133 research outputs found

    Avaliação imobiliária: entre a ciência da avaliação e a arte da apreciação

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialRecentemente a avaliação imobiliária levou ao colapso de instituições financeiras e à crise no Subprime. A presente investigação pretende contribuir para perceber quais os factores preponderantes na avaliação imobiliária. O trabalho aborda a problemática da assimetria de informação, os diferentes métodos de avaliação imobiliária e a importância das externalidades. Empiricamente há diversos casos analisados através do uso da metodologia da Regressão Linear, Análise de Clusters e Análise de Componentes Principais da Análise Factorial. O primeiro caso analisado é direccionado à avaliação das externalidades, onde os resultados indicam que as externalidades positivas principais são as seguintes: as vistas de marina são mais valorizadas que as vistas de mar, as vistas frontais são mais valorizadas que as vistas laterais e existem diferenças de valorização ao nível do piso de acordo com o tipo de habitação (residência ou férias). O segundo estudo analisa como o método do rendimento ajuda na explicação da realidade portuguesa, no qual foram obtidos três clusters de rendas e três clusters de yields para cada uma das amostras. Os resultados demonstram que: (a) ambos os clusters, das yields e das rendas são formados por diferentes elementos (b) que o valor da oferta é explicado pelo método do rendimento, pelo cluster das yields e pela densidade populacional. No terceiro estudo foram inquiridos 427 indivíduos que procuravam apartamento para residência. A partir da Análise de Componentes Principais da Análise Factorial efectuada obtiveram-se sete factores determinantes na procura de apartamento: as externalidades negativas, as externalidades positivas, a localização de negócios no rés-do-chão do edifício de apartamentos, os interesses racionais de proximidade, as variáveis secundárias na utilização do edifício, as variáveis de rendimento e as variáveis de interesses pessoais. A principal conclusão é que como é uma área transdisciplinar, é difícil chegar a um único modelo que incorpore os métodos de avaliação e as diferentes dinâmicas da procura. O avaliador, deve analisar e fazer o seu scoring, tendo em conta o equilíbrio entre a ciência da avaliação e a arte da apreciação.Real Estate appraisal has recently led to the collapse of financial institutions and to the subprime crisis. This research aims at contributing in the understanding of what factors are prevalent in the real estate appraisals. This work addresses the problem of asymmetric information, the different methods of property valuation and the importance of externalities. Empirically, there different cases are analysed through the use of Linear Regression, Cluster Analysis and Principal Components Analysis Techniques. In the first case analysed it is addressed the valuation of the externalities, where the results indicate that the main positive externalities are the following ones: the views to the marina yield better value than the views to the sea, front views are more valued than lateral views and that there are differences in the valuation of floor levels according to the type of residences (regular or holiday). The second case analyzed how the income method helps in the explanation of the Portuguese reality in which three clusters of rents and yield were obtained. The results demonstrate that (a) both, the clusters of rents and the clusters of yield are formed by different elements (b) the bid value is explained by the income method, by the cluster of yields and by the population density. In the third case 427 individuals looking for a new apartment were surveyed. From the Principal Components Analysis performed the following seven factors were withdrawn: negative externalities, positive externalities, the location of business in the ground-floor apartment building, the rational interests of proximity, the secondary variables in the use of the building, the variables of income and the variables of interest personal. A main conclusion is that, as it is an interdisciplinary area, it is difficult to come up with a single model incorporating the different evaluation methods and the various dynamics of the demand. The evaluator should review and make his/her own scoring keeping in mind the balance between the science of evaluation and the art of assessment

    Hotéis boutique: uma revisão da literatura

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    O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema dos hotéis boutique, perceber as caraterísticas deste tipo de indústria, conhecer a literatura internacional sobre o assunto e perceber quais as variáveis e os fatores importantes para os clientes neste gênero de hotel. Neste artigo é efetuada a caraterização dos hotéis boutique. Caraterizam-se o seu ambiente, o tipo de clientes, a atmosfera deste setor hoteleiro, a qualidade dos serviços e o seu design. Conclui-se que os fatores determinantes desta indústria são a exclusividade, o caráter único da propriedade, o ambiente especial e restrito do alojamento, os elevados padrões de qualidade oferecidos, a cultura e disponibilidade do staff e a localização e arquitetura única

    Essequibo. O pomo da discórdia. Diferendo territorial entre a Venezuela e a Guiana

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    A oeste do rio Essequibo, lúmen que nasce no maciço montanhoso de Acarai, próximo da fonteira brasileira, e corre de suão para setentrião ao longo de 1 010 quilómetros, existe uma rica e promissora faixa de terra com 159 542 km2 que, tendo integrado a Guiana Britânica, pertence hoje à República Cooperativa da Guiana. Apesar de uma magra parte da sua área ter feito parte, de jure, da Capitania-Geral da Venezuela, então um distrito administrativo do império colonial espanhol, nunca esteve, de facto, sob jurisdição de Caracas. No entanto, como o prócere secessionista Simão Bolívar reclamou, junto do governo britânico, pelos direitos históricos que assistiam aos venezuelanos sobre tal espaço, nominal, os sucessivos governos têm feito de Essequibo uma causa pública. Se em dias de tranquilidade institucional o assunto parece ficar apartado das preocupações oficiais, mais viradas para o retorno de dividendos políticos do que em criar novos focos de instabilidade, em dias de negrume, de labilidade, agitam-se os fantasmas do território tido por ocupado ou sonegado de forma tão ilegítima quanto inconstitucional. A documentação oficial, a este propósito, não deixa margem para dúvida: Es «de derecho» la frontera natural según el divortium aquarum que delimita el margen oriental de República Bolivariana de Venezuela con la República Co-operativa de Guyana, aunque por la disputa territorial existente entre ambos países por la soberanía de la Guayana Esequiba, es «de hecho» administrado y ocupado en su totalidad por la ex-colonia inglesa de la Guayana Británica, actual Guyana. Ou seja, à semelhança dos sinos que repicam em noites de invernia, o discurso da recuperação de Essequibo ganha foros de cidadania e transmuta-se em questão central da política externa venezuelana. A extensão geográfica desta língua de terra vertical, manifestamente superior a Portugal, em parte virgem mas onde existem importantes reservas de minérios nobres, afigura-se motor de discórdia e de crispação no concerto regional.West of the Essequibo River, lumen which rises in the massive mountain of Acarai, near the Brazilian border and runs, southern to norther, more than 1010 kilometers, there is a rich and promising strip of land of 159,542 km2, has integrated the British Guiana but now belongs to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Despite having been part, de jure, of the Captaincy General of Venezuela, then an administrative district of the Spanish colonial empire, was never, in fact, under the jurisdiction of Caracas. However, as the secessionist noble Simon Bolivar complained with the British government about the historical rights who attended the Venezuelans on such a space, nominal, successive governments have made Essequibo a common cause. If in institutional tranquility days it seems to stay apart of the official concerns, facing the return of political dividends than creating new focus of instability, in days of darkness, of lability, stir the ghosts of the territory that has been occupied or withheld in a so illegitimate as unconstitutional way. The official documentation in, this respect, leaves no room for any doubts:”Es «de derecho» la frontera natural según el divortium aquarum que delimita el margen oriental de República Bolivariana de Venezuela con la República Co-operativa de Guyana, aunque por la disputa territorial existente entre ambos países por la soberanía de la Guayana Esequiba, es «de hecho» administrado y ocupado en su totalidad por la ex-colonia inglesa de la Guayana Británica, actual Guyana”. That is, like bells that chime in wintering nights, the speech of Essequibo recovery gains citizenship forums and transmutes into a central issue of Venezuelan foreign policy. The geographical extension of this vertical and tight land, clearly exceeding Portugal territory, that has never been explored but where there are significant reserves of noble minerals, it seems like a discord engine and contraction in the regional concert

    Abundance of Epiphyas postvittana (Walker, 1863) in forestry nurseries of São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    Epiphyas postvittana (Walker, 1863) is an invasive polyphagous pest for the Azores and its bioecology and the potential natural enemies were unknown. We evaluated the temporal profile of this species larval abundance and the number of males captured in sex pheromone traps, hypothesizing that both profiles were similar. The study was carried out on seven endemic host plants and one native species grown in two forest nurseries (Furnas and Nordeste) in São Miguel Island over two years from 2018 to 2019. A total of 827 plants attacked by E. postvittana were observed in Furnas nursery (2018: 503, 2019: 324) and 1227 in the Nordeste (2018: 649, 2019: 578), including the presence of 525 larvae distributed by the Furnas (2018: 178, 2019: 79) and from the Nordeste (2018: 131, 2019: 137). In 2019, the average weekly number of males captured in the sex pheromone traps (total 31 weeks) were higher in Furnas (mean ± SE: 9.68 ± 1.982) than in Nordeste (3.33 ± 0.651). In synthesis, (i) the population density varied throughout the year and as a function of the host plant species in production; (ii) the abundance profile of larval and adults suggests has at least three to four generations per year and that adults are active year-round, experiencing some delayed development during the winter; (iii) a low larval density does not represent very serious damage to Azorean endemic plants, but is reflected in the population density of its natural enemies; (iv) some biological control agents are present in the field, parasitizing the larvae (i.e., Braconidae species of Meteorus ictericus (Nees, 1811) and Microgaster opheltes Nixon, 1968); (v) finally, the knowledge of the population dynamics and its natural enemies needs further and long-term study.This research was support by Oficial Forestry Services from Regional Government of the Azores, through the research project MoCIL "Monitorização e Controlo Integrado de Lepidópteros em Viveiros Florestais (Nordeste e Furnas) na ilha de São Miguel -Açores", in direct collaboration with the Forestry Engineers Carina Nóbrega and Catarina Quintela. Special thanks are due to laboratory technician Manuel Fernando Almeida for their help in the field work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Indexação automática e ontologias: identificação dos contributos convergentes na ciência da informação

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    A indexação, humana e automática, foi desde sempre uma preocupação da área da ciência da informação (CI). A falta de consistência na indexação humana e de semântica na automática são apontadas como as grandes desvantagens. Uma possibilidade de dotar sistemas computacionais com maior capacidade de inferência reside na utilização de ontologias. Desta proposição objetiva-se identificar e analisar os estudos na área da CI que abordem as contribuições das antologias na indexação automática. Pretende-se (i) identificar os trabalhos científicos, nas bases Library & Information Science Source e Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts que abordem este assunto, a sua distribuição temporal e geográfica; (ii) identificar e descrever a centralidade da abordagem temática aos dois conceitos (indexação automática e ontologias), e a abordagem metodológica dos respetivos artigos; (iii) identificar as contribuições presentes nos artigos que constituem o corpus relativamente às potencialidades da utilização conjunta dos dois conceitos. Partiu-se de um estudo exploratório assente numa revisão sistemática da literatura. Os resultados apontam como contribuições das ontologias na indexação automática: (i) desambiguar termos homógrafos e polissémicos; (ii) maior capacidade de integração de relações semânticas de forma automatizada; (iii) uma navegação e expansão de consultas através de relações semânticas; (iv) uma recuperação mais precisa e exaustiva da informação. Conclui-se que o desenvolvimento de sistemas que utilizam o potencial das ontologias na indexação automática procura contornar a sua falta de capacidade semântica. Apesar dos resultados promissores nesta matéria, infere-se que é ainda prematuro e inadequado falar de uma indexação semântica efetiva

    Diversity of Lepidoptera recorded in a forest nursery of Nordeste county on São Miguel Island (Azores)

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    The diversity of moth species (Insecta, Lepidoptera) recorded in the forest nursery of Nordeste county on São Miguel island (Azores) is given. Adults were sampled between March and December 2019 using three methods: (i) light trap to caught Noctuidae species, (ii) open-sided delta trap baited with a synthetic female sex pheromone lure to attract Epiphyas postvittana males and (iii) entomological net to identify microlepidopteran moths. A total of 10160 adults belonging to 33 lepidopteran species were recorded and listed by families, including: Argyresthiidae 1 (3%), Crambidae 4 (12%), Erebidae 1 (3%), Geometridae 5 (15%), Noctuidae 18 (55%), Sphingidae 1 (3%), Tineidae 1 (3%), and Tortricidae 2 (6%). The families Noctuidae, Geometridae and Crambidae were the most diverse. Those with the highest abundance of adults was the Noctuidae family followed by the Crambidae, Trotricidae and Tineidae. The number of caught adults was consistently higher during spring and summer, decreasing sharply in late fall. For 14 species caught in the light trap the adult sex ratio was favorable to females, except for Xestia c-nigrum which was favorable to males. An analysis of the colonization status, feeding and primary hosts of these endemic, native or exotic moth species suggests that plants reared in forest nurseries, being attacked by such insects, facilitates our understanding of the diversity of lepidopterans that establish in Laurel Forest environments and to what extent there is a need to monitor and control them mainly with biological control agents.Regional Founds, through Official Forestry Services from Regional Government of the Azores, within the research project MoCIL “Monitorização e Controlo Integrado de Lepidópteros em Viveiros Florestais (Nordeste e Furnas) na ilha de São Miguel - Açores” FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UIDP/05292/2020 and UIDB/05292/2020. AZORESBIOPORTAL–PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072) (2019-2022).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diversity of Lepidoptera (Insecta) recorded in a forest nursery of Nordeste County on São Miguel Island (Azores)

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    BACKGROUND: The diversity of moth species (Insecta, Lepidoptera) recorded in the forest nursery of Nordeste County on São Miguel Island (Azores) is given. Adults were sampled between March and December 2019 using three methods: (i) light trap to catch Noctuidae species, (ii) open-sided delta trap baited with a synthetic female sex pheromone lure to attract Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) males and (iii) entomological net to collect microlepidopteran moths. This contribution focuses mainly on the diversity of moths present in one forest nursery of Nordeste County of São Miguel Island (Azores), especially on the species associated with endemic and native plant species. It also contributes to better plan strategies for integrated protection and conservation measures, since nurseries host a great diversity of plants from the Laurel Forest, which may attract many lepidopteran species. NEW INFORMATION: A total of 10160 adults belonging to 33 lepidopteran species were recorded and listed by families, including: Argyresthiidae, one species (3%), Crambidae, four species (12%), Erebidae, one species (3%), Geometridae, five species (15%), Noctuidae, 18 species (55%), Sphingidae, one species (3%), Tineidae, one species (3%) and Tortricidae, two species (6%). The families Noctuidae, Geometridae and Crambidae were the most diverse. Those with the highest abundance of adults were the Noctuidae family, followed by the Geometridae, Crambidae, Tortricidae and Tineidae. The number of caught adults was consistently higher during spring and summer, decreasing sharply in late autumn. For 13 species caught in the light trap, the adult sex ratio was favourable to females. An analysis of the colonisation status, feeding and primary hosts of these endemic, native or exotic moth species contributes to our understanding of the factors that may lead to their establishment in Laurel Forest environments and to what extent there is a need to monitor and control them mainly with biological control agents.This research was supported by the Official Forestry Services from the Regional Government of the Azores, through the research project MoCIL "Monitorizacao e Controlo Integrado de Lepidopteros em Viveiros Florestais (Nordeste e Furnas) na ilha de Sao Miguel - Acores", in direct collaboration with the Forestry Engineers Carina Nobrega and Catarina Quintela, by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the project UIDP/05292/2020 and UIDB/05292/2020 and by AZORESBIOPORTAL PORBIOTA (ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072) (2019-2022).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A proposed adaptation of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model to physical activity programmes for the elderly - development of a quality self-assessment tool using a modified Delphi process

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been a growing concern in designing physical activity (PA) programmes for elderly people, since evidence suggests that such health promotion interventions may reduce the deleterious effects of the ageing process. Complete programme evaluations are a necessary prerequisite to continuous quality improvements. Being able to refine, adapt and create tools that are suited to the realities and contexts of PA programmes for the elderly in order to support its continuous improvement is, therefore, crucial. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a self-assessment tool for PA programmes for the elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A 3-round Delphi process was conducted via the Internet with 43 national experts in PA for the elderly, management and delivery of PA programmes for the elderly, sports management, quality management and gerontology, asking experts to identify the propositions that they considered relevant for inclusion in the self-assessment tool. Experts reviewed a list of proposed statements, based on the criteria and sub-criteria from the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model (EFQM) and PA guidelines for older adults and rated each proposition from 1 to 8 (disagree to agree) and modified and/or added propositions. Propositions receiving either bottom or top scores of greater than 70% were considered to have achieved consensus to drop or retain, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In round 1, of the 196 originally-proposed statements (best practice principles), the experts modified 41, added 1 and achieved consensus on 93. In round 2, a total of 104 propositions were presented, of which experts modified 39 and achieved consensus on 53. In the last round, of 51 proposed statements, the experts achieved consensus on 19. After 3 rounds of rating, experts had not achieved consensus on 32 propositions. The resulting tool consisted of 165 statements that assess nine management areas involved in the development of PA programmes for the elderly.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Based on experts' opinions, a self-assessment tool was found in order to access quality of PA programmes for the elderly. Information obtained with evaluations would be useful to organizations seeking to improve their services, customer satisfaction and, consequently, adherence to PA programmes, targeting the ageing population.</p

    Cancer in Angola, resources and strategy for its control

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    Background: Cancer is an increasingly important health problem in Africa. The number of cancer cases in this region could double, ranging between 700 000 and 1 600 000 new cases in 2030. The mortality rate is higher than 80% and is explained, mainly, by a lack of early detection, diagnostics and treatment resources. In Angola, about 7,000 patients die of cancer every year. Methods: Data were derived from open-ended interviews conducted in 2010-11 with health authorities, clinicians, nurses and Administration of Hospitals. According Angola epidemiological data, results of interviews and international published advocacy for cancer control we develop a potential strategy for its control. The objectives are to identify existing resources for cancer control and describe the needs thereto, in order to establish an oncological program to guide the development of Angola cancer control strategies. Results: Malaria remains the leading cause of illness and death in Angola, and other communicable diseases remain a public health problem. However, 9 000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year.The most common types of cancer are: cancer of the cervix, breast, prostate, esophagus, stomach and head and neck, as well as cancers with infectious origin, such as Kaposi?s sarcoma and liver and bladder cancer. The foundation for developing national cancer control strategies includes: oncological data; investment and training; identifying and removing barriers; guidance and protection of the patient. Angolan National Cancer Centre, Sagrada Esperan&#231;a Clinic and Girassol Clinic are now developing a cancer program. Conclusion: Improving the economic situation of Angola creates conditions for an increase in life expectancy which in itself is associated with an increased risk of oncological diseases. On the other hand, infectious diseases, associated with the risk of malignant tumors, are endemic. Thus, an increase in patients with malignant disease is expected. A plan is therefore necessary to organize the response to this old but less visible nosologic situation. Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 12:1

    FASL polymorphism is associated with response to bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunotherapy in bladder cancer

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    Objective Deregulation of FAS/FASL system may lead to immune escape and influence bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunotherapy outcome, which is currently the gold standard adjuvant treatment for high-risk non–muscle invasive bladder tumors. Among other events, functional promoter polymorphisms of FAS and FASL genes may alter their transcriptional activity. Therefore, we aim to evaluate the role of FAS and FASL polymorphisms in the context of BCG therapy, envisaging the validation of these biomarkers to predict response. Patients and methods DNA extracted from peripheral blood from 125 patients with bladder cancer treated with BCG therapy was analyzed by Polymerase Chain Reaction—Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism for FAS-670 A/G and FASL-844 T/C polymorphisms. FASL mRNA expression was analyzed by real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results Carriers of FASL-844 CC genotype present a decreased recurrence-free survival after BCG treatment when compared with FASL-844 T allele carriers (mean 71.5 vs. 97.8 months, P = 0.030) and have an increased risk of BCG treatment failure (Hazard Ratio = 1.922; 95% Confidence Interval: [1.064–3.471]; P = 0.030). Multivariate analysis shows that FASL-844 T/C and therapeutics scheme are independent predictive markers of recurrence after treatment. The evaluation of FASL gene mRNA levels demonstrated that patients carrying FASL-844 CC genotype had higher FASL expression in bladder tumors (P = 0.0027). Higher FASL levels were also associated with an increased risk of recurrence after BCG treatment (Hazard Ratio = 2.833; 95% Confidence Interval: [1.012–7.929]; P = 0.047). FAS-670 A/G polymorphism analysis did not reveal any association with BCG therapy outcome. Conclusions Our results suggest that analysis of FASL-844 T/C, but not FAS-670 A/G polymorphisms, may be used as a predictive marker of response to BCG immunotherapy