539 research outputs found

    Larval development and voracity of Eupeodes americanus (Diptera: Syrphidae): comparison of the focal prey Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and the banker prey Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    ABSTRACT: Unlike European species, the potential of Nearctic syrphids as biological control agents is still poorly studied. However, the American hoverfly, Eupeodes americanus (Wiedemann), has recently demonstrated promising traits as a biocontrol agent, notably against the foxglove aphid, Aulacorthum solani Kaltenbach, on pepper. The present study aims to extend our knowledge of the American hoverfly by evaluating its potential as a biocontrol agent in a banker plant system against the melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, in a greenhouse cucumber crop. The preimaginal development and voracity of E. americanus were compared when preying upon the focal prey/pest (A. gossypii) or the banker prey (bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi L.) by daily observations of larvae from egg to adult. Preimaginal development time, survival rate, and occurrence of deformation were similar on both prey species. The weight of third instar and pupae, however, was higher for larvae that fed on the banker prey. The ad libitum voracity of the syrphid larvae was generally very high and did not significantly differ between prey species, except for the third-instar larvae which consumed more focal prey. Results suggest that a banker plant system involving the bird cherry-oat aphid may be a promising tactic for utilizing E. americanus for melon aphid biocontrol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ensaio para uma avaliação livre e aberta das capacidades de desenvolvimento das crianças... com estratégias de dinâmica fenomenológica e psicossomática

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    O autor desenvolve e explica como deverá processar- se uma Avaliação Contínua, Livre e Aberta em contraproposta às avaliações-observações tradicionais, vulgarmente utilizadas para saber algo sobre as Capacidades e o Comportamento de Crianças com dificuldades de desenvolvimento, sempre sujeitas a estímulos normalizados e procurando, erradamente, respostas escalonadas por processos sintetizados, vazios, esteriotipados e/ou artificiais, tipo laboratoriais. Este artigo tem como objectivo, por um lado, ser um contributo para uma crítica aos fundamentos das avaliações tradicionais, por outro, desenvolver, em contraponto, uma outra proposta alternativa de Avaliação Contínua, com Estratégias de Dinâmica Fenomenológica e Psicossomática..., a propósito e durante os projectos de apoio de Intervenção Educacional e Terapêutica. Avaliar e observar de uma maneira Livre e Aberta uma criança é encontrar a sua unificação e nunca enquadrá- la em escalas universais normalizadas e isoláveis, comparando-a com as outras crianças, estilo aproximação da «criança tipo», que cientificamente não existe... Pelo contrário, qualquer Avaliação deverá ser realizada em metodologia qualitativa, fenomenológica, psicossomática e em compreensão de interacção simbólica do observado com o observador; ...em «inter captura» de sensibilidades recíprocas e sempre a propósito e no contexto do programa de apoio, onde uma criança se insere e num efeito imbricado sobre todas as suas áreas vivenciais e/ou sobre uma, que por surpresa, não esperaríamos; ...e, afinal, nunca, talvez, apenas a área de que nos dispúnhamos a avaliar...The author develops and explains how should a Continuous, Free and Open evaluation be done, as opposed to the traditional Observation-Evaluation techniques, commonly used to analyse the abilities and behaviour of children with development difficulties; usually subjected to standard stimuli, organised, wrongly, in synthesised, empty, stereotyped and/or artificially scaled answers, like a laboratory mould. This article has the goal, on one hand, of being a contribution to a critique of the foundations of traditional evaluation, and on the other hand, to propose an alternative of Continuous Evaluation, related to an Educational Intervention and a Phenomenology and Psychosomatic Dynamic Strategy. To Evaluate and to observe a child in a Free and Open way is to find the child’s uniqueness, and not to make her fit into standard typified scales; comparing her to other children, as if there was a «Standard Child», which there isn’t, scientifically speaking... On the contrary, any Evaluation should be made using qualitative, phenomenology and psychosomatic methodology; understanding the symbolic interaction between observed and observer... in «inter captura» of reciprocal sensitivities, purposeful and in relation to the support programme where the child is inserted. It should have an imbricated effect on all livelihood areas of life, and/or only in one that we wouldn’t be expecting; and in the end not only in the area we proposed to evaluate initially.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As actividades expressivas e criativas... são experiências científicas

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    O autor, analisando que é no Brincar que a criança começa a dar sentido às coisas e que isso é o seu viver e o seu aprender, dá conta de que estudar o Comportamento Lúdico e o Jogo é estudar a sua vida cultural. O adulto e a escola, julgando que jogar é, antes, uma forma transitória, endurecem e impõem a pedagogia em nome da disciplina e da rentabilidade. É urgente que o adulto reaprenda a Jogar e, pondo os pés na terra, perceba que a criança vive jogando e isso é tão genético como o sangue que Lhe corre nas veias...!!! Como o adulto, o miúdo cria, recolhe, elabora, simboliza e dá vida; ... cultiva-se em animação de ir sendo. Não há, talvez, que aprender mas que realizar; ._. há que construir uma arte de viver e concretizá-la em espaço e tempo bem vividos, numa pedagogia de iniciativa e de criatividade, ... pois «entre a actividade expressiva e criativa e a experiência cientifica há uma relação muito íntima.. .» como observa Bruno Ciara.ABSTRACT: The author, observing that it is in a Play that the child begins to make sense of things, and that playing is the children’s way of living and leaming, became aware that studying Play Behavior and Play is to study cultural life of children. The Adult and the School, by playing just as a transitory stage, harden and impose Pedagogy in the name of discipline and rentability. It is urgent that the Adult recovers the abilio to Play and realize that children live by playing, and that is a fact as genetic as the blood running on their veins ... ! Like the Adult, the Chiid creates, coilects, elaborates, symbolizes and breathes life.. . Children cultivate themselves by being in motion. Maybe one does not have to iearn but to accompiish; ... One has to build the art of living and fulfilL it in a time and place well lived in, using the Pedagogy of initiative and creativiv; for, as Bruno Ciara observes «there is a very intimate relationship between the expressive and creative activity and a scientifc experiment ... >>info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A ideia de fenomenologia na dinâmica pedagógica em intervenção motora educacional

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    O Autor parte da Ideia Fenomenológica do que é Percepcionar para a inserir na investigação metodológica da sua prática de Intervenção Motora Educacional, com crianças com necessidades específica.s de educação. Baseando a sua metodologia educativa em quatro pressupostos nucleares: (1) o sujeito e a situação só são definíveis em relação recíproca, (2) algo perceptivo faz sempre parte de acções continuadas, (3) o psicológico e o social são entidades que se vão aprendendo a medida que vividos e tratados, (4) a motricidade terá que ter uma duração muito extensa para a eficácia da aprendizagem, desenvolve a Intervenção Motora Educacional num respeito rigoroso pela Descoberta, Criatividade, Intuição, Autogestão, Cogestão para a construção de aprendizagens significativas a partir da motricidade espontânea ... até a comunicação intencional e total.RESUME: Partant de l’idée Phenomenologique de ce qu’est Perceptionner l’auteur integre cette même idée dans sa pratique methodologique d’Intervention Motrice Educationelle avec des enfants handicapés. Sa methodologie educative s’appuie sur quatre idées fondamentales: (1) le sujet et la situation ne peuvent être definies qu’en relation reciproque, (2) ce qui est perceptible fait toujours partie d‘une action continue, (3) le psychologique et le social sont des entitées qui s’apprennent au fur et a mesure qu’elles sont vécues et traitées, (4) la motricité devra avoir une trés grand duration pour un appentissage efficace, et dans sa perspective, l’htervention Motrice Educationelle devra respecter rigoureusement la decouverte, la criativité, l’intuition, l’autogestion et la cogestion pour la constrution des apprentissages significatifs ii partir de la motricité spontannée jusqu’attendre la communication intentionelle et totale.ABSTRACT: Starting out from the phenomenologic idea of perception, the author inserts that same idea in his own methodological practice of Motor Educational Intervenience towards children with specific education needs. Basing his educationai methodology in four nuclear issues: (1) The subject and the situation are only defined in reciproca1 relationships; (2) What is perceptible is always part of continuous actions; (3) The psychological and social are entities which are acquainted as they are experienced and treated; (4) Motricity implies a long term practice to acomplish the abilities efficiently and develops the Motor Educational Intervenience within a deep respect for Discovery, Criativity, Intuition, Self-management and Co-management for the global edification of significant aprenticeship from spontaneous motricity to the total and intentional communication

    Blind ocean acoustic tomography: experimental results on the INTIFANTE'00 data set

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    Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography (BOAT) is an ocean remote exploration concept similar to acoustic tomography but where both the emitted signal waveform and the source osition are unknown. BOAT consists of a minimal environmental model of the area, a broadband matched- eld processor and a genetic algorithm search procedure. This paper presents the results obtained with BOAT on part of the data set acquired during the INTIFANTE'00 sea trial, where an acoustic source was towed along both range independent and range dependent paths, with source-receiver ranges varying from 500 m up to 5.5 km and water depths varying from 70 to 120 m. The results obtained on several hours of data, show that source range and depth can be used as focalizing parameters, together with the Bartlett power to indicate model tness. Using this three parameters it becomes clear when the environment is \in focus" and when it is \out of focus" leading to realiable estimates of the geometric and environmental parameters under estimation.This work was supported by programe PRAXIS XXI of FCT, Portugal, under projects INTIMATE and ATOMS and under project TOMPACO, CNR, Italy. The authors are also in debt of SACLANTCEN for equipment loan and to the crew of NRP D.Carlos I of IH, that made the sea trial successful

    Serviços web para uma aplicação de realidade aumentada

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Sistemas de Informação) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Este relatório documenta a evolução da arquitetura da SolAR, passando de uma aplicação móvel de realidade aumentada com cópia local de dados sobre radiação solar em fachadas de edifícios, escolhidos manualmente pelo utilizador, para uma aplicação que faz uso de serviços Web para obtenção automática de dados em função da posição geográfica. Assim, o primeiro objetivo do trabalho foi a concretização de serviços Web para fornecer dados sobre radiação solar armazenados numa base de dados espacial. Este tipo de base de dados permite realizar pesquisas geográficas, devolvendo informação de acordo com a localização. Os principais resultados da avaliação mostraram que os serviços Web conseguem responder em tempo útil, num cenário de requisição de dados. O desafio seguinte passou pela implementação de uma componente de middleware que fosse capaz de comunicar com os serviços Web, e que funcione qualquer que seja a aplicação cliente. Neste segundo objetivo, foi necessário que o middleware utilizasse os instrumentos de localização do dispositivo e que se criasse um mecanismo de armazenamento temporário, ou cache, para guardar os pedidos de dados mais recentes ou relevantes, permitindo poupar a rede de comunicação e os serviços Web. Os resultados da avaliação comprovaram o funcionamento correto da cache e sugeriram uma configuração de acordo com as condições em que se realizaram os testes. O terceiro objetivo prendeu-se pela necessidade de adaptar a aplicação SolAR para que esta funcionasse corretamente com o middleware, iniciando e terminando a sua execução, e implementando uma política de comunicação com este. A responsabilidade do utilizador selecionar e armazenar manualmente os dados deixou de existir, sendo assumida pelo middleware, bastando que exista uma ligação de rede ativa. A conclusão destes objetivos torna possível que sejam criadas aplicações concorrentes e alternativas à aplicação SolAR, utilizando o mesmo middleware e os mesmos serviços Web, aumentando o valor dos dados armazenados.This report documents the evolution of the SolAR architecture, from a mobile ap-plication of augmented reality with a local copy of solar radiation data on the facades of buildings, manually selected by the user, to an application that uses Web services to retrieve data depending on the geographical location. Thus, the first objective was the implementation of a set of Web services to pro-vide data on solar radiation stored in a spatial database. This type of database allows users to perform spatial queries, returning information according to the given location. The evaluation results showed that Web services are able to respond in time, given the scenario where the nearby data were requested. The next challenge included the implementation of a middleware component that was able to communicate with Web services, and that works whatever the client application. In this second objective, it was necessary that the middleware used the device location instruments and created a temporary storage system, or cache, to store the more recent and relevant requests, saving the use of the network and the server. The evaluation results confirmed the correct operation of the cache and suggested a configuration according to the conditions in which the tests were performed. The third goal was the need to adapt the SolAR application for it to function properly with the middleware, with the ability to start and shut down its execution, and implementing a communication policy with the middleware. The user's responsibility to manually select and store the data no longer exists, being taken by the middleware, as long as there is an active network connection. The completion of these objectives makes it possible for competing applications to be created, alternative SolAR application, using the same middleware and the same Web services, increasing the value of the data stored

    Ecosystem Services Provided by the Little Things That Run the World

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    Highest extinction risk and consequently biodiversity loss are predicted to occur in invertebrates, specifically insects, and these declines are expected to cascade onto ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Although this knowledge is intrinsically present in more traditional communities, in more urban environments, mapping ecosystem services can be an important tool to raise people’s awareness on the importance of preserving insect diversity. After an extensive revision of the available literature, we used a rule-based approach to assess the provisioning, regulating and maintenance, and cultural services delivered by insects. We followed the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) and identified several potential indicators that may help underpin the mapping and valuation of the services delivered by insects. From our search, we extracted a total of 73 indicators, divided as 17 Provisional indicators, 27 Regulation and Maintenance indicators, and 29 Cultural indicators. We concluded that insects are providers of services in the three major ‘Sections’ of ecosystem services defined by CICES. Despite the lack of recognition of provisioning and cultural services, the indicators provided may help to raise awareness on the importance of the little things the run the world, in order to preserve traditional and technological uses of insects and their services

    Experimental testing of the blind ocean acoustic tomography concept

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    Acoustic focalization is a well known concept that aims at estimating source location through the adjustment of multiple environmental parameters. This paper uses the same concept for inverting water column sound speed in a blind fashion, where both source location and source emitted waveform are not known at the receiver - that is Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography (BOAT). The results obtained with BOAT, using ship noise data received on a vertical line array in a shallow water area off the coast of Portugal, show that it is indeed possible to obtain reliable joint estimates of source location and water column sound speed. During that process, it was shown that source range and depth, and Bartlett power, where good indicators of the degree of focus of the model being used.This work was supported by FCT, Portugal, under projects INTIMATE (2/2.1/MAR/1698/95) and ATOMS (PDCTM/P/MAR/15296/1999). The authors are also in debt to the crew of NRP D. Carlos I of IH, that made the sea trial successful

    Analysis of word number and content in discourse of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

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    UNLABELLED: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by impairments in memory and other cognitive functions such as language, which can be affected in all aspects including discourse. A picture description task is considered an effective way of obtaining a discourse sample whose key feature is the ability to retrieve appropriate lexical items. There is no consensus on findings showing that performance in content processing of spoken discourse deteriorates from the mildest phase of AD. OBJECTIVE: To compare the quantity and quality of discourse among patients with mild to moderate AD and controls. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was designed. Subjects aged 50 years and older of both sexes, with one year or more of education, were divided into three groups: control (CG), mild AD (ADG1) and moderate AD (ADG2). Participants were asked to describe the "cookie theft" picture. The total number of complete words spoken and information units (IU) were included in the analysis. RESULTS: There was no significant difference among groups in terms of age, schooling and sex. For number of words spoken, the CG performed significantly better than both the ADG 1 and ADG2, but no difference between the two latter groups was found. CG produced almost twice as many information units as the ADG1 and more than double that of the ADG2. Moreover, ADG2 patients had worse performance on IUs compared to the ADG1. CONCLUSION: Decreased performance in quantity and content of discourse was evident in patients with AD from the mildest phase, but only content (IU) continued to worsen with disease progression

    Utilização da Técnica Jun-Cao para o Cultivo de Cogumelos Comestíveis no Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados de projeto de desenvolvimento para a produção de cogumelos comestíveis e medicinais através de adaptação da Técnica Jun-Cao. No experimento, cepas dos cogumelos obtidas da Embrapa Brasília foram repicadas e semeadas em substrato de baixo custo e fácil aquisição desenvolvido especialmente para produzir cogumelos do gênero Pleurotus (shimeji branco, salmão, erygii). A repicagem utilizou o meio de cultura BDA (batata-dextroxe-ágar), sendo inoculados grãos de sorgo enriquecido com gesso agrícola para obter a matriz secundária, que serviu de veículo onde posteriormente inoculou-se o substrato de cultivo. Como substrato de produção utilizou-se gramínea grama-batatais (Paspalum notatum), com duas formulações, F1 com 78% grama, 20% farelo de trigo e 2% calcário; e F2 com 98% grama e 2% calcário. Acrescentou água até umidade de 65%, e transferiu-se para recipientes de polipropileno, autoclavados a 121°C por 2 horas. Após o resfriamento inoculou-se e incubou-se por 30 dias em temperatura ambiente, sendo os sacos abertos e transferidos para estufa com 80% a 90% de umidade do ar e temperatura ambiente para indução dos basidiomas. Fez-se 3 colheitas quando o chapéu do cogumelo estava levemente virado para baixo. Obteve-se produção para F1 de 203,6 g/kg s.u e para F2 de 111,71 g/kg s.u. Para disseminação da técnica Jun-Cao criou-se um grupo no facebook com 370 seguidores, elaborou-se e distribui-se aos estudantes e produtores rurais uma cartilha sobre produção, comercialização e benefícios de cogumelos gênero Pleurotus, além de duas oficinas com participação de 55 pessoas, onde distribuiu-se kits para produção
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