184 research outputs found

    Bladkryddor pĂĄ friland

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    Frilandsodling av bladkryddor innebär ofta att de romatiska ämnena utvecklas på ett gynnsamt sätt, men idag finns brister i kunskapen om vilka produktionsmetoder och sortval som under svenska förhållanden ger en bra aromutveckling, kvalitet och hållbarhet. Detta projekt syftade till att bidra till utveckling av rationella och kostnadseffektiva produktionsmetoder, liksom att ge ökad kunskap om vilka sorter som är lämpliga för svenska klimat- och odlingsförhållanden för att erhålla såväl en hög kvalitet som en god hållbarhet. Basilika såddes på Torslunda försöksstation och på Björnhovda gård, Öland av sorterna/typerna genovestertyp ’Genoveser’, ’Edwina’ och ’Martina’, ’Stam 6’ och ’Stam 7’, klotbasilika ’Piccolino’ samt ’Fino Verde’, citronbasilika, röd basilika ’Rubin’ och. ’Ararat’ samt ’Petra’, kanelbasilika, limebasilika, och sorterna ’Emily’ och ’Greek Bush’. Sortimentet av basilika varierade något mellan de två försöksplatserna. Vidare planterades rosmarin på Torslunda försöksstation för att undersöka om vävtäckning kunde förbättra vinterhärdigheten. Betydelsen av tidpunkten för vävtäckningen undersöktes för rosmarinplantorna. Båda försöken utfördes som blockförsök med tre upprepningar. Efter skörd förpackades de olika sorterna/typerna av basilika i plasttråg, och lagrades vid 10 ºC under 10 dagar. Skördeutbyte, torrvikt vid skörd, vitamin C-innehåll vid skörd och efter lagring samt kvalitetsbedömning av andel säljbar vara vid skörd och efter lagring undersöktes i alla sorter av basilika, med undantag för vitamin C-innehåll som endast bestämdes för de sorter som odlades på Torslunda försöksstation. Vitaliteten hos rosmarinplantorna följdes under vinter och våren, och uppskattades under påföljande sommar. Resultaten från försöket visar att samtliga typer av basilika som ingick i försöket hade en god uppkomst samt tillväxt och utveckling. Variationen mellan sorterna fanns främst på tillväxten och utvecklingen, där till exempel hos limebasilika blominduceringen skedde tidigt, och den blommade vid skörd. I detta års pilotstudier visade basilika en stor variation i skördeutbyte, innehåll av vitamin C samt lagringskvalitet. Odlingsplats påverkade också kvalitet och hållbarhet hos basilikan, och i viss mån skördeutbytet. Lagringskvalitet vid förvaring i 10oC i 10 dagar gav ett övervägande bra resultat. Genovesertyperna, klotbasilika av sorten ’Piccolino’ samt en röd sort ’Ararat’ visade en högre andel säljbar vara efter lagring i förpackning i jämförelse med de övriga sorttyper. Rosmarinplantorna visade god vitalitet under höst och vinter, och täckningen med väv hade positiv inverkan på plantorna. Förhållandena under vårmånaderna mars/april gav dock skador på plantorna, som medförde att endast ett fåtal plantor klarade övervintringen. I detta försök verkade alltså det kritiska skedet för övervintring vara omställningen från vinter till vår, för vilken vävtäckningen var otillräcklig för att ge effektivt skydd

    Use of participatory scenario modelling as platforms in stakeholder dialogues

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    A participatory methodology, based on dialogues between stakeholders and experts has been developed and tested in the drainage area to Kaggebo Bay in the Baltic Sea. This study is focused on the EU Water Framework Directive, with emphasis on reduction of eutrophication. The drainage area is included in the WFD administrative area of the Motala Ström River basin. A similar approach is now applied in a recently initiated project in the Thukela River basin, with focus on impacts of climate change on water resources. The methodology is based on the idea that a catchment model serves as a platform for the establishment of a common view of present conditions and the causes behind these conditions. In the following steps, this is followed by model-assisted agreement on environmental goals (i.e. what do we want the future to look like?) and local agreement on a remedy or mitigation plans in order to reduce environmental impact (e.g. eutrophication); alternatively to adapt to conditions that cannot be determined by local actions (e.g. climate change). By involving stakeholder groups in this model-supported stepwise process, it is ensured that all stakeholder groups involved have a high degree of confidence in the presented model results, and thereby enable various actors involved to share a common view, regarding both present conditions, goals and the way to reach these goals. Although this is a process that is time- (and cost-) consuming, it is hypothesised that the use of this methodology is two-pronged: it increases the willingness to carry out remedies or necessary adaptations to a changing environment, and it increases the level of understanding between the various groups and therefore ameliorates the potential for future conflicts. Compared to traditional use of model results in environmental decision-making, the experts’ role is transformed from a one-way communication of final results to assistance in the various steps of the participatory process.Keywords: participatory, catchment, coastal zone, modelling, nutrient

    Kommunikation av risk- och sårbarhetsanalys från länsstyrelse till kommun

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    This master thesis investigates how the county administrative boards communicate the regional risk and vulnerability analyses to municipalities in Sweden. Information has been gathered through a survey and through a case study involving three county administrative boards. The results revealed that there are possibilities to improve or develop the communication in all the county administrative boards. The information channels are often written or web based, these channels promote one way communication rather than a dialog. The thesis gives suggestion on how to work out a strategy for a more effective communication, the case study also gives ideas on how a county administrative board can work with communication


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    De senaste åren har färdigförpackade asiatiska bladgrönsaker introducerats på den svenska marknaden med stor försäljningsframgång. Konsumenter efterfrågar nya produkter som är fräscha, har ett attraktivt utseende samt kräver lite tillagningstid. På den svenska marknaden finns idag endast ett begränsat utbud av löksorter, även om sortimentet har ökat under senare år. Med det ökande intresset för andra länders matkulturer finns det potential för ett ökat användande av salladslök även i Sverige. Detta projekt har haft som målsättning att utveckla nya lökprodukter för svensk produktion med god kvalitet. Nya sorters lök av salladslök har provodlas under olika tider på säsongen, och kvalitet och hållbarhet har därefter testas, liksom olika typer av förpackningar. Vidare var även målsättningen att undersöka resultat på ogräsförekomst samt avkastning och kvalitet av olika sorters salladslök vid sådd i en kommersiell odling med de odlingsmetoder som praktiseras. Olika sorters salladslök (Allium fistulosum) odlades i ett fältförsök på Torslunda försöksstation (SLU), Öland. År 2008 odlades sorterna ’Ishikura improved’, ’Summer’, ’Kujo’, ’Red Beard’ och ’White Ishikura’ med sådd i högsommaren och skörd på hösten. År 2009 odlades sorterna ’Ishikura improved’, ’Summer’, ’Kujo’, ’Red Beard’, ’Evergreen’, ’Fuyuyo’, ’Shandong’, ’Parade’, ’Performer’ samt ’Tycoon’ F1 med sådd på våren och skörd på sommaren. Salladslök direktsåddes i maj 2010 i en kommersiell odling. I försöket såddes sorterna ’Parade’, ’Totem’, ’Kaigaro’, ’Tycoon’, ’Apache’ samt ’Ishikura White’ samtidigt för att bedöma sortskillnader med avseende på uppkomst och ogräskonkurrens. Försöket var både 2008 och 2009 indelat i tre block, och med slumpvis fördelning av parcellerna i blocken. Sådd skedde med såmaskin, med enradigt såband, vilket satte begränsningar för planttätheten 2008, och med treradigt såband 2009. Radavståndet var 50 cm. 2010 var utsädesmängden kalibrerad till 100-120 frön per löpmeter. Försöken gödslades efter jordanalys med mängd efter behov. Försöket skördades 2008 den 8:e oktober och 2009 7:e juli för hand, och avkastning per löpmeter registrerades. Utvalda sorter paketerades och hållbarheten vid lagring i kylrum följdes. 2010 skördades försöket efter 13 veckors kulturtid. De olika undersökta sorterna av salladslök gav olika resultat i uppkomst, tillväxt och skörd. 2008 gav ’Kujo’, följt av ’White Ishikura’ störst skördad totalvikt, men skillnaden mellan sorterna var mindre för den rensade skörden. Andel rensad skörd av totalvikt var 52,8 % för ’White Ishikura’, 53,1 % för ’Ishikura improved’, 51,3 % för ’Summer’, 48,0 % för ’Kujo’ och 58,8 % för ’Red Beard’. Vid skörden 2009 var totalvikten mellan 0,10 och 0,57 kg per löpmeter. ’Ishikura improved’ hade störst rensad skörd med 0,42 kg/löpmeter, vilket motsvarar 74,7 % av den totala vikten. Den rensade vikten av ’Kujo’ var 0,31 kg/löpmeter och av ’Performer’ 0,35 kg/löpmeter, vilket motsvarar 71,5 % respektive 74,7 % av den totala vikten. Härdighet och lagringsegenskaper var goda, med minst en veckas hållbarhet. På fält med god bördighet och inte alltför stort ogrästryck, går det att producera salladslök med direktsådd

    Prevalence and severity of cardiac abnormalities and arteriosclerosis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Cardiovascular disease may pose a major threat to the health and welfare of farmed fish. By investigating a range of established cardiovascular disease indicators, we aimed to determine the prevalence, severity and consequences of this affliction in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from an open cage farm in the Baltic Sea, an open cage farm in a freshwater lake, and a land-based recirculating aquaculture system. We also aimed to identify environmental, anthropogenic and physiological factors contributing towards the development of the disease. The majority of trout possessed enlarged hearts with rounded ventricles (mean height:width ratios of 1.0-1.1 c.f. similar to 1.3 in wild fish) and a high degree of vessel misalignment (mean angles between the longitudinal ventricular axis and the axis of the bulbus arteriosus of 28-31 degrees c.f. similar to 23 degrees in wild fish). The prevalence and severity of coronary arteriosclerosis was also high, as 92-100% of fish from the different aquaculture facilities exhibited coronary lesions. Mean lesion incidence and severity indices were 67-95% and 3.1-3.9, respectively, which resulted in mean coronary arterial blockages of 19-32%. To evaluate the functional significance of these findings, we modelled the effects of arterial blockages on coronary blood flow and experimentally tested the effects of coronary occlusion in a sub-sample of fish. The observed coronary blockages were estimated to reduce coronary blood flow by 34-54% while experimental coronary occlusion adversely affected the electrocardiogram of trout. Across a range of environmental (water current, predation), anthropogenic (boat traffic intensity, hatchery of origin, brand of feed pellets) and physiological factors (condition factor, haematological and plasma indices), the hatchery of origin was the main factor contributing towards the observed variation in the development of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, further research on the effects of selective breeding programs and rearing strategies on the development of cardiovascular disease is needed to improve the welfare and health of farmed fish

    Early intervention in 208 Swedish preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder

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    A B S T R A C T Early intervention has been reported to improve outcome in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Several studies in the field have been randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The aim of this study was to assess ASD outcome in a large naturalistic study. Two hundred and eight children, aged 20-54 months, with a clinical diagnosis of ASD were given intervention and monitored prospectively in a naturalistic fashion over a period of 2 years. The toddlers were considered representative of all but the most severely multiple disabled preschool children with ASD in Stockholm county. They fell into three cognitive subgroups: one with learning disability, one with developmental delay, and one with normal intellectual functioning. Data on intervention type and intensity were gathered prospectively in a systematic fashion. Intervention was classified into intensive applied behaviour analysis (ABA) and non-intensive, targeted interventions, also based on ABA principles. Children were comprehensively assessed by a research team before the onset of intervention, and then, again, 2 years later. Change in Vineland adaptive behaviour scales composite scores from intake (T1) to leaving the study (T2) was set as the primary outcome variable. The research team remained blind to the type and intensity of interventions provided. One hundred and ninety-eight (95%) of the original samples stayed in the study throughout the whole 2-year period and 192 children had a complete Vineland composite score results both at T1 and T2. Vineland composite scores increased over the 2-year period. This increase was accounted for by the subgroup with normal cognitive functioning. There was no significant difference between the intensive and nonintensive groups. Individual variation was considerable, but no child in the study was ''problem-free'' at follow-up. Our data do not support that children with ASD generally benefit more from the most intensive ABA intervention programs than from less intensive interventions or targeted interventions based on ABA.

    Developing Leadership in Managers to Facilitate the Implementation of National Guideline Recommendations: A Process Evaluation of Feasibility and Usefulness

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    Background: Previous research supports the claim that managers are vital players in the implementation of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), yet little is known about interventions aiming to develop managers’ leadership in facilitating implementation. In this pilot study, process evaluation was employed to study the feasibility and usefulness of a leadership intervention by exploring the intervention’s potential to support managers in the implementation of national guideline recommendations for stroke care in outpatient rehabilitation. Methods: Eleven senior and frontline managers from five outpatient stroke rehabilitation centers participated in a fourmonth leadership intervention that included workshops, seminars, and teleconferences. The focus was on developing knowledge and skills to enhance the implementation of CPG recommendations, with a particular focus on leadership behaviors. Each dyad of managers was assigned to develop a leadership plan with specific goals and leadership behaviors for implementing three rehabilitation recommendations. Feasibility and usefulness were explored through observations and interviews with the managers and staff members prior to the intervention, and then one month and one year after the intervention. Results: Managers considered the intervention beneficial, particularly the participation of both senior and frontline managers and the focus on leadership knowledge and skills for implementing CPG recommendations. All the managers developed a leadership plan, but only two units identified goals specific to implementing the three stroke rehabilitation recommendations. Of these, only one identified leadership behaviors that support implementation. Conclusion: Managers found that the intervention was delivered in a feasible way and appreciated the focus on leadership to facilitate implementation. However, the intervention appeared to have limited impact on managers’ behaviors or clinical practice at the units. Future interventions directed towards managers should have a stronger focus on developing leadership skills and behaviors to tailor implementation plans and support implementation of CPG recommendations

    The Hidden Story of Heterogeneous B-raf V600E Mutation Quantitative Protein Expression in Metastatic Melanoma-Association with Clinical Outcome and Tumor Phenotypes

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    In comparison to other human cancer types, malignant melanoma exhibits the greatest amount of heterogeneity. After DNA-based detection of the BRAF V600E mutation in melanoma patients, targeted inhibitor treatment is the current recommendation. This approach, however, does not take the abundance of the therapeutic target, i.e., the B-raf V600E protein, into consideration. As shown by immunohistochemistry, the protein expression profiles of metastatic melanomas clearly reveal the existence of inter-and intra-tumor variability. Nevertheless, the technique is only semi-quantitative. To quantitate the mutant protein there is a fundamental need for more precise techniques that are aimed at defining the currently non-existent link between the levels of the target protein and subsequent drug efficacy. Using cutting-edge mass spectrometry combined with DNA and mRNA sequencing, the mutated B-raf protein within metastatic tumors was quantitated for the first time. B-raf V600E protein analysis revealed a subjacent layer of heterogeneity for mutation-positive metastatic melanomas. These were characterized into two distinct groups with different tumor morphologies, protein profiles and patient clinical outcomes. This study provides evidence that a higher level of expression in the mutated protein is associated with a more aggressive tumor progression. Our study design, comprised of surgical isolation of tumors, histopathological characterization, tissue biobanking, and protein analysis, may enable the eventual delineation of patient responders/non-responders and subsequent therapy for malignant melanoma

    Ancestral SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells cross-recognize the Omicron variant

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    The emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant of concern (VOC) has destabilized global efforts to control the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Recent data have suggested that B.1.1.529 can readily infect people with naturally acquired or vaccine-induced immunity, facilitated in some cases by viral escape from antibodies that neutralize ancestral SARS-CoV-2. However, severe disease appears to be relatively uncommon in such individuals, highlighting a potential role for other components of the adaptive immune system. We report here that SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells induced by prior infection or BNT162b2 vaccination provide extensive immune coverage against B.1.1.529. The median relative frequencies of SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific CD4+ T cells that cross-recognized B.1.1.529 in previously infected or BNT162b2-vaccinated individuals were 84% and 91%, respectively, and the corresponding median relative frequencies for SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific CD8+ T cells were 70% and 92%, respectively. Pairwise comparisons across groups further revealed that SARS-CoV-2 spike-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were functionally and phenotypically similar in response to the ancestral strain or B.1.1.529. Collectively, our data indicate that established SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses, especially after BNT162b2 vaccination, remain largely intact against B.1.1.529
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