160 research outputs found

    NGC 1912 and NGC 1907 : a close encounter between open clusters?

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    The possible physical relation between the closely projected open clusters NGC 1912 (M 38) and NGC 1907 is investigated. Previous studies suggested a physical pair based on similar distances, and the present study explores in more detail the possible interaction. Spatial velocities are derived from available radial velocities and proper motions, and the past orbital motions of the clusters are retrieved in a Galactic potential model. Detailed N-body simulations of their approach suggest that the clusters were born in different regions of the Galaxy and presently experience a fly-by

    Technology of application of agricultural defensives and relations with the risk of contamination of the water and the soil

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    Focused on the great importance of the water and the soil to guarantee the survival of the living beings, the technological sector and the agribusiness together have sought alternative ways to reduce the environmental alterations, caused mainly by the excessive use of agrochemicals. It compromises the quality of the soil and the water from the underground as well as the water from the ground level. This work describes the relation among the conventional use of agrochemicals with the aerial spraying. It also shows some Laws, related to manufacturers, sellers and customers, about the irrational and excessive use of agrochemical and the right destination of its packages. These Laws aim to guarantee the integrity, quality and preservation of the environment.O aumento da população mundial, associado a uma acelerada urbanização, tem exigido a expansão da produção agrícola. Tendo em vista a grande importância da água e do solo para garantir a sobrevivência dos seres vivos, o setor tecnológico ligado ao agronegócio tem buscado alternativas que reduzam as alterações ambientais causadas principalmente pelo uso excessivo de defensivos agrícolas, que vem comprometendo a qualidade do solo e das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. O trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma avaliação das características gerais da aplicação de defensivos agrícolas, enfatizando diferenças entre a aplicação tratorizada terrestre e por aviação agrícola e destacando alguns efeitos causados pelo uso contínuo e inadequado destes produtos sobre o meio ambiente, além de possibilidades de redução dos impactos ambientais do uso de defensivos através da infraestrutura disponível nas áreas de produção. Apresenta-seuma relação entre o uso convencional de aplicação de defensivos agrícolas e o sistema aeroagrícola. Também se destaca parte da legislação referente às obrigações relacionadas aos fabricantes, comerciantes e utilizadores de defensivos agrícolas no que diz respeito ao uso adequado e garantias da manutenção da integridade e qualidade do meio ambiente

    Competências do enfermeiro na parada cardiorrespiratória

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    The aim was to identify, in the light of literature, the main competencies of nurses in the face of cardiorespiratory arrest. This is an integrative review of the literature, data were collected through the databases Higher Education Personnel Improvement Portal and Scientific Electronic Library Online, as they are electronic libraries/databases that bring together national and international studies of scientific relevance. The inclusion criteria were studies published in full between 2017 and 2022, in Portuguese, theses, dissertations and articles not consistent with the objective of the research were excluded. Nine articles were analyzed that met the inclusion criteria, among them nine were carried out in Brazil, four published in 2018, one in 2019 and four in 2021. After reading the full in selected studies, representative categories were chosen, namely: knowledge, communication, skills, attitudes, and values. Cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place in the mortality ranking in the world, the nurse is an essential professional in the pre-hospital urgency and emergency team, playing an extremely important role in the assistance provided based on skills.Objetivou-se identificar a luz da literatura as principais competências do enfermeiro frente à parada cardiorrespiratória. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, os dados foram coletados atraves das bases de dados Portal de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e Scientific Electronic Library Online, pois se tratam de bibliotecas eletrônicas/bases de dados que reúnem estudos nacionais e internacionais de relevância cientifica. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos publicados na integra entre 2017 e 2022, em português, foram excluidos teses, dissertação e artigos não condizentes com o objetivo da pesquisa. Analisou-se nove artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão, dentre eles nove foram realizados no Brasil, quatro  publicados no ano de 2018, um em 2019 e quatro em 2021. Após a leitura na integra dos estudos selecionados, foram elecadas categorias representativas a saber: o conhecimento, a comunicação, as habilidades, atitudes e valores. As doenças cardiovasculares acupam o primeiro lugar no raking de mortalidade no mundo, o enfermeiro é um profissional indispensável na equipe de urgência e emergência pré-hospitalar possuindo um papel de extrema relevancia na assistencia prestada pautada em competências

    Competências do enfermeiro na parada cardiorrespiratória

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    The aim was to identify, in the light of literature, the main competencies of nurses in the face of cardiorespiratory arrest. This is an integrative review of the literature, data were collected through the databases Higher Education Personnel Improvement Portal and Scientific Electronic Library Online, as they are electronic libraries/databases that bring together national and international studies of scientific relevance. The inclusion criteria were studies published in full between 2017 and 2022, in Portuguese, theses, dissertations and articles not consistent with the objective of the research were excluded. Nine articles were analyzed that met the inclusion criteria, among them nine were carried out in Brazil, four published in 2018, one in 2019 and four in 2021. After reading the full in selected studies, representative categories were chosen, namely: knowledge, communication, skills, attitudes, and values. Cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place in the mortality ranking in the world, the nurse is an essential professional in the pre-hospital urgency and emergency team, playing an extremely important role in the assistance provided based on skills.Objetivou-se identificar a luz da literatura as principais competências do enfermeiro frente à parada cardiorrespiratória. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, os dados foram coletados atraves das bases de dados Portal de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e Scientific Electronic Library Online, pois se tratam de bibliotecas eletrônicas/bases de dados que reúnem estudos nacionais e internacionais de relevância cientifica. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos publicados na integra entre 2017 e 2022, em português, foram excluidos teses, dissertação e artigos não condizentes com o objetivo da pesquisa. Analisou-se nove artigos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão, dentre eles nove foram realizados no Brasil, quatro  publicados no ano de 2018, um em 2019 e quatro em 2021. Após a leitura na integra dos estudos selecionados, foram elecadas categorias representativas a saber: o conhecimento, a comunicação, as habilidades, atitudes e valores. As doenças cardiovasculares acupam o primeiro lugar no raking de mortalidade no mundo, o enfermeiro é um profissional indispensável na equipe de urgência e emergência pré-hospitalar possuindo um papel de extrema relevancia na assistencia prestada pautada em competências

    Analysis of 5S program application in the hemodialysis sector in an east center of Minas Gerais hospital

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    The aplication of Lean Thinking due to decrease losings and increase local organization has been gradually growing in many areas beyond industrial sector and one of those that this thought started to afford lots of benefits is the health sector. This article it´s about a case study that sought to align 5S tool of Lean Methodology in health sector with the objective of bring improvements to the local study process and pitch in advances of Lean HealthCare theme. The study environment chosen is the pharmacy of hemodialysis sector of a hospital located in the east center of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and through the aplication of a 5S audit form it was executed a qualitative-quantitative study. From the quantification of 5S level existant in the pharmacy before and after the 5S program implementation, it was possible to offer as a result improvements proposal to work environment and employees, in addition to recommended actions to keep the program active

    Solvent degradation and polymerization shrinkage reduction of resin composites using isobornyl methacrylate

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    The aim of this study was to use the isobornyl methacrylate (IBOMA) as a combining or substituent diluent monomer in the resin matrix of dental resin composites. Thus, the resin matrix was formulated with 60 wt% of BisGMA and 40 wt% of diluent monomers. TEGDMA as the only diluent monomer was used as control with 40 wt%, while total substitution of TEGDMA was done with 40 wt% of IBOMA. The combination of IBOMA and TEGDMA was done with 20 wt% of each monomer. To the resin matrix, 65 wt% of filler particles was added. Degree of conversion (DC) using FT-IR, flexural strength (FS), flexural modulus (FM), polymerization shrinkage by gap formation (GF), Knoop hardness (KH) and solvent degradation (SD) were evaluated. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α=0.05; b=0.2). The results showed that reducing or substituting TEGDMA using IBOMA did not affect the DC (0.085), FS (p=0.886) or FM (p=0.414). Also, when IBOMA was used, lower GF was found in comparison to the control containing only TEGDMA as the diluent monomer (p=0.032). However, even though all composites presented reduction in KH during the SD test, the combination of IBOMA and TEGDMA showed similar reduction in KHN in comparison to the control group (p=0.001), while the total substitution of TEGDMA with IBOMA decreased KHN after SD (p=0.041). Thus, the combination of IBOMA and TEGDMA seem to reduce SD and GF without affecting the properties of resin composites303272278COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP0012016/05823-3; 2017/22161-7; 2016/06019-3; 2017/22195-

    Pesquisa-ativista em negro: uma mesa redonda interdisciplinar e transnacional

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    En este artículo, siete académicxs negrxs se reúnen para discutir los significados políticos, intelectuales y prácticos de la investigación activista en las Américas. Al hablar a través del Atlántico, lxs autorxs generan respuestas a preguntas relacionadas con los siguientes temas: conocimiento y orientaciones epistemológicas, teoría, posicionalidad y poder, y las alternativas en las que se ofrece la investigación y el cambio socialmente comprometidos. Haciendo referencia a las reflexiones de la investigación y la experiencia personal, este artículo considera cómo la negritud aumenta los procesos mediante los cuales los autores han creado y entendido el activismo académico. Estos comentarios buscan resaltar no solo la precariedad en la cual se define dicho trabajo, sino las oportunidades que se pueden obtener para comprender los elementos raciales, sexuales y de género de la vida social histórica y contemporánea a través de perspectivas interdisciplinarias y transnacionales.In this panel, a group of Black scholars gathers to discuss political, intellectual, and practical meanings of activist research in the Americas. Talking across the Atlantic, the authors generate responses to questions related to the following topics: knowledge and epistemological orientations, theory, positionality and power, and the alternatives in which socially-engaged research and change are offered. Calling on ruminations from research and personal experience, this article considers how Blackness augments the processes by which scholar activism has been created and understood by the authors. These comments seek to highlight not only the precarity in which such work is defined, but the opportunities that stand to be gained in understanding racial, sexual, and gendered elements of historical and contemporary social life through interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives.Neste artigo, sete acadêmicxs negrxs se reúnem para discutir os significados políticos, intelectuais e práticos da pesquisa-ativista nas Américas. Falando através do Atlântico, xs autorxs geram respostas para questões relacionadas aos seguintes tópicos: conhecimento e orientações epistemológicas, teoria, posicionalidade e poder, além de discutirem alternativas que a pesquisa socialmente engajada e as mudanças sociais oferecem. Recorrendo a reflexões de pesquisa e experiência pessoal, este artigo considera como a negritude intensifica os processos pelos quais o ativismo acadêmico é recriado e entendido pelxs autorxs. Esses comentários buscam destacar não apenas a precariedade em que tal trabalho é definido, mas também as oportunidades que tal trabalho proporciona para a compreensão dos elementos raciais, sexuais e de gênero da vida sócio-histórica e contemporânea por meio de perspectivas interdisciplinares e transnacionais

    Cover cropping system and mulching can shape soil microbial status in fruit orchards

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    The use of cover crop in agricultural fields has been well elucidated, especially regarding nitrogen fixation from legume crops and their function as weed protection. Furthermore, to cover crops can benefit the soil microbial community. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the benefits of mulching and cover cropping systems on soil microbial growth and activity, and their effects on plant mineral nutrition in pomelo (Citrus maxima) and macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) orchards. The treatments included: 1) control [Glyphosate herbicide (Roundup at 4 l per ha)], 2) manual weed control, 3) mulching with dead leaves from their respective trees (macadamia and pomelo), 4) millet, 5) faba bean, 6) millet + faba bean. All the treatments were applied for 120 days before soil and plant leaves were sampled for analyses. Plant mineral nutrition, soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and soil microbial biomass N (MBN); basal respiration (BRA), arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization (COL); number of AMF spores (SPO) in soil; total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were evaluated. Plant nutrition was not altered by the treatments; however, the MBC, COL and SPO markedly increased in response to mulching and faba bean + millet treatments. Especially in macadamia soils, these treatments had a great response to soil microbiology. Significant negative correlations were also detected for the COL, SPO, BRA and TOC with the Nutrient Balance Index (NBI). These results indicate that in short-term the cover cropping system is useful to improve the soil microbial growth and AMF formation in soils of pomelo and macadam orchards