobilizing curricular knowledge. The goal of the educational escape rooms is to foster the mathematic-related competencies by establishing meaningful connections to other curricular disciplines (music-related knowledge, in the case of this study). This paper reports on the particular experience developed with a group of students (trainee teachers) while designing their educational escape rooms, focusing on the particular case of a specific student to evidence the formative potential of the procedure. The didactic suitability of the proposed escape room has been analyzed and professional development has also been discussed, showing the mobilization of relevant professional skills and fostering the related music and mathematical didactic competencies by shifting the teaching perspective from an algorithmic point of view to a more "reasoning and designing" strategy. This constitutes an evidence of the formative potential on the co-design of educational escape rooms, when designed in the frame of a service learning approach

    Procriaçao medicamente assistida e homossexualidade na lei e na imprensa portuguesa

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    Em Portugal, o recurso às técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida esteve reservado apenas às pessoas casadas, que não se encontrassem separadas judicialmente de pessoas e bens ou separadas de facto, ou às que, sendo de sexo diferente, vivessem em condições análogas às dos cônjuges há pelo menos dois anos. Assim foi desde a entrada em vigor da Lei n.º 32/2006, de 26 de Julho. Acontece que, com a Lei n.º 9/2010, de 31 de Maio (cujo início de vigência ocorreu em 05 de Junho desse ano), o casamento civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo passou a ser legalmente possível, alterando o conceito de casamento. Este é entendido como “o contrato celebrado entre duas pessoas que pretendem constituir família mediante uma plena comunhão de vida”, nos termos previstos no artigo 1577.º do Código Civil. Esta alteração marcou um desajustamento não facilmente resolúvel entre a finalidade do casamento de “constituição de família” e a inerente vontade dos casais do mesmo sexo de terem filhos. Acresce que a lei subordinava o uso das técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida ao diagnóstico de infertilidade ou para tratamento de doença grave ou risco de transmissão de doenças de origem genética, infecciosa ou outras, portanto, a fins de natureza subsidiária de procriação e não alternativa. Em Junho de 2016 foi aprovado o alargamento dos beneficiários às técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida, assegurando o seu acesso a todas as mulheres. O referencial heterossexual da Lei n.º 32/2006 e a compreensão da descendência ligada ao casamento ou união de facto entre pessoas de sexo diferente ficaram ultrapassados. A superação do modelo familiar heterossexual, no que respeita ao uso das técnicas laboratoriais de procriação medicamente assistida, na lei portuguesa, será objecto deste texto, ao lado da cobertura mediática desta questão, ao nível da ultrapassagem de barreiras e mudança de mentalidades

    Towards a politics of recognition : exploring the symbolic contexts of material agroecological transitions

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    Scientific debates on agroecology highlight the relevance of appropriate narratives as a means to widen and amplify agroecological transitions in the material world. However, it is actually far-right discourses-often linked to populist political proposals-which, though not majoritarian, are reaching broad and growing diffusion among both rural communities and farmers. Research focusing on the symbolic mechanisms around food systems' transitions are scarce. In order to address this gap, an exploratory research project was developed to identify responses to different messages and audiovisual languages favorable to agroecological transitions, through the dissemination of three brief audiovisual pieces among specific socio-professional profiles linked to food systems, together with an online survey. The results obtained (n = 524) show significant differences in the responses to open questions collected, regarding socio-economic diversity expressed in the axes male/female, urban/rural, farmer/not farmer and organic/conventional farming. Responses from conventional farmers express a need for developing a "politics of recognition" and repair that would acknowledge the unfair, subordinated role that farmers and rural communities feel in the current globalized food system. The paper shows the need for further empirical research on the issue, covering different territories and socio-economic and cultural profiles, in order to fully understand the symbolic mechanisms underlying material, agroecological transitions

    Determination of ketorolac in the effluent from a hospital treating plant and kinetics study of its physiolic degradation

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    In this work, two specific, sensitive and rapid analytical methods were developed. One of them for the determination of ketorolac in a hospital wastewater treatment plant where there is no interference with other organic substances; the other one for the determination of the degradation kinetics in aqueous medium. Ketorolac was extracted from wastewater samples through solid phase extraction cartridges (SPE), then it was identified and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Ketorolac was detected in concentrations between 0.1376 and 0.2667 µg/L. Photolytic degradation was performed on aqueous solutions of ketorolac tromethamine, reference substance, at a concentration of 50 µg/mL. Samples were in direct contact with ultraviolet light in a dark chamber, equipped with two mercury lamps (254 nm) at a radiation source of 15W. The results of the photolytic degradation were adjusted to a first-order model, obtaining a half-life of 4.8 hrs

    Necesidad de contar. Joaquín Oristrell

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    Sociedad de Derechos de Autor de Medios Audiovisuales (DAMA). Proyecto I+D+i “El cine y la televisión en la España de la post-Transición (1979-1992)" (CSO2012-31895). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España

    Experimental realisation of an AC-link shunt-series power flow controller

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    This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)Power electronic-based interties in the distribution system are considered an important element for the integration of distributed energy resources. They can provide a series of network services such as active and reactive power control, voltage regulation and harmonic and imbalance compensation that facilitate the integration of these new resources. Despite dc links are usually proposed for this purpose, it is also possible to interconnect radial distribution feeders by means of ac links with direct ac/ac power conversion. This study presents the experimental validation of a current control loop based on feedback linearisation for an ac-link shunt-series power flow controller based on a vector switching matrix converter. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control in both steady-state and transient conditions

    Experimental Assessment of a Centralised Controller for High-RES Active Distribution Networks

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    This paper assesses the behaviour of active distribution networks with high penetration of renewable energy sources when the control is performed in a centralised manner. The control assets are the on-load tap changers of transformers at the primary substation, the reactive power injections of the renewable energy sources, and the active and reactive power exchanged between adjacent feeders when they are interconnected through a DC link. A scaled-down distribution network is used as the testbed to emulate the behaviour of an active distribution system with massive penetration of renewable energy resources. The laboratory testbed involves hardware devices, real-time control, and communication infrastructure. Several key performance indices are adopted to assess the effects of the different control actions on the system’s operation. The experimental results demonstrate that the combination of control actions enables the optimal integration of a massive penetration of renewable energy.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2015-69597-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad PCIN-2015-043Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-

    The Role of Associations in Reducing the Emotional and Financial Impact on Parents Caring for Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Cross-Cultural Study

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    Caregivers’ emotions and finances are affected by the deterioration of functional capacity of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), both in Mexico and Spain. Patient associations may reduce this impact on caregivers. This study aims to study the role of two models of associations, inspired by two different cultural models, in how the services they provide can help decrease the emotional and financial impact on the caregivers of children with DMD. The sample consisted of 34 caregivers from Mexico and 40 from Spain recruited from Spanish hospitals and rare disease organizations in Spain and Mexico. The instruments used consisted of a sociodemographic and socioeconomic questionnaire, the CarerQol-7D, the PHQ-15, the Zarit Caregiver’s Burden Scale and the SWLS. The results showed that caregivers in Mexico are in better physical and psychological health than caregivers in Spain. They also receive more subsidies than those in Spain. Caregivers in Mexico have a greater well-being and are less affected by the economic impact of the disease due to the associations’ day-to-day work and the fact that they generate a network of health services that they make available to the patient free of charge. These differences may also be attributable to cultural issues and to the fact that Mexico has a deeply established culture of support.This work was supported by a Grant from the Education Department of the Basque Government (BOPV, 13 July 2021) (PRE_2021_2_0007)

    Direct actions of dapagliflozin and interactions with LCZ696 and spironolactone on cardiac fibroblasts of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction

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    Inhibitors of SGLT2 (SGLT2i) have shown a positive impact in patients with chronic heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Nonetheless, the direct effects of SGLT2i on cardiac cells and how their association with main drugs used for HFrEF affect the behaviour and signalling pathways of myocardial fibroblasts are still unknown. We aimed to determine the effects of dapagliflozin alone and in combination with sacubitril/valsartan (LCZ696) or spironolactone on the function of myocardial fibroblasts of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).Myocardial fibroblasts isolated from HFrEF patients (n = 5) were treated with dapagliflozin alone (1 nM-1 ?M) or combined with LCZ696 (100 nM) or spironolactone (100 nM). The migratory rate was determined by wound-healing scratch assay. Expression of heart failure (HF) markers and signalling pathways activation were analysed with multiplexed protein array. Commercially available cardiac fibroblasts from healthy donors were used as Control (n = 4). Fibroblasts from HFrEF show higher migratory rate compared with control (P = 0.0036), and increased expression of HF markers [fold-change (Log2): COL1A1-1.3; IL-1b-1.9; IL-6-1.7; FN1-2.9 (P < 0.05)]. Dapagliflozin slowed the migration rate of HFrEF fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner and markedly decreased the expression of IL-1?, IL-6, MMP3, MMP9, GAL3, and FN1. SGLT2i had no effect on control fibroblasts. These effects were associated with decreased phosphorylation of AKT/GSK3 and PYK2 kinases and the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT). A combination of dapagliflozin + LCZ696 further decreased fibroblast migration, although it did not have a significant effect on the regulation of signalling pathways and the expression of biomarkers induced by SGLT2 inhibition alone. In contrast, the combination of dapagliflozin + spironolactone did not change the migration rate of fibroblast but significantly altered SGLT2i responses on MMP9, GAL3, and IL-1b expression, in association with increased phosphorylation of the kinases AKT/GSK3 and ERK1/2.SGLT2i, LCZ696, and spironolactone modulate the function of isolated myocardial fibroblasts from HFrEF patients through the activation of different signalling pathways. The combination of SGLT2i + LCZ696 shows an additive effect on migration, while spironolactone modifies the signalling pathways activated by SGLT2i and its beneficial effects of biomarkers of heart failure.© 2022 The Authors. ESC Heart Failure published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Society of Cardiology