760 research outputs found

    Big Data Drive: The Rhetoric of Biometric Big Data

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    In this essay, we seek to develop a concept of “big data drive.” Influenced in part by Lacan’s theory of drive, we study the drive toward biometric big data. Biometric big data (BBD) refers to the data collected around facial recognition, eye recognition, thumb prints, and other types of technology whose task is to identify a specific being through unique bio characteristics. “Big Data Drive” refers to the energies that pulsate around Big Data, as both a signifier and fetishized object, to promise “something more” that may never be fulfilled

    Is Wikipedia Inefficient? Modelling Effort and Participation in Wikipedia

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    International audienceConcerns have been raisedabout the decreased ability of Wikipedia to recruit editors and in to harness the effort of contributors to create new articles and improve existing articles. But, as Marwell & Oliver explained,in collective projects, in the initial stage of the project, people are few and efforts costly; in the diffusion phase, the number of participants grows as their efforts are rewarding; and in the mature phase, some inefficiency may appear as the number of contributors is more than the work requires. In this paper, thanks to original data we extract from 36 of the main language projects, we compare the efficiency of Wikipedia projects in different languages and at different states of development to examine this effect

    Developing Lunar Flashlight and Near-Earth Asteroid Scout Flight Software Concurrently using Open-Source F Prime Flight Software Framework

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    NASA’s Lunar Flashlight (LF) and Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout CubeSat missions are planned to launch in 2022. Lunar Flashlight is a low-cost secondary payload concept that will map the lunar South Pole for volatiles and demonstrate several technological firsts, including the first planetary CubeSat mission to use green propulsion, and the first mission to use lasers to look for water ice. NEA Scout is a low-cost concept that will map an asteroid and demonstrate several technological firsts, including being the first CubeSat to reach an asteroid. Flight software for both CubeSat missions is based on the open-source F Prime Flight Software Product Line developed by JPL. F Prime utilizes a reusable component-based architecture with typed ports that can be interconnected to form a topology. Also, F Prime includes a set of auto-coding tools used to generate components and topologies that can be deployed for various mission specific applications. Both CubeSats share a common set of avionics for command and data handling (C&DH), telecom and power. This commonality in hardware is translated to a shared deployment in software enabling concurrent flight software development for both CubeSats. The modularity and reusability in F Prime enable such concurrent flight software development for different applications given a common set of avionics. In particular, F Prime has been used successfully to develop a common software deployment for the Sphinx C&DH platform used on both CubeSats. The common F Prime deployment for Sphinx has also been made open source to provide a starting point for any future F Prime software deployments utilizing the Sphinx platform. This paper provides a comparison between the Lunar Flashlight and NEA Scout Flight Software deployments highlighting the use of a common shared set of F Prime components developed for the Sphinx platform along with general lessons learned for CubeSat flight software development with the F Prime Framework

    Extracción de información en documentos antiguos y manuscritos

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es el de, partiendo de un set de imágenes de documentos como entrada, realizar una serie de procesos sobre las imágenes con el fin de poder generar un modelo de predicción basado en machine learning que sea capaz de clasificar si los elementos que aparecen en los documentos anteriormente mencionados se tratan de texto escrito a mano, impreso o si no son texto en absoluto. Para ello, se desarrollarán y utilizarán diversos programas, con los que se pretende, por un lado, aislar los elementos de texto de las imágenes y extraer información de dichos elementos, así como crear una matriz de adyacencia que los relacione, y por el otro, aplicar estos datos para entrenar un modelo de predicción que utilice Structured Support Vector Machine. Por último, para comprobar la eficacia de dicho modelo, se harán múltiples pruebas variando los distintos modos de funcionamiento que permite el algoritmo, con tal de observar en qué condiciones funciona mejor, y realizándose un estudio de los mismos.This project's objective is, starting with a set of document images as input, to carry out a series of procedures on the images with the purpose of obtaining a prediction model based on machine learning able to classify if the elements that appear on the previously mentioned documents are either handwritten text, printed text or no text at all. In order to do that, several programs will be developed and utilized, with which it is intended, on the one hand, to isolate the text elements from the images, extract information of said elements, as well as the creation of an adjacency matrix that relates them, and on the other, to apply this data to train a prediction model that uses Structured Support Vector Machine. Lastly, in order to check the efficiency of said model, multiple tests will be done modifying the various functioning modes that the algorithm allows, with the goal of observing under which conditions does it perform better, and studying the results of those tests.L'objectiu d'aquest projecte es el de, partint d'un set d'imatges de documents com a entrada, realitzar una sèrie de processos sobre les imatges amb el fi de poder generar un model de predicció basat en machine learning que sigui capaç de classificar si els elements que apareixen en els documents anteriorment esmentats es tracten de text escrit a ma, imprès, o si no son text escrit en absolut. Pera a això, es desenvoluparan i faran servir diversos programes, amb els que es pretén, d'una banda, aïllar els elements de text de les imatges i extreure informació de dits elements, així com crear una matriu d'adjacència que els relacioni, i de l'altre, aplicar aquestes dades per a entrenar un model de predicció que utilitzi Structured Support Vector Machine. Per últim, per comprovar l'eficàcia de dit model, es faran múltiples proves variant els diferents modes de funcionament que permet l'algoritme, amb l'objectiu d'observar en que condicions funciona millor, i fent-se un estudi d'aquests

    Bullying Perpetration, Moral Disengagement and Need for Popularity: Examining Reciprocal Associations in Adolescence

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    Precursors and consequences of bullying have been widely explored, but much remains unclear about the association of moral and motivational factors. This study examined longitudinal associations between need for popularity, moral disengagement, and bullying perpetration. A total of 3017 participants, aged 11 to 16 years in wave 1 (49% girls; Mage = 13.15, SD = 1.09), were surveyed across four waves with six-month intervals. At the between-person level, cross-lagged modeling revealed a positive bidirectional association between moral disengagement and need for popularity; bullying perpetration was predicted by both need for popularity and moral disengagement. From the within-person level, random intercept cross-lagged analyses revealed that need for popularity predicted both moral disengagement and bullying perpetration. The results highlight the interplay between motivational and moral mechanisms that underlies bullying behavior

    Effects of Detritivores on Nutrient Dynamics and Corn Biomass in Mesocosms

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    (1) Background: Strategies aimed at managing freshwater eutrophication should be based on practices that consider cropland invertebrates, climatic change, and soil nutrient cycling. Specifically, detritivores play a crucial role in the biogeochemical processes of soil through their consumptive and burrowing activities. Here, we evaluated the effectiveness of increasing detritivore abundance as a strategy for nutrient management under varied rainfall. (2) Methods: We manipulated soil macroinvertebrate abundance and rainfall amount in an agricultural mesocosms. We then measured the phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon levels within the soil, corn, invertebrates, and soil solution. (3) Results: Increasing detritivore abundance in our soil significantly increased corn biomass by 2.49 g (p \u3c 0.001), reduced weed growth by 18.2% (p \u3c 0.001), and decreased soil solution nitrogen and total organic carbon (p \u3c 0.05) and volume by 31.03 mL (p \u3c 0.001). Detritivore abundance also displayed a significant interaction effect with rainfall treatment to influence soil total P (p = 0.0019), total N (p \u3c 0.001), and total C (p = 0.0146). (4) Conclusions: Soil detritivores play an important role in soil nutrient cycling and soil health. Incorporating soil macroinvertebrate abundance into management strategies for agricultural soil may increase soil health of agroecosystems, preserve freshwater ecosystems, and protect the valuable services they both provide for humans

    On the rational design of cooperative receptors

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    Cooperativity (homotropic allostery) is the primary mechanism by which evolution steepens the binding curves of biomolecular receptors to produce more responsive input-output behavior in biomolecular systems. Motivated by the ubiquity with which nature employs this effect, over the past 15 years we, together with other groups, have engineered this mechanism into several otherwise noncooperative receptors. These efforts largely aimed to improve the utility of such receptors in artificial biotechnologies, such as synthetic biology and biosensors, but they have also provided the first quantitative, experimental tests of longstanding ideas about the mechanisms underlying cooperativity. In this article, we review the literature on the design of this effect, paying particular attention to the design strategies involved, the extent to which each can be rationally applied to (and optimized for) new receptors, and what each teaches us about the origins and optimization of this important phenomenon

    Protección del sistema Entrenubes y su integración al sistema de espacio público,anillo ambiental, centro de interpretación y biblioteca Entrenubes

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    Bogotá está compuesta por una estructura ecológica principal dada por los cerros orientales, por sus fuentes hídricas y por el sistema montañoso del Sumapaz entre otros, internamente posee un sistema de parques y áreas de protección ambiental. El crecimiento urbano ha hecho que la conexión de los cerros orientales con el sistema montañoso del Sumapaz se vea interrumpida y es por esta razón que el sistema Entrenubes es de suma importancia para la estructura ecológica principal como eje conector de la misma. Si bien el POT contempla el sistema Entrenubes como zona de protección ambiental ha permitido la legalización de barrios y usos del suelo para vivienda o industria minera. Para detener el crecimiento urbano e industrial minero que afecta directamente al sistema Entrenubes se diseña un anillo ambiental que mitiga este impacto por medio de actividades de recorridos. Éstos, que se conectan a su vez con los barrios aledaños al sistema Entrenubes, son elementos cruciales para el acceso de la población a la reserva natural. Por medio de un reconocimiento del territorio se encontraron áreas urbanas con un déficit de equipamientos, en estas zonas se propone implementar cuatro tipos de espacios, los cuales complementan la estructura urbana. El proyecto puntual está compuesto por una biblioteca y un centro de interpretación. Estos equipamientos se conectan a su vez con el portal Usme y el anillo ambiental, generando espacios de recreación pasiva y actividades extremas que resaltan la importancia del sistema Entrenubes para la estructura ecológica principal de Bogotá.Bogota is composed of a main ecological structure given by the eastern hills, for its water sources and the Sumapaz mountain range among others, internally it has a park system and environmental protection areas. Urban growth has made the connection of the eastern hills with the Sumapaz mountain system interrupted and it is for this reason that the Entrenubes system is of utmost importance for this ecological structure as the main axis connector. While the territorial arrangement planning system contemplates Entrenubes as environmental zone, it has allowed the legalization of neighborhoods and land use for housing or mining industry. To stop the urban growth and industrial mining that directly affects the system Entrenubes is designed an environmental ring that mitigates this impact by tours activities. These, which are connected with the surrounding neighborhoods of the Entrenubes system, are crucial for public access to the nature reserve elements. Through a territorial recognition were found urban areas with a shortage of cultural infrastructure, in these areas it is proposed to implement four types of spaces, which complement the urban structure. The specific project consists of a library and an interpretation center. These spaces are connected with the Usme portal and the environmental ring, creating scenes for passive recreation and extreme activities that highlights the importance of the Entrenubes system for the main ecological structure of Bogota.Arquitecto (a)Pregrad