445 research outputs found

    Timbuktu civilization and its significance in Islamic history

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    Timbuktu civilization began as a seasonal settlement for trade caravans in the early 11th century. It later flourished in trade and as one of the early African centres of Islamic culture. This paper reviews the trend of Timbuktu civilization from prehistoric period up to the current state of its political impact of the region. The paper further focuses on the role Timbuktu played in African history by serving as academic and commercial centre. The significant of this paper is to reveal the fact that Africa has a long Islamic civilization. The paper provides evidences from reliable sources of the symbolic representation of the impact and influence of the early schools and universities between 11th and 15th century that existed in West Africa. The manuscript of Timbuktu serves as a living testimony of the highly advanced and refined civilization in Africa during the middle ages. The history of monuments, artefacts as well as architectural land marks that signifies the historical origin of this ancient city is presented. The early heroes that stood firm towards the development and civilisation of Timbuktu are outlined. Analysis of the development as well as the factors that led to the civilization is presented in this paper

    A new approach to detecting and classifying multiple faults in IEEE 14-bus system

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    Faults in the power system generally provide considerable changes in its quantities such as under or over-power, over-current, current or power direction, frequency, impedance, and power factor. Reading data related to both currents and voltages is usually involved for detecting and situating the fault on the transmission network. These days, any outage of power in a power grid leads to heavy financial losses for commercial, industrial, and domestic consumers. Random and irregular faults in transmission grids contribute significantly to events of power outages. A significant contribution of this study is a new technique for simulating a multiple simultaneous faults model. The recommended approach is an effective technique for detection, classification and localization of faults in transmission networks of electric power. To attain this objective, a training procedure and a neural network simulation were carried out using m-file in MATLAB. A virtual bus has been proposed to analyze the fault which happens on the transmission line and bus. This technique has been applied on the IEEE 14 bus and multiple simultaneous faults have been mentioned in this study. The fault situations are simulated in m-files through the two-port network performance method, which is a highly enhanced scheme in comparison to the existing methods. The results have been arrived upon by subjecting different buses to varying types of fault. The results provide comprehensive information regarding fault current, post-fault voltages, and fault MVA on all the buses. The values at the bus for voltage, power consumption, and phase angles were specified. As suggested by the findings of the simulation, the proposed methodology is an effective technique for detection, classification and localization of fault

    Inhibition of phage infection in capsule-producing Streptococcus thermophilus using concanavalin A, lysozyme and saccharides

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    Lactic cultures that produce capsular polysaccharides are widely used in the dairy industry. However, little information is available on their phage-cell interactions. Concanavalin A (Con A), lysozyme, andsaccharides were investigated for their ability to modify phage-cell interactions in such a manner as to inhibit phage infection. The ability of phage to infect cells was determined by measuring acidproduction in Elliker broth. Acid production by capsule-producing Streptococcus thermophilus was inhibited less by bacteriophage when cells were pretreated with Con. A than was acid production by acapsule-free variant. The presence of 0.5 mg/ml lysozyme in Elliker broth significantly reduced phage infection. However, there was no increased effect when lysozyme and Con A were combined in thegrowth medium. The addition of 5 g/L of glucosamine to Elliker broth also inhibited phage infection. The results of this study indicate that it is possible to reduce phage infection of capsule-forming S.thermophilus by blocking or modifying phage adsorption sites

    Design and implementation of robot control system for multistory buildings

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    The advancement of technology, make robots have more attention from researchers to make life of mankind comfortable. This paper deals with the design of an itemized control system prepared for window cleaning/maintenance of towers and multistory buildings which can be aided to simulating human activities. These activities (washing, coating, wiping, climbing, and maintenance events) normally achieved by specialized personal. The designed control system was prepared to guide the units of the required job to move freely along the outside surface of a window with a fairly enough area and mediate time for achieving the desired goal. The system design is implemented using Arduino kit, due to facilities in program and control of cleaning windows through infer the stepper motor movement and rotation. The controller has been achieved as real time system (30 msec.), it is done throw control of three stepper motor by taken in consideration the speed of the motors (π/3000 rad/sec) and the time can be adjustable within the cleaning area that the device covering it

    Electric vehicles charging station configuration with closed loop control

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    Recently, the demand for electric vehicles (EV) has been on the rise in global markets due to the orientation of national policies to reduce emissions and global warming through the electrification of the transportation sector and the use of clean energy sources. Electric vehicles function on batteries, which must be recharged, either by slow charging at home or by fast charging with a direct current. In the fast-charging process, the batteries can be charged in less than 15 minutes. In this paper, an off-board charger with a three-phase, six-pulse voltage rectifier was designed using the MATLAB/Simulink program. The closed control circuit was simulated, where the simulation results were influenced by changes to the input voltage. When the input voltage was increased or decreased by 5%, this control maintained the value of the current and voltage at the output to be equal to the reference values required to achieve fast charging. The simulation results showed that in the first case where no filter was used, the output voltage and current had a high amount of ripple that exceeded the permissible value. Therefore, a low-pass filter was designed to reduce the ripple factor to a value that was within the permissible limit

    Pengetahuan, kemahiran, sikap dan masalah guru dalam melaksanakan pentaksiran bilik darjah bahasa Melayu di sekolah rendah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran, sikap dan sikap guru-guru Bahasa Melayu dalam melaksanakan pentaksiran bilik darjah (PBD) bagi subjek Bahasa Melayu. PBD merupakan satu pentaksiran yang bersifat holistik, iaitu menilai aspek kognitif (intelek), afektif (emosi dan rohani) dan psikomotor (jasmani) selaras dengan Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) dan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK). Seramai 95 orang guru Bahasa Melayu di sekolahsekolah pedalaman di daerah Betong, Sarawak dijadikan responden kajian. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah borang soal selidik. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages For Social Science (SPSS) versi 22. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru Bahasa Melayu telah bersedia untuk melaksanakan PBD di mana skor min setiap elemen adalah tinggi, iaitu pengetahuan guru (min=4.075), kemahiran guru (min=4.037) dan sikap guru (min=4.078). Implikasi kajian ini ialah guruguru Bahasa Melayu telah bersedia untuk melaksanakan PBD walaupun pelaksanaan PBD merupakan satu yang baharu diperkenalkan oleh KPM

    Pattern of Caesarian Section complications among Primiparous Versus Multiparous

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    Background: Caesarean section is the delivery of a baby by surgery also known as abdominal birth. Cesarean section is one of the major surgeries where both mother and a newborn can be at risk. Aims: to Estimate the pattern of cesarean complications encountered among Primiparous versus Multiparous during Puerperium. Researchdesign: A prospective study designed adopted for this study. Setting: This study was conducted in the postpartum wards of Obstetrics Department, Women's Health Center, Assiut University Hospital, Egypt. Tool: Structured interviewing questioner and follow-up sheet used for data collection Results: more than half of women in both groups had an emergency cesarean section (69.1% vs. 54.5%) with a significant statistical difference. Fetal distress was the most common indication for cesarean section in primiparous, While repeated cesarean section was at the top of the list in multigravida, Incidence of complications encountered among both group nearly equal, there were no associations between the type of Cesarean Section and postoperative complications (p=0.736) and there was no significant statistical difference between both groups as regarding to intraoperative or postoperative cesarean complications. Conclusion: There was no significance statistically difference regarding Caesarian Section Complications encountered among puerperal women either during intraoperative or post-operative among Primiparous Versus Multiparous. Recommendations: implementation of the training program for nurses to improve their knowledge and skills regarding the prevention, assessment, and management of cesarean section complications. A list of counseling hotlines or health-care centers should also be included. Nurses and childbirth educators are in an ideal situation to discuss postpartum issues.