530 research outputs found

    Hipótesis y metodología en torno a la atribución de autorías en la colección Castellano de la BNE

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    This article analyzes the different theories issued around the authorship of the Castellano’s Collection, preserved in the National Library of Spain. Thus, we will be in a position to confirm or clarify them, through the use of new comparative methodologies of grounds and decorative objects used in a nineteenth- century’s studio in Madrid.Este artículo pretende analizar las diferentes teorías emitidas en torno a las autorías de la Colección Castellano, conservada en la Biblioteca Nacional de España. De este modo podremos estar en posición de confirmarlas o matizarlas, gracias al empleo de nuevas metodologías comparativas de los suelos y decorados de los estudios fotográficos en el Madrid decimonónico

    Tras la imagen del coleccionista: influencia y protagonismo de Manuel Castellano en el desarrollo y la conservación del retrato fotográfico en Madrid

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    La completa definición del papel de Manuel Castellano en la formación y la conservación de sus 22 álbumes fotográficos, sigue siendo hoy en día materia de discusión. En este artículo, pretendemos esbozar la figura del pintor como un elemento clave, no sólo para la reunión del conjunto de fotografías, sino para el propio desarrollo del retrato fotográfico en los estudios madrileños en el siglo XIX

    Valor diagnostico de la radiografia panoramica en la evaluacion de las asimetrias mandibulares y su comparacion con la radiografia submentovertex y fotografias frontales

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    60 p.Con el propósito de comprobar o verificar la validez de la información que nos aporta la radiografía panorámica en los casos de asimetrías mandibulares, se realizó el presente estudio, tomando como referencia la radiografía axial SMV; con el fin de pesquisar discrepancias al momento de iniciar un tratamiento integral, y así incorporarla como elemento de diagnostico, considerando que la ortopantomografia es la (Mica radiografía disponible en muchos casos. El objetivo general fue determinar el valor diagnostico de la radiografía panorámica dentro de las denominadas asimetrías mandibulares, comparándola con una técnica radiográfica en el piano axial (SMV) y fotografías clínicas faciales en una vista frontal. Se tomo un a muestra de 35 pacientes de los cuales se obtuvo las radiografías panorámica, SMV y una fotografía frontal. Se realizaron trazados cefalometricos en ambas radiografías, previa ubicación de estructuras y puntos. Se midieron las distancias Go-Sin y Co-Sin.El análisis estadístico midió la concordancia entre las mediciones de las distancias de ambas radiografías, e indico una ligera concordancia de la medida Co-Sin. La calidad de la radiografía panorámica como prueba diagnostica de asimetrías mandibulares, con respecto a la radiografía submentovertex, registro una Sensibilidad del 53%, por lo tanto la probabilidad de diagnosticar correctamente a un paciente asimétrico es baja. El análisis fotográfico, en este caso, carece de significancia para corroborar la existencia o ausencia de asimetría mandibular

    Cartas y autógrafos de la colección de Manuel Castellano (1826-1880) : transcripción y análisis

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    Este artículo pretende, gracias al análisis de la correspondencia conservada en la Colección Castellano de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, ampliar el estudio sobre el pintor madrileño Manuel Castellano (1826-1880), resaltando aspectos multidisciplinares de su figura. Mediante una lectura profundizada de estas cartas, se podrán entender las múltiples facetas de la vida del pintor y el recorrido del mismo a través de los numerosos ámbitos artísticos de la capital en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Manuel Castellano, un artista que hoy en día está algo desatendido por la historiografía y en ocasiones considerado un pintor de segunda categoría, era entonces un personaje clave en su círculo socioartístico tanto por su labor como pintor como por su actividad de coleccionista, de poeta o en otros ámbitos como la fotografía y el teatro. Asimismo, estudiar a Manuel Castellano es estudiar el mundo que le rodea y, en este sentido, se han destacado numerosos aspectos de la vida de personajes artísticos cercanos a él al transcribir literalmente 21 cartas de su colección de manuscritos. Esta labor favoreció nuevos descubrimientos sobre personajes importantes de la cultura española de esta época y, en particular, posibilitó el rescate de varias figuras femeninas claves, tales como actrices cuyos nombres habían caído en el olvido, o simplemente mujeres que hasta ahora no habían sido consideradas más allá de su papel como "esposas de".Aquest article pretén, gràcies a l'anàlisi de la correspondència conservada en la Col·lecció Castellano de la Biblioteca Nacional d'Espanya, ampliar l'estudi sobre el pintor madrileny Manuel Castellano (1826-1880) ressaltant aspectes multidisciplinaris de la seva figura. Mitjançant una lectura aprofundida d'aquestes cartes, es podran entendre les múltiples facetes de la vida del pintor i el recorregut d'aquest a través dels nombrosos àmbits artístics de la capital en la segona meitat del segle XIX. Manuel Castellano, un artista que avui dia està una mica desatès per la historiografia i a vegades considerat un pintor de segona categoria, era llavors un personatge clau en el seu cercle socioartístic tant per la seva tasca com a pintor com per la seva activitat de col·leccionista, de poeta o en altres àmbits com la fotografia i el teatre. Així mateix, estudiar Manuel Castellano és estudiar el món que l'envolta i, en aquest sentit, s'han destacat nombrosos aspectes de la vida de personatges artístics propers a ell en transcriure literalment 21 cartes de la seva col·lecció de manuscrits. Aquesta tasca va afavorir nous descobriments sobre personatges importants de la cultura espanyola d'aquesta època i, en particular, va possibilitar el rescat de diverses figures femenines clau, tals com actrius els noms de les quals havien caigut en l'oblit, o simplement dones que fins ara no havien estat considerades més enllà del seu paper com a "esposes de".Through an analysis of the correspondence preserved in the Castellano Collection of the National Library of Spain, this article aims to expand on the study of the Madrid-born painter Manuel Castellano (1826-1880) and highlight multidisciplinary aspects of his figure. A careful reading of these letters provides valuable insight into the many facets of the painter's life and his journey through the numerous artistic milieus of the capital in the second half of the 19th century. Manuel Castellano, an artist who is somewhat neglected today by the historiography and sometimes considered a second-class painter, was a key figure in the social, artistic circle of the time, both for his work as a painter and his activity as a collector, poet, or in other fields such as photography and theater. Likewise, studying Manuel Castellano involves studying the world around him. In this regard, numerous aspects of artistic figures close to him have been revealed through the transcription of 21 letters from his collection. This led to new discoveries about key figures of the Spanish culture of this time and, in particular, allowed recovering several important female figures, such as actresses whose names had fallen into oblivion, or simply women who, until now, had not been considered beyond their role as the "wives of"

    Un Centro de Acuicultura en Chiloé

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    IRE1α Activation in Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells Modulates Innate Recognition of Melanoma Cells and Favors CD8+ T Cell Priming

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    The IRE1α/XBP1s signaling pathway is an arm of the unfolded protein response (UPR) that safeguards the fidelity of the cellular proteome during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and that has also emerged as a key regulator of dendritic cell (DC) homeostasis. However, in the context of DC activation, the regulation of the IRE1α/XBP1s axis is not fully understood. In this work, we report that cell lysates generated from melanoma cell lines markedly induce XBP1s and certain members of the UPR such as the chaperone BiP in bone marrow derived DCs (BMDCs). Activation of IRE1α endonuclease upon innate recognition of melanoma cell lysates was required for amplification of proinflammatory cytokine production and was necessary for efficient cross-presentation of melanoma-associated antigens without modulating the MHC-II antigen presentation machinery. Altogether, this work provides evidence indicating that ex-vivo activation of the IRE1α/XBP1 pathway in BMDCs enhances CD8+ T cell specific responses against tumor antigens

    Biomarker tools to Design Clinical Vaccines Determined from a study of annual Listeriosis Incidence in Northern spain

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    Two regions of northern Spain, Gipuzkoa, and Cantabria present high annual incidence of listeriosis (1.86 and 1.71 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively). We report that the high annual incidences are a consequence of infection with highly virulent Listeria monocytogenes isolates linked to fatal outcomes in elderly patients with cancer. In addition, listeriosis patients with cancer present low IL-17A/IL-6 ratios and significantly reduced levels of anti-GAPDH1?22 antibodies, identified as two novel biomarkers of poor prognosis. Analysis of these biomarkers may aid in reducing the incidence of listeriosis. Moreover, GAPDH1?22-activated monocyte-derived dendritic cells of listeriosis patients with cancer seem useful tools to prepare clinical vaccines as they produce mainly Th1 cytokines

    Utility contra utilitarianism: Holbach’s international ethics

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    Holbach is a largely forgotten figure of the history of ideas. Yet his work was influential on a number of historical thinkers, notably Marx. Famous for his materialistic atheism, Holbach has much to contribute to other fields, and this article details his contribution to international ethics, as well as its applicability in contemporary debates. By reviving his utilitarian theory, this article seeks to rehabilitate a subtle understanding of this ethical theory and contribute to a growing literature on eighteenth-century utilitarian thought and its applicability to contemporary international relations. This article introduces the utilitarian theory of Holbach, detailing the role that virtue ethics plays within it and showing the relative contribution of Holbach to utilitarian debates, notably against the thought of Bentham. Lastly, it applies Holbach’s complex conception of self-interest to the field of international ethics, showing the challenges he raises to realist and liberal theories of international relations, as well as the normative theories of Walzer and Rawls

    Functional gap junctions accumulate at the immunological synapse and contribute to T cell activation

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    Gap junction (GJ) mediates intercellular communication through linked hemichannels from each of two adjacent cells. Using human and mouse models, we show that connexin 43 (Cx43), the main GJ protein in the immune system, was recruited to the immunological synapse during T cell priming as both GJs and stand-alone hemichannels. Cx43 accumulation at the synapse was Ag specific and time dependent, and required an intact actin cytoskeleton. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and Cx43- specific inhibitors were used to prove that intercellular communication between T cells and dendritic cells is bidirectional and specifically mediated by Cx43. Moreover, this intercellular cross talk contributed to T cell activation as silencing of Cx43 with an antisense or inhibition of GJ docking impaired intracellular Ca2+ responses and cytokine release by T cells. These findings identify Cx43 as an important functional component of the immunological synapse and reveal a crucial role for GJs and hemichannels as coordinators of the dendritic cell-T cell signaling machinery that regulates T cell activation. Copyright © 2011 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc

    Cytokine and immunoglobulin production by PWM-stimulated peripheral and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes of undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients

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    BACKGROUND: Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) patients show a characteristic pattern of antibody responses to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) which is regularly associated with this tumor. However, no EBV-specific cytotoxic activity is detectable by the standard chromium-release assay at both peripheral and intratumoral levels. The mechanisms underlying this discrepancy between the humoral and cellular immune responses in NPC are still unknown, but might be related to an imbalance in immunoregulatory interleukin production. In this report, we investigated the ability of peripheral (PBL) and tumor- infiltrating (TIL) lymphocytes of undifferentiated NPC patients to produce in vitro three interleukins (IL-2, IL-6, IL-10) and three immunoglobulin isotypes (IgM, IgG, IgA). METHODS: Lymphocytes from 17 patients and 17 controls were cultured in the presence of Pokeweed mitogen (PWM) for 12 days and their culture supernatants were tested for interleukins and immunoglobulins by specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Data were analysed using Student's t-test and probability values below 5% were considered significant. RESULTS: The data obtained indicated that TIL of NPC patients produced significantly more IL-2 (p = 0,0002), IL-10 (p = 0,020), IgM (p= 0,0003) and IgG (p < 0,0001) than their PBL. On the other hand, patients PBL produced significantly higher levels of IL-2 (p = 0,022), IL-10 (p = 0,016) and IgM (p = 0,004) than those of controls. No significant differences for IL-6 and IgA were observed. CONCLUSION: Taken together, our data reinforce the possibility of an imbalance in immunoregulatory interleukin production in NPC patients. An increased ability to produce cytokines such as IL-10 may underlie the discrepancy between humoral and cellular immune responses characteristic of NPC